Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013



To speak of Voodoo, is to first off, dissociate it and from Vodou too actually (and which is African Religion in all), as Voodoo in all again, does speak of White Society in America in all truly even (and not truly Haiti either), interpreting Vodou, and from very much speak of Christianity in itself that is. In all ways even, the above Voodoo Symbolism posted in all, and as actually emanating from White American Society too, and Voodoo, and as seen in America that is, and is in all again, not Black, or Haitian either.

American Voodoo:

Saturday, December 14, 2013



Candyman, and as speaking truly of Black Slavery in all, and the Black Experience too, and in Canada actually, and not America either [and as with all this even, speaking also, and of the very world of Tyler Perry, and 'Madea' too].