Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Courage to be

Life today, is pretty much, boring. Nothing much, going on, and most out there, are pretty much, bored listless. They don't know, what to do, outside work; its work, eat, sleep, and back to work. A kind of middle age existence, but somewhat worse. Most people, spend their time, daydreaming, or simply hanging out, with people, they consider friends. Paul Tillich, once wrote, a book, by the name, of, the courage to be. In it, he speaks complicatedly, of life today, outside work; its meaningless, pathetic, and poor in nature. The danger in all this, is that, of going crazy, or insane, later on, in life, due to a meaningless existence. Most people, spend their time, daydreaming, but one day, could very much go insane, when there is nothing, to daydream about. It happens, more often than not, and in some people, is called senility [or being senile]. You have to give your mind, some food for thought, or it will shut down, and you will feel nothing much, around you, and be more, like a space monkey [or monkey in space]. Its a real pathetic existence, and senility, is affecting, more and more people, in their youth. A disease, like Autism, is really, a form of senility. Parkinsons disease too.

How to deal, with this problem, of firing up your brain, for evolutions sake, depends, very much, on where you live. Different parts, of the world, require, different food for thought, and failing to engage in this, is the start, of the journey, down the road, to insanity, in one form, or another. Once your brain shuts down, its hard, to fire it up, again.

Europe: socializing

While in Europe, the best way, to feed your mind, some food for thought, is by socializing. This is especially true, with regards, to contact, between the opposite sexes. How it traditionally functioned, was that the men, were depositories, of knowledge, while the women, were depositories, of patterns. The men, then got together, with the women, and while the men, offered knowledge, the women took it in, and asked questions, based on, 'patternalistic' [logic of one kind or another], thinking. This might sound strange, to many, since the modus operandi today, is women, having the knowledge, and men, the patterns. In olden Europe, women, were the problem solvers, while the men, sought out info, in one form, or the other, one way, or the other. All this, can best be seen, in a historical sense, in England, and the rise, of London. The English, had a society, where the men, sought to become, really strong. With time, they noticed, that being strong, could drive them crazy, if they had nothing, to do. And hence, socializing, was born. Socializing, is a kind of society, where people, don't really speak about themselves, but about others, and whats going on. The men, knew what was going on, and the women, knew others. It was a kind of competition, where the men, would talk about, what was going on, and the women, knew, who was doing it, and this would strike, the mens curiosity, the more, they spoke about it. The women, praised the men, who were making things, go on, and other men, became jealous, or envious. They too, sought to make, something, to go on, out there. These societies, best described, in the book, 'Conversation', by Stephen Miller, gave rise, to London, for thats what, people, really did, in London; talk, and play games, like Polo, and Cricket. The jealousy, or envy, imbued in the men, gave rise, to English industries, from publishing, to oil and gas, to design/architecture. The whole idea, of these industries, was to be original. Do something, really original, and one finds, if they are strong, one can be, very original. It is also, from these, English industries, that University departments, were born. The university department system, is a recent invention, of English origins [Oxford]. Thats kinda how, one fires up their brains, while in Europe.

North America: Reading

In North America, when you have nothing to do, you should seek, to simply read. Reading, as an artform, was born, in America. Americans, have always been, voracious readers, and when you seek to read, one should seek, to read anything, that interests them. This is a way, of knowing, whom one, really is; your interests. You should read, until what you are reading, becomes very much, your existence. Everything you see around you, should more or less, be a creation, of your reading.

Africa: Music

Africa, has always, been strongly associated, with music. When Africans, traditionally, had nothing much to do, they engaged, in music, in one form, or another. Even story telling, was very much, in a musical format. African music, differs, from that seen, out there. It's different, in that, while other worldly music, is really only about patterns, African music, traditional, consists, of patterns, and knowledge. Thats why, some describe it, as being, polyphonic. It has polyphonic sounds, and these are important, for most just don't know, that when, you know something new, you kinda hear, a sound, in your left year. Like a ding. Thats what they did in Africa back then, they played music, which stirred their imagination, and sense of knowing, enabling them, to daydream, always. Alot of African history, is in a musical format too. A good example, being the music, of Salif Keita.

South America: Sporting Activities

This might sound, odd, to many people, but sporting activities, have always been, the source, of patterns and knowledge, in South America. A thief exposed, and the knowledge gained, due to the exposure, and the patterns programmed in one, due to how, the exposure was made, is how, South America, has traditionally run. Its as if, the whole region, is made up, of one huge, street culture. South Americans, are different, from others, out there, when it comes, to sporting activities. They simply do them, differently; from how they play soccer, volleyball, and even, sword fighting, or boxing. They do it, in a manner, consisting, of interesting patterns, that leads one, to instantly, gain new knowledge, by performing a trick, or two, or even importantly, exposing someone else, via a trick or two. Sporting activities, are the only way, to stay sane, in South America. Dance, in South America, has always been, a sporting activity, and is filled, with tricks, of different sorts. The most known, of these, South American dances, is the Tango. Traditionally, this way of gaining knowledge, gave birth, to what today, are referred to, as, the Securities industries [finance been the most famous], and the Large scale industries, too. Large scale farming, began really, in South America, as it is practised, today. Computer security too, a large scale industry, as South Americans, make up for, the best hackers, out there. Brazil, once rivaled France, in eminence.

The Middle East: Prayer

In the Middle East, traditionally, when people were not working, they engaged, in prayer, in one form, or another. From prayer, as it is known, on bended knees, to participating, in philosophical debate. The Middle East, was once reknowed, as a center, of excellence, when it came, to problem solving. They just simply knew, how to solve problems, from a philosophical approach. Einsteins, theories, of relativity, are not real theories, but more or less, philosophic thought. They have a spiritual/religious feel, to them. Theories, have a mathematical background, while philosophic thought, has Cosmology, as its basis. The Stephen Hawkings, stuff; not easy, to understand. Science, in all its definition, including technology, has a mathematical basis. What they call, Islamic Science, has cosmology, as its basis, and consists of, the theories, of Einstein, and Feynman. This intelligence, of radical problem solving, is often associated, with Israelis, although, there are many other better problem solvers, in the Middle East, and especially, the Saudis.

Asia: Courtship

Asian Courtship, is different, in nature, from European Courtship. European courtship, was born of, intellectualism, and dealing, with social problems. Asian Courtship, has been one, where people spoke, of themselves, and especially, their interests. When an Asian man, and woman, traditionally, went on a date, they spoke of themselves, and their interests. This form, of social contact, has become, popular, in the western world. One simply sits around, even if in a group, and simply teaches others, about their interests, and especially, with regards, to any new developments. An Asian, interested in science, would probably talk, about, a new interesting development, in robotics. It is this way, that Asian society, developed, from a structural, perspective. People, would hear about, new ideas, and think of ways, to apply them. Its kind of how, Asian, and especially, Japanese industry, was born. The Americans, told the Japanese, about the transistor, for instance, and the transistor radio, and walkman, were born. What some call, consumer products, and services, were born of all this; the most famous, are the Entertainment industry, and Engineering, as practised today.

In todays world though, people, don't engage, in any of the activities above, anymore, really. What has resulted, in place, is a more or less, violent culture; the rise of violence, in society. In Africa, aimless people, spend their time, abusing others. In North America, they engage, in backbiting; talking about others, behind their backs. In South America, violence, has taken, a physical form, and its one of the few places, in the world, one, often sees, physical fights, all over. In Europe, there is alot of, domestic violence. And in Asia, there is alot of, insulting, going on, all over. The Middle East, is obsessed, with sex. All this, has to change really, or the end result, will be deformed humans, in one form or another. Autism, will become, widespread. If you don't use it, you will lose it, really applies, to the brain.

The whole goal, of all the above, is not to present oneself, as being learned, or knowing, to others; the whole idea, is to learn, how to question, reality. What does this really mean? It means, questioning, whats going on, around one, and how one, experiences life; and, how to go about, too, making it better. One does this, by taking, what they have 'learned', and playing a game, with their learnings. The game, played here, is really at its core, about, questioning, reality, by asking questions, based on, the following: what if, why, which, who, how, and when. Many out there, are acquainted, with the Greek Philosophers, and other similar such thinkers, like Galileo Galilei. Theres, was a world, created, by people always asking, why? They created their realities, by simply, always asking, why. America, became a very developed country, as its people, sought to question reality, by always asking, what if. Today, the world, has fallen, to a low level, of thinking/asking. People today, mainly ask, who? Every problem, or reality, in their lives, can be deconstructed, by asking, who? Who is affecting my reality. If something good happens to someone, they ask, who? If something bad happens, they again ask, who. The problem, with this world, is that, its kind of primitive, when not done right. It is not as free, as other worlds, but can be. The best example, of this who world, can be seen, historically, with what they call, the Swahili civilization. The Swahili civilization, gave birth, to what they call out there, the Orient. The Orient, was a world, centered, around the Indian Ocean trade. It simply consisted, of problem solving, around the Indian Ocean, based on asking, who? It was here, that the Swahili, gained fame, as being good problem solvers, by knowing, about who. They were seen, as far as Japan, and Indonesia, and such places like Indonesia, today, still have a Swahili culture, alive. Its an interesting world, the world of who, but not really complicated. One way to see this, is in the technology. In the who world, when a piece of technology fails, one asks, who can fix it, by replacing, a part. In America, a what if world, their technology, when it fails, is fixed, via repair manuals, and asking, what if. Repair manuals, are pretty much, inexistent today, as most technology today, is who technology. In the Swahili world, many Swahilis, were jacks, of all trades. And they created, a world, of a flurry, of activity, as people were called upon, at almost all times, to help fix, a problem, or simply, due to engaging, in different types, of work. The Orient, was born this way. In America, the who world, also existed, but was a world, based on, facilitating an endeavour, and was a world, controlled, by the women. It gave birth, to what they call, the Humanities.

Carla Bruni

Friday, June 25, 2010

Country Music






Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Group Identities

Most people out there, think they know, whom they are, pretty well. They believe, they very much, have an individual, identity. They know, they are someone, when they get up, early, every day, and also believe, themselves, to be pretty unique. They think, everyone else, out there, to be different, from them, and they hence have, high expectations, about their lives.

We all have, what are called, Group Identities. At the core of them, are our Drives, and Urges. Our Drives, especially, the sex drive, is at the heart, of our family, identity. Our family identity, is also very much, associated, with our money making, and wealth gaining, endeavours. Most people, tend to believe, they will one day, be very wealthy, not knowing, that their drives, determine this. With the drives, we deal, with what they call, the highest denominator; meaning, one is only as good, as the highest achieving, member, of the family, they identify with. Our Urges, especially, the sex urge, is at the heart, of our socialite identities. The people, we identify with, socially, and also, the kind of members, of the opposite sex, we are attracted to. When it comes, to the urges, the law, of the lowest denominator, holds sway. This means, we are truly as like, the 'nerd', in our social groups.

You have to understand truly, how the drives, and urges, shape one. They are responsible, for what, we identify with. If you identify, with Chinese people for instance, you are partly, Chinese.

One of the main goals, of our lives, which is associated, with self-growth, is our ability, to separate, from these group identities. This, might require, alot, of, psychoanalysis, if you identify, with the wrong people. If you identify, unknowingly, with Chinese people, due to eating, Chinese food, you will slowly, start to develop, the same issues, Chinese people have. Its really, that simple. In a world, which is mostly, in a mess, most people out there, identify, with just about everything, and anything. This includes, animals too.

One has to learn, how to separate, from these identities, inorder to grow, as an individual. This will be met, by resistance. Not only from yourself, as doing so, will somewhat drive you crazy, with regards, to finding meaning, but also, from those around you. However, this must be done, for one, to move on, with ones life. In the old days, one identified, with famous or legendary figures, in an attempt, to seperate themselves, from these identities. Famous ancestral figures, who went on, to achieve great wealth for instance, are identified with, to inspire one. Legendary figures, from the social scene, inspire one socially too, in the same way.

Today though, this issue, of group identities, is best dealt with, via cults. Its one, of the easiest ways, to move on, forward. Cults, historically, have had, religious figures, at their heart. A religious figure, that was worshiped. One of the most, famous cults, based on the drives, are the Knights of Malta. They were a cult, that were driven, towards creating wealth, for the masses. They were once, prominent, in Turkey. They, worshiped, the Virgin Mary, at their heart. You also have, the Knights Hospitaller, who were a cult, based on the urges. Their goal, was to do, social good, and be reknowed for it. They used, the Jesus, of Gethsemane, worshiped also, in Southern France, as the source, of their inspiration. One should not, imagine, that these cults, were sexless, as the cult, of Jesus, in Southern France, has him, having sexual relations, with Mary Magdalene.

If you really seek, to do something great, with your life, you have to deal, with these group, identity, issues. You have to free, yourself, from them, and attach yourself, to groups/cults, that are favorable. This means, doing things, in a certain way.

Group Identities in Africa:

Africa, is an interesting continent, when it comes, to studying, group identities. Thats because, these identities, are the only real existing identities, you find, in Africa. Africans, don't identify, with their national identity, while inside Africa. Nigerians, really become Nigerians, outside Nigeria. Africa, is an interesting continent, as a cultural complex, and one will see here, why uniting it, has been difficult, in the past. Africa, culturally, group identities, can be divided, into six, complexes: Southern/Eastern Africa, Central Africa, Cushite-Nilotic Africa (includes Sudan), Nigeria, West Africa, and Northern Africa. Some are similar, to each other, and different, from others.

Family identity: When dealing, with family identity, in Africa, you find that, S/E Africa, and Central Africa, have the same or similar, family units. Their family identity, is basically, the same. Cushite-Nilotic Africa, has a unique, family identity, separate, from the rest of Africa, but very old, in nature. Their family identities, are based on, pastoralism, a human practise, that predates, Agriculture. Nilotes, on the otherhand, practise, fishing, animal trapping, and other such old, human practises; more modern though, than pastoralism. The Cushite-Nilote family world, is an ancient one, dating back, to the times, of Ancient Egypt. West Africa, and Northern Africa, actually have, the same, family identities. This is why, Islam, is prevalent, in West Africa. Nigeria, has similar, family identities, to West Africa, but theirs, are far more developed.

Socialite Identity: This identity, driven by our urges, is what really, separates Africans, from each other. When Africans, meet each other, rather than using, their family identities, they tend, to use, their socialite identities. This has led, to many misunderstanding, as Nigerians for instance, falsely believe, S/E Africans, to be too, Westernized. When it comes, to the socialite identity, it is here, that Africa, faces, external influence. S/E Africans, tend to have socialite identities, that are American like, in nature. Central Africans, have socialite identities, that are similar, to old French. Napoleanic. West Africans, have socialite identities, that are similar, to South American ones. It is why, for instance, people think, Brazil, similar, to Nigeria. Nigeria, while having some influence, from South America, have their own, unique, socialite identities. In this case, Nigeria, is very much, an authentic, African nation. Northern Africans, have socialite identities, that are the same, as modern European identities. Thats why, some speak, of the EU, including, North Africa. Cushite-Nilotic Africa, mainly have, socialite identities, based on Islam.

It is the socialite identities, that are actually, responsible, in many ways, for destabilizing Africa. Unknown to many, Nigeria, is the most stable nation, in Africa, while most believe it, to be the most, unstable, and South Africa, the most stable. This is wrong. American socialite identities, once made a huge influence, in S/E Africa. The works, of Sidney Sheldon, for instance, which often featured, what Americans call, crooks, 'inspired', many S/E Africans, to become, conmen. A good work, of his, once famous, in S/E Africa, is, 'If tomorrow comes'. Nigeria, has the ability, to become, one of the more, reknowed, nations, on earth, due to having, a unique, African culture. Nigeria, does not have conmen, it really has, trickster figures. A good example, of a modern Nigerian socialite figure, that has its roots, in the past, is the modern Awo. An Awo, has historically, been a medicine man. Today, they are mainly, interdisciplinary scholars. They do, some excellent work, in critical thinking. Toyin Falola, is such a figure, and his works, are a must, for those who seek, to understand, Nigeria, and the African past.

Cults, on the family identity side, are driven, by gambles, conjecture and wager. Those, on the socialite side, are urged on, by bets, dares and speculations.

Ideal Figures

Every society, out there, tends to have, ideal figures, they put, their power, into. They are an ideal, people seek, to become like, or simply, not to offend. In different parts, of the world, different people, hold, different views, of what, is ideal. One would be very surprised, at how, people view, ideal figures, in their world, to be like, and how, the conspiracy, against ideal figures, has resulted, in the decay, of society. We shall show examples, from all regions, of the world.

The Americas:

Unknown to many, the ideal figure, in the Americas, has always been, brown skinned, people, of African, descent. They are seen, in many ways, as being perfect. To know why, this is, is to know, that such folk, have been reknowed, through the history, of the Americas, as being folks, who know, how to deal, with problems. In many ways, the problems, of the Americas, have always been, pretty much, integrationist. Integration. Fitting in, somewhat. Whether it be, the famed biracial women, of Brazil, and their been seen, as having, social acumen, and being perfect too, or Martin Luther King, or even, Simon Bolivar, and his attempt, to create, a common American identity, based on integration. Today though, such people, are treated, meanly. Unknown to those, in the Americas, the decay, of the Americas, was easily planned out, by making, the people, turn against, brown skinned Americans, of African descent. Just don't look up to them, is what they are taught. Even internationally, the perfect American, is very much seen, as being, brown skinned, and of African descent: Will Smith.


In Europe, the ideal figure, has always very much, been, the creative genius. From Mozart, to Beethoven. If you were, a creative genius, in Europe, you were highly, esteemed. Today though, this is not so. Being a creative genius, in Europe, is the fastest way, to get to the gallows. Most people, don't fully understand, what Nazism, was all about. They simply saw, the Nazis, as killers, out to get, Jews, and their wealth. This was not, exactly true. Europe today, is ruled, by systems, divided, into two parts. You have a socialist part, and a Nazi part. To understand this, one has to understand, Russia. In Russia, the masses, were ruled, by communism, while the KGB, a Nazi party, was responsible, for order. In Russia, and in Europe, those at the top, did not seek out, to kill, wealthy people, as many believe. They sought out, to kill, creative people. The Nazis, were really after, creative Jews: writers, poets, musicians, intellectuals, and the likes. Why all this? one would probably ask; to know why, is to understand, what Nazism, is really about. Its all about, the attempt, to control, the flow, of information. Thats what Nazis, really do. Those who get killed, by Nazis, are those, who know, whats going on. Creative people, always have an idea, of whats, going on. Socialism, and Communism, are there, to ensure, that people, don't become, creative. In Europe, its all, plundered wealth.


In Africa, the ideal figure, has always been seen, as being, the white woman. She is worshipped, not sexually, but more, as a Goddess. Some Africans, have taken, to representing, their Gods, in the form, of white women. Good example, being, the Mami Wata worship, seen, in West Africa, and Central Africa. People, always behaved, in a civilized manner, when a white woman, was around. Today, this is not so. White women, just for being white women, can be attacked, or even get killed, in Africa. They should know that. White female porn, is more popular in Africa, than most people think. Unknown to many, Celine Dion, is as big, in Africa, as Bob Marley is. So is Cynthia Rothrock. Africans like, warrior like women.

South East Asia:

In South East Asia, which has its heart, in India, the ideal figure, has always been, black skinned
people, of African descent. They have always been, looked up, to, as being good, problem solvers. They were also looked up, to, as being, good soldiers. Today though, south east Asia, is a kind of hazard, for black skinned people, of African descent. Don't go there, unless, you are a Nigerian. The Indians, still very much believe, that Krishna, was an African.

East Asia:

In East Asia, the ideal figure, has always been, the Japanese person. There was a time, Japanese people, were highly esteemed, throughout, East Asia. They were almost, seen, as Gods. They were worshipped, mainly due, to being intelligent. Today however, hating Japanese people, in East Asia, is a kind of sport. Most Japanese, are asked, not to travel, freely, in East Asia. The end result, of this hating, is the attempt, to destroy, Japanese credibility, and interests, economic, in East Asia. This movement, is being spearheaded, by the Germans. They wish to take over, East Asian economies, as they have done, in Malaysia.

One has to realize, what is going on here. This is not, an expose, of peoples dark secrets. It is a kind, of expose, telling people, how their societies, have evolved, in the past, and recent past. By destroying, these ideal figures, in society, people begin, to decay, and with time, become stupid. Stupid people, are easy, to rule over, by outside agents. Its a game, thats being played here, a political game.

Power, Influence, Persuasion and Status

When you walk, into, just about, any bookshop, out there, you will, inevitably, run, into books, that basically deal, with power. Most out there, have heard these words: power, influence, status and persuasion, and don't really know, what they represent. Power, deals with knowledge; influence, with money, persuasion, with sex and status, with several variables.

There are those out there, who seek power, to advance their goals. Power, is really associated, with psychological profiles, and the knowledge, that goes with them. Those seeking power, should today know, that its mostly, a useless, endeavour. The world, in many ways, has been computerised, and computer systems, now run, the world, and not humans, really. It is therefore, a useless endeavour, seeking knowledge, and power. Most people out there, are now powerless, and are zombies, of all sorts e.g. broken down, dazed and hyper.

Influence, goes with money, and is all about, affecting, what goes on, around one. One should understand, the nature of money, as it is defined, today. Paper money, is not really, what money, is all about, today. Money, as it is defined, is really, about, credit. One should know this. Knowing this, is the basis, of understanding, what the, Trilateral Commission, is all about. Its a European organisation, that sets out, to define money, just about everywhere, in the world. The whole goal, is to turn money, into credit, and manifested, in the form, of, electronic money. As told before, the world, now consists, of the masses, wondering aimlessly. The goal, of the Trilateral Commission, is to turn, just about, every economic endeavour, into one, that deals only, with, the services industry. The majority, of what goes on, out there, today, is now, services. The Europeans, seek to own, the various service industries, out there, and simply employ, the masses, in them. By owning these industries, they control money/credit. They seek, to turn, just about, every, economic activity out there, into a service industry. Do away with products/technology, and simply turn everything, into a service. Less cars in a city, more bikes, one can rent.

The difference, in power, in societies out there, has resulted, in the world, being divided, into the first, second and third worlds. What differentiates, these worlds, is how ignorant, the people, are. Their access, to knowledge, and the attempt by some, to control, the internet. There are people, out there, with the knowledge, to solve the problems, of the second world, and the third world, ignorance, but don't care, to help. Thats what most, should know; that the fight, against poverty, and ignorance, has come, to a stand still, due to people, no longer caring. Influence, and money, is responsible, for stratifying, the world, in the form of, color. In truth, what goes on, is that, people, with white skins, have easy access, to credit money, than those, with darker skins. White skinned people, are more influential, due to their having, easy access, to credit money. Persuasion, goes along, with sex appeal. People, with certain looks, find it easy, to persuade others, to do, as they please. This has resulted, in sex, becoming, a form, of currency. This obsession, with sex and sex appeal, is also responsible, for dividing the world, according to, skeletal structures: negroid, caucasoid and even mongoloid.

Status, is something, unknown, to most people, out there. Status, is all about, recognizability. It is religious, in nature, and has elements, of worship in it. One seeks, to be known, by others, in one way, or another. In the old days, it had to do, with wealth [what one possessed, that others sought], personability [the ability, to make others feel good], and being totemic [being famously reknowed]. Being totemic, as an example, can be explained, via a famous family, that has been known, through the ages. Heraldry, is a form of totemicity. Today though, status, is all about, being, a deal maker. A person known by others, liked, and can pull, all kinds of deals.

One should be aware, for those seeking to do, what they wish to do, that power, influence and persuasion, do not work, as well, as they used to. They are all, very people dependent. In a world, filled, with somewhat, crazy people. The world today, works on Status. What does this mean? It means, that while, the masses, have nothing much to their name, wealths of all kinds, gets moved around, between those, who have it. Thats what, exchanges, are for; the most famous, being the stock exchange. In the stock exchange, people, do not buy, shares, so as to sell them, later. Such people, are no different, from cheap traders. The stock exchange, is really, about, exchanging valuable shares, for other such, valuable shares. If a person today, wealthy, seeks to buy, a home in london, but owns one, in France, they will seek, an exchange, with a like minded person. Its all exchanges now, moving from one state, to another. Money today, does not buy you wealth; nobody, will sell you, wealth. Money today, is all simply, about influence. Having known this, one can then, now know, what the Bilderberg Group, is all about. A coalition, of the wealthy, where wealth, gets exchanged, between them.

In society today, men, tend to view the world, from money, and influence. They seek both, to make their lives, better. Women, tend to view the world, from persuasion, and sex. They seek both, to feel good, about themselves.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shock Therapy

You walk around, any major city today, and all you see, are people, messed up. They either look, broken down, dazed, or hyper. They are all crazy, in one way, or another. This is probably, why, shock therapy, is a popular form, of treatment, for mental conditions. It makes people, who are hyper, or dazed, feel normal. It however, does not work too well, as its effects, only last, for a certain, time period. One must understand though, how people, become as such. It all has to do, with knowing, whom you really are. This is rather different, from knowing, whom you are. Whom you really are, at its heart, is about ones motivations, interests and wishes. You have to know this, before you start living. Whom you really are, can be some thing like, a journalist, scientist, soldier, mechanic, teacher, scholar or, a robber, thief, burglar, gangster, nazi, racist, and all the likes. Each of these, psychological profiles, are responsible, for how we live, our daily lives. Most people out there, don't know, about these profiles, very well, and treat them, more or less, like jobs. A journalist, for instance, can turn turncoat, and become, a private detective. The reason, why the western world, is hugely popular, to other regions in the world, is because, they are more or less, the source, of most psychological profiles, out there. It goes, with the culture.

However, today, most people walk around, looking dazed, or hyper, due to not knowing, whom they really are. This is because, of, computer technology, and automation. They have resulted, in psychological profiles, being erased, or being co-adapted. They have become, something else, something technical. Due to this, we have seen, the rise of problems, known as technicalities, as former free psychological profiles, attempt to adapt, to a computerized, and automated world. A terrible world, in many ways. People, simply lack, the motivation, to live life, due to not being free, to express themselves, fully. As a result, many walk around, looking broken down, dazed, or hyper.

The resultant end, of all this, has been an attempt, to make people, feel good, about themselves. This has been done, in three ways: merchandising, advertising and branding. While all three, are legitimate ways, of selling stuff, they are today, misused, and abused. Merchandising, is often targeted, towards people, who are broken down. People defeated, by life; mainly because, no one out there, will help them. Merchandising, is all about, taking something simple and basic, and selling it, in an attractive package. Merchandising, is heavily rampant, in the UK today. Advertising, is often targeted, towards people, who are in a daze. People, who just don't know, what to do, with themselves. Branding, is targeted, towards, hyper individuals. People who seem to know, what they want to do, but have no idea, how to go about it.

When you look, around, any city today, one might believe, all they see, is residents. They simply believe, that most cities out there, are stratified, by class. Rich, middle and poor. It is not so. Cities today, are often stratified, with regards, to civil law. This means, that society, is very much, divided, into, open society/market, underground market and the black market. The open society/market, is usually heavily influenced, by advertising. The people, who make it, and are often dazed, often belong to any of these, three groups: middle class, poor and immigrants. The underground market, is heavily controlled, by merchandising. It consists, of people, who can be classified, as illegal immigrants. The black market, often serves, those, who are targeted, by brands. This group, mainly consists, of the rich. By the black market, it is meant, that the rich, get better deals, on just about anything, than the average joe. It is a black market, because, it is not regulated, but is legal. A stock tip, from a clever joe, is part, of the black market. The masses, have to pay, some money, to hear out, a clever joe.

In order, for civilization, to progress, people have to know, whom they really are. Otherwise, you have 'sedated' people, walking around, looking for meaning, in their lives. The advancement, of civilization, has always been due, to psychological profiles. This is a game, that is been played here. In the old days, people often resolved, any major problems, with physical violence. No where else, has this been so well represented, than in the Bhagavad Gita. The Indians, knew how to do war, ceremoniously. People died with honour, then. Those, who controlled society, where those, who had large armies, good land, and were favored, by the Gods. Then came along, the age, of, politicking. In this age, it was agreed upon, that physical violence, was outmoded, and psychological terror, was now, the norm. It is then, that psychological profiles, were created, for people in society, to deal, with any problems, and also very much, regulate society. In the age of politicking, one was supposed to come up, with psychological profiles, that allowed them, to be free, powerful, wealthy, and the likes. If a person, became powerful, and then a tyrant, one was supposed, to come up, with a psychological profile, to overthrow, this person. Thats politics. The masses out there, though, don't get it. They still think, its about, who has the biggest army. A journalist, can overthrow a King, with the truth. The game of politics, has been played, in several ways, in the past. In the beginning, it was all about, upstaging others, socially. If a person, became rich, as a merchant, another, tried, to be a baron. It was just a game, that moved, civilization forward. The person, at the top, got all the praise, women, and acclaim. Then came a time, when people, had generated, alot of wealth, and being wealthy, was not the main goal. People then, decided, to become, powerful. This game, was more crazy, and also interesting. Powerful people, are people, who regulate things. If a society, was not being properly regulated, someone, would attempt, to overthrow, the person, at the top. The regulator. This was done, via politicking. This was mainly, a game, of exposure. Exposure, is an act, that is the basis, of most acts, out there, today. In a fairly regulated society, just about any psychological profile, with the right strengths and weaknesses, could be at the top. Journalists, could become Kings. So could, swineherds. Today though, discriminatory activity, of all kinds, has ensured, this is not so.

A future though, is now coming, where the game of politics, is going, to change. Its going, to be a game, filled, with crazy people. What you will have, are people, going crazy, for one reason, or another, and those who will be free, to do as they please, including, rule, will be those, who know, how to deal, with the craziness. It is going to be a society, mainly about, people, losing interest, in life. The whole game now, will be the attempt, to prevent things, from being destroyed, or damaged. People, will have to reinvent, the old, and make it, new again, to enjoy life, or risk, going crazy. Thats politics, in the future. Reinvention, is always fun, as many song remixes, can be. Its going to be interesting, as Knight, meets Pharaoh.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The African Union

When people think Africa, politically, most often, if not always, they believe somewhat, that the African Union, can help, solve, Africas problems. Most out there, don't really know, what the African Union is. They believe, it is either similar, to the Federal States, of America, or economic in nature, as the EU. The former, is often, advocated, by the likes, of, Gaddafi. The African Union, in its entirety, is really, a Policing State. Most don't know, what that means. It simply means, that the African Union, was created, to help fight, rampant crime, in Africa.

Those out there, should know, that African crime, unlike what most believe, does not consist, of theivery, simple or not. To understand African crime, you somewhat, have to understand, the basic nature, of the African. Africans, unlike most people out there, do not have in their lives, what they call, Affairs. Affairs, consists of stuff, like, working on ones marriage, raising the kids, planning for the future, and even, helping take care, of ones environment. Africans, don't do this. Africans, unknown to most, tend to live, in stages, of about, 5 years each. They only plan their lives, if not, for a period of five years, and not know, what comes next. Someone, might make, owning a car, their ultimate goal, for the next five years. During that period, they care not, for their children, spouses, or basic, communal welfare. They kinda live, like that.

One must know, what African crime, is really about; its about, hate. Africans, tend to really hate, people, who are successes. If you are a success, in Africa, know that, you might die, at any time. Professors, movie stars, musicians, top businessmen, actors, should be warned, that traveling to Africa, might be an act, that endangers, ones life. This is especially true, if you are an American, or an African, who lives outside Africa, and made it big. Succesful people in Africa, are often guarded, by militias, of one kind, or another. Good examples of such militias, are Nigerias, Lagos, Area Boys.

Whenever you see, two or more Africans, getting together, to talk, you can know, that in one way or another, directly or indirectly, they are plotting, a crime. And this crime, is often, against, a successful, person. Thats why, the AU, was born. One has to know, that Africa, is a very unsafe, continent, due to mainly, how the cities, are built. In Africa, unlike other parts of the world, the cities, do not constitute mainly, of squares and rectangles. Cities in Africa, constitute mainly, of circles, and ellipses. What does this really mean? It means, that one cannot truly be aware, of what goes on, in African cities. In a city, of squares and rectangles, people see things happen. In a city, of circles, and ellipses, people simply hear things, happen. By then, it is too late. Africans, unlike others too, do not live, in genuine homes. Their homes, tend to very much look, like fortresses. Some barricaded. Africa, does not have, what they call, Information Systems, which are of prime importance, in Africa. Information systems, are not like, Computer Systems, or Computing Systems. Computer systems, are managerial, and often seen, in America, and Europe. In Africa, due to the growth burst, in the use, of open source, software, they have, Computing Systems. Computing systems, are not what, most people, believe them, to be. They believe them, to be tools, used, for problem solving, in real-time. They are not. Computing systems, are used, to deal, with a problem, after it has occurred. They are a kind of, managerial system. In Africa, things happen, and after, people deal, with the consequences. Thats what, Computing Systems, are for. Information Systems, are systems, used, to know, whats going on, at any place, at any time. Kind of, like, Google Maps, on real-time.

Africans, most out there, have one great fear, a Castration Complex. A Castration Complex, often goes, hand in hand, with the desire, for success. If you make it, outside, or inside Africa, you can expect, to be castrated, in one form, or another. At the least, its ridicule, about 'ones' past i.e. colonialism, slavery etc. Most of this, by African women. At the most, it consists, of genital mutilation, sodomy, and amputations, of ligaments. African crime, can be very violent.

If you are a good looking person, you would be highly advised, not to travel to Africa, as Africans, view being good looking, as sort, of a high achievement. They will try, to do, something to you.

Thats Africa folks, like it, or leave it.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Americanista Lit

Americanista reading list:


1. The Fifth Discipline by 'Peter.M.Senge' [imagination]

2. The Dance of Change by 'Peter.M.Senge' [intuition]


1. How to solve it by G. Polya [problems]

2. How to solve it: Modern Heuristics by Zbigniew Michalewicz [problem solving]

The Americans, have the South, the Yanks, have the North. What of the others out there? Resident, citizen, alien, foreigner, native, visitor, guest, traveler and tourist. All these mean something, as they are words, that denote, how rights, are distributed, in a land.

The Americans, and Americanos, are residents, in the United States, of America. This means, they have a culture, and enjoy full rights, in the land. Citizens, are similar to residents, in that, they too, have full rights, but are separate, from the culture. Aliens, are what migratory, workforces, are all about. They don't know, whom they are, but they know, what they are about. Most mexicans, in America, are aliens. Foreigners, are a people, who share, a similar culture, with the residents, but live, outside, the country. Japanese people, are foreigners, in America. Natives, are people, who have been, in a land, for a very long time. Americanistas, Latins, and Cherokees, are natives. Visitors, are people, who know someone, in a country. Most Europeans, tend to be visitors, to the United States, of America. Guests, are people, who are invited, by a power structure, of sorts, in a land. Most South Americans, tend to be guests, in America. Travelers, are people, who really just wander around, in a country. They are there, to simply meet, and see people. Africans in America, tend to be travelers. Tourists, are people, who go, to a country, to see, its landmarks. Asians in America, tend to be tourists.

All this explained, for Americanistas, Latins, really. They must know, that of all the groups, mentioned above, along with 'Other groups', they have few rights, in America. Residents, have rights enforced, by power structures, in America. Citizens too. Aliens, have rights enforced, by military/security systems. Foreigners, are lucky, to know, residents. Visitors, have rights enforced, by immigration departments. Guests, have rights enforced, by someone, in a power structure. A specific someone. Travelers, have rights enforced, by the police and finally, tourists, have rights enforced, by the average joe. Thats kinda how, it works.

Natives, should be aware, they have few rights. 'Other groups', too. Nobody knows, what they really are. It is therefore felt, that Americanistas, Legion, and Latins, should unite, for a better cause. They should aspire, to become, what they call, Nationals. Nationals really, belong, to an organization, of some sort. And it is best hoped, that Americanistas, could come together, and create, such an organization; for there are crazy people, out there.

One of the better books, I have seen, in recent years, is the Birth of the Chaordic Age, by one Dee Hock. Its an interesting book, as it attempts, to explain, what a chaordic organization, really is. I thought about it, and somewhat feel, that Dee Hock, is somewhat wrong. Dee Hocks, definition, of a chaordic organization, is an organization, that is highly decentralized, but still connected, as a whole. Its not really, a network, which is how, Dee Hock presents it, but more of a Cell. Dee Hocks, version, of the chaordic organization, has its members, each having, a large body, of knowledge. Everybody in there, knows alot. When a problem arises, the best person, suited to solve it, does so. The members, all flow, with each other, as they attempt, to solve, a problem. Thats kinda how, Visa International works, as do Italians. There is, however, two other versions, of chaordic organizations. One is totally based, on being highly intuitive. A member, of such a chaordic organization, on finishing his work, simply senses out, what needs to be done, next. They don't really have, a body of knowledge with them, but are, highly imaginative. They don't also really know, what they are creating really, but each is inspired, by what someone has done, already. Its creation really, at almost, the real time level. The end level, is somewhat recognized, but not, really known. A good way, for highly individualistic people, to unite. This way, would best work, for Americanistas, Latins and Legion. There is however, another way, to organize, chaordic organizations. This is based, on highly developing, the 5 senses, such that, they operate, on the parallel universe, holography and dimensions, level. This kind of organization, is difficult somewhat. It is an organization, where one member, begins to solve a problem, and the others, sense arising problems, and go out, to solve them. It has, at its center, a mastermind, who knows, problems, as a theory. Thats a chaord. The latter model, would best work, for Americanistas, other. Just simply, study problems.

Scientific fallacies

Most, nearly all, have heard, of the word Science. Many out there too, have also heard, of the word, Scientific, and they often believe, that Scientific, is just another cool way, of saying, Science. It is not, really. Most fail, to realize, that Scientific, is really a genre, of technology. Everybody knows, what technology is, it is used, mainly, for problem solving. Technological, a branch of technology, is also used, for problem solving, high end problems. The stuff, Batman uses. Scientific, just like Technological, is rather modern. Technology, is pretty old, going back, to the old days. Elevators, are really an old form, of technology. The scientfic genre, is a branch of technology, that is used, to solve, stability problems. You have computer technologies, the genome project, botany, aerodynamics, all are part, of the scientific genre. Interestingly enough, genres, have often, been used, to deal, with, stability problems. From music, like Purple Rain, to horror, like the Stand. Today though, they use, scientific. You have to know this, for there are many people out there, who believe, that science, has been making, big breakthroughs, in the past decade. Its not really true. What has been moving fast, in the past decades, is scientific. What has resulted though, is the production, of products, that look, more like gimmicks, and not real technology. It is why, the world out there, looks funny, and not very real. A Chevy, is technology, a Honda, is a scientific gimmick. What I am really saying is, more Chevys, less Hondas. Its why, everything out there, is pretty funny looking; gimmicks, look funny.

The scientific arena, or playground, is often sold, as a hot commodity. I remember, the dotcom, rush. I sat in amazement, as people I viewed, as being really normal, bought mansions, all over California. I was not in awe of them, and for many reasons, I was expecting somehow, to hit it big, in the dotcom rush, because they did. It never did happen, because scientific, is really, a hot commodity. The next goldrush, was supposed, to be the Genome project. I still remember, when Scientific America, proudly announced, that the Genome, had been decoded. I was an instant millionaire, for thats very much how, the whole thing, was sold off; anybody, could make it big, in the genome world, if they knew, what they were doing. Again, it never did happen.

In the recent years, I have pretty much lost, any enthusiasm, to do, with anything Science. It just, never delivers. Science, is often said, to be the new thing, when in truth, it is simply replacing, something else old. Computer technologies, are really about, horror, and thrillers. It has made, for a safe world, most don't really want to, live in.

The big problem, with Science though, is how it goes about, explaining the world. Science's main trick, which they believe, to be a revelation, of some kind, is what they call, measurement. Scientists, believe, measurement, is truth, and explains, reality. They are not wrong, as measurement, as a science tool, is very validly used, in the Natural Sciences. It works there, purrrfectly. It however, fails, elsewhere. This is especially true, when we deal, with the Soft, and Hard Sciences. In these sciences, measurement, almost, totally, does not work, or fails. This is because, these sciences, are associated, with what they call, Inference. Inference, is all about, the heavy use, of guesses, hunches and fancies. Scientists today though, still believe, its about, measurement. To make it worse, scientists, believe in using, what they call, instruments, to question, reality. They wish to know, if, what they see, is really real, through the use, of instruments. It is a step, in taking away, human intelligence, for though instruments do at times work, they mostly tend to fail, and hence, the many arguments, between scientists. In the old days, they used, the good old, feelings states. You measured something, visually, and felt, if, it was right, or wrong. No need for balances really. People were intelligent, like that. In the Hard and Soft Sciences, the use of instruments, to measure reality, from atom splitters, to, surveys, are really, a farce. An act. Theatre gone wrong. Good old feelings, still work best, as a guiding system.

Today though, science holding sway, has limited, the use of feelings, as intelligence, and their associated use, with the imagination. This is because, many out there, believe, that the imagination, plays tricks, and therefore, cannot be trusted. They are wrong, deadly wrong. One must know, that the imagination, never lies. Whatever you see, in it, is always the truth, in one form, or another. Truth, that can be deciphered, with regards, to time, location, and probable possibility. It is all true, whatever you see, in your imagination.

When it comes, to everyday, problem solving, the use of inference, as in the attempt, to catch a thief, does not always work, perfectly. The imagination, could work really well here, if one knew, how to use it. But for those, out there, without a dynamic imagination, they would best be advised, that the use, of symbolic knowledge, would best serve them, well. What is symbolic knowledge? Symbolic knowledge, is knowledge, that one, uses to explain reality, via the use, of symbols, signs, emblems, and the likes. Good examples, of symbolic knowledge, is iconography. A very good example, of iconography, are the, Three Little Pigs. The Three Little Pigs, are believed, to have lived somewhere, in France. They lived well, they knew each other and were supposedly happy. Then came the wolf. What this all measn, is that, if you are somewhere, and you see, a little pig, you should be aware, that there are probably other little pigs, around. You should also know, that there being little pigs around, a big black wolf, is also pretty much, very around. Its really that simple. The dynamics of this, can also easily, be explained. One of the three little pigs, got killed, by the wolf, and the other little pigs, never heard about it, though they all knew, each other. What this could probably mean, is that France, has a high, murder rate.

The understanding of symbolic knowledge, is of prime importance, for those, who engage, in dreamwork. The analysis, and breakdown, of dreams. Dreams, occur, when one sees themselves, as symbols. Symbols, social ones that is, are associated, with what they call, professions. In the old days, professions, were very much, religious. A Jazz Icon, is an example, of an olden day, religious profession. Many stories, have been told, of Jazz Icons, and they are not too different, from the three little pigs. When you have a dream, be aware, you are very much, a symbol of one kind or another, in it. You should also be aware, that, whatever you see, in the dream, is real, in one way or another. What this means, is that, you are attached, to whatever, you see, in your dreams, and eventually, will come, in contact, with them. Unless of course, you understand, the symbolistic meaning, of the dream. It still though, will happen, if you remain, as the symbol, you represent. Religious professions, such as the Jazz Icon, the travelling prizefighter, the travelling performer [circus style], are imbued, heavily, with symbolistic knowledge. They are a way, of living today, in a world, without fun, happiness, and where the girls, are pretty much, blase. One of the more interesting professions out there, is that of the Writer. It is interesting, not in what really happens, but whom, you meet. Writers, are celebrity non-celebrities. People know them, but don't know them. They go to the supermarkets, McD's, movie theatres, but also very much, are likely, to meet the president, the pope, supermodels, and all sorts, of madcaps. People like Writers, if they are interesting, but writers should know, that meeting any of these people, can result, in the unpredictable happening. Here today, gone tomorrow, is what writers, should be aware about.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Knights of America

Knights of America.

Knights of Aragorn. First Americanistas.

Conquistadors. Spanish copy. Stolen Legacy.

Five Spirit raising Songs






Referendum (American history revisit)

Religion and its Discontents:

Most, who have dabbled, in religion, and even practise it, tend to believe, they know it well. They know the laws, the theory, the history, and simply just believe, they are totally safe, and know everything, with dealing, with situations. Thats until, something goes wrong, and their belief in God and Religion, begins to fail. A good place, to study Religion, fundamentally, would be America. In America, you find that Religion, is practised in three ways: religion, spiritualism and spiritualist movements.

In the North, religion, holds sway. How Americano religion works, is pretty simple. A man, walks into his reverends office, with a problem. He just has no idea, how to figure it out. He sits on a chair, and patiently, presents the problem, to his reverend. The role of the reverend, is not to give a solution, but to actually help the man, see the problem, for what it is. Thats where, the problems begin. The man, believes, he is right, and Gods agent, does not seem to understand. They enter, into a form, of argument. This continues, until the reverend, begins to point out, the fallacies, in the mans thinking. It is then, after a while of this, that the man, seeing the reverends point of view, fully understands, and sees the problem, for what it really is. It is then, he goes, into a state of shock, as he loudly proclaims, "my God, what shall we do?" It is then again, he goes into trance, and the Spirit of God, as Force, fills him, and he has the courage, to face, the problem. Thats where religion works.

You also have Spiritualism, a Southern practise. A man, has a problem, and inorder to solve it, calls like minds, to visit him, at his home. He has solutions, to this problem, as they do, but they know not, which is the best solution. They all get together, and begin, to tackle the problem, with solution, after solution. After a while of this, many hours, the man says to his cohorts, "Gentlemen, this is the final solution." They try it out, and like the others, it fails really. They all go silent, Darkness. What to do. It is then, that the man, goes into trance, and the Spirit of God, as Light, enters him, and a solution, clearly, presents itself. Thats Spiritualism, as a valid practise.

A Citizen, Citizen John, has found himself, an important job, as an auditor. He loves his job, studied hard in school, to earn it. One day however, he is working at his job, when he is presented, with a problem, that confounds him. There is some money missing, from the State, depository. Unfortunately for him, as he attempts to solve this mystery, the news media, garners a hold, of the truth, or what seems like it. They go on, the warpath. Citizen John, finds himself, strongly identifying, with the biblical Jesus. As the media, turns into biblical mob, Citizen John, finds people from all corners, assailing him, and he finds, his knees growing weak, his feet soft, and his body, begins to shake all over. He attempts, to hold on, and not be affected, by it all. It is however, at the moment, he is about to break, that the Spirit of God, as the Holy Ghost, enters him, and he finds himself, transformed, into an intelligent being, knowing, where the money is. Spiritualist movements, do work, minus Benny Hinn.

Religion, does work, as the above, has pointed out. There is a theory and practise to it. It is what, however, that comes, after Religion, that has resulted, in discontent, arising. One, may have, the Spirit of God in them, and know how to solve a problem, but have no idea, how to really implement, the solution. With the North, a solution found, with religion, is implemented, with the use, of a State Mechanism. You just seek out, the resources, from the State, and solve the problem. With the South, a solution, offered by Spiritualism, can only be implemented, with the use, of State funds. With Citizens, an answer, making itself available, the use of State personnel, becomes of importance. Thats where, Religion fails; the State.

Americanistas, have always known this, and have often gone about, solving problems, differently. Americanistas, Legion and Latins really, tend to use, what they call, hallucinatory imagination. Hallucinatory imagination, is actually, thinking, while in a hallucinatory state. When one enters such a state, they find that, they think almost, with the mind of God. Thinking, is very rapid. Developing, hallucinatory imagination, is similar, to the intelligence, imagination, developed, by the sufi whirling dervishes. There was a time, when Turkey, the Ottomans, influenced America, and one of these influences, was in sufi like practises.

Referendum, takes place, in America, much before, the Civil War. It is an issue, not well known about, but easy to explain. An issue, that eventually, split the country, into two: North and South. The whole issue, with Referendum, was not on how to, actually, solve problems, but actually, on how to go about, applying solutions. In those days, different 'Americans', would come together, to seek a solution, to a problem. They being, intelligent beings, often found, the solution, fast enough. The problem though, was on how, to go about, applying it. Which way, to choose? The American way, the Americano way, the Citizen way, the Americanista way, or the highway. And thats when, the country, began, to split apart. Each believed, their way, to be the right way. When it comes, to solving problems, applying that is, Americanistas, often do it, differently. They believe, in using intelligences, associated with, Parallel Universes, Dimensions, Holography, Time Travel and the likes. These however, are still very much, theory based, for many, and one can know, something, about them, via the use, of new methods, of problem solving, such as, Action Research [Holography, Parallel universes], and Strategic Management [Solo endeavour management; Dimensions, Time Travel]. One of the most affected groups, by the Referendum, were the Americanistas. The others, just did not like the way, they went about, solving problems, application. It is then, that some of them, Americanistas, Legion, decide to leave the country, and make their way, to the Islamic world, especially, the regions of, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the Emirates. Thats why, some of these people, have clear blue eyes.

The issue, Referendum, has never truly, been solved, and in America, it is hard to do anything, without American, or Americano, supervision. They think, they own the country. This is obviously, very much, an order problem. Someone has to figure out, how everybody, can do as they like, without interfering, in others business.

American Superheroes revisted

American Superheroes, whom are they?






Friday, June 18, 2010


Fantasy living

Living life everyday

Life, has become boring; I think, most would probably agree on this. This is mainly due, to not knowing, how to live life. Everyday life, can be divided, into three main areas: work life, drives/urges and fantasies.

Work life, is all about, working. But more importantly, its about, how you go about, working. Many know, that living in America, can be fun, even if, you only work. This is because, Americans, know how to work. Working, is associated, with three thing: Ritual, Community and Symbolism. An example of ritual, are coffee breaks; an example of community, is networking, and an example of symbolism, is group meetings. Most people around the world, don't know, about the importance, of Ritual, Community and Symbolism, in getting things done. They simply sit, in their offices, all day long, 365 days a year, and at the end of it all, are depressed, and hate their work. They don't get much done, and with time, quit.

Drives and Urges, also form, a major component, of daily living. Drives, the most famous being known, as the sex drive, is associated, with gaining wealth. Urges, the most famous, being the sex urge, are associated, with social contacts. As they say, man is a social beast, and no man, is an island, to himself. Drives and Urges, tend to be group based; this might not be very clear, to many. For example, a man, is really driven, to gain wealth, by his associating, with other such minds. A man, might not find, a woman beautiful, if all alone, on an island, with her. Beauty, is very much, a social construct.

Finally, you have Fantasy. We all have, a fantasy figure in us, that is really associated, with our perversions, and our views. When telling others, of ones views, you very much behave, like a fantasy figure. With ones perversions, this becomes, even more clear. In general though, for most people out there, fantasy, is very much associated, with sex. Thats why, Africans, don't have more sex, than others out there. The HIV scare, in Africa, is mostly, a myth. Fantasy sex, is what leads others, to label others. There is a difference, in the way, men view women today, and how they did so, in the past. In the past, women were supposed, to meet an ideal; they could be cool, or uncool, for example. If uncool, they were probably labeled as, sluts, whores, and prostitutes. Today though, one will find, that such women, are not as many, as they were before. This is because, women see themselves, as being perverted, or not perverted. People today, have sex, based on perversions. They think, its okay, to have sex, such as bondage. They think, its an okay, perversion. Its not. Its very much, like having sex, with a prostitute, whore or slut. When you engage, in such sexual activity, you begin, to feel dumb. With time, you become dumb. There is nothing wrong, with sexual perversion. As long, as its treated, as an agreement. Its okay then, to take hold of a woman, drag her promptly, to the washrooms, and fondle her, while necking her. Finish up, with a smack, to the bottom. You probably also, don't know her, too well. Thats okay. Bondage, is not.

You can choose, to live life, with any of three above, dominating the other. In most of the world, the work life, dominates. In the movies, the Urges/Drives, dominate. Hustling your way, through life. There is however, a way, in which a fantasy figure, can dominate ones life. It is possible, to create a whole existence, and even economy, from fantasy figures. Running an internet business, is such an example. In the old days, the best example probably, was Flamenco culture, and especially, with the Gigolo. You can do it, as you like. Slavery, can even seem benign, when done, according to, Ritual, Community and Symbolism. In Africa, work life, unknown to many, was not associated, with trade or agriculture. For Africans, those two industries, were about Urges and Drives. Africans, have always been, commercial farmers. This was possible, due to the fact, that bananas, and the likes, grow naturally, in Africa. Work life, in Africa, was all about, taking care, of the land. Good land, more bananas. Today, nobody, really does this, anymore.

Group Consciousness

Most have probably heard, of the term, Group Consciousness. They don't really know, what the term means, but believe its all about, connecting, to other people. They are partially right. What really is Group Consciousness? Group Consciousness, is really about, how people think. When you think, like other people, you knowingly, or unknowingly, create, a Group Consciousness. Thinking, can be a difficult task. It is a task, best done, all alone, or with others. When done with others, it is best done, in groups of three. You find, that two people, who think alike, cannot think well together, without a third opinion. This is where, you see, many problems, in America.

The problem today, with America, is really Americans, and Americanos. When it comes to thinking, most American groups, tend to do it, solo. Americanistas, think alone, most, or, all, the time. The problem with Americans, and Americanos, is that they have no idea, how to think alone. They think in groups, but most will notice, in groups of two. Americans, will think, together, with Americanos, when it comes, to economic issues. The end result though, is often, indecision. When you think alike to another person, you tend, to feel them. They feel, just like you. Americans, and Americanos, should know, when they think economically, they might wish, to have a third opinion; and that third opinion, is Japan. Japanese people, feel very much, like Americans, and Americanos, when it comes, to economic issues.

When dealing, with morality issues, Americans, will realize, they think very much, like Citizen men, on this issue. However, two, cannot make a deal; there has to be, a third opinion. That third opinion, are the Islamic countries, of Saudi Arabia, Oman and theUnited Arab Emirates. They think, very much, like Americans and Citizen men, when it comes, to religious issues.

All this, must be said, because, when people who cannot think alone, think in groups of two, they cannot clearly see, the defects, in themselves, and their thinking. They just think, he is wrong, and I am mostly right. They need a third opinion. When it comes to political issues, you find that New Yorkers, think like Americanos, but also very much, like Californians. They feel the same way, about American politics.

When most Americans and Americanos, think alone, on just about anything, they tend not to see the defects, in their thinking, and will many times, act like superheroes, gone crazy. They will play for example, practical jokes, that are mean. They are just not thinking right. When they think, in groups of two, it all mostly, ends up, in arguments, of all kinds, some vengeful. So, next time, Americans and Americanos, meet over dinner, to discuss an economic issue, it is hoped, that the Japanese, will be there too.

Group Consciousness though, is more complicated, than presented above. Its just not about how people think, but also very much about, how they feel. People who feel the same way, think alike, as mentioned, up there. To really know, what you are, you have to know, how you feel. People who feel cold, can be said, to be cold blooded. How you feel, has often been a contentious issue, for many. It is really associated, with evolution, on one scale, or another. It is also associated, with how intelligent you are, and how you go about, doing things. Most people out there, tend to feel, like the women in their lives, or their mothers. Most too, feel only as intelligent, as the women in their lives, or their mothers. But while many, might believe, they are independent thinkers, and most probably are, they have no idea, how their feeling states, determine, how they go about, doing things. Its one thing, to come up with an intelligent solution,to a problem; its another thing however, how you go about, applying it. The problem today, is that, most people out there, go about doing things, as their mothers did, or even worse, with the women, they sleep with. They just don't know this. Thats why, it is often said: The more things change (intelligence), the more things remain the same (about doing).

There is something out there, called the Supreme Being, or as some call it, the Supreme Goddess. This Supreme Being, has no relation, to God. Many though, believe, it does. The Supreme Being, is best represented, by light. It manifests itself, in the form of light, and light, often determines in many ways, how you feel. In order, for most out there, to free themselves, from their mothers, and move civilization to the next level, they have to feel different, from their mothers. The way to do this today, is associated, with what they call, Religious Iconry. Religious Iconry, are all about, how you feel, and they influence, how you think, and how you go about, doing just about anything. A good example, of Religious Iconry, for women though, is, Mary Magdalene. For men, they are no known, religious iconry, and most have always been influenced in thinking (how they go about doing things), by the women, in their lives. But, to give a good example perhaps, for men, it is the western cowboy. A complicated subject, and not heavily studied, in religious circles.

Flambouyancy: An African Ideal

Africans, are kind of, recognizable people, on the world stage. You kinda know them, when you see them. Its not that they are ugly, as many believe, but, they are just, recognizable. You probably have seen African soccer players, with painted heads. African musicians, with the most outrageous costumes on. The average African, out on a night, in Europe, or America, with a very flashy green gucci suit. Thats flambouyancy, and many probably wonder, why Africans, are as such. They just think, that Africans, are really self-confident, and even optimistic, about themselves. It is not so, and I will tell you why.

In the old days, and even today, growing up in Africa, was a tedious bore, for many African youth. Many, spent their days, and time, daydreaming, about what their future, would be like. There is, however, another side to it all. When African youth, were not daydreaming, or performing daily chores, of one kind or another, they entertained themselves, by telling stories; fantasy stories. African folklore, is not like other folklore out there, in that, it is highly coloured, with fantasy figures. An African storyteller, will tell, the most incredulous story, but make it, really believable. They knew, how to do this, in the old days, but not today.

When one thinks fantasy figure, many probably think, Lara Croft. But a real good example, of a fantasy figure, known to many, is William Tell, or Wilhem Tell. Most out there, have probably heard, of the tale, of Wilhelm Tell. It is said, that he put an apple, on his sons head, and then split it into two, with a crossbow shot, and was forever then, famous. Most probably read that tale, and think: "he probably practised alot. For five years maybe, 6 hours per day." They are wrong, for they fail to realize, that Wilhem Tell, is a Deutsch fantasy figure. What does this mean? It means, that Wilhelm Tell, probably, most probably, had no crossbow training ever, but still decided, to do, what he did. Thats fantasy figures for ya; they have no idea, what they are doing, but, they have every idea, what they are doing.

Knowing this, is the key to really somewhat understanding, modern and traditional Africa. In the traditional days, people simply lived out fantasys the right way. They just kinda did dumb things, as fantasy figures tend to, but everything worked out all right. Read African folklore, to know what I mean. To understand, Africas tulmoutous history, is to know, about, the rise and fall, of fantasy figures, who believed, they could very much do, as they liked. You have Shaka Zulu, who was very much a fantasy figure, but pretty much knew, what he was doing. You have Idi Amin too, a fantasy figure, more on the comical side though.

You have to fully realize, the implications for this, with regards, to Africas future. Most out there, believe that Africa, has a bright future, probably; I am here to tell them, they are wrong. The problem with Africa today, is the rise in number, of fantasy figures, who believe they know, what they are doing. Some believe, they are the next Shaka Zulu. But most, are really dumb idiots. You have to know this, for many of them, are now achieving, a cult like, celebrity status. You might think this funny, but you have no idea, the kind of hell, a fantasy figure gone wrong, can create. Many of them, believe, child slavery, is okay. The problem with Africa today, is not its elderly leaders; they know, what they are doing, and somewhat, whom they are. Its the youth, that are a huge problem, and believe in being fantasy figures, who can live large, without ever having, to work a single day. It is kind of, a dangerous, situation. You have to realize, that many, or most, African youth, out there, are not crazy, as many believe, but really stupid. Thats the problem with Africa today: fantasy figures, gone wrong, acting stupid, almost, all the time.

Food of the Week

American = French Fries
French = Pomme Frites
English = Chips
Italian = Chipalletis

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tyra Banks vs. Naomi Campbell

One of the most interesting pieces, of television, I have witnessed, in recent years, was the promulgation, by Tyra Banks, against Naomi Campbell. I was rather shocked, to find, that Tyra Banks, went as far, as clearing the stage, off any observers. It was shocking, and for a moment, I thought, I was in, Idi Amins, Africa. It all appeared to me, that Tyra, was out to put Naomi, on the spot. She hoped to corner her, and deal a blow, that would make, Naomi Campbell, crumble. It did not happen. Naomi Campbell, sat through the whole thing, with a 'watchu talkin about willis', look. I believed her. Tyra on the other hand, was adamant, in her case, and in the way, she said it; "You saaaaaiiidd..." is how she went, or, "You diiiiiiidd...", and after sometime, I started to believe, Tyra, was out on a mission, of some kind.

It never did appear to me, that Naomi Campbell, had a temper, of any kind. She seemed almost solemn, and softly well spoken. I had heard tales, about Naomi Campbell, that seemed believable, but not palpable. They once said, she attacked, an attendant, with a phone. The way, the media said it, made one believe, she was using, an old, rotary dial phone. And I was like, "where do you get such phones, other than in Africa?" The tale, just did not seem, believable. Tyra, however, was not easy, to put down. She told, the now absent audience, rather than viewers, that Naomi Campbell, used to corner her, backstage, at many a fashion show, and practically, terrorize her. Apparently, no one, really witnessed, any of this. They were dark corners, and supposedly, well hidden. I know something, about, fashion shows, having watched many a time, Fashion TV, the thirty minute edition. They often show, the backstage. The backstage, at any fashion show, is usually, a very big room, or hall really, with dressing tables, all lined out. A big, square room. I don't see no dark corners: but Tyra, somewhat made it seem, that the backstage, was very much, a maze.

Having analysed this as such, I don't see, any case, against Naomi Campbell, and I believe, that any such accusations, by Tyra, should be filed, under what it really is: crap-o-crap.

Ideas in Schooling

I never, did enjoy, my schooling years that much, with the exception, of a certain time period. That time period, made for some, of the happiest years, in my life. I think schooling, has become decrepit, and needs reform, of one kind, or another. It has become meaningless, and many even believe, useless. If I had my way, I would change schooling, to the format, seen below:

Arts based schools:

Arts based schools, are schools, that primarily teach, the Arts. One is supposed, to become, an excellent practitioner, of an Art, or several. They will be made talented, and hopefully, extremely creative. But many, might wonder, what one could do, with an Arts education. Thats where, the social sciences, come into play. The Arts, go very well, with the social sciences. They both, complement, each other well, and there are lots of opportunities, in the wide field, that makes up, for the social sciences. Financial services for instance, are part, of social sciences.

Athletic based schools:

Athletic based schools, were made popular, by Rugby schools, once seen in England. These schools, were an offspring, of the British Empire. What they did, was train men, young men really, to be good problem solvers, via sports, and teamwork. These young men, once trained, were then sent out, into the British Empire, to help make things work. They were supposed, to be rugged, and able, to solve, any problem. An Athletic based schooling, can work well, when taught hand in hand, with the Natural Sciences. From Geography, to Zoology. Being a soldier, a mechanic or a scientist, is what, Athletic based schooling, is all about. Very many opportunities out there, some, many, self created.

Religious based schools:

Religious based schooling, is all about, teaching, religion, at the heart of it all. People pray alot, they learn to be ethical and show morality. They learn to be good people, and learn alot, about human nature. What makes humans evil, and how to make them, right again. They even learn, how to live life; a religious life. This kind of education, best goes, with the hard sciences; for the hard sciences, teach one, how to be, a critical thinker. Many of the graduates, of these schools, are often put, in positions, of prominence. From CEO, to Professor, to Politician. Not too many opportunities, but many crucial ones.

Thats what I think, about schooling, and how it should be implemented. All the above, share one thing, in common; they all learn Mathematics, and English.

Concepts of Love

Love, is a topic, that is often, of great interest to many, after money. Interestingly enough though, love and money, do go hand in hand. People, are really inspired, to make money, due to love, and not sex, as many out there, believe. Love though, is still very much, a European practice. Other groups out there, don't really do it. Love, has somewhat made, Europe, very famous. Love, is an interesting topic, because of its diversity; there are many kinds of love out there, and if you are going to engage in love, you might want to know, about them. Lets give, some examples:

Amor: The Spanish Concept of Love

Amor, is a rather known form of love, having been made popular, by Mexican and South American soaps. It is an easy kind of love, to explain. A man, is in love, amor, with a woman, who refuses to react appropriately. He tries to make her straight, or fit an ideal, but she attempts to do otherwise. She might be a drunk, a gossip, a spendthrift, outspoken, and the man, does not like that. And he tries his best, to do what he can, to make her, change her ways. Thats Amor. Amor, can inspire one, in the arena of business too. It works, kinda simply. A person, comes up with a business idea, and then, has to work hard, to convince customers, that his product, or service, is ideal for them. A kind of, salesmanship. It can great crazy that way, and the last thing, you want to do, is beg. Don't beg, when dealing with Amor. You just have to find a way, to figure things out. The opposite side of this, is when the woman, in your life, loves you alot, or your customers do too. Then you find, you begin, to act, like a jerk, or a-hole. There is a fine balance to it. Dictatorships, are born of Amor, gone wrong.

Amour: The French Concept of Love

Amour, or the French concept of love, is kinda easy to explain too. A man, lives in a city, which is renowned, for its beautiful, charming and intelligent women. Competition, is not fierce, but rejection is. The man knows, or has been told, that its easy, to deal with this. He has to become, a kind of, social ideal. He has to be clean, intelligent, mannerful, funny etc. He has to practise hard, all this, including, how to approach women and dance. You have to do it, all right. When he does, he wins the hand in marriage, of a most beautiful woman. But thats where Amour, takes on itself, another twist. He realizes, there are forces out there, threatening, to derail, the marriage. The woman, might fall sick, and the man, despairs. The woman, might have an affair, and the man, recoils, in horror. Thats Amour. Amour, can also, be applied, to the business world. A man, inspired by amour, to make money, sets out, to be the perfect, businessman. He exercises, he learns how to present himself, but mainly, he reads alot, so he can have a full understanding of things. He knows theorems, and how to apply them. He is that deep. He then, sets out, to start a business, and he finds, that since he is well prepared, success, comes easy. The belief, in success, in a fortnight, is of French origins. But thats when now, things begin, to go awry. Once a success, he finds, that there are forces out there, out to derail, the business. He has to work hard, to keep everything, perfect. Thats Amour again.

Obsession: The English Concept of Love

Obsession, or the English concept of love, is pretty well known. A man, falls in love, with a woman, whom is somewhat defenceless. She is perfect, but somewhat weak. He wins her hand, and then sets about, practically, locking her up. He wishes, to control, all her movements. He wants to know, where she goes, whom she sees, and what she does. He wants to know everything about her, so as to feel safe, and have her, not know much, about him; so as to feel safe. He fears abandonment. Thats Obsession. Obsession, can be applied, to the business world, and is very often is. Its the most famous known way, of making money. With Obsession, one comes up, with the perfect product or service, and sets out, to make it available. Everybody loves it, when they see it. However, there are those, who are known, as competitors. They see the product, or service, and think, they can make an equivalent, or something greater, in one way, or another. They do, and the first man, realizes, that his clients, wish to leave him, and go, somewhere else. It is then, he becomes obsessed with them, and winning them back. Thats Obsession.

Liebe: The German Concept of Love

Liebe, or the German concept of love, is actually much more commonly known, than most believe. It has been made famous, by television, and B-movies. Liebe, happens, when a woman, likes a man, and lets others know about it. The man, hears about it, and somehow knows, he has to do, something about it. He sets out to woo, and lure her. He talks to her, for a while, then sets out, to buy her some flowers. He then moves on up, to chocolates, before asking her out, for a date. They go to the movies, before he upscales it, to theatre. He then finally, takes her dancing. Thats Liebe. During this time, the love, grows, stronger. They then get married, and the problem of keeping things alive, arises. This is not too difficult, as it involves, making themselves, better. Liebe, is also, often, very much seen, in the business world. Often associated, with small business. A person, has a product, or service, and sets out to woo, or lure, customers, or clients. He talks to them, about the product/service; he dines them, he sends them a card, thank you card, perhaps even, with some flowers, he tells them of great deals, and responds to them, about any queries. When he has finally captured them, clients or customers, he then sets out to make everything, real good. Better deals, better service, better products. Thats Liebe again.

Amore: The Italian Concept of Love

Italians, are heavily renowned, with love. When most think Italian, they think love. Even more, than with the French. Italians today, tend to adopt, different, types of love. They don't really practise Amore. There is Italian Obsession, as seen in the movie, 'Pretty Woman'. There is Italian Liebe, as seen in the movie, Notting Hill. One might wonder, why the Italians, adopted other forms of love, and dropped, or appeared to do so, Amore. This is all because, Amore, is known out there, to those who don't fully understand it, as stalking. A man, sees a beautiful Italian woman: aren't they all, and sets out, to conquer her. He however knows, he can't really get close to her, since he is really, an average joe. He therefore, sets out, driven by desperation really, to stalk her. He begins to do so, and with time, she notices. "Who is that guy? He's always here!", is what she says, when she sees him, for the umpteenth time, milling around, near but far, from her. If he is noticed, she sets out to hide herself, and thats when, he becomes, really desperate. He sends her a letter; he calls her mother; or he sets alight her lawn, with fire, spelling out his name, and hers. He probably, even gets into a fight, with a male friend, of hers. As one can see, Amore, can be violent. It all falls now, to the woman, to accept him, or reject him. Amore, can also be applied, to business. In a simple way; one simply, somewhat stalks, their customers. They know about them, but they don't really know them. They then set out, to come up with a product, or service, they believe, their customers, would want. Often high end, customers. They make, the product, or service available, and things become undecided: "What do you mean, they don't like it?" "They just don't like it" "What do you mean, they just don't like it?" "They think its wack Pauly". And then, its back, to the drawing board. This continues, until, they hit it big. When one uses Amore, to do business, one can hit it, really big. You could probably win, an Oscar, for hitting it big with Amore, though you are a businessman. Amore, is that strong.

Liebe-Austria: The Austrian Concept of Love

Liebe-Austria, or what some call, Passionate Love, is the Austrian concept, of love. Liebe-Austria, is somewhat, easy to explain. A man, sees a woman, a Juliet perhaps, and knows, she just would never love him. He believes this, strongly. He however, spends his days, and time, thinking about her. There are two ways, to do this; the right way, and the wrong way. With the wrong way, the man thinks about her all the time, almost despairing, she knows nothing about him. This might continue, for many years, until he learns the most disastrous of news: She is moving away, she is getting married, or she has a rich boyfriend. It is then, that the man panics, and sets out to make known, his love for her. Can be disastrous, if not well thought out: Romeo and Juliet. With the right way, the man thinks about the woman, and why she loves him not. He figures something out, and then sets out, to improve himself. He does this, all the time, while thinking about her, and dreaming about her too. And then one day, when he believes himself perfect, he sets out, to see her, and make his love known. Liebe-Austria, is also often, parlayed, in the business world. A man, not much money, wishes, to make money, as to be popular. He sees others out there doing so, and he despairs. He knows not, what to do; they all seem intelligent, and him dumb. With the wrong way, he will spend his days, dreaming and thinking, about making money, but never really doing so. He fails in life, this way. With the right way, he thinks up a great idea, but knows, he cannot really fulfill it, as he is. He then sets about, thinking about the idea, how to make it real, and how to improve himself, as to ensure success, and does this, for many a year. Then one day, when he has got it all perfect, and has been working on himself, he sets out, to do it. The concept, of instant success, is associated, with Liebe-Austria. He becomes huge, but with time, gets bored, of the success. He seeks out, something else to do. He then enters, a whole new arena, and begins the same process again. The idea, of the renaissance man, was born of, Liebe-Austria. This also, works, in a relationship, as a woman can change, and the man, has to change too. If he refuses, she might leave, to seek out, another mate. Change, is not always easy, as Liebe-Austria, is an addictive form, of love. Once withdrawn, it can drive one, crazy. The fear of love, was born of, Liebe-Austria.