Monday, September 1, 2014

The Homestead

The Homestead.

Myth and the End of History:

This post in many a way, will attempt to tackle, the very belief that, Modern History in all, is believed said in all, redundant that is, and as it is believed in many a way too, to not truly teach one many a lesson that is. That Modern History, is said truly in all, grounded, and in speak of the Event, and such that, the Event in all, is very much studied and from a Religious, Political, Social and Economic perspective too. Modern History and as said coming to an end, does speak in all, and of the Modern/Western Times in all perhaps, and as running out of many an Event, and that could be considered and of interest too that is.

In speaking and of History and as above (that nothing much of interest does happen any more truly), is to in all ways even speak and of just how History in the past, has been perceived in all; that in many a way truly, History, and before the Modern Times in all do arise, was very much perceived and in speak and of not only Philosophy in itself, but speak too of Myth actually.

That History and in speak of Philosophy in many a way, is very much said dead in its ways, and very much from speak in all, and of the Human Condition too that is [Link], but that in all ways even, there is a possibility that the World could be a better place in all, and as with regards to History, and in the form of Myth too, and as emanating in all again, and from Central Asian Publishing Institutions, and alongside speak of a Central Asian Education too that is [and all this too, and as versus speak of Myth, and as emanating in all, and from Egyptian Library Reserves for instance, and as with they in all even more suited for Africa that is].

In all, speak of History and in the form of Myth, speaking of Egypt, and as having Myth in the form of Worship in itself, while Myth and in Greece, does very much go along and with speak of Folk culture in all that is. It is in many another place though, and where Myth in all, is very much said to arise and with speak of the Homestead too that is, while in Italy, Myth in all, and as taking two forms: that of the Play/Opera, and another of Tears (and Retentive Memory too that is).

Central Asian Myth: