Tuesday, September 30, 2014

the Blank

The Blank.

The Victorian Memory.

Of said Noise too, the Noisy, or if not of said Gibberish too, the Nonsensical.


the Victorian Memory.

of Memorism, Victorian - the Memorist, Victorian.

of Time, [Link], Being, [Link], or if not of said Motion too, [Link].

Monday, September 29, 2014

Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit.

This posting or entry in all, will attempt to speak and of what the Future is believed to hold, and as with regards and to the Modeling in all, and of Human societies that is. That this in all, does speak in all again, and of Human societies today, and as said in all, truly in trouble perhaps, and with their not understanding, just how in all Human societies do evolve or change and in Time too that is.

For this in all, does speak even and of just how Asia, has come to shape Human societies today, and as in telling one that, Asia in all, and in speak of its Religions too, does offer a differing manner or way, and of thinking of life, and that does in all again, not go along, and with speak of Egyptian Civilization truly (and Africa too) for instance.

That Asia to this very day, does define Human life in itself, and in speak truly of Human Potential, while those in all again knowledgeable of Africa and Egypt, do in all even acknowledge that, Human Potential, and as now said dormant in its ways, and in speak of the Three Pyramids of Gaza that is. That while Asia does continue to define itself and in speak of Human Potential, Egypt/Africa (and as said Continent too), now seeking out new manners or ways of thinking of life, and as very much going along in all and with the attempt to truly define the Human Experience, and in speak of Shock & Exclaim in itself too that is. In all, Asia, and as still very much enthralled by the Pyramids, and with Egypt/Africa in all, truly pondering, just whom or who in all again, were the Pharaohs of Egypt, truly said to be.

In many a way, this post, will in all truly even, attempt to deal and with what some do term Euro-centrism, and as with it in all even, speaking of redefining the Human Experience, and in speak too of Physical looks for instance (and alongside speak of European styled behaviour), and away in all again, and from speak of Egypto/Africo-centrism that is.

That while Europe in all will have us very much worship at the Altar of the 'Cult of the Ancestors' so to speak (and as with they even having been said more or less European in their ways too), Egypto/Africo-centrism, does ask of us, to truly understand what does pass for Worship or Praise in all, and in our lives too that is. That while the so termed 'Cult of the Ancestors' is truly real, for the Egyptians, Religion and in the form of Embodiment (Link), while for the Greeks, nothing ever said, could be said to be the Truth in itself that is, and with Italy, speaking in all and of not Humouring the Gods and as the Greeks did, but in all truly, and of the Elevating of Consciousness, and to a level said to surpass all and as including speak of the Egyptians for instance, and in incident and behaviour too, and as with it all even going along in all, and with speak of Cupid in himself that is [and further speak too in all, and of just whom or who, 'the Italians', were truly said to be that is].

That the World today, and in speak of the 'Cult of the Ancestors', very much going along and with speak of 'Images of Respect', and as very much said Greek, Roman and Egyptian, but in speak of America, a differing view in all, and as with regards to historical 'Images of Respect', and as with they even said African/Egyptian in many a way too, and in speak of the Copt (Link), the Coptic (Link), and even the Saintly (Link) too that is.

That the Founding of America (and in speak of the Statue of Liberty too), is in all even and as unknown to most, said Copt/African (Link), and in speak of Myth too, for American History in all, is not in its ways European (and in speak in all and of the rise and demise of many a City-State too that is), while that said Egyptian and as found in the rest of the World in many a way too, does in all even speak and of the Rise and Fall and of many a Civilization, but that said African, very much in all does speak of the Bible in itself, and as a work and that does speak of troubling and difficult Times ahead that is [and in speak of change in itself too actually][and with the Bible, truly African/Greek in all, and not an Egyptian Holy Book either that is][Link].

Irish culture in all and as said European in Myth, but with that said Scottish, very much African/Egyptian in Myth actually.

For the Colony, the Republic or even the Outpost too (Link), said very much African/Egyptian, while speak in all and of the Country or the Land, the Dominion, the Protectorate, the Commonwealth, or even speak of the Province too, does in all actually speak of the Egyptian in all truly.

European Identity and as heavily even grounded and in speak of Symbolism, while that said Egyptian/African, speaking in all, and of Artifacts in themselves [and as with they even said Architectural too][Link]. 

For Heraldry in all, is actually African, and Kingship Egyptian, but speak of Europe, does speak of the Church and as said foremost Authority in itself too that is.

While the Buddhist, does speak of the Egyptian in Asia, speak of Krishna, Rama or Yoga too, does speak of the African/Egyptian, but speak of the European in Asia, does speak of Australia, Japan, and further speak even and of the Japanese races that is.

For Dickens or Middleton, does speak in all and of the Egyptian in Europe, while Shakespeare does speak in all and of the African/Egyptian in Europe, and with what is truly said European, said to speak of the Arthurian in all truly.

For the Dramatist is European, while the Poet is said Greek, and with the Playwright very much said Egyptian, but in speak of Italy, speak in all and of the Ode and the  Odist too, and the very belief by Italy that, History in all, did very much come to be that is.

(Little Dorrit)

While Song is truly African/Indian, and with Performance truly Egyptian in all, Dance in many a way, is truly Italian, but speak of Europe, does in all even truly speak of the Comic/Bard that is.

For English is actually African in Tongue, and with Italian, more or less said here Egyptian in Tongue, but with Spanish/Basque and German, truly in all even said truly European that is [and not speak of French either, and which is in all truly said 'the Language of the Moor' that is].

For Adventure is very much African, and with the Mystery very much Egyptian, but speak of Asia, does speak and of Danger in itself that is.

For MA'AT is said truly Egyptian, while Isis is truly African in all, and with Hathor, speaking of Goddess Worship, and as to be seen/found outside the African Continent that is.

For life lived in the name of the Code (and as in speak of Jesus too), said African/Egyptian, while speak of Money and as said truly representing life in itself said truly Egyptian, but with the search for Great Health and in Mind or Body or Spirit too for instance, said in all European that is.

Thursday, September 25, 2014



Myth and as said Historical in all, and for the World we do live in today, and in saying in many a way that, those said Icelandic in all, are very much believed perfect (Beings) in their ways, and as the Egyptians and Greeks in many a way too, were truly said to be that is.

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Aborigines

The Aborigines.

The God Gene:

In speaking of Aborigine or Aboriginal Tribes in all, is to in all again then refer, and to what some do term the 'God Gene' that is. That the 'God Gene', cannot in all be said and to truly refer and to speak of Intelligence, and as said referring to Mathematical abilities for instance, but that in all ways truly, speaking of Intelligence, and as going along in all, and with speak of Human Behavior, and as said Familial too that is.

That it is amongst the Aborigine and Aboriginal Tribes/races of the World (and with many a famous French King, having been said and to actually be of the Aboriginal persuasion in all), and just where in all again, Rite & Ritual in all, and as going along and with speak of Human Behaviour & Relations too, does in all again truly arise, and in speak of defining God and everything else in life too, and in speak of Human Deeds, Human Affairs, Karma, Kismet, Predestination, Lady Luck (England), Providence, Doom, Outcome, Moira etc., and as with it all even said to refer and to the very belief that, War in itself, is not an evil act, but that in all again, Violence, truly is.

In many a way, Aborigine and Aboriginal Identity, and as truly defining life in Middle Kingdom Egypt that is (and as believed even, one of the more truly renowned perhaps, and of the Egyptian Periods), but that in all ways even, Egyptian Civilization, and as owing its Beliefs in God in all, and in speak of Human Affairs for instance, and to speak of Middle Kingdom Egypt that is. In all, while the Egyptians did in all again truly study Astronomy and as with regards to all this, Astrology on the otherhand, is said believed truly Greek that is.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tears, Blood & Sweat

Tears, Blood & Sweat.

The Rose in Mythology/Mythos.

[and speak too and of the unknown world of Incendiary religion perhaps, and that does in all again speak of Bees, Birds/sparrows, and even Wines, Spirits & Beverages too that is].

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Homestead

The Homestead.

Myth and the End of History:

This post in many a way, will attempt to tackle, the very belief that, Modern History in all, is believed said in all, redundant that is, and as it is believed in many a way too, to not truly teach one many a lesson that is. That Modern History, is said truly in all, grounded, and in speak of the Event, and such that, the Event in all, is very much studied and from a Religious, Political, Social and Economic perspective too. Modern History and as said coming to an end, does speak in all, and of the Modern/Western Times in all perhaps, and as running out of many an Event, and that could be considered and of interest too that is.

In speaking and of History and as above (that nothing much of interest does happen any more truly), is to in all ways even speak and of just how History in the past, has been perceived in all; that in many a way truly, History, and before the Modern Times in all do arise, was very much perceived and in speak and of not only Philosophy in itself, but speak too of Myth actually.

That History and in speak of Philosophy in many a way, is very much said dead in its ways, and very much from speak in all, and of the Human Condition too that is [Link], but that in all ways even, there is a possibility that the World could be a better place in all, and as with regards to History, and in the form of Myth too, and as emanating in all again, and from Central Asian Publishing Institutions, and alongside speak of a Central Asian Education too that is [and all this too, and as versus speak of Myth, and as emanating in all, and from Egyptian Library Reserves for instance, and as with they in all even more suited for Africa that is].

In all, speak of History and in the form of Myth, speaking of Egypt, and as having Myth in the form of Worship in itself, while Myth and in Greece, does very much go along and with speak of Folk culture in all that is. It is in many another place though, and where Myth in all, is very much said to arise and with speak of the Homestead too that is, while in Italy, Myth in all, and as taking two forms: that of the Play/Opera, and another of Tears (and Retentive Memory too that is).

Central Asian Myth: