Sunday, October 31, 2010

Relationship Design with Jemima Khan

Cindy Crawford, had to sit out, for, this edition, of, Relationship Design with 'Cindy Crawford', all due, to a, Public Relations issue. Jemima Khan, stepped in, to save, the day really, and it is, believed though that, Cindy Crawford, will hopefully, be back, in time, for the, next edition [of Relationship Design]

This edition, of, Relationship Design with Cindy Crawford, will put forth, a, relationship model, more or less, popular, in this day, but, having, origins, in the, ancient times. It is first, seen, in the, origins, of, civilization, with stone-age man, and, stone-age woman, with, stone-age woman keeping house, and stone-age man, playing, the role, of gatherer and hunter. It proceeds on, to, the times, of, Ancient Egypt, where it is seen, in a form, rather, popular to this day; that, of a man, and woman, plotting, together, to make, quick wealth, and live of it [slowly, and over, a period of time] [there exists, the possibility, of making, more wealth, later on]. It reappears, again, in the, Arthurian times, but, this time, in the form, of a, Queen, and Knight relationship [with the Queen, owning, considerable wealth, and the, Knight, helping, protect it, and generally, look after it]. It then, appears again, in, Deutschland [before the Napoleonic times], with savvy Deutsch woman, seeking out, to rise, in, Society, and in general, seek out [or have], all kinds, of, opportunity, knock, on their [her] door, by having, a mate, and presenting themselves rather well, in conventional society. The man in this relationship, was in many ways, just in it, for the, ride, with the woman, responsible, for seeking out, all, opportunity, and having, the man, make it real. It is too, seen again, in the, Napoleonic times, but, this time, becoming, more, business-like in nature, with the man, being, more, like an employee, and it all, operating, very much, like, a Royal Court system [as mentioned earlier, in another posting, in, European society, women, possessed, the logic, while, men, possessed, the knowledge; this was not always true, in other, cultures/societies, outside, Europe].

This Relationship model, is re-introduced, again, for these, present times, we live in. It takes, into, account, the fact, that, for many, Life, is kind of, miserable, due to, too much, negativity, all around [all sorts of problems, wanted, and unwanted]. It is very much, male oriented, meaning, that, a male, can choose, to live it out, all alone, without, a female presence, around [the female presence, being, exchanged, for worship, of a Goddess]. In general, a woman, will have, to seek out, a man, for this, relationship, in one way or another. The man, in this, relationship model, sees, himself, very much, as a, Knight-errant. A Knight-errant, is a Knight, who seeks out to solve, all kinds, of problems, in the form, of, a mission [and not, operation, or act].

We live, in a world, filled, with all kinds, of, negativity; even speaking, to most, people, out there, leaves one, with, all kinds, of, negative feelings. The environments, many of us, live in, are, rather depleted, and giving rise, to, many mixed, and indifferent, emotions/feelings. In all, many people, are not, too happy, and probably, believe, moving, to America [or Europe for that matter], will make them, happier, due to, the more or less, perceived, calm/peaceful, environments.

This relationship, has one thing, at its heart: the search, for Serenity [inner calm] [Serenity, is very much, like being, on the beach, all alone]. In many ways too, it is, all about, the escaping, of Karma [with regards, to ever recurring, problems]. With this model, the man, as Knight-errant, seeks, to stay in, at home, most, of the time, in a rather, Serene and Clean, environment. The home, should be viewed, as, being, rather sacred [even a Temple of sorts/Palaces], and cleanliness, is of, outmost, importance [especially, with regards, to noise]. In this, environment, the man, will seek, to, atleast, listen, to, serene music [such as church organ music, or even, classical or jazz], while also engaging in what, one could call, motivational media [media, all about, motivating, one, as in the form, of, self-help books, documentaries, educational magazines (like Entrepreneur magazine, and even, GQ), biographies/autobiographies (including movies), and even, keeping, a diary].

The man [Knight-errant], should also, have, a List, in general, of all the kinds, of problems, he expects, to face, in Life. General problems, which also, very much, means, what he would like, to attain [as in possess, and as, in, defining, 'material possessions']. How these problems, will be, solved, will be, based, on what, they call, a 'State Legislature'. A State Legislature, is very much, a series, of, Protocols, defined, by what, they call, State Mechanisms, State Apparatus, State Personnel, State Funds, State Functions, and all other kinds, of, definers, that can follow, the word/definer, State [including Letterheads, and, business cards; State Media]. In all, one simply, Lists, all the kinds, of, problems, they expect, to face, in, acquiring/attaining, the quality of life [as in 'material possessions'], they seek out, and then, seeking out, these possessions, via, a State process [mechanism, apparatus etc.], of one kind, or another. In many ways, it is similar, to the way, some, womens, society, functions today, but without, the law/legislature, behind it. In many ways too, this involves, acquiring, some resources [in the form of possessions], and having them, be, at the base, of ones, State Legislature [Possessions, are much easier, to find, and discover, and even, high quality ones, can be gotten, at a rather, good deal] [a second-hand, or even, third-hand car, is a possession]. In all, as mentioned, the State Legislature, defines, the kind, of problems, one, expects, to face, and also, very much, how, to go about, solving them.

Whenever, a problem [of all sorts] arises, the Knight-errant, seeks, to solve them, in a manner, similar, to going out, on, a Mission. Missions, very much, involve, deal-making [The Art of the Deal (Trump)]. In many ways, this involves, exchanging, favours, especially, in the form of, Time [rather than Money]. It might sound, a rather, crazy way, of, living [that is, a life, based, on, making deals], but interestingly enough, it is, the way, Billionaires, such as, Donald Trump, and even, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, make, a living [making deals]. If one, develops, a good, deal making process [via, the State Legislature], one, can then, turn it, into, a Business Empire [mostly small-scale business] [e.g. being, a Franchise].

Any form, of enjoyment, in this, relationship model [and way of living], is based, on visiting, venues, and is done, really, while one, is on, a mission [as in a business lunch], or after, a successful, mission [is carried out]. This enjoyment, is only, at Venues [and not, Spots, or Places].

In all, the Knight-errant, should spend, most of his time, at home, but engage, with others, via the State Legislature, and, Deal-making process. In many ways, this model, does not, give rise, to, partners, in a romantic relationship, and the partners, in one, are very much, contacts [as in, work partners]. This model, can become, rather problematic, should one, enter, into a Love, relationship [this model, was once used, in a similar form, in the, Roman State]. In addition too, deal-making, should not, be reduced, to those, one, is acquainted with [or knows of], as in, especially, ones ethnicity, or even, tribe/nation/pals, as one, will find it best, to make deals, with, strangers [outside, ones various identities].

Material Possessions, Errant Knights, and the search, for Serenity:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Life's Odyssey [Bk. 1 in the Life's Compass Guide series]

Living Life, can be a bore, if one, does not, truly know, how, to go about, really, doing it, at a very, basic level. This, does not refer, to, everyday living [or sustenance], but to, actually, living out, ones, whole life: What to do with it, and even, probably, why.

For many, Life, at its heart, as a transversal mode, has, alot, in many ways, to do, with, the search, for, Success [as defined, by Westerners]. Thats what, most, think about, from, the moment, they get up, to, the time, they go, to sleep. In many ways, the search, for, Success, has, at its heart, the search, for Sex too [the basic belief, that Sex, will heal them, of all kinds, of, negativity, and even, provide, the best, memorable experiences, in Life].

The search, for Success [Western], can be, futile, for many, as it is, very much, based, on steps [steps, it is believed, that, take one, to a higher, level, of existence, with each, level, being more, pleasurable, than the previous] [In many ways, each level, of existence, is similar, to the previous, with the exception, of the, perceived pleasure, in it] [The concept, of Western Success, as explained before, is one, that, is followed, by those, who worship, Angel beings]. The problem, with Western Success, as a path, to living, is that [Success as lived out today, perhaps], each level, of existence, is not, as pleasurable, as that, above it, and is, only, perceived, to be so, by those, who cannot, access it (the above) [in many ways, the pleasure, in rising, with regards, to Success, lies, with those, outside, to ones level, of existence, not knowing, about, one (and ones way of living)]. Due to each level, being similar, to the previous, those, who seek out, Success, as a, Life path, tend, to discover, that, issues, of self-sabotage, easily, arise, as they face, disappointment, disillusionment, and disorientation, with each, rise, and with each, day, lived, in an upper level [in all, what is been said, is that, Life, at the upper levels, is not, as fun, as the, Mass Media, presents it]. Self-sabotage, arising, and giving rise too, to, endless daydreaming, as, disappointment, faced, from rising, to new levels, of existence, also gives, rise, to a general belief, in, the meaninglessness, of, Life, leading, in many cases, to, 'numbness', with regards, to Life, and, the desire, to feel/experience, Life, grandly, leading to, episodes, of hardheartness, cruelty, and even, an obsession, with sex, in an attempt, to escape, the 'numbness' [with regards to Life], that one feels [In all though, Western Success, should not, totally, be looked down, upon, as it is, erroneously, based on, the Stages of Life, as seen in America (7 vices); however, one finds instead, that, Western Success, is vice ridden, while, the point of it, is to, get rid, of vice].

There are however, other ways, to live out, Life [in as, Life paths], and also, very much, better too, at dealing, with, any forms, of, negativity [the Success path, does not, offer, any advice really, on dealing, with, negativity, other than, being, avoidant in nature (including the use of violence)] [by negativity, we do not, speak, of attempting, to, understand it (or eliminate it, from ones system), but actually, with knowing it, and generally, avoiding it (learning, from ones mistakes)].

There are several, paths, to live out, Life, based, very much, on, Destiny, Fate and Karma [Western Success, as a Life path, does not, appear, to take, into account, any of these, but very much too, appears, to be, the search, of endless pleasure (including violence prone pleasure)]. These Life paths, are based, on, what, they call, Virtuosity [or even, Religiousity]. Virtuosity, refers, to, certain virtues, that are, generally, perceived, and seen, in society today, but not, often, explained theologically; Virtues, such as: Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Integrity, Honor, and even, Patience. All these, virtues, and even more, can provide, for a, basic, blueprint, to living Life, in general, and feeling, too, that, one, has indeed, accomplished, something, in ones Life. In all, they should be, at, the heart, of, everything, we do [and should basically, describe, us, when someone, asks, 'what kind of person, is he?'].

These virtues too, have elements of, Faith, Hope, and Charity, to them [each in all], and in many, ways, when choosing, a basic, blue print, of whom, one really is, then, one discovers, that, Life, can be lived out [at its heart], as an, Artist, Martial being, and, Actor. In all, what is been said here, is that, transversing, through Life, at its very heart, is all about, showing Virtuosity; if you never, truly, achieve anything [as one (or society), might define it], living, Life, based on, Virtuosity, can at, the very least, convince one, that, their Life, has not, been, to waste. In many ways, it will be shown [hopefully so], that, grand 'success', of any kind [accomplishment, achievement etc.], is at, its very heart, actually, based on, Virtuosity [the Taj Mahal, was a work, commissioned, out of, Loyalty/Rectitude].

We shall below, attempt, to show, how, a Life, can be lived, based on, Virtuosity [at Lifes basic level], and as mentioned, is not only, the basis, of what, real 'success', is all about, but also, what, a memorable life [in its entirety], is all about [based too, on the creative interpretation, of what, Virtuosity, really means] [Kindness, can, for instance, take, the mold, of pleasant surprises]. Each example below, will also, attempt, to show, possible, Artists (Destiny), Martial beings (Fate), and Actors (Karma), that one, can use, to basically, get, through Life [not with regards to survival, or 'success' really], but actually, living out, Life, on a daily everyday basis [experience wise]. We shall also, partially, refer, to olden, Religio-Military organizations [such as the Jesuits], and offer, to explain, that, at the heart, of their, rise, to 'success', was not, Intelligence [as many believe], but actually, Virtuosity [the Knight Templars, for instance, were born of, Honor].

Examples, of Martial beings, are hard, to easily come by, but examples, from, European culture, will be given, as a basis.

Life path 1: Kindness

Kindness, as a virtue, is all about, being, helpful, by nature. While attempting to show this, is rather, simple, attempting, to show it, as a Life path, might be, disconcerting, to those, who cannot, envision, what, totally encompasses, Kindness. Going through Life, as a, Capoeirista [at its heart, being, a worker], is very much too, about, living, a Life, based on, Kindness. In all, a Life, of seeking out, opportunity, by seeking, to help out another, resolve, a problem [by being, a learner too], in exchange for something [in all really, looking around, one, and on seeing, problems, asking, to help, re/solve them].

[Below, will be offered, three, basic profiles, associated, with the virtue, of, Kindness; some of these profiles/figures, will come, from, Literature (as a religious read), and should not, be, perceived, as a way, of living, Life. What this means, is that, these profiles, simply help one, learn, how to espouse, a certain virtue right (and also very much, become it)] [In many ways, these profiles, could very much, be seen, at the heart, of ones, everyday prayer (as most Religion today, has been replaced, by practises, and Art)] [Examples include, listening, to Sufi music, or reading, Sufi poetry, as a way, of engaging, in Sufism] [The literature pieces below, can be seen, as a kind, of 'Bible']

Artist: Painter
Martial being: Jesuit [ 'David Copperfield']
Actor: Calisthenics/Capoeira

Life Path 2: Honesty

Honesty, as a virtue, can best, be explained, as, expressing truth, at all times [seeking it out, and even, exposing it]. Honesty, is very much too, historical, in nature, and is, very much, about, being true, to oneself [not giving out, or falling, for false/unvirtuous ideologies]. In many ways at its heart, is holding, strong, to certain, principles [including beliefs and values], that one lives by. An example, of Honesty, in everyday life, is doing, the right thing, in a, negative environment [as in a businessman, finding, creative ways, to do, business, in an environment, filled, with corruption, and, bribery, of all sorts]. In many ways, a Life, based, on Honesty, is fateful in nature, as it, eventually, leads, to the figure, in it, fading [into the distance (and even, becoming, legendary, in a religious sense)] [in all, a kind, of saviour].

Artist: Poet
Martial being: Crusader ['Nicholas Nickelby']
Actor: Archery

Life Path 3: Generosity

Generosity, as a virtue, can best, be, explained, as giving, Aid [as in being, a donor], when it is, called for, or even, required. This way, of living, is what, has made, America [traditionally], a famed, nation, of virtue [Generosity, lies, at the heart, of, American Democracy (Repulicanism)] [Repulicanism, has nothing, really, to do, with, the Republicans]. This American generosity, shows, itself, in the hundreds, of, Charities, Foundations, and Trusts, seen, all over, America. A way, of making wealth, becoming powerful, and still, very much, aiding, people, out there, to do, what they want [The Rothschilds, for instance, were never, really, Bankers, as many believe, but, actually, ran, a Foundation].

Artist: Violinist [and other instruments from the Violin family of instruments]
Martial being: Knight Hospitaller ['Oliver Twist']
Actor: Swimmer

[The works, of Charles Dickens, based on, Classicism, are very much, religious in nature, and mainly, espouse, Virtuosity. The world of Dickens, appears, to many, to be, dark (and miserable), but compared, to this, day [and age], we live in, hope, still lives on]

Life Path 4: Loyalty

Loyalty, is a virtue, that can, best, be explained, as seeking out, a Life, of, service [similar in nature, to servitude, and even, being, a slave, to a higher cause]. It is basically, working, for a, higher good [of sorts], and fully, identifying, with that good [as truly seeing, oneself, as a teacher]. It appears, to be, at, the heart, of, Western Success, but this, is not so [Western Success, is pleasure driven]. It is a path too, highly, associated, with what, they call Professions (Religious in nature). Seeking, to be a, Movie director, is such, an example [the higher good here, being, founding, community, and hence too, spreading, joy]. Mercedes-Benz, began, as a, Conglomerate, based on, Loyalty, and driven, towards, creating, car parts [and engines], that were more, efficient, and cheaper too. The end result, of all this, knowledge [of communal service], was, the Mercedes Benz itself.

Artist: Guitarist
Martial being: Knight of Malta ['Little Dorrit']
Actor: Snooker/Squash

Life Path 5: Integrity

Integrity, is a virtue, based on, being, totally fair, and just. A virtue missing today, in Life, especially, due, to Western Success, spreading out there, everywhere, as a model, of living. A good example, of a Life, based on, Integrity, is one, of being, an expert, of all sorts [on one end, this very much, includes, being, a Consultant/Thinker, and on, the other end, a professional Poker player].

Artist: Playwright
Martial being: Teutonic Knight ['Martin Chuzzlewit']
Actor: Runner

Life Path 6: Honor

Honor, is a virtue, that very much, has, to do, with being, charitable [assisting others, via, creating, a new order]. In many ways too, its about, being, a man, of the times [the well known person, who goes around, solving, problems, for others (asked, or unasked for)]. The Knight Templars, were an, Arthurian organization, built on Honor. They sought, to create, a Trading Empire, based on, serving, underprivileged [poor in nature], markets, before, becoming, very much, an NGO of sort. It was, an organization, that defined, the Arthurians [in the UK], as a, Global power, of sorts [and giving rise, to, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table].

Artist: Chef/Cook
Martial being: Knight Templar ['Edwin Drood']
Actor: Athletics [of all sorts]

Life Path 7: Patience

Patience, is very much, a virtue, most, believe, they know, about today. It is a virtue, believed, practised, by many, outside, the success tracks [as defined, by Western Success]. In short really, waiting, for opportunity, to show, or even, arise [in the form, of choice, option, and possibility]. In truth though, Patience, is all about, Trust [garnering it, and showing it]. In many ways, a Life, lived, on Patience, is no, different, for instance, from becoming a Politician [falsely believed though, to be a person, of Loyalty]. Another, finer example, would be, becoming, a, Sports star (Tennis), and even too, a, Rockstar. In many ways, giving [or delivering], what, the 'people', expect.

Artist: Photography
Martial being: Rosicrucian ['Dombey and Son']
Actor: Cycling

These, are just, some, of the virtues [falling under, Virtuosity], that one can live by. As mentioned earlier, Virtuosity, is generally, lacking, in, todays world, having being replaced, instead, with the search, for, pleasure [even at all cost]. In many ways, while, Virtuosity, is at, the very heart, of, defining, the human being, seeking pleasure [only], is at, the heart, of defining, the animal. At the very least, if one, seeks, to live, a life, without, seeking, any form, of, 'success', then, living it, by, showing, Virtuosity [at its basic level], everyday, in ones life, will eventually, lead, to one, entering, a state, of Joy or Happiness, and with time, the belief, in a Life, well lived. A Life, not shameful, to one, but in many ways, could very much too, make, World History.

Expressive Outbursts

Robert Pattinson, can kick, Leonardo DiCaprio's, ass. Because, I say this, because, Leo, is really, just a wuss; a big wuss for that matter. Cats, could whoop, Leonardo DiCaprio's, ass; white cats, and those, simply, having a bad day. Leo, thinks, he has it going on. He thinks, he is hot; hot enough, to date, a model, like he did, Gisele Bunchden. Well Leo, I am here to tell you, Robert Pattionson, IS, a Model. He doesn't do, the date-me-a-model thing; to him, it is another, business meeting, of sorts. Leonardi DiCaprio, thinks, he is so hot, after all, he does make movies, and movies, that appear, to sell, really well; Well Leo, so what: Robert Pattinson, is French, and thats, like winning, an Oscar, back-to-back, 4 years, in a row. I don't really like Leo, and neither I believe, does, Rob Pattinson; Mugda Godse, would probably find, Robert Pattinson, to be hotter, than, Leonardo DiCaprio, as does, every other woman, out there, including, Leo's mummy. To hell with Leo; the next movie, with Leo in it, am going, to watch it, with no clothes on. All this, to show, LEO, I don't care, to know him, as he would believe, I would; I would, travel, to Leo's home, and knock, on his door, stark naked, to show, Leonardo DiCaprio, I don't really care, to know him, or the women, he dates. Thats really, what I think, of Leonardo DiCaprio.

To Hell, with Leo

Thursday, October 28, 2010

World History

World History, is a version, of History, most are acquainted with, but still, is not, often, well known, from a historical, point of view. It is a version, of History, that goes, along, 'with the Times' [so to speak], and just about, anybody, can be, at its heart, of formation. It is, a History, that often, unites, all humanity, as one, and in many ways, too, shows, the divisions, between them. It is, a History, too, while 'logged' in, under, terms, such as, Global (politics) History, World (politics) History, and even, International (politics) history, yet still, the truth, remains, that, this version, of History, is very much, political [in the present], in nature, and is, associated, with everyday, occurrences, that bring about, change, in one way, or another, to a certain, environ, of sorts. For instance, as an example, an English Firm, tenders, the design, of a, new building, in England, to an Emirati, Architectural Firm, with the designer, being, an Emirati. The building, is designed, and with, time, becomes, a landmark, of sorts, in England itself (meaning, that history itself, becomes, associated, with it). While, the building, might then, become, associated [in many ways], with, English history, the truth is, it is still, very much, of, Emirati origins [in design perhaps]. A Brazilian Capoeirista, travels, to New York, to teach, Capoeira, and with time, the natives, take, interest, and Capoeira, is rather, commonly studied, before, one [of the natives], decides, to originate, their, own, Art form, based on Capoeira [American Breakdancing, for instance, has its origins, in Capoeira (Capoeiristas, were once, common, in New York, in the Twenties)]. History, would record, such, an Art form [Breakdancing], as American (with time, that is), and fail, to truly, acknowledge, the Brazilian impetus, to it all. The above two, small examples, constitute, in many ways, what, they call, World History, as small, such occurrences, even, by an individual, can bring about, big changes, in the World. Small discoveries really, leading, to large changes, is in many ways, what, World History, is all, about, and as mentioned, is really, a History, associated, 'with the times'. In all really, the only place, to find, World History, documented, is in, reading, folk tales, of the past, or even, better yet Newspapers. As mentioned previously, World history, is a version, of History, that never, makes it, into, the textbooks, making, many of them, a confusing read, and not, too believable.

World History, is in, many ways, a History, of Boundaries [what lines to cross, or not]; as in, the case, of a president, warning, another country, about, violations [boundaries], of all sorts. In many ways, it is, a History, of Invasions [including invasions, of, private personal spaces], Domination [colonialism, partly, falls under this], and what, they call, Influence. In many ways too, such transgressions, often, believed, to be, making, World History, are true, but they do not, really, make it, into, History, itself [often associated with, Material progression, Religious progression (civility/Civilization) {beliefs based}, and, Famed Figures (Art, Law, Theosophy etc.)]. However though, occurrences, in World History, might, make it, into, History [as in the case, of a Capoeirista, who fights, and defeats, twenty policemen, by himself; such an occurrence, would fall, under, Famed figures].

In this entry here, we shall, attempt, to fully, somewhat, explain, what, World History, really is, and even, somehow, how it comes, about, to be made, and attempt, in many ways [too], to show, how, Humanity [around the world], is connected, to each other [difficult in some ways to show], and hopefully, somewhat, prove, that the state, of the World, today [in the present], is not, really due, to, Conventional History, as many believe, but really, due to, World History [by state, it is meant, how people, are doing, in general]. World History, is in, many ways, psychological, in nature, and is, the History, of the, Human really, as a, Psychological Being [it could be said, that, some people, are more, psychologically advanced, than others, in that, they never, suffer, from certain, illnesses, or malaises, that others do] [One could also show, for instance, that, the history, of, Religion, as based, on, Sects, Cults or, Denominations, is in, many ways, World History].

[To help, explain, World History, not only, shall we show, that, it is, very much, based on, Customs, Land (issues), and what, one could call, Leadership, but also, very much, on how, Power, Might and Authority, are defined (in conventional society)]


Leadership, is a rather, broad term, to use, to explain, this, first facet, of World History. It is a term though, in attempting, to do this, used, to explain, how, what, some call, Moments (in history), are somewhat dealt with [a man, gets mistreated, in a shop, sparking, a riot, and the, societies Leadership, has to, deal, with it, in one way, or, another]. Leadership, is in, many ways [as are moments], associated, with what, they call, (human) Helplessness. People, in their, daily lives, deal, with Helplessness [and its variants, such as, Weakness and Timidity], in ways, which could, overturn, a society, upside down, if the, human response to this, is heated [in one way, or another]. Helplessness too, is very much, about, human progression, especially, as defined, today, via, the concept, of, Success [and not, accomplishment, or achievement]. Success, is a, rather, new way [modern in nature, and Western], of looking, at, human progression [image, personality or character wise], and very, individual, in nature [self-gratification], and often, at the, detriment, of others [violence prone, and hateful, in nature] [accomplishments (such as, discovering, a new kind, of medicine), or, achievement (as in, writing, a great book, or piece, of music), no longer, really exists].

Sigmund Freud, attempted, to define [and explain], Human Helplessness, via, what he termed, his, "Psycho-sexual stages of development" (these stage though, are really, associated, with, progress). He defined, 5, of these stages, which are, stages, one has to go through, in becoming, something great [in many ways, before, one begins, on a myth, of sort, one has, to become, something, of significance (like going, to, a great school for instance)]. In many ways, what, Freud, spoke about, in his, Psycho-sexual stages, of development, was the, relation, between, the concept, of, Sexuality [as defined, as being, male, female, masculine etc., in nature], and being, Helpless, in nature. In short, he was, attempting, to show, how, sexuality, and helplessness, merged together, do create, rather, explosive situations [harassment based, in nature], that could, in many ways, destroy, a life, or destroy, civilization itself [as in the case, of, the Unabomber]. This Helplessness [for many, and especially, males], has increased, in, recent generations, due, to the growth, and popularity, of, Feminism [in short, women, telling, everybody out there, what to do].

In many ways, the History, of, Leadership, is often, associated, with what, they call, Moments [in history]. Moments, that have, repercussions, affecting, the lives, of many, who live, within, a certain, Time period [e.g. Decade, generation etc.]. Slavery [and even, Colonialism], was such, a moment [in history], whose repercussions, still, continue, to affect, those, who underwent it. We shall attempt, to show, here, how, different regions, of the World, are connected, to each other, based on, Moments, and how, these, connections, continue, to affect, the masses [those associated, with such moments], in one way, or another.

America-World: The first, connection, with regards, to, Moments, to be shown, will be, that, between, America, and the World, which is, highly based, on, the History, of Immigration (Migration). It is, a History, while, glorified, in the Media [and schools even], has been, in truth, rather, ugly, in nature, with, many immigrants, to America, suffering, abuse [or discontent], of one form, or another [this history, also covers, the History, of, Americanistas (Legion), who, in many ways, are a group, of, people, who tired, of, America, and left it, vowing, not to ever, return]. In many ways, one finds, that, today, it is, only, the mediocre, that really, immigrate, to, America, as it has, become, a place, often, associated, with everyday, mistreatment (moments), that, most out there, care not, to know [Europe, even, receives, a better, gene pool, with regards, to, Immigration, than America does]. In many ways, many people, move, to America [North America, in general], before, returning, to their home countries.

America-Africa: While, it has often, been believed, that, America, has a strong, historical, connection, to Europe, this, is not, really so [migrants, to Europe, from America, can best be, referred to, as, Legion (Americanista)]. The connection, between, America, and Europe (historically), has been, based, on, Trade issues. Slavery, in many ways, continues, to be, the strongest, connector, between, Africa, and America, [Africans, did go, to, America, as indentured labour too], and in many ways, African ways, and manners, did come, to, strongly influence, American culture, in one way, or another [various groups, participated, in, African slavery, as documented, but, Africans, as indentured labour, in America, were under, Americophiles] [In many ways, Americophiles, are the most, African (in nature), of all, Americans, and the, indentured labour system, did come, to destroy them, socially] [The Americophile, Indentured labour system, should not, be confused, with slavery (of black Africans), by, British Colonials (in Colonial America), and even, a similar, servitude system, that arose, in, America, by a group, terming themselves, Creoles (and associated, with, Mammy stereotypes)] [In many ways, depictions, of, Slavery, made famous, on, television, and the movies, are actually, associated, with the, Americophile Indentured labour system, with the best, example, being, that of, Minstrel shows]. Africa, in many ways, came, to influence, America [especially the South], due, to this, migratory movement [of sorts], and America, today, is more, African (culturally), than European [Africans in America, differ, from Africans, in that, they did, develop, a cultural identity ( as seen fo0r example, in their Arts)].

Islamic world - Europe: The connection, between, the Islamic world, and Europe, is rather, unknown, but old, in nature. It is, unpsoken of, and mainly, believed, to be based on, the spread, of, Islam [via Jihad]. In reality, the Islamic world, is older, than, Jihad [and Islam], and is infact, very much, a cultural manifestation, rather than, theological. The most famous, example, of this, connection, is that, of, Andalusian/Islamic Spain. It is here, that the, Islamic world, interacts, with Europe [Spain really], in a not, too, forthcoming way [wars and battles, are fought, for the right, to live, in Spain]. Another example, is that of, what, they call, Byzantine Architecture/Civilization [Islamic in origins], which is, where, the Islamic world, meets, Central Europe/Russia. In all, the Islamic world, was worldwide [even, in Empire form], before, America, truly even, really existed [as a world wide force; the rise, of America, has been, very recent; 20th century] [Russia, has many, examples, of, Islamic influence, in the form, of, Architecture, as in, the case, of, the Onion Domes, in Moscow] [The Islamic world, in the form, of, Byzantine, did exist, before, Islam (itself), and in, many ways, was, the merging, of the, Mesopotamian, and Egyptian, civilizations, together, with a center, in, the Middle East] [the Islamic world (as Empire really), once extended, from, the Middle East, into, India [Taj Mahal], all the way, to Russia, and into, Africa [including West Africa (Mansa Musa)], and further more, into Spain and Portugal]. This though, is part, of the connection, between, Europe, and the Islamic world. A more recent, connection, has very much, to do, with, the Art world [conflicts, looks, preferences]. In many ways, European Art [especially French], was connected, to the, Islamic world, as can easily, be seen, with the origins, of instruments, such as, the Guitar & Lute [the Violin too, appears, to have, some, Islamic antecedents]. Another finer example, is in looks, as in, the case, of how, French, Spanish, and Italian people, look, Islamic; this look [Romantic in nature, as in, the Romance languages], is actually, of, Islamic origins [the Romance Languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian etc.), actually, sound more, like, Arabic, and not, like, other, European (Germanic, Celtic) languages].

South America - East Asia: This connection, is harder, to prove [document wise], but is, in many ways, the history, of, migration, of East Asians, to South America [to live, and work there] [a good example, being, the rather, large, 'Japanese' population, in Brazil (consisting though, of, different Asian immigrants), and the general, popularity, of, East Asians, in, South America]. This contact, in many ways, has made, South American, life [in general], popular, to East Asians [with regards, to Etiquette for instance, and general, religiousity/religious order/virtuosity]. This connection, can also, be seen, in, East Asia, which is believed, to be, Westernized [as in American or European], but is actually, similar in nature, to, South America [modern East Asian, Landscaping, and even, Architecture, looks, similar, to South American] [Fashion wise, East Asians, dress, similarly, to, South Americans, and not, Americans/Europeans].

Carribean - Canada: This connection, is not, rather, well known, but is, a connection, associated, with, servitude, and slavery, in the Carribean. The so called, documented, evidence, of, French and Spanish, slavery, in the Carribean, is not, exactly right, as while, the Land (Plantations), in the Carribean, were owned, by, French and Spanish forces, they were, not, actually, run by them. These Plantations, were actually, run, by groups, from, Canada, who actually, consisted, of, Americans [Canadas, rural population, is actually, made up, of, Americans (Spaniards), who migrated, into, Quebec, before, being forced, to eventually leave]. It is they [and not, French or Spanish people really], who ran, these plantations [sometimes, somewhat brutally] [slavery, on American soil, was never brutal really (or even harsh), but in, the Carribean, was totally, in some ways, brutal and harsh] [So called,white slave traders, sailing, to Africa, to catch, slaves, or buy them, out, is actually, the history, of, Canadians] [American Actors, such as, Ryan Philipe, and, Mark Wahlberg, are actually, Americans, with a history, of, migration, to Quebec, and back, to America, and in many ways, are the kind, of, Canadians, who participated, in, Slavery] [Philipe, is a, Quebecois French name, and, Wahlberg, is a, Quebecois Jew name]. In many ways, Carribeans, and Canadians, are similar, with regards, to, the way, they react to things [and even talk].

Japan - Southeast Asia: The connection, between, Japan, and Southeast Asia, is rather, old, and very, religious, in nature. In many ways, before, Japan, ever became, Japan, it was, strongly, Indian, in character and nature. Japan, was really, created, by migrants, from India, and the old, Japanese ruling system [before, the Imperial Family], and based, on a Japanese Sun King [of sorts], is actually, a ruling system, based, on the worship, of, Sri Krishna [and not Lord Krishna] [both are different beings]. In many ways though, Lord Krishna, does too, appear, to be, at the core, of the, creation [personality wise atleast], of, the Samurai. In many ways, Japanese people, are similar, to, Indians, in the way, they react, to things, and even, in speech. Sri Krishna (blue Krishna), is perceived, to be, the highest being, of, existence [with regards to human nature], in Japanese civilization.


What they call, Landmass, is rather, different, from what, they call, Land (itself). Landmass, refers, to portions, of Land, that appear, to be, connected, to each other, in nature. This means, that, they basically, have, the same, vegetation, climate, and even, animal life. Africa, as a Land, is a good, example, of this, as it is, a land, made up, of, three Landmasses: Nigeria, Afrique (Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia), and the, 'rest of Africa'. What this means, is that, the 'rest of Africa', differs, from Afrique, and Nigeria, with regards, to, vegetation, general climate, and even, wildlife [the 'rest of Africa', is similar, in nature, in that, the Namib desert, is no different really, from, the Sahara].

What Landmass really means though, generally speaking, is that, the way, of Life, in it, is similar. This means, that, when, it comes, to, solving difficult problems [or perceived as such], the Choices, Options, and even, Possibilities, available, to one, are very much, the same, in any, Landmass [this does not mean, the problems, faced, are the same, but that, the, Choices, or Options, available, in solving, the problem, are similar/same, due, to a certain, Way of life] [In Nigeria for instance, asking, someone, for direct help (even big), on, the streets, is possible, but this, is not, really possible, in other parts, of Africa].

In many ways too, the concepts, of, Choice, Options, and Possibilities, are very much, associated, not only, with, group formations [of all kinds], but specifically, with, what, they call, (human) Weakness. Whenever, one has, an unsolvable problem, of any, kind [resulting in Weakness], this Weakness, can be, surmounted, only, usually, via, Choices, Options, and Possibilities. Group formations here [associated too, with Group history], are manifested, in the form of, Feminine law, Law, Art etc. [what this means, is that, such, group formations, make ones, Choices, Options, and Possibilities, real/possible]. How these group, formations, regulate, Weakness, can be seen, as follows:

Feminine law: Money (Choices), Women (Options), Equipment (Possibilities)
Law: Words (Choices), States [psychological in nature] (Options), Images (Possibilities)
Art: Impressions [as in first impressions too] (Choice), Feelings/Emotions (Options), Categorization/Clarity (Possibilities)

Clarity, is often, spiritual, in nature [as in the case, of a deity, showing one, the way] [inner voices].

Human Weakness, in not, only, at its heart, about, general survival [and issues, of Power, Might and Authority], but also, very much, associated, with, the ancient concept, of, Spirit. Spirit [not to be, confused, with ones, personal spirit], is said, to be, a Force, that in many ways, regulates, life, on earth. It is the Force, for instance, that leads, an animal, to prey, on another. It is, the Force, that we all [including plant life], can seek out, when dealing, with, issues, of Weakness, and in, general, offering us, Choices, Options, and Possibilities [to deal, with the Weakness]. The Concept, of Spirit though, differs, around, the world, and is, infact, associated, with what, they call, Landmass [in that, different, Landmass, have, different, 'Spirit']. Native American Spirituality [Cherokee], is actually, based, on, Spirit. In Africa, the concept, of, Spirit, is best, seen, in, Yoruba, and Igbo cultures, in what, they call, Ase, and, Igbodu, respectively. In all though, Africa, consisting, of, three Landmasses, has in, general, three, different kinds, of, Spirit. In the 'rest of Africa' [minus Afrique], Spirit worship, is similar, to that, seen, in, Ancient Egypt, and is, referred to, as, Zar possession, or the, worship, of, Nkisi [Congo world, and giving rise, to, what, one would call, Voodoo Sciences]. In Afrique, the concept, of, Spirit, differs, in that, it is, very much, associated, with, Osiris [the reason too, why, some Ethiopians, look, like Osiris] [Osiris, is believed, to have, originated, in, Ethiopia, and is, associated too, with the, Ankh as symbol; Akhenaten, is believed, to be, the most, famous, worshiper, of Osiris, and hence, accounts, of his, origins, in Ethiopia] [different forms, of Osiris, exist though] [in general, contacting Spirit, in Afrique, is similar, in some ways, to dealing, with Osiris].

In all though, one will see below, that, certain Landmasses, are connected, to each other, unwittingly, and that, Life, in general [way of life], is similar, in these lands [as mentioned, they have, developed, ways of life, similar, to each other, with regards, to, Choices, Options and Possibilities, and not, problems faced] [In many ways, way of life here, describes, the concept, of, the People, and the work, done, by them].

Nigeria - Cuba: Nigeria and Cuba, are two, Landmasses, connected, to each other, with regards, to, Way of life, and very much too, the Concept, of, Spirit. In general, living, in Cuba, is in some/many ways, similar, to living, in, Nigeria, especially, with regards, to, Choice, Options, and Possibilities [offered, in dealing with, a problem], and even, Weaknesses faced [general survival especially]. Nigeria, and Cuba too, in general, have the same, climate, and vegetation.

Afrique - Middle East: These two Landmasses, are connected, to each other, not only, via, Spirit [in the form of Osiris], but also, in that, before, Colonialism, Afrique, was very much, a, part, of the Islamic world [especially, with regards, to, migratory workforces]. In many ways, the, way of life [general survival], in, Afrique, for many [workers that is], is similar, in nature, to the Middle East [workers].

Europe - Africa: Africa and Europe, have historically, been, connected, via, the worship, of, Spirit. This history, has been, associated, confusingly, with the, so called, history, of Moors, in, Europe. What this means, is that, black skinned Europeans, should not, really, be confused, with, the early, history, of Moors, in Europe, which is, associated, with, Nubians/Africans [this means, that, black skinned Celtics, are not similar, to Nubians/Africans]. Accounts, of, African populations, in, Europe [amongst certain Germanic and Scandinavian groups], speaks of, accounts, of, Nubian groups, in, Europe. In general, European populations [as speakers], can be, divided, into, Germanic, Norse, Celtic and Romance, speakers. It was amongst, the Norse, and, Germanic speakers [in very early, European history], that one, finds, groups, of Nubians, living, amongst them, and referred to, as, Teutonics [one should remember, that Europe, has never, truly, been the home, of, Egyptian/Nubian settlers, with various, other groups, having, made a home, living there, previously e.g. the Scots]. The Teutonics, worshipping Zar spirits [Spirit], were, associated, with, spirituality, based on, the, Tau Cross, and in, general, were responsible, for, solving, survival problems, for populations, living, in Europe [at the time] [what is been said, is that, while, the Celtic languages, are of, Egyptian origins, and the Romance (Celtic/Islamic), the Germanic and Norse languages, are ancient, to Europe, and were spoken, by, various groups, similar, in nature, to, Khoisans, and Pygmies, in Africa]. This is, very, ancient History, and what, they refer to, as, being British [British people, as problem solvers], is actually, of, Teutonic origins [the Teutonics (as a working people), were the, first British]. For accounts, of this history, check out, 'Ancient and Modern Britons' by David Mac Ritchie.

Canada-UK-Australia: These three, Landmasses, are connected, to each other, and have, historically, formed, what is called, the, English speaking world [and the forefront, of, the Western world, alongside, America (to some extent)]. In general, while, having, a concept, of Spirit [Wiccan in nature], it is a Landmass [in total], whereby, Choice, Option and Possibility, have come, to become, rather, heavily institutionalized [the major belief, by many, that, life, in the, 'Western world', is not, free, and even, heavily regulated (and replaced, in general, by media)]. In many ways, these three lands, have an, ugly history [more recent, than not], of, oppression, with regards, to, the People [and work issues]. One sees this, in the case, of, exploitative Child labour, during, the British Industrial revolution, and also, very much, slavery/servitude, in, Australia [and the foundations, of Australia itself]. Exploitative labour, is also, seen, in Canada, and in many ways, all this, culminates, not only, in, very few, Choices, Options and Possibilities, for the populations of these lands, but also too, a general culture, of, violence and hatred. It was this, landmass too, that, in many ways, enabled, the culture, of, slavery [in the western hemisphere], as unknown, to most, Quebecois Jews, were, responsible, for providing, the ships, that were used, to transport, slaves/servants, to the Carribean, Colonial America, and even, Australia [Captain Cook, was actually, Canadian (Canadian, as in, Quebecois, via America)] [the history, of Jews, participating, in, slavery, is all about really, Quebecois Jews]. In many ways, Life, in the English speaking world, while, presented, by the Media, as being, the best [due to America really], is actually, the worst [minus America], and is totally, to this day, based, on the slave/servant system.

India: The word India, does not, really, actually, refer, to the People, but mainly too, to the Landmass. India, is a Land(mass), and the concept, of Spirit, associated, with it, is in the form, of, Hanuman. It is Spirit, as conceived, in India, that makes, life, in India, different, from other, places, in Southeast Asia.

America-South America- Carribean: America [hereby, also including, Mexico], the Carribean, and South America, all share, the same, Landmass. In many ways, they are all, united, by a common, way of life, that is based, on, Native American cultures [as based, on, Spirit worship]. In general, on facing, a problem, the Choices, Options and Possibilities, open, to one, are rather, similar [this again, must not be confused, with, problems faced]. Spirit here [often referred to, as, the Great Spirit], is worshiped, often, via, oracular boards [such as, "Ouijah boards"].

Asia, minus India, has often, been associated, with, the worship, of, Spirit, in the form, of, certain, black skinned populations, sometimes, referred to, as, Negritos, and similar, to, Pygmies, in nature.

In all, the worship, of, Spirit, is what, being, anointed, is all about [an ancient form, of, religious worship (and spirituality)], by which, Kings, and Queens [in ancient times], were anointed by.


Customs, is that part, of, World History [in reality, Leadership, is associated, with, Global (politics) History, Landmass, with, World (politics) History, and Customs, with, International politics], which, in many ways, is all about, the History, of, the flow of culture [or in general, cultural influence, especially, Social (an example, being the "English" Chevalier)]. In many ways, it is, a History, associated, with what, they call, Trade. At the heart, of Trade, is the, import/export, of, commodities [of all sorts], that are used, to help, one, deal, with 'Personal issues' [issues associated, with, ones life stages (as in the case, of the Chakras)], and also, Issues [basic Needs, Security, Welfare]. In all, Trade, deals, with' tangibles, used, to help, solve, or deal with, 'Personal issues', and Issues. This History, is rather, mainstream, in nature, and also, very much, associated, with Drama, in our, everyday lives.

Customs, in many ways too, deal, with, issues, of Timidity [or being fearful]. It is also, in many ways, a History, dealing, with how, people, define themselves, and also, how, others, see them. It is, in many ways, associated, with all forms, of, stereotyping [prejudice, racism, bigotry etc.], and as, mentioned, the attempt, by, people/groups, all over, to define, themselves, differently, so as, to garner, prestige, or fame, of any kind [including protection]. In some ways though, this, History, has led, many people, to become, obsessed [in one way, or another], with, African/Africoid populations, as [surprisingly enough], many, groups/people, do attempt, to, define themselves, in one way, or another, with, Africoid populations [those with nappy hair], as they are, often, associated, with, religiousity. Thats a general way, of looking, at Customs though [as in, in many civilizations, Customs, were often, created, by, Africoid populations]. In general, different terms, have, been used, to, describe, Africoid populations [nappy haired], on the, world scene [with different groups, identifying, with them]. In North America, and South America specifically, Africoid populations [black skinned], were often, referred, to as, Negroes. In Europe, black skinned, Africoid populations, were referred, to as Moors. Those, in the Islamic world, were referred, to as Ethiopes [e.g. Aesop, of Aesops Fables]. Those, in Southeast Asia, surprisingly enough, were, referred, to as, Christians [Christianity, in Southeast Asia, lies, with them]. Africoid populations, with, brown skins, have traditionally, been, referred, to as, Ethiopians [Russias famed, General Abraham Hannibal, believed, to be, an Ethiopian (from Ethiopia), was instead, a brown skinned Africoid (worshiper, of the Sphinx)] [Ethiopian, in general really, has referred to, Africoids, from, Ancient Egypt (and also, worshipers, of the, Sphinx, or other, such, Godheads)] [the Portuguese/Swahili, often, referred to, Africas, brown skinned Africoid population, as, Mouro] [Mouro/Maure/Morisco, are also, words, which were, used, to describe, brown skinned, Africoid populations] [Maure, in general, referred, to, brown skinned Africoid Greeks (like Bow wow), and Moriscos, referred, to, brown skinned Mesopotamians (like Jay-Z)].

The reason, why, this is mentioned, is because, many, other populations [straight haired || white skinned], have traditionally, identified, with any, of the above groups, with, regards, to, Customs [and general, Social influence (as in, manner, of speech, for example)] [In recent years, Indias, Christian sects, have actually, had, origins, with, Congo populations] [Partially explains too, the presence, of Hinduism, in Congo religion].

An attempt, to destroy, this, social-religious order, began, with the, male populations [straight haired || white skinned], due mainly, to, sexuality (security) issues [in general, Africoid populations, being more, religious/saintly, in nature (in past times), were often, looked up to, sexually, by women, in one way, or another]. Phrases, such as, "The Fear of the Black Man", or, "Black Rhythm and Soul", became descriptors, in recent times, of, Africoid saintliness [and amiability].

In many ways though, different regions, of, the World, have been, associated, together, with, regards, to Customs [and Social influence & Trade] [Black, was also, a word, used, to refer to, Mulatto people, alongside, Mouro, Mauro (Italian) & Moreno]. Examples, of such affiliations though, giving rise, to Trade, are:

Europe - North America: Relations, between, Europe, and North America, have always, mainly, been about, Trade [of tangibles], rather than, exchange, of culture [or customs]. Most cultural exchange, between, Europe and North America, happens, in more recent times, than in, the past [and historically] [For instance, Napolean, did visit China, but there are, no accounts, of him, ever visiting, North America].

Middle East - India: Traded relations, have historically, existed, between, the Middle East, and India [making them, somewhat, similar, as in the case, of, Spices & Fragrances].

South America - Africa: Trade relations, have existed, historically, between, South America, and Africa [especially, Nigeria and Congo/Angola], leading, in more ways, than one, in the exchange, of, customs, and all kinds, of, cultural influence [the African aspects, of, South American culture, are rather, well known (falsely attributed though, to slavery, other than, Trade), but, the South American, cultural influence, to, Africa, has never truly, been, investigated (or studied), by scholars]. Nigeria though, is a good example, as, alot, of the old Architecture, one sees, in, Lagos, for instance, is, of, Brazilian origins [Nigerian cities, with names, such as, Lagos, and, Calabar, owe, these names, to what, some call, Brazilian Portuguese (and in, general, Brazilian cultural influence); so does, Porto Nuevo, in Benin].

Southeast Asia - East Asia: Trade relations, have historically, existed, between, Southeast Asia [including India], and, East Asia. In many ways, what, separates, India, from the rest, of, Southeast Asia, is the, Islamic influence.

Japan - Quebec: A rather surprising, entry, but, Trade relations, have existed, historically, between, Japan, and Quebec, giving, in many ways, a rise, to, similar fashionable clothing [the reason too, why, some, Quebecois, look, Asiatic, and some Japanese, look, Caucasoid]. Japanese, and Quebecois culture, too, have the same, definition, of, the Aesthetic [Exquisite]. The following painting, of, Quebecois origins, shows, populations, having, Asiatic features, or even, probably, of, Japanese origin;

Afrique -Egypt: Rather strong, Trade relations, have, always existed, between, Afrique, and Egypt, going back, to, the Ancient era, and the, origins, of, the Swahili civilization [as Egyptian settlements]. These trade relations, do exist, to this day, with, Kenyas, largest trading partner, being, Egypt.

Cameroon - Indonesia: A rather, interesting entry, but, Cameroon, and Indonesia, have historically, had, strong, Trade relations. This Trade, was once, carried out, by, the Dutch.


Hegemony, might perhaps, be, a word, used, to describe, any, difficulties, arising, in, World History, from, the perspective, of, Power, Might and Authority. In many ways, the obsession, with, Ancient Egypt, as a Civilization, has often had, to do, with, issues, of, hegemony [although, falsely, presented, as being, about, a, bullying Egypt, with, Mighty Pharaohs] [in many ways, Egyptian Hegemony, was born out, of, envy, of, Egyptian prosperity, by, other civilizations, including, (in many ways), Nubia].

How Power, Might and Authority, are defined, with regards, to, Hegemony [and World History: Helplessness, Weaknesses, and Timidity], has, in many ways, to do, with, the definition, of, 'Power' [as consisting, of, the following: Pillars, Centers, Points, Positions, and, Precincts]. Pillars, of 'Power', have often, had, to do, with, showing/demonstrating, 'Power'. Centers, are in, many ways, about, using force [discussions really, of how, to do this] [as in the case, of, the Pentagon]. Points, have to do, with, 'Power', as a form, of, dominance [basically, occupation, in one form, or another]. Positions, have to do, with, attempts, to use, Control, as a measure, of, 'Power'. Precincts, are all about, actually, displaying, actual 'Power'.

In all really, World History, is in many ways, about, Hegemony, and attempting, to gain, an advantage, over, others. In recent times, America, has appeared, to be, a Great Power, due, to a belief, by many, of, its possession, of, Great 'Power' [Power, Might, Authority]. This has been, done, by attempting, to make, other, populations [out there], believe, in the inherent, inferiority, of their, 'Power' structures, by attempting, to define them, as being inferior [mainly falsely]. In general, American [Western 'Power'], has been, defined, by three things: Mass Media (Might), Western Science (Power), Military Force (Authority). Many cultures [and civilizations], out there [including China], have fallen, due, to a false belief, in, the superiority, of, American [Western], 'Power'. This belief, in superiority, is falsely, based on, a, presupposed belief, in, American superiority, based on, Race, History, and even, Culture. The truth though, is that, American [Western] 'Power', as defined above, is, 'Power', manifested, by, Angel beings. It is all, Angel 'Power', and not, racial [as in, cultural, or civilization]. The reason why this, is said, is because, there exists, lots [many lots], of other, such Knowledge, which, is all, credible [from Vodou, to the I-Ching, to Islamic Magic]. This Knowledge, of Hegemony, is actually, supposed [as mentioned], to be, associated, with, the Higher Beings [Gargoyles, Angels etc.], that one, worships [the ancient worship, of, State or Political Gods, is actually, based, on the worship, of, Higher Beings] [As mentioned before, Atomic Bombs, are, Daemon technology] [Voodoo charms, are, a Shapeshift technology (and do work too)]. American [Western], 'superiority', is not, racial, or historical, in nature, but totally, Angel [other populations out there, have forgotten, what they are, as, Higher Beings].

[Of all, Higher Beings, on earth, it is, only, Jinnis, that do not, really, have, an actual home; it is hopefully, asked of here, that, Qatar, become, such a home, as Jinnis, mostly, hang out, in, Oman, and the, Swahili lands] [They are not, real homes].

[In many ways too, evolution, on this earth, happens, in three dimensions really; these dimensions, are regulated, by, certain, higher Forces (known as follows): Spirit, God (as in God, Lord, Almighty etc.), and, Higher Spirits (Air spirits, Water spirits, Earth spirits etc.). Groups, evolving, under, the direct, guidance, of, Spirit (the Great Spirit), are actually, evolving, into, what they call, Sacred Animals (such as, Panthers, and, Cougars). This form, of, evolution, is mainly, seen, with, native groups, in, South America. Groups, evolving, under, God, are well known, and evolve, into, Higher Beings, such as, Angels, Gargoyles, and the likes. Groups, evolving, under, Higher Spirits, evolve, into, Spirit beings, such as, Water spirits, Fire spirits, and the likes. Ancient Greece, for instance, had its populace, evolving, into, Air spirits [via the development, of Will]. Certain Earth populations, such as, the Scots, have actually, historically, evolved, into, Spirit beings [Fire spirits]. The world, of Spirit beings, is not, too hard, to see, as it is, similar, to the world, one sees, in, many, Video games (such as, Mortal Kombat, for instance, and even, Prince of Persia) {Folks, evolving into, Fire spirits, are, for instance, able, to start, a fire, with their minds/will (Firestarters)}].

There also too, appears, to be, a difference, in the way, people, with different, Skin tones [melanin pigment too], deal, with issues, of, Helplessness, Weakness, and Timidity. In general, a hierarchy, is noticed, in dealing, with such issues [Helplessness, Weakness, Timidity], with, Brown skinned populations, at the top, followed, by Black skinned, and then, White skinned. This however, is not, so, obvious, as, White skinned populations, do differ, in, skin pigment [melanin], with, white skinned people, having, yellow melanin pigment [including the Chinese], being, categorized, together, with, Brown skinned folks, and those, with, red melanin pigment, being categorized, with, Black skinned folks. Historically, Black skinned populations, have generally, looked after [and aided], white skinned, populations. This issue, of folks, with, white skins, being, generally 'helpless', is what, has led, to what, some call, "White Fear" [and even, "White Flight"], of Coloured/Minority populations [the fear, of being, dominated, by such] ["White Power", was born, of, "White Fear"].

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Age of Compassion

The Age of Compassion.
A Tibetan Monk, by the name, of, Dhondup, on his way, back, to his monastery, on the aftermath, of a long, walk, meets, a travelling, Japanese Samurai Warrior, whose name, is, Yogiro, which results, in the following, conversation, emanating, and taking place:

Yogiro: Excuse me friend, how far, is the town from here?

Dhondup: [looking both ways] which Town, do you seek?

Yogiro: I seek out, accomodation, for the night, and little, food, to get by;

Dhondup: Maybe, you seek, this out, at Monastery, where i reside;

[the two new friends, alongside each other, begin, their travels, back, to the Monastery, with Yogiro, riding, his horse, and Dhondup, walking, beside him]

Yogiro: It is, very hot, in your country, why is this so?

Dhondup: No rains, in a long time, but, it not bother us, too much;

Yogiro: Maybe, you move, to another place

Dhondup: Maybe, we not care, too much;

Yogiro: I travel, from Japan, by sea first, and now, by horse; but you, never travel too far, maybe.

Dhondup: Travel not necessary, if you care, to know, self

Yogiro: What exactly, that mean, care to know self;

Dhondup: It mean, you think, why you care, too much, about anything

Yogiro: But maybe, you suffer long, or die early, if you, not care, about anything

Dhondup: Maybe that true, but maybe, you suffer long, or die early, if you, care, for anything

Yogiro: My horse tired, and I feel hungry, but am happy, I travel this far;

Dhondup: Japan far, but maybe, not very far, as you think;

Yogiro: It far, I even travel, by ship, as I say before;

Dhondup: That we hear, but maybe, you care, too much, that it far;

Yogiro: Your country beautiful, I see many beautiful thing, but reason, I travel, so far, is to learn, to see, beauty, in everything;

Dhondup: So you care, in way, that I don't; you want, to see, beauty, everywhere, and I want, to not care, something beautiful;

Yogiro: So you believe, life, not too interesting;

Dhondup: I not really say this; you Samurai, but still, you Monk, like me, but difference is, you want, to become, most beautiful thing, in Japan, so you not see, beauty, anywhere; I instead, seek, to see, beauty, outside me, and become, different, and as Monk, not care, for anything, too much;

[Yogiro, has now, disembarked, from his horse, and is walking, alongside, Dhondup]

Yogiro: So we different, but we still, the same, but tell me, what is this, so beautiful, that you see, that you not care, for anything;

Dhondup: We still care, but we not care, like you care; we see, we become; you see, you feel, you remember;

Yogiro: And what is it, you become, after you see, this beautiful thing?

Dhondup: Ronin

The Age of Compassion:

Compassion, is a part, of Love, that together, with Respect, and Dignity, probably, define Love, in its entirety. What makes Compassion, different, from Respect, and Dignity, has very much, to do, with caring, from a, time perspective. Dignity, very much, has to do, with caring, in the present, while, Respect, has to do, with caring, in the future. Compassion though, is care, very much, defined, by the past.

Unknown, to many, the wheels, of Time, have been rolling, and the times [as they say], have, changed [or atleast, have began, to do so]. We have entered, a new Age, and many, are not, really aware, of it: the Age of Compassion. The previous Age, that of Respect, is in many ways, dying, or dead.

In these times, of Politics [and Justice], we live in, it is, Love, that holds everything, together. The History of Love, has gone, through, three phases, defining, very much, how, people live. Back, during the, Arthurian times, Love, was very much, defined, via, Dignity. People sought, to be treated, in a, dignifiable manner, and not, put down, in one way, or another. The Napoleanic times though, were times, when, Love, was defined, as being based, on Respect [people in general, sought, not to be slighted]. How Life, was lived out, during, both periods, heavily, differs; in the Arthurian times, people sought, to garner, enough wealth, to live out, their lives. Gathering wealth, saw to it, that they, were treated, well, and basically, seen, as having, Dignity. Wealth was everything, and men [and women too, in general], were defined, by it. In many ways, people, were attached, to wealth, and not, to other, humans, as many possibly believe [what this means, is that, for instance, before, a man, sought out, a wife (or woman in general), they had, to garner, wealth, of some sort] [as some would say, 'no romance without finance']. In general too, most men, would find that, they were not, attracted, to women, in general, without possessing, wealth, in one form, or another [it was a rather, instinctive, feeling, and the inverse, is also true, that men, who gained wealth, felt, an innate need, to seek out, women, in their lives]. This must all, be understood, in that, men, sought out, Dignity, by seeking out, wealth, and women too, who accompanied, the wealth, with regards, to Image [the wealthier one was, the more beautiful, a woman, they sought out]. The Age of Dignity, was one, fully, of Image, and presenting, a successful Image, to society, that made one, Dignifiable, to the people [many men, falsely believe, that they, have to have, a woman, in their lives, before, seeking out, success, not knowing, that, such a way, of life, is much more, ancient, than even, the Arthurian times] [Most men, in the Arthurian times, had no real, interest, in women, and only, attained it, after, gaining, success, of one kind, or another].

The Age of Respect, arriving, with the Napoleanic times, brought about, a real different, way, of living, different, from that seen, today [Life today, has very much, regressed, to the Arthurian, times, even amongst, the wealthiest, out there] [the Western world, including America, are heavily, Image (and not Personality) driven]. The Age of Respect, was one, mainly based, on, Personality [or what some call, a Public Profile]. Slander [not Scandal], was seen, by many, as the biggest line, not to cross, in whatever, they did. One has to realize, how, Life, really was like, in the, Napoleanic times. During that period, most people, lived, individually, and not really, in groups, of one kind, or another. The Arthurians [and the Age of Dignity], had the people, seeking out, companionship, in one form, or another [the concept, of the Nuclear Family, was born, in these times]. The Napoleanic times, saw to it, the people, living, very much, individually, and not, caring too much, to meet, others. People met, in interesting circumstances: they met, via, situations, of all kinds. Situations, very much, moderated, by Respect. It was this Culture, of all kinds, of situations, that made, France, a very, prominent, Nation, in the world, and the most, prominent, in the Western world [by situations, it is meant, that just about, anything, could happen, to one]. They had Culture, that was heavily, defined, by all kinds, of situations; this means, that one, could find themselves, interacting, with just about, anyone [including, the King of France], based on the interesting [Respect based], situations, that arose. It was a totally, interesting culture, where everyone, somewhat, knew, everyone else [due to situations], but they all, really lived, separate [individual lives]. Making wealth, was not, of foremost, importance, as the people, basically knew, how to do it, but gaining, Art based Knowledge, that garnered, them, Respect, and basically, made them, winners, in just about, any kind, of, situation, that arose, was what, Life, was really, all about. In Asia, it was, the Japanese [through the Samurai], that also, developed, a Culture, based on, Love/Respect, and just about, hundreds, of situations, that arose [based on Respect], and how, to get out of them, respectfully [in many ways, becoming, Samurai]. The Age of Love/Respect, saw to it, that France and Japan, become, the eminent, civilizations, of the world, due, to the Respect based, Cultures, they developed [America surprisingly, remained somewhat, stuck, in the Arthurian times (and driven, by Image, as it is, today)] [the Islamic world, on the otherhand, dealt, with Respect, not culturally really, but via, Intelligence/Sharia] [In France, the most, pre-eminent, symbol, of Respect, was really, the Musketeer].

We now, enter, a whole new, Age, that, of Compassion. The times, have changed, which means, that many, out there, won't care, too much, if disrespected/slighted [and even slandered], by forces out there. While, in the Arthurian times, people, were connected, via, wealth [and materiality], and in, Napoleanic France, by all kinds, of, situations, they entered into [knowingly or unknowingly], the Age of Compassion, will see, in it, people, becoming, connected, to each other, via, the heart, and compassion; what this means, is that, people, on seeing, beauty (as it really is), will become, attached to it, in one way, or another (obsessive, in nature) [in the Arthurian ages, beauty, was perceived, from the perspective, of, Materiality (meaning, at the very least, those, with wealth, were seen, as beautiful); in the Napoleanic times, beauty, was perceived, from the situations, people, entered into (if a moderate looking woman, glanced, at one, and winked too, then in ones mind {and even heart}, she could, be perceived, as being, beautiful)]. In this Age, attaining, true Beauty, will see to it, that, people, become, naturally attracted, to one. While the Arthurian Age [of Love/Dignity], was driven, not only, by, Image, but also, by, Games (people played), and the Choices [in life], they made, the Napoleanic, was driven though, by Personality, and also, by Fights [of all kinds], and the Options, put to one, in any, situations, they entered, into [knowingly or unknowingly]. This new Age, of Compassion, will primarily, be, Character based, and also, will very much, be, Dance based [in nature], and driven, by Will [what this, all means, is that, if, treated badly, one should choose, to Dance, around the situation [with the adversely], rather, than deal, with it, directly, as doing so, could see, the masses, turn against one] [People in 'trouble', of any kind (even by being, naturally beautiful], will find, that, Willpower, will be needed, as most, problems, out there, will not have, lots, of choices, or options, to them]. Its going, to be a crazy world [and times], and Compassion [not caring too much, or caring deeply], will be required, to survive, in the coming future.

While, the Age of Respect/Love, saw to it, France and Japan, become, the topmost, Nations, of the world (culturally/civilization) [American success, in the latter times, of this Age (of Respect), in many ways, lies, with Knowledge, created, in France], there will be, a powershift, of sorts, to Asia [with regards really, to civilization]. This powershift, it is perceived, will see, China, rise, to be, one, of the foremost, Nations, of the world [Civilization, it appears, is very much, Nation based]. But while, China, will be, succesful, in this [it is perceived], that, the cornerstone, to building, Civilization, itself, it appears, will very much, lie, with Tibet. For no other group, of people, out there, understand, Compassion, more, than the Tibetans. What this means, is that, just about, everything, in life, will have, to change [be redesigned], and be centered, around, Compassion [and not Respect, or Dignity]. Food, Clothes, Architecture, Civilization [structures and systems], Art, Technology, and everything else, will have, to change, and be seen, from the light, of, Compassion [and not Respect, or Dignity]. It is therefore, foreseen, that, if Tibet, plays, its hand, carefully, not only, will they, replace, Japan, as the center, of Asia, but also, be, at the heart, of creating, Civilization, for this, new Age, we now, live in [in many ways, they would become, what most, believe, America, to be, to the world, today (the future); China though, is foreseen, as being, at the heart, of, creating, a new form, of, Culture, and even, world materiality]. In the Western world though, Greece, once again, becomes, an important, Civilization [and not Rome], as Greece, was based, on, Love, and Compassion [what this means, is that, Dignity, in Greece, was seen, through, the eyes, of, Compassion] [as in the case, when a, wealthy man, donates, or gives, part, of his wealth, to the poor].

So, to Tibet [and even, the Chinese], I must say though, they must, seek, to fully, understand, what, this all means. The Age of Compassion, brings about, drastic, changes, in human behaviour, itself. What this means, is that, methods, one used, to regulate, human behaviour [based on, Respect], will no longer, work. Using, military force [for example], of some kind, to deal, with, irateness, in human, populations, will not work, as Beings, lacking, in Compassion, are capable, of, just about, anything [one could have, a grand massacre, on their hands, by using, military force, or even perhaps, scenarios, such as that, of, the Chinese Student, crushed, by Tanks, in the Tienanmen Square, protests] [Massive hunger strikes, are also, what, future leaders, might have, to deal with]. People, without, Compassion, can be, totally, irate, and very, difficult, to deal with [such folk, can easily, be triggered, to act, irately]. The Tibetan way, of remaining, detached, from any, kind, of, provocable situations, will not, really work, with Beings, lacking, in, Compassion [they work, with beings, lacking, in, Respect]. Tibet and China, could very well, see, themselves, facing enemies, they have, no idea of, and don't perhaps, even care, to really know [what this means, is, irate beings, who probably, hate, the kind of, food, you eat, for no reason, or simply, seek, to start fights, not, to disrespect one, but due mainly, to hating, whom they are] [they just don't care, for anything].

In all, what I could say, for Tibetans, trained, in being, detached, is to offer, to them, in many ways, a copy, of, "Sharia:Theory, Practise, Transformations by Wael B. Hallaq", and possibly too, the 'Sword of Allah'. In many ways, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will become, your best friend.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

David Hassellhoff

One of those people, who makes, Life [even at its lowest], a worthwhile, endeavour, to live through [especially, in these, miserable times, we live in].

In many ways, has, the right attitude, to life itself, and similarly too, in many ways, appears, to be, a great Teacher, of, common etiquette, and manners.

In all, Celtica, in Deutschland.


This re-telling, of the Arthur myth, differs, from the, (English) Holy Grail series, the Chretien de Troyes versions, the Merlin Chronicles, and even, the T.H. White episodes. In many ways, this version, of the, Arthurian myth, has, Arthur [and his compatriots], in many ways, similar, to, Ronin [Samurai]. It is a myth, where, Arthur [and force], are very much, Messiahs [e.g. Teacher, Leader, Warrior etc.], of all kinds, out, to make, the world, a better place. A new Arthurian myth [with rooms for improvement though], which is, very much, well suited, for the, present world [we live in], and the, future too.

In many ways though, King Arthur, is really, very much, similar, to the Seven Samurai, with Keira Knightley in it.


Impressionism, has its roots, in, Italian Art, and in many ways, is what, made, Life [living it in general], in Italia, rather great. Italians [of all molds, and sizes], produced, Art works [some rather highly impressionable], by which, the people, lived by. Some of this, Art work, was rather, religious, in nature, and engaging, in it, resulted, even [in many ways], in the ability, for one, to, see, visions, of all kinds [including visions, of higher beings].

The above Art work, for instance, proclaims, the arrival, of a Messiah.

Impressionist Italian Art, was often, seen, at, many, Italian Festivals [famous through out, all Europe, and running, for even, a month, at times], and these, Art works, were highly, impressionable, such that, the ability, of them [impressions], becoming real, instantly, was there. The most famous, of these, Festival based, Impressionist Art works, had, Romantic themes, to them.

In all though, the general belief, that, Art [can be dangerous], is really, based on, Italian Art [and its, highly impressionable, nature].

Relationship Design with Cindy Crawford

This edition, of, Relationship Design with Cindy Crawford, is very much, targeted, towards, solitary figures, who very much, seek out, solitude in their lives. They are figures, who despite, wanting, very much, to be, alone, also, at times [and even, driven by angst], seek out, a mate, or, all kinds, of partners, to be with. These relationships formed, are pretty much, ambivalent [in nature], which means, they could end, sooner, than most think, even, simply, by one, losing, interest [rather quick]. This relationship format, though, is based, primarily, on, three things: Art, Protocols, and Hobbies.

When speaking, of Art, this, relationship model, asks that, the, solitary figures, in it, engage, in what, is called, Impressionist Art. Impressionist Art, while believed, to be, a new form, of Art, is, really, a term, that describes, any kind, of Art work [modern or ancient], that leaves, impressions, on ones, psyche. What this means, is that, upon, looking [or engaging], in such a, piece of Art, figures/objects, or even scenes, in it, could very well, quickly, come true [and even, become a part, of ones, reality]. In short, it is, Art work, that captures [quickly even], ones eye, leaving, an impression, in ones, psyche, making the possibility, of 'meeting', the impression, in ones real life, very, possible. Photography, of Marilyn Monroe, was mainly, in many ways, Impressionist Art; what this means, is that, upon, looking, at such, Art [time periods, not being consistent], the possibility, of meeting, someone, like, Marilyn Monroe [in looks, voice, face, and even humour], becomes, very possible [even the possibility, of having, a dream, of, Marilyn Monroe, becomes, very heightened]. Solitary figures, in this, relationship model, rather than, choosing, the Media [which includes, works, of non-fiction], as a way, of keeping, pre-occupied, should instead, seek out, all kinds, of, Impressionist Art [Music, Art, Poetry, and even, Foods], that imprint, in them, all kinds, of, favourable impressions, which are capable, of coming, true, in their lives [Solitary figures, tend to be, somewhat, depressed, due to, engaging alot, in, the Media, or simply, by being, all alone, all the time] [Impressionist foods, include, for example, some kinds, of, candy, that in many ways, can make one, hallucinate, on all, kinds, of things].

The second part, of this, relationship format, deals, with what, they call, Protocols [protocol, rights and order]. What this means, is that, for those, solitary figures, who seek out, mates [of all kinds], in their lives, then, any form, of, relating, with them, is done, from, the perspective, of, Protocols. In many ways, this form, of, relating, is for, the serious, and was once, seen, in English Society [during the times, of Richard II], and what, all this really means, is that, any kind, of, interaction, is done, from, the perspective, of, Protocols only [this means, no wayward comments, or empty jokes]. This kind, of, communicating, can allow, for, two solitary figures [in such a way, of relating], to even, be, business partners, with each other [many marriages today, often, tend to be, business like]. A good movie, to probably, watch, to see, this kind, of, relating [in a very general sense], is, "Two if by Sea", with, Denis Leary, and Sandra.

In forming, individual lives [as this relationship model, allows, the two solitary figures, to live, alone (and be, by themselves), and engage, with each other, only, via Protocols], solitary figures, in this relationship format, would seek, to interact, with, others, via Hobbies. Simply choose out, a Hobby, to partake in, and then, seek out, like minded individuals, by, engaging, in these, Hobbies, publicly [attending public speeches, is a good way, to begin].

This relationship model, is rather, stable, in its ways, and one, should not, think it rather, threatening [in thought]. What this means, is that, the ability, to choose, and eliminate, possible, mates [of all kinds], is easy, to partake in [and see], as at, its heart, its all about, Protocols. In general, the individuals, chosen [by a solitary figure], should have Hobbies, one generally, agrees with. Second to this, all forms, of, elimination [or choosing], should be based, on, levels, of Protocols. What this means, is that, ones, chosen mates [even in Hobbies], should be, a person (people), who can, communicate [with regards, to Protocol], at ones, level, of communication [this ensures, that the person chosen, is at, the very least, like minded (in thought and intelligence), and also, very much, in, evil deeds] [Don't go (or chase), after, a person, who is at, a higher level, of Protocols, than one] [there is no time, for improvement/growth, in such, solitary relationships]. Thirdly, it is adviced, that, Impressionist Art, be, at the heart, of all, that happens, in ones life, in the general sense [don't go out, seeking out, 'adventure', in one form, or another].

Impressionist music: