Saturday, April 19, 2014

Epigrams & Mottos

Epigrams & Mottos.

To speak of Epigrams and Mottos too, is to in all ways even speak one of the fastest ways in all, and in creating Orderly, Ordered and even Ordeliness too, and in societies today that is [but with they in all even, still very much in all again, spurred and by many an activity here and there] [and as with all this even speaking of the biggest problem faced by many a Government today, and as with regards to creating Ordered societies in all, but which in all ways even, are still very much driven and by all kinds of activity, and as including speak of markets and economies too that is].

Friday, April 18, 2014

Caribbean Totemism

Caribbean Totemism.

Evolutionary Thought and as very much arising and with the Caribbean too.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House.

Arab Architectural Design.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Photographs & Illustrations

Photographs & Illustrations.

One in most ways, does actually truly know that, Photography has in all ways even come to truly alter, just how we do in all perceive just about everything, and as from speak of ourselves, our societies, and even History in itself too actually. That before Photography did ever exist, one does see in all, a preponderance and of what they do term Illustrations actually, and as with they said even to go with just about any description of anything said as having been worthwhile in all, and in occurrence too that is.

In all, what Photography has done, is given us in all again, what some would term a Short-Term Memory, and as with it even a Memory, and that does speak of us and of our remembering in all, one Single event in all perhaps, and that we did witness or even did occur to us, and by which we do judge just about everything else: from ourselves, our societies, and even History in itself too [and as with all this referring even, and to just what Photographic Images, we should actually in all, Identify with, and as with regards to speak of being in the Right State of Mind too perhaps]. 

In all again though, speak of Illustrations in all, and as truly even defining an event in all and as having said happened, but as with speak even perhaps and of Literature in itself too, and an event in all again, and that does speak even and of the necessitating in all, and in our changing of Behaviour, and as with regards to not only having been exposed to such an Image, but that in all ways even, Illustrations in all, do speak of Time and as said in all again, having passed by, and as with time even, simply perceived here and from speak of Consciousness, and in the form of Body Consciousness too, and as with further speak even of Mannerisms too that is [and not Behaviourism truly either actually].