Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Bayou

The Bayou.

The Bayou in all, and as with it associated with Louisiana too, does speak even and of the culture of African slaves in all, and as seen in the Caribbean too actually [and outside Jamaica and Haiti in all that is], and not the culture of African slaves, and as seen in the United States of America that is [and as with African here, a term in all again, distinguishing those in all, said African, and as versus those said Black too that is].

In all again, the Bayou, and as culture amongst African slaves, and that does speak in all, and of African slaves that is, and as basically attempting to re-invent themselves in all, and from the very perspective of expression and perceptions too, and as with regards even, and to just how one does Present themselves that is [in all, the attempt to escape their slave past, and as with it all perceived from the perspective of (freedom of) expression, and as in speak furtherly even, and of learning to express oneself anew that is].

In all, African slaves, and as with speak of God too, perceiving themselves, others and even God in 'himself', and from the very basic perspective of being Suspect, Obvious and even Tentative in one ways and manners too that is. In all though, a culture that is truly African Caribbean in all, and as its place in America, has never been truly well defined, and as with it even and as an offset too perhaps, giving rise and to many a vagabond or crime oriented culture in all that is [Link].

'The Bayou':

Optics vs. Acoustics

Optics vs. Acoustics.

One more time, we do return in all, and in the attempt to tell one (and as with speak of those said to be Disefranchised in all) [and as with this even speaking of those said in all, not to possess, a Western styled Body of Knowledge / Research that is], and of the difference in all again, and in society in all, and as seen in the Pre-Modern Times, and as compared to that seen today too that is.

That the Modern/Western World, and as believed even said to have a reputable Body of Knowledge (but with no Philosophy or Religion to go with it all), does actually even, speak of the very world of Optics actually. That societies today in all, do strongly associate themselves even, and as with speak even of basic Knowledge in itself, based around what some do call Scrutiny actually, and as with this even making the Microscope, the said in all most important even, invention, and for the Modern Times we live in too that is [that truly understanding Knowledge Gathering or Research in this day, does speak even and of having a grounding in all, and in Optics too that is] [and as with the Image in all, having become a rather important part of our lives, and as with speak of microscopic evidence too, and as compared to the Word that is].

Past times though, and as in accepting Modern Research to be valid in its ways but with no said proper use for it (and as with it even lacking a Philosophy in all, and to just why this Research is being carried out, other than to make some Money or Dinero too), is to speak of Past Times in all, and as with this even speaking of Knowledge Bases and Research and as emanating from the past, at the very least even, said grounded in all, and in Acoustics too that is [and as with this even speaking of olden day Architecture that is, and as humongous in size too actually]. That Technology did exist in the past, and it was associated in all again and with Philosophy and Religion too [and as a reason in all again, and for engaging in Research that is], and that in all ways even, it did speak perhaps and of the Stethoscope too [and further speak even of and the Field of Medicine in itself and as ancient too], and that in all ways even, Acoustics in all, and as with it speaking of deciphering something in all actually,. is the key in all again, and to understanding olden and ancient Knowledge Systems and Bodies too that is.

The very world of Acoustics:

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Equidae

The Equidae.

And as with this even referring to the classifications of Animals in all and as similar to Horses too, and as with they even said believed best representative, and of what some do term 'the Spirit of the Land' actually, and as with this even speaking of the Evolutionary Instinct too, and as versus speak in all ways even, and of Cats, Dogs and even Humans in themselves too that is.



All of Humanity or Mankind too, and as with speak even of all said Life forms in all again, and as said One too that is [and as versus speak even and of Unity in all, and as said even defined, and as based around Mobility too that is].