Tuesday, August 26, 2014

American Civ.

American Civ.

The term Civ. in all, can be best said to differ and from speak of the term Civilization too, in that, it is a term, Civ. that is, and that is truly associated or acquainted in all, and with speak of Media, and as versus speak of Rite or Ritual too that is.

That in all, we do live in a World, and that has in many a way too, come to be defined and in speak of Modern Communications in all (and as going along in all again, and with Modern Communication Systems/Technology), and with Modern Communications too, in many a way, speaking and of Turmoil in itself that is [Link] [that in all again, many out there are simply said disturbed in all, emotionally too, and as with regards and to speak of Heredity, and as with it in all even, speaking, and of just whom in all, we are, and with Taboo for instance, and such that, Modern Communications in all, are simply said to have us truly redefining ourselves, and in speak of Taboo that is][and something in all again, and that does speak and of Atheism in itself that is].

In many a way, what is being proposed in this post, below too, is not too difficult to understand and as it does in all speak and of the United States of America today, and as simply said a Media Powerhouse that is. That most out there, and as referring here in all even, and to what does pass for Development in many another part of the World in all, that having in all again, a well developed home bred Media in all, does in many a way too, pass for Self-Esteem in itself, but that in all too really, most out there don't simply know just how to think of Media in all, but that in all too, speak of perceiving Media, and from the perspective and of a Critic/Analyst in all again, American Media that is, does in all ways even help us, truly learn just how to see or perceive ourselves, and from speak of modern notions and of Taboo too that is [and as going along in all, and with Modern Communication Systems/Technology too, and as with it in all even, said to speak of History in itself, and as best understood in all, and by the average person today too, and in speak of Taboo in itself that is].

In all again, a plea perhaps, and as put out to Youtube too, and in speak of, helping put out American Media out there, and as with it in all even said to go back and in Time too, and in speak of the 30's that is, and with Americans in all again (and in speak too, and of an American Education for instance), perhaps known to understand Taboo in all, and from more or less said interesting perspectives, and that can in all, help us understand History, and from more or less new Modes of Expression that is [and speak too of Cartoons for instance].

South America: News Media

Europe: Business Media

Africa: Conventional Media

Asia: Social Media

The Middle East: Popular Media

Central Asia: Mass Media

Afrique: Religious Media