Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Magician's Circle

The Magician's Circle.

The Promise of Life:

This entry in many a way, very much has to do, and with speak of Reality in itself, and as not deciphered and in speak of Logic solely, but in all ways even, and in speak and of the Unfounded too that is. That Reality in all, is said experienced or explained, and in speak of bridging in all, the gap, and between Logic too perhaps, and the Unfounded too that is.

In speaking of Magic in all, is to in all ways even, present it all, and from speak and of the defining, and for what does constitute and for a 'Sense of Reality', a 'Grasp on Reality', or even, a (Holographic) 'View on Reality' that is.

In many a way, the lack in belief or the lack in faith, and in believing in Magic in itself, can somewhat be blamed, and in speak of Mirrors in themselves that is. That Mirrors in all, have in many a way led in all again, and to our loss in all, and in perceiving Time, and from the very perspective of Innocence in itself that is.

That in all, and as with regards to speak of Mirrors in all again, we are in many a way said to have a poor 'Sense of Reality', a poor 'Grasp on Reality', or even a poor (Holographic) 'View of Reality', and as going along in all, and with our said losing of Innocence, and with Time and Evolution in itself too [and the very belief that, the so termed 'Dawn of Civilization', did speak of Human relations, and at their very best too that is, and that all that has happened since then, and in speak of Technology too, does speak and of a loss of Innocence in itself, and such that, Human Beings in all today, do very well in all, question, the very Presence of God that is]. In all, speak of Innocence in itself, and as very much said a Conscience/Consciousness too, and that does accommodate the Magical in all that is.

In all, what does it truly mean, and when we do speak and of losing Innocence that is? To speak of North America, a failure and in believing, and in the 'counting of ones Blessings', and as said in all, and to very much go along too, and with speak of the Rite of Marriage that is. To speak of South America, a failure in all, and in believing, and in Fraternity too that is. To speak of Europe, is to speak in all and of the rise and fall and of Chivalry in itself actually. To speak of Africa, Reality in all, and as said not going along, and with speak of (Magical) Spells that is. To speak of Asia, a failure in all, and in the very embodying, and of Song in itself [and as said in all again, truly representing the Asian Psyche/Experience that is]. To speak of the Middle East, a lack of Belief in all, and in Love in itself that is. To speak of Italy and Afrique in many a way too, a fall and in the realizing in all, the Symbolic meaning in all again, and of the Chalice for instance, or speak too, and of the Cross that is.

In all again, speak too and of Humans in all and as having changed, and in their perceptions and of God in all and such that, Civilization and as it does exist today, said held back in all, and by speak of Mirrors too (and in themselves), and as said representing in all again, Innocence in itself too, and in the very form of (Memory) Blankness that is [and not Conscious States or Awareness either that is].

In all, Magic in itself, and as said to speak of a 'Sense of Reality', a 'Grasp on Reality', or even a (Holographic) 'View of Reality', and that in all, the very Innocence needed to attain this, does speak in all again, and of what some do term Retentive Memory, and as said Memory too, and that does speak in all for instance, and of Reality, and as perceived and from speak of Tears in all that is.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Rogers Canada.

The Rogers Media Network, and speak too, and of an Authentic and Genuine Canadian Media, and as versus that said simply North American or Non-American too that is [and as in speak of Telus too for instance].

American Civ.

American Civ.

The term Civ. in all, can be best said to differ and from speak of the term Civilization too, in that, it is a term, Civ. that is, and that is truly associated or acquainted in all, and with speak of Media, and as versus speak of Rite or Ritual too that is.

That in all, we do live in a World, and that has in many a way too, come to be defined and in speak of Modern Communications in all (and as going along in all again, and with Modern Communication Systems/Technology), and with Modern Communications too, in many a way, speaking and of Turmoil in itself that is [Link] [that in all again, many out there are simply said disturbed in all, emotionally too, and as with regards and to speak of Heredity, and as with it in all even, speaking, and of just whom in all, we are, and with Taboo for instance, and such that, Modern Communications in all, are simply said to have us truly redefining ourselves, and in speak of Taboo that is][and something in all again, and that does speak and of Atheism in itself that is].

In many a way, what is being proposed in this post, below too, is not too difficult to understand and as it does in all speak and of the United States of America today, and as simply said a Media Powerhouse that is. That most out there, and as referring here in all even, and to what does pass for Development in many another part of the World in all, that having in all again, a well developed home bred Media in all, does in many a way too, pass for Self-Esteem in itself, but that in all too really, most out there don't simply know just how to think of Media in all, but that in all too, speak of perceiving Media, and from the perspective and of a Critic/Analyst in all again, American Media that is, does in all ways even help us, truly learn just how to see or perceive ourselves, and from speak of modern notions and of Taboo too that is [and as going along in all, and with Modern Communication Systems/Technology too, and as with it in all even, said to speak of History in itself, and as best understood in all, and by the average person today too, and in speak of Taboo in itself that is].

In all again, a plea perhaps, and as put out to Youtube too, and in speak of, helping put out American Media out there, and as with it in all even said to go back and in Time too, and in speak of the 30's that is, and with Americans in all again (and in speak too, and of an American Education for instance), perhaps known to understand Taboo in all, and from more or less said interesting perspectives, and that can in all, help us understand History, and from more or less new Modes of Expression that is [and speak too of Cartoons for instance].

South America: News Media

Europe: Business Media

Africa: Conventional Media

Asia: Social Media

The Middle East: Popular Media

Central Asia: Mass Media

Afrique: Religious Media

Monday, August 18, 2014

Labrador, the Falklands & the Bahamas

Labrador, the Falklands & the Bahamas.

American Themes & Media:

The term American here, generally refers in all, and to speak too in all perhaps, and of the Americas, Northern America, South America and even Central America too that is. The belief in all that, they in all are said, to share a similar Media that is. With the name America though, believed to truly go along and with speak of the American Wolf (and in America that is), what they do in all call Themes that is, does speak of Media in all, and as going along, and with speak of Integration too that is.

To speak of South America in all, and from the perspective of Themes and Integration, is to in all ways even refer, and to speak of Colombia, Guyana and Brazil too, and as said in all, truly differing and from the rest of South America, and in speak too, and of Integration that is [that they in all, the three mentioned Countries and from a South American perspective too, are actually truly said Black that is]. In all, speak here and of the Falklands, and as providing an inspiration in all, and in speak of Themes too, and of the Development of a Media, and that does speak of Integration too that is.

You do also have Northern America, and as a place in all perhaps, and just where in all again, America (or the United States of America too that is), is said distinct from the rest, and in speak of Economics, or speak truly even, and of Politicized Culture that is [and with basic speak here even, and of Air Force 1 for instance]. In having America in all (or the United States of America too), truly integrate perhaps, and in Themes (and as with they even speaking of the Mexican Soap Opera), and into Northern America in itself that is, is to in all ways even speak of Labrador Island (and in Canada too that is).

Speak of Central America and the Caribbean on the otherhand, does in all actually speak of the Bahamas that is.

Labrador, the Falklands and the Bahamas:

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Engineering.

What in all, is Aerospace Engineering? It can first off, be differentiated, and from speak too, and of Aeronautics, Aviation and Avionics that is. That Aeronautical/Aeronautic Engineering in all, does aspire, and in studying in many a way, the Material Sciences for instance, and that do go along and with speak of Flight, and in the hope. and of building, better Aircraft in all that is, and as with it all even referring, and to the Airbus for instance [Link] [and with Italy too in all, known to lead, and as with regards and to the study and of Aeronautics too that is].

What of Aviation? It in many a way, does speak of the building of Aeroplanes in all, and as with it all even referring and to what some do term Manned Flight, and as going along in all again, and with speak of the Airline Industries that is. Avionics on the otherhand, does speak of the flying of Planes, and as a Culture too, and a Culture, more influential than most believe it to be, and as it does in many a way, speak of the so termed Airman (and the birth of the Airforce too), but that in all ways even, does speak of the Culture of Flying Planes, and in America too, and as going very much along, and with speak of Hollywood culture too that is [Link1, Link2] [and with a basic example here, speaking of Howard Hughes in himself that is][and with the Aircraft accredited to him, the 'Spruce Goose' that is, more or less a Military Aircraft in all actually].

In all though, this entry does purport and to speak on Aerospace Engineering, and as going along in many a way, and with speak and of what does stand for Screening and Labeling, and in the Aeronautical world so to speak [Link], and as with it in all even perhaps, Screening and Labeling that is, does in all speak of the Internet in itself [and speak of Internet cultures too], and as the Internet in itself, does appear built in all, and in speak of Content, and that does in all again, refer or speak too in all, and of Screening and Labeling too that is [that in all again, Modern Technology in many a way, can be said, and to reach its heights and in speak of the Internet in all, and with the old World too, having Culture in all, grounded, and in speak and of the Navigation of Ships too that is].

Tuesday, August 12, 2014



Racialism and Religion:

This post in many a way, will serve and as a general introduction, and to African Religion, and in the very hope in all (and further speak of common sense too), and of making the African Continent understandable and to most that is.

In many a way too, this post in all again, will speak and on what does pass for Development and in the World today, and as with it all even said to have a basis and on recent History (and as said stemming back and into speak of Slavery or Colonialism too), and speak in all ways even, and of the very unknown History, and of the rise of many Modern Cities in all, and as said spanning the Globe that is [and speak too in all, and of South Africa for instance, and as having many a City to it, and with their founding/rise in all, not truly accounted for that is].

In understanding just how many a Modern City did come to be (and as in speak of Road Networks in particular), is to perhaps in all again refer, and to speak of recent History, and as with it all even said to go along and with speak of Racial/Social and Political Turmoil that is.

In understanding all the above, and as said in all even, and to go along and with the rise of Feminism in the World, and Feminism too, and that does associate the Modern World in all, and with speak of many a said Technological breakthrough, but further speak in all again, and of Blonde haired and Blue eyed peoples, and as in many a way, simply said perfect in their ways that is [Link1, Link2].

In having said the above, is to now attempt to take on Conventional Political Structures, and as said to go along, and with speak of Poverty Reduction for instance, but that in all ways even, many such Poverty Reduction programs and as found all over the World, are said to have simply failed in their ways, and in speak too, and of the very fact that, Poverty is still said or believed, rather widespread in all, and to the extent perhaps, that many out there, do in all even blame inefficiency and when it does come and to speak of Political Structures, and on Feminist Ideologies that is.

In going along in all, and with the very belief that, Feminist Ideologies (and as with they even said Racial too), are responsible and for the failure of many a Political Structure, and in delivering on its promises perhaps, is to perhaps in all again, speak and of what did constitute and for Political Authority in all, and as with it even said Legitimate too, and in the old World that is, and as with it all even, viewed in all again, and from speak of Religion that is [that surprisingly for some, just how the Modern World did come to be, can best be explained, and in speak of African Religion].

In having said this, is to now present, a Racialized view in all, and of Political Authority, and as it did exist in the old World, and such that, one in all, can truly in many a way, understand just how the Modern World did come to be. That for instance, it is Asian Religion, and speak too and of Buddhism in itself, and that does associate Blackness, the Colour Black and Darkness in itself too, and with speak of Chaos and Turmoil in itself, and such that, those said possessing Black Skins or simply said Black in their ways (and speak too and of the 'Black Sheep' for instance), are either said perfect, or truly imperfect in all that is. In all too, speak too, and of the unknown History of Asian Religion, and which does associate Asian life, and with many a Religious Cult, and as said simply out to understand Darkness/Blackness, and as said to speak of Chaos too in all, and in the very hope in all again, and of dealing with Political Turmoil, but in many a way too, speak of Success in Asia, and as associated and with speak of Chaos and Darkness/Blackness that is [Link1, Link2][and solutions in all, and as truly arising, and with the understanding of Chaos, and as said to speak of Darkness/Blackness that is][in all, the very belief that, Asia in all, is still very much ruled by Cults, and further speak too in all, and of Asia perhaps, and as helping promote many a Conspiratorial Theory and as with regards to the World today that is; and as going along too perhaps, and with speak of Feminism that is].

Take the Christian World on the otherhand, and just where in all again, Political Authority, and as said in all even, Legitimate too, did speak of those said possessing Brown Skins in all, and with those said possessing White and Black Skins, possessing differing forms of Authority (and as in telling one that, the role of the Pontiff/Pope and in Italian History, does only go along, and with those said possessing White Skins too), but that in all ways even, speak of King Arthur and as a Religious Figure, does in all fail to mention, his said possessing Brown Skin that is.

You do also have Christianity and as differing and from the Christian, and which in all ways even and in the more recent Times, does speak of defining the World, and in speak of Citizenship too (and speak in all, and of Christianity and as said differing and by Country that is), but that speak of many a Country today and as said advancing in speak of Civil Rights for instance, does speak of Political Structures and as going along and with speak of Christianity too that is. In all, the very belief that, most Modern Countries did come to be, and via speak of Christianity too, but that Christianity in all, does have its origins, and in speak of Egyptian Coptic Christianity, and a form of Christianity too, and that does associate in all, many a place for instance, and with what some do term Forbidden or Banned Literary sources that is [Link].

You do also have Islam, Judaism and the Islamic faith, and as often presented and in speak of their being opposed to each other, but that in all ways even, it does in all speak now and of Success in all again, and as going along and with Political Structures, and that do take Gender/Sexual relations into perspective, and such that, Sexuality in itself and as said Ideal too, has come to be associated and with speak of those said possessing Elongated Bodies, Straight Hair, Caucasoid Features, but that in all ways too, speak of Sexual Identity in all, and as said paramount in all again, and in helping one Succeed in life, in that, one truly has to know just how to best define themselves Sexually, and before their attempting to Succeed in life that is [and all this too, and as making Islamic, Judaism and Islam oriented Beliefs in all, very much a part of the Western World that is][and speak too, and of Feminism, and as truly in all again, believed said associated, and with Judaism too for instance].

It is however, and in speak of Arab Religion, and just where in all, one does find the very false belief (and as said Modern too), and which does associate those said having African Hair, and speak too and of Negroid Features (but as said Egyptian too), said in all, Inferior that is, and when in reality, in Arab Religion, those said possessing African like Hair, and Negroid Features (but Egyptian in all actually) [or what some do term Africoid that is], are in all ways even, said to hold Legitimate Power, and in speak of many a Political Structure that is [and with Arabs too in all, Historically that is, said mainly Brown skinned in all actually].

It is however, and in speak of African Religion, and just where in all again, one does very much see in all, the very rise and of Race Theories too, and as going along in all, and with speak of Africa, and as said distinct from the rest, and in speak of the African races that is. That the key to understanding the African races, does lie in all, and with one knowing in many a way, that African Religion, does attempt to deal and define what some do term the Psyche that is [or speak too, and of what does constitute and for an Individual or Personal Reality, but further speak too, and of one in all, and as said defying all odds for instance, but further speak too in all again, and of African Religions (and as with they even said Egyptian too), dealing with Magic that is]. In all, it is via speak of African Religion (and as with it even said Egyptian too), and where in all again, Evil, is introduced into the World and in the very form of the Devil for instance (and with Greek Religion and that said Italian too, and of Egyptian origins and in one or many a way too), but that speak of Slave Trading African societies in all, does go along and with just how many a said African 'slave', did in all have their Psyche's defined that is [and as with they said perhaps, Criminal minded, and speak too, and of Africa's/African participation, and in the Slave trade that is].

In all, the very rise of Feminism, and as best perceived perhaps, and from an African Religion perspective, and speak too, and of those harbouring Hate in all, and towards those said to possess a more developed Psyche (and as believed said in all, and to speak of Possessions that is), but that in all ways even, all this referring and to speak of Moors ('Egyptian') and Africans in Europe for instance, and as with many out there in all, truly wondering and for what does in all stand for their being Legitimate in Europe, but that in all ways even, it does speak of such Presences in Europe (Moor and African), and as said Psychically more developed in all, and as compared and to speak of the European (and speak here in all, and of it all perceived and in speak of Arab and Christian Religion too), but that in all ways even, speak of the African/Moor Psyche in all, and as going along and with speak of Convention that is [Link]. In all, African Religion, and as probably helping explain just how the old World did fall, and to Feminist Ideologies too, and as in stating that, IFA in all, does stand for African Religion, and as attempting to define African life, and in a said Post-Modernist/Feminist World in all, and one too, and as going along and with the very belief that, Modern Technology, has in all failed to solve many of our problems, and from the very basic perspective, and of Psychic health that is [or basic speak here, and of the very false belief, and of (well-paying) Jobs for all that is][and speak too, and of Modern Democracy, and as attempting to define whole new Psyches, and for us all actually].