Those, who engage, in imaginative, dreamwork, eventually start, to realize, that upon analyzing, their dreams [and dreamwork], that they seem, to, partition, their imaginings. This means, that, in many cases, people, appear, to use, partition theory, in their, dreamwork, partitioning, their dreams, into what, is possible, and what, is not. At the end of it all, their dreams really, cease, to exist, as partitioning, has them, dreaming, of the smallest, possible realities. One of the main reasons, for this, has to do, with our, core beliefs, about, ourselves, and our realities. In many ways, our core beliefs, are very much, sound based. What this means, is that, for most people out there, they construct, reality, primarily, based on sound. Its a sound filled world, and most people, simply know things, or identify them, by the sounds, they make. When most people, see a person, they know, its really, a voice, they identify. When they believe, they know, a person well, its really believing, they know, that person, based, on the sounds, they make, when frightened, or scared. This is hard, to envision for some, the fact, that, reality, for most, is constructed, around, sound. What this entails, in detail, is that, what happens, to most people, out there, is usually, triggered, by a sound. This reality, for most, has been constructed, by the Media, as it is in, the movies, and TV, where one, sees, reality, heavily associated, with sound. TV and movies, are primarily, about, the sounds, made. Reality today, for most, is envisioned, by identifying, and sorting out, sounds. What this means, is that, a car, can be working, very well rather, and moving, fine, but making, a sound, and most, will believe, there is something, wrong, with the car.
What makes, a sound based reality, unrealistic really, is that, it is not, a fluid reality. This means, that, in a sound based reality, moving, from one frame of reality, to another, is not, really fluid. When we speak, of a sound, based reality, we also, very much mean, that a set, of events [usually called a chain of events], can be easily, triggered, by making, the right sound. If someone, watches a movie, and in the movie, a man, bumps, a car, into a parking meter, which eventually, leads him, to getting married, via meeting, a damsel, at the police station, then, such a, chain of events, can occur, in the real world, by bumping, ones car, into a parking meter. Sounds, it is been said, can trigger, a chain of events, to manifest, a reality, more easily, than most believe. It is that unstable, and people, who know sounds well [from the trigger perspective], can cause, more harm, than believed. Most people today, cannot stand, living, in a silent [and especially very silent], environment, as they often, begin, to go crazy. Thats all because, they create, reality [and identify it], via sounds. In many ways too, sound based realities, are the most inferior, of other such realities, primarily based, on one, of the 5 senses. A man, will get easily aroused, by a woman, not by the short dress, she puts on really, or even, her perfume, but by the sounds, she makes. Thats kinda what, a sound based reality, is all about.
The reason, for stating all this, is due to the fact, that, most people, with big dreams, find it hard, to make them real, in a sound based world. In short really, when we speak, of manifesting, a certain, set of events, today, we are really speaking, of manifesting, a certain, set of sounds. In the world today, guns, are believed, to be more dangerous, than knives, spears, or swords. In reality, gun shot deaths, are few, and rare in between. They become real, for those, who watch, too many movies, and associate, gun shots [sounds], with death. In a primarily sight based reality, swords and knives, are more intimidating, than weapons or guns. In many ways, what differentiates, the modern world, from the older times, is that, the older times, were really based, on, sight based realities, while the modern, is based, on, sound based realities. Lots of effort, are needed, to make, anything, real, in a sound based reality [speech is of high most importance]. In a sight based reality, things happen, much easier [including magic], as the wave, of a finger, a facial look, or even, the wave, of a magic wand, can manifest, a certain reality.
The Manifestation of Dreams:
In this world, we live in today, one, of sounds, manifesting reality [or creating it], is rather difficult. Those who dare, to dream, eventually realize this. It is not, that it is difficult, to go through, obstacles [people really], its that, it is difficult, to manifest, certain realities, themselves. The whole scientific discipline, of streamlining things, is based really, on attempting, to create, fluid sounds, in an attempt, to manifest, certain realities. In many ways, manifesting, 'crazy' realities, in this world today, is partially based, on, understanding, paranoia, and having, a high sense, of hearing [infra red perhaps]. To understand fully, how reality, is created, is to understand, relative motion. When we move, we make, noises, that bounce of us, and onto, our environments, before, being reflected, back, into our ears, enabling us, in many ways, to notice, things, around us. If one, was to attempt, to move, through, a room, very silently, one would notice, that they basically, don't notice, most of their environment. Its really, a sound based world, and attempting, to manifest, any set of realities, is really about, having, a high sense, of hearing. Knowing this fully, is also based, somewhat, on understanding, polyphonic African music. That, its a music, that improves, one sense of hearing, as it stimulates, ones hearing, enabling one, to hear, all sorts, of sounds. Sounds, on entering, the ear tracts, are converted, to a form, of knowledge. In many ways, this makes, Africans, good, at streamlining things [and even events], enabling everything, to go, smoothly [Africans highly feature, in streamlining research].
What is discussed here though, is for those, who live, or wish to live, in a, primarily, sight based reality. A reality, superior, to a primarily, sound based reality, and in many ways, made, the old world superior, to the modern. What is spoken about here, in many ways, is a game really, that should not, surprise, or shock some, as it is, very much, a reverse, in a set of events, in recent history. It very much, has to do, with the partitioning, of Europe.
Europe, today, is very much, a dead continent. A continent, in waste, where nothing goes on. Europeans, are in general, unreligious, unspiritual, and lacking, in direction. It is a continent, highly dependent, on, immigrant labour, for survival, and in many ways too, ruled, by outsiders. It is however, a continent, of interest, to many, mainly due, to its fascinating history; a history, some out there, wish, to replete.
This should not seem, outlandish, to many, but for those, who live, in primarily sound based realities, the may find this, difficult, to enact, as many of the people, in such realities, are easily, scared, by the sound, of a snarling voice, or, the sounds, of police sirens, or even, matching army boots. For those, in primarily sight based realities, these sounds, are passe.
Rule, in the world today, is primarily, based, on three things: Art, Law, and Feminine law. The lowest, of all these, is, Feminine law. What this means, is that, realities today, are constructed, by any, of these three. Most of the world today, functions, by Law [in theory], and many, are proud, to boast, of their Law systems, as probably, being, the best, in the whole wide world. They fail to realize, that Rule [constructing reality really], by Law, is very old, having being, instigated, by the Jews. Judaic Law, as somewhat seen, in the Torah, is the oldest, Law system, in existence, and also, probably, the best [Law systems today, are based, on Napoleanic Law]. After Law, came Art. Rule by Art, is based, on understanding, that Art [High Art], is based, on certain, Logical constructs, which can be used, to create, or manifest, realities. Its really that simple. Logical constructs, that generally, help, one think creatively. Rule by Law, is based on, understanding, the nature of man, and his environments. In its deepest form [Judaic], it is highly, psychological [Sigmund Freud style]. Rule by Feminine law [more common than thought today], is based, on knowing, and even, understanding, psychological tricks, of all sorts, that tend, to be manipulative, by nature [this very much includes, voice sounds].
The future of Europe [today ruled by Feminine law], has been somewhat, decided. It is a region, that will be divided, into, several spheres, of confluence. All these spheres, ruled, by Art. This should not be considered, too difficult, as that, in its, easiest manifestation, this would involve, replacing, the Celebrity circuit and media, with Art. In general, Europe, has already, been partitioned, into, 5 spheres, of confluence. These five spheres, will consist, of the following:
1. France, the UK, and Ireland
2. Germany and Western Europe.
3. Spain and Portugal.
4. Greece, Central and Eastern Europe
5. Scandinavia
These regions, will go, to different people, as spheres, of influence, and direction. Germany and Western Europe, will go, to the United States of America. Greece, Central and Eastern Europe, will go, to Quebec. Spain and Portugal, will go, to Africa [Nigeria]; and France, UK, and Ireland, to the Middle East. And finally, the Scandinavia, will go, to Japan. The reason for this, is because, these 5 regions, remain, the only, five regions, where, High Art, still exists. And as mentioned before, High Art, is the main, evolutionary path, to generally evolving, into, higher forms, of being. In many ways too, those more, highly evolved, deserve, the best, and Europe, has alot, to offer, in this. Its just simply, the old game, of Civilization.
The United States of America, is a region, driven primarily, by Spanish Art [from Ancient Spain] [thats why too, Spanish Architecture, looks American]. This Art, is mainly, of, Americanista [Latins], origin. Theirs, is a world, similar, in nature, to the Egyptian world, in that, it involves, evolving, into, the Constellations. For some, this means, evolving, into, Animal Gods [like Anubis, and why, some Americans (Americanistas) and Ancient Egyptians, have/had, a dog face look, to them], and also, into, other realms, made of, elves, fairies, and even, dwarves [also why, you find, dwarf like people, in America]. Their world, will fit well, into, Germany, and Western Europe. Alot, of American Architecture, is of, Americanista origin [Statue of Liberty for instance], and not, of the Angels. The Statue of Liberty, is a statue, you would find, in the realm, of Elves. To see somewhat, how this realm looks like, watch, the LOTR.
Japan, will take over, the Scandinavia, originally, as a region, of influence and direction [via Art and Architecture], and their Art, will not, really be, Japanese, but a new form, of Art, once seen, in, France, and which one, can call, Magick. Magick, is a Dance based Art, where Art/Dance, is used, to affect, reality, in one, or many ways [Magick however, is not always, Dance based]. To see, the world, of Magick, one could very well watch, The Illusionist, with, Edward Norton. Affecting reality [using Magick], in many ways, is about, triggering, a set of events, and higher, in discipline, than the use, of, psychological tricks. Americanistas [Other], would also, probably, best do, to have, a home base, in, Norway [Americanistas (Other), would also probably, find it best, to evolve, into, the Constellations].
Quebec, will take over, Greece, Central/Eastern Europe, as a region, of confluence. Quebecois, belong, to the Angel world, and are the most, stable, of all, the Angels out there. Greece, will be, their home base, and their Art, will, primarily, be based, on, Dance [Quebec, has a long history, of Dance, which originates, in the Middle Eastern world/Turkey, and is heavily, of Jewish and Jew, origins. Most are unaware, that Quebec, is heavily, Jewish and Jew]. The 'Cirque du Soleil', is a good example, of Quebecois Dance. In many ways, Angels and Light beings, go well together, with regards, to Angels Ruling [influential], and Light beings, being, a pain in the bottom.
Nigeria/Africa, will take over, Spain/Portugal, as areas, of influence, and probably, direction, with regards, to Art, and Architecture. Africa [including North], has always, influenced, this region, with regards, to some, of its Art. Africa today, is highly based, on, Nubian Art [an inferior form of Art, to what, you see, in Nigeria]. Nubia, has always been, inferior, to Egypt, due mainly, to its Art. The Art form though, that arose, during, Nubias Meroitic period, is the lowest, Nubia, has ever produced. There are some high points in it, but alot of it, is similar, to what, you see, in, South African and Kenyan, pop music. In many ways, its Art, that is, violent in nature, and leads, to all, kinds, of stupidity. With regards to music though, it is, very polyphonic [Kothbiro, is an example, of Nubian music]. Unknown to many, the Nubian world [Meroitic], came to influence, many parts, of the world, with regards, to the cool factor [and being a rebel]; mainly through, a history, most, are unaware about: the history of White Africans. There was a time, when, Whites, lived in, Africa, and in many ways, adopted, Nubian culture, and even, began, to evolve, into, Daemons. These White Africans, eventually, left Africa, for many other parts, of the world, especially Europe [the UK], and America. It is here, where many, began, to influence, the world, from the realm of politics, as many, were perceived, as being, highly educated. White Africans, in America for instance, developed, their own culture, which came, to influence, American, rebel culture. The Dodge automobile, is a creation, of, White Africans. Punk Rock [and Billy Idol too (Daemon)], is also a creation, of, White Africans [Billy idol speaks, like an African, unknown to many]. An interesting movie, on White African life, in America, is, 'Inventing the Abbotts'. Former American President, Jimmy Carter, is believed, to have been, a White African, and a, Daemon too [he sounded, like an African, in speech]. Nigeria, is a new world, of African Art, and much higher, than that, of Nubia. It is very much, the future, of the African world. It is an Art world, highly based, on, Poetry [Nubian was pure Art and Sculpture].
The Middle East, will take over, France, the UK, and Ireland [I personally will hang out, in Ireland]. However, this new world, will not be based, on, Islamic Art [Dance based (Egyptian and not similar, to, Middle Eastern or Indian Dance)], and Gargoyle beings, but on the Jinni world. The Jinni, are higher beings, that have traditionally, been worshipped, in the Swahili world, and, Portugal [the history, of Moors, in Portugal, is actually, the history, of the Swahili, in Portugal. The Swahili, used Portugal, as a base, to launch, operations, into the Americas, from America itself, to Brazil]. Jinnis, and Gargoyles, tend to go well, with each other. Fado music, of Portugal, is actually, of, Swahili origins, and Jinni too. Tupac Shakurs music, during, his Makaveli period [Risorgi Con Cristo], was also, of, Jinni origin. Most Americanistas [Legion] and Islamic Ascetics [mostly Islamic Scholars], are also, Jinni. While Jinnis, will be, the main beings, in this new, region, of confluence, the Art seen there will be Baroque [Baroque, is a form of Art, highly individual, and based, on an individual, mix, of many Art forms]. A whole new, Islamic movement, will also, be the basis, of this, new world. An Islamic movement, based, on a new, Islamic Mysticism, that one could call, Dais'lam [work on the Next big thing, will probably, be completed, by another]. Dais'lam, is different, from, Islamic Mysticism, in that, Islamic Mysticism, is based, on, the Magical Realities, of, Pygmy Spirituality, while Dais'lam, will be based, on, the Magical Manifestations, of, Khoisan Spirituality [a reality heavily based on, Signs and Symbols]. Signs and Symbols, as seen, in Khoisan Spirituality, are really, in many ways, based, on warnings [of sorts]. In this new world, of Dais'lam, Signs and Symbols, will crop up, that basically affect one, with regards, to remaining, positive minded. A good sign or symbol, is noticed, and one takes, advantage, of the moment. A negative one, is seen, and one, has to, remain positive, that a certain reality, does not, manifest. In many ways, this new world, will be, similar, to that seen, in, the Count of Monte Cristo [the Movie]. The story (movie really) [heavily sign and symbol based], and characters in it, are similar, to what, will be seen, in the world, of Dais'lam.
Other areas, of confluence, will be, Cuba and Kenya. Cuba, will be the new, administrative center, of, South America, and the Caribbean. By Administrative center, it is meant, that, it will be, the center, of, origins, of, South American religion, spirituality and High Art [Dance based]. The Caribbean, will be a 'no mans ground' and a stomping ground, for all, South Americans [who tend to be highly nationalistic], in a similar manner, to the way, Turkey, will be, a stomping ground, for the new Europe. Kenya, will become, a world center [as a meeting place], for the whole world, as many, tend, to be fascinated, by it, as a Land. Kenya, as a Land, has its origins, with, Americanistas [Legion and Latins]. What this all, really means, is that, the world, will meet, in, Kenya, to interact, with each other. This new area, of confluence [Kenya as a Land], will be under, the influence [Art and Architecture], of, Italian-Americans. This should not sound, controversial, to many, as Kenya, as a Land, has always been, defined, by outsiders, to Kenya itself. Issues of power, and control, can probably best, be seen, via, an example, of Saudi Arabia. In many ways, in any part, of the world, there tends, to be, four, main centers, of power, each, controlling, Nation, Country, Land, and People. In Saudi Arabia, one sees that, those, who are for Country, are under, the direction and control, of the, Saudi Kingdom. Those who are for, the People, are under the influence, of the Arabians [desert nomads] of Saudi Arabia. Those who are for Land [which means, Architecture and Architectural design], are under the influence, of, a Religious Clergy, Mohammed (the Prophet), and, Imhotep. Those who are for Nation, are under the influence, of, Saudi women. Of all these, centers of power, the Nation, has always, been, the most, problematic. This is very true, today, due mainly, to the presence, of, the Airport [infrastructural in nature]. Why this is so, is because, it really means, that, the Nation, of any country out there, extends, outside, its borders. In Saudi Arabia, secret police [the Mabahith], are responsible, for monitoring, the Nation. On any signs, of problems, any, of the four centers of power, attempts, to bring back, civility, via, influence, of some sort. Kenya as a Land, and under, Italian-American influence, will see to it, that Kenya, becomes, what, Italia, once was, to the rest, of Europe [a meeting place]. Kenya today [in its posh areas of residence], is actually based, on Italian Architecture. As a Land, Kenya too, has always been transversed, via, air transport. In many ways, all these different, centers of power, can create, different, ways of life [lifestyles], such that, people, strongly, under the influence, of one power, hardly know, anything, about, the others [most people love Kenya as a Land, and hate it, as a Country].
Jinni [Art]:

Ancient Spain [Art]:

Niger [Art]:

Quebec [Angel]:

Japan [Gods]:

Italia [Angels]:

What makes, a sound based reality, unrealistic really, is that, it is not, a fluid reality. This means, that, in a sound based reality, moving, from one frame of reality, to another, is not, really fluid. When we speak, of a sound, based reality, we also, very much mean, that a set, of events [usually called a chain of events], can be easily, triggered, by making, the right sound. If someone, watches a movie, and in the movie, a man, bumps, a car, into a parking meter, which eventually, leads him, to getting married, via meeting, a damsel, at the police station, then, such a, chain of events, can occur, in the real world, by bumping, ones car, into a parking meter. Sounds, it is been said, can trigger, a chain of events, to manifest, a reality, more easily, than most believe. It is that unstable, and people, who know sounds well [from the trigger perspective], can cause, more harm, than believed. Most people today, cannot stand, living, in a silent [and especially very silent], environment, as they often, begin, to go crazy. Thats all because, they create, reality [and identify it], via sounds. In many ways too, sound based realities, are the most inferior, of other such realities, primarily based, on one, of the 5 senses. A man, will get easily aroused, by a woman, not by the short dress, she puts on really, or even, her perfume, but by the sounds, she makes. Thats kinda what, a sound based reality, is all about.
The reason, for stating all this, is due to the fact, that, most people, with big dreams, find it hard, to make them real, in a sound based world. In short really, when we speak, of manifesting, a certain, set of events, today, we are really speaking, of manifesting, a certain, set of sounds. In the world today, guns, are believed, to be more dangerous, than knives, spears, or swords. In reality, gun shot deaths, are few, and rare in between. They become real, for those, who watch, too many movies, and associate, gun shots [sounds], with death. In a primarily sight based reality, swords and knives, are more intimidating, than weapons or guns. In many ways, what differentiates, the modern world, from the older times, is that, the older times, were really based, on, sight based realities, while the modern, is based, on, sound based realities. Lots of effort, are needed, to make, anything, real, in a sound based reality [speech is of high most importance]. In a sight based reality, things happen, much easier [including magic], as the wave, of a finger, a facial look, or even, the wave, of a magic wand, can manifest, a certain reality.
The Manifestation of Dreams:
In this world, we live in today, one, of sounds, manifesting reality [or creating it], is rather difficult. Those who dare, to dream, eventually realize this. It is not, that it is difficult, to go through, obstacles [people really], its that, it is difficult, to manifest, certain realities, themselves. The whole scientific discipline, of streamlining things, is based really, on attempting, to create, fluid sounds, in an attempt, to manifest, certain realities. In many ways, manifesting, 'crazy' realities, in this world today, is partially based, on, understanding, paranoia, and having, a high sense, of hearing [infra red perhaps]. To understand fully, how reality, is created, is to understand, relative motion. When we move, we make, noises, that bounce of us, and onto, our environments, before, being reflected, back, into our ears, enabling us, in many ways, to notice, things, around us. If one, was to attempt, to move, through, a room, very silently, one would notice, that they basically, don't notice, most of their environment. Its really, a sound based world, and attempting, to manifest, any set of realities, is really about, having, a high sense, of hearing. Knowing this fully, is also based, somewhat, on understanding, polyphonic African music. That, its a music, that improves, one sense of hearing, as it stimulates, ones hearing, enabling one, to hear, all sorts, of sounds. Sounds, on entering, the ear tracts, are converted, to a form, of knowledge. In many ways, this makes, Africans, good, at streamlining things [and even events], enabling everything, to go, smoothly [Africans highly feature, in streamlining research].
What is discussed here though, is for those, who live, or wish to live, in a, primarily, sight based reality. A reality, superior, to a primarily, sound based reality, and in many ways, made, the old world superior, to the modern. What is spoken about here, in many ways, is a game really, that should not, surprise, or shock some, as it is, very much, a reverse, in a set of events, in recent history. It very much, has to do, with the partitioning, of Europe.
Europe, today, is very much, a dead continent. A continent, in waste, where nothing goes on. Europeans, are in general, unreligious, unspiritual, and lacking, in direction. It is a continent, highly dependent, on, immigrant labour, for survival, and in many ways too, ruled, by outsiders. It is however, a continent, of interest, to many, mainly due, to its fascinating history; a history, some out there, wish, to replete.
This should not seem, outlandish, to many, but for those, who live, in primarily sound based realities, the may find this, difficult, to enact, as many of the people, in such realities, are easily, scared, by the sound, of a snarling voice, or, the sounds, of police sirens, or even, matching army boots. For those, in primarily sight based realities, these sounds, are passe.
Rule, in the world today, is primarily, based, on three things: Art, Law, and Feminine law. The lowest, of all these, is, Feminine law. What this means, is that, realities today, are constructed, by any, of these three. Most of the world today, functions, by Law [in theory], and many, are proud, to boast, of their Law systems, as probably, being, the best, in the whole wide world. They fail to realize, that Rule [constructing reality really], by Law, is very old, having being, instigated, by the Jews. Judaic Law, as somewhat seen, in the Torah, is the oldest, Law system, in existence, and also, probably, the best [Law systems today, are based, on Napoleanic Law]. After Law, came Art. Rule by Art, is based, on understanding, that Art [High Art], is based, on certain, Logical constructs, which can be used, to create, or manifest, realities. Its really that simple. Logical constructs, that generally, help, one think creatively. Rule by Law, is based on, understanding, the nature of man, and his environments. In its deepest form [Judaic], it is highly, psychological [Sigmund Freud style]. Rule by Feminine law [more common than thought today], is based, on knowing, and even, understanding, psychological tricks, of all sorts, that tend, to be manipulative, by nature [this very much includes, voice sounds].
The future of Europe [today ruled by Feminine law], has been somewhat, decided. It is a region, that will be divided, into, several spheres, of confluence. All these spheres, ruled, by Art. This should not be considered, too difficult, as that, in its, easiest manifestation, this would involve, replacing, the Celebrity circuit and media, with Art. In general, Europe, has already, been partitioned, into, 5 spheres, of confluence. These five spheres, will consist, of the following:
1. France, the UK, and Ireland
2. Germany and Western Europe.
3. Spain and Portugal.
4. Greece, Central and Eastern Europe
5. Scandinavia
These regions, will go, to different people, as spheres, of influence, and direction. Germany and Western Europe, will go, to the United States of America. Greece, Central and Eastern Europe, will go, to Quebec. Spain and Portugal, will go, to Africa [Nigeria]; and France, UK, and Ireland, to the Middle East. And finally, the Scandinavia, will go, to Japan. The reason for this, is because, these 5 regions, remain, the only, five regions, where, High Art, still exists. And as mentioned before, High Art, is the main, evolutionary path, to generally evolving, into, higher forms, of being. In many ways too, those more, highly evolved, deserve, the best, and Europe, has alot, to offer, in this. Its just simply, the old game, of Civilization.
The United States of America, is a region, driven primarily, by Spanish Art [from Ancient Spain] [thats why too, Spanish Architecture, looks American]. This Art, is mainly, of, Americanista [Latins], origin. Theirs, is a world, similar, in nature, to the Egyptian world, in that, it involves, evolving, into, the Constellations. For some, this means, evolving, into, Animal Gods [like Anubis, and why, some Americans (Americanistas) and Ancient Egyptians, have/had, a dog face look, to them], and also, into, other realms, made of, elves, fairies, and even, dwarves [also why, you find, dwarf like people, in America]. Their world, will fit well, into, Germany, and Western Europe. Alot, of American Architecture, is of, Americanista origin [Statue of Liberty for instance], and not, of the Angels. The Statue of Liberty, is a statue, you would find, in the realm, of Elves. To see somewhat, how this realm looks like, watch, the LOTR.
Japan, will take over, the Scandinavia, originally, as a region, of influence and direction [via Art and Architecture], and their Art, will not, really be, Japanese, but a new form, of Art, once seen, in, France, and which one, can call, Magick. Magick, is a Dance based Art, where Art/Dance, is used, to affect, reality, in one, or many ways [Magick however, is not always, Dance based]. To see, the world, of Magick, one could very well watch, The Illusionist, with, Edward Norton. Affecting reality [using Magick], in many ways, is about, triggering, a set of events, and higher, in discipline, than the use, of, psychological tricks. Americanistas [Other], would also, probably, best do, to have, a home base, in, Norway [Americanistas (Other), would also probably, find it best, to evolve, into, the Constellations].
Quebec, will take over, Greece, Central/Eastern Europe, as a region, of confluence. Quebecois, belong, to the Angel world, and are the most, stable, of all, the Angels out there. Greece, will be, their home base, and their Art, will, primarily, be based, on, Dance [Quebec, has a long history, of Dance, which originates, in the Middle Eastern world/Turkey, and is heavily, of Jewish and Jew, origins. Most are unaware, that Quebec, is heavily, Jewish and Jew]. The 'Cirque du Soleil', is a good example, of Quebecois Dance. In many ways, Angels and Light beings, go well together, with regards, to Angels Ruling [influential], and Light beings, being, a pain in the bottom.
Nigeria/Africa, will take over, Spain/Portugal, as areas, of influence, and probably, direction, with regards, to Art, and Architecture. Africa [including North], has always, influenced, this region, with regards, to some, of its Art. Africa today, is highly based, on, Nubian Art [an inferior form of Art, to what, you see, in Nigeria]. Nubia, has always been, inferior, to Egypt, due mainly, to its Art. The Art form though, that arose, during, Nubias Meroitic period, is the lowest, Nubia, has ever produced. There are some high points in it, but alot of it, is similar, to what, you see, in, South African and Kenyan, pop music. In many ways, its Art, that is, violent in nature, and leads, to all, kinds, of stupidity. With regards to music though, it is, very polyphonic [Kothbiro, is an example, of Nubian music]. Unknown to many, the Nubian world [Meroitic], came to influence, many parts, of the world, with regards, to the cool factor [and being a rebel]; mainly through, a history, most, are unaware about: the history of White Africans. There was a time, when, Whites, lived in, Africa, and in many ways, adopted, Nubian culture, and even, began, to evolve, into, Daemons. These White Africans, eventually, left Africa, for many other parts, of the world, especially Europe [the UK], and America. It is here, where many, began, to influence, the world, from the realm of politics, as many, were perceived, as being, highly educated. White Africans, in America for instance, developed, their own culture, which came, to influence, American, rebel culture. The Dodge automobile, is a creation, of, White Africans. Punk Rock [and Billy Idol too (Daemon)], is also a creation, of, White Africans [Billy idol speaks, like an African, unknown to many]. An interesting movie, on White African life, in America, is, 'Inventing the Abbotts'. Former American President, Jimmy Carter, is believed, to have been, a White African, and a, Daemon too [he sounded, like an African, in speech]. Nigeria, is a new world, of African Art, and much higher, than that, of Nubia. It is very much, the future, of the African world. It is an Art world, highly based, on, Poetry [Nubian was pure Art and Sculpture].
The Middle East, will take over, France, the UK, and Ireland [I personally will hang out, in Ireland]. However, this new world, will not be based, on, Islamic Art [Dance based (Egyptian and not similar, to, Middle Eastern or Indian Dance)], and Gargoyle beings, but on the Jinni world. The Jinni, are higher beings, that have traditionally, been worshipped, in the Swahili world, and, Portugal [the history, of Moors, in Portugal, is actually, the history, of the Swahili, in Portugal. The Swahili, used Portugal, as a base, to launch, operations, into the Americas, from America itself, to Brazil]. Jinnis, and Gargoyles, tend to go well, with each other. Fado music, of Portugal, is actually, of, Swahili origins, and Jinni too. Tupac Shakurs music, during, his Makaveli period [Risorgi Con Cristo], was also, of, Jinni origin. Most Americanistas [Legion] and Islamic Ascetics [mostly Islamic Scholars], are also, Jinni. While Jinnis, will be, the main beings, in this new, region, of confluence, the Art seen there will be Baroque [Baroque, is a form of Art, highly individual, and based, on an individual, mix, of many Art forms]. A whole new, Islamic movement, will also, be the basis, of this, new world. An Islamic movement, based, on a new, Islamic Mysticism, that one could call, Dais'lam [work on the Next big thing, will probably, be completed, by another]. Dais'lam, is different, from, Islamic Mysticism, in that, Islamic Mysticism, is based, on, the Magical Realities, of, Pygmy Spirituality, while Dais'lam, will be based, on, the Magical Manifestations, of, Khoisan Spirituality [a reality heavily based on, Signs and Symbols]. Signs and Symbols, as seen, in Khoisan Spirituality, are really, in many ways, based, on warnings [of sorts]. In this new world, of Dais'lam, Signs and Symbols, will crop up, that basically affect one, with regards, to remaining, positive minded. A good sign or symbol, is noticed, and one takes, advantage, of the moment. A negative one, is seen, and one, has to, remain positive, that a certain reality, does not, manifest. In many ways, this new world, will be, similar, to that seen, in, the Count of Monte Cristo [the Movie]. The story (movie really) [heavily sign and symbol based], and characters in it, are similar, to what, will be seen, in the world, of Dais'lam.
Other areas, of confluence, will be, Cuba and Kenya. Cuba, will be the new, administrative center, of, South America, and the Caribbean. By Administrative center, it is meant, that, it will be, the center, of, origins, of, South American religion, spirituality and High Art [Dance based]. The Caribbean, will be a 'no mans ground' and a stomping ground, for all, South Americans [who tend to be highly nationalistic], in a similar manner, to the way, Turkey, will be, a stomping ground, for the new Europe. Kenya, will become, a world center [as a meeting place], for the whole world, as many, tend, to be fascinated, by it, as a Land. Kenya, as a Land, has its origins, with, Americanistas [Legion and Latins]. What this all, really means, is that, the world, will meet, in, Kenya, to interact, with each other. This new area, of confluence [Kenya as a Land], will be under, the influence [Art and Architecture], of, Italian-Americans. This should not sound, controversial, to many, as Kenya, as a Land, has always been, defined, by outsiders, to Kenya itself. Issues of power, and control, can probably best, be seen, via, an example, of Saudi Arabia. In many ways, in any part, of the world, there tends, to be, four, main centers, of power, each, controlling, Nation, Country, Land, and People. In Saudi Arabia, one sees that, those, who are for Country, are under, the direction and control, of the, Saudi Kingdom. Those who are for, the People, are under the influence, of the Arabians [desert nomads] of Saudi Arabia. Those who are for Land [which means, Architecture and Architectural design], are under the influence, of, a Religious Clergy, Mohammed (the Prophet), and, Imhotep. Those who are for Nation, are under the influence, of, Saudi women. Of all these, centers of power, the Nation, has always, been, the most, problematic. This is very true, today, due mainly, to the presence, of, the Airport [infrastructural in nature]. Why this is so, is because, it really means, that, the Nation, of any country out there, extends, outside, its borders. In Saudi Arabia, secret police [the Mabahith], are responsible, for monitoring, the Nation. On any signs, of problems, any, of the four centers of power, attempts, to bring back, civility, via, influence, of some sort. Kenya as a Land, and under, Italian-American influence, will see to it, that Kenya, becomes, what, Italia, once was, to the rest, of Europe [a meeting place]. Kenya today [in its posh areas of residence], is actually based, on Italian Architecture. As a Land, Kenya too, has always been transversed, via, air transport. In many ways, all these different, centers of power, can create, different, ways of life [lifestyles], such that, people, strongly, under the influence, of one power, hardly know, anything, about, the others [most people love Kenya as a Land, and hate it, as a Country].
Jinni [Art]:
Ancient Spain [Art]:
Niger [Art]:
Quebec [Angel]:
Japan [Gods]:
Italia [Angels]: