Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Life Worth Lived

How to live life? Even better yet, how, to actually, live through it? For most out there, going through, life (as with, taking a moment, to reflect on it), never, does truly, really happen. To most perhaps, it has to do, with, the 'hustle and bustle', of everyday living, and simply, trying, to survive [or even, stay alive (as with, simple mental existences/stability)]. Life, even when going, rather well, can eventually, become, a drudge when one, realizes perhaps, that, there is nothing much, to do with it [outside childhood really], and life too, is pretty, much longer, than, most anticipate it, to be.

This entry, will attempt in all, to provide, 'solutions' maybe, to how, one, should seek out to live, through life (in its entirety). It will attempt really, to have one, reflect, on life, and, in all too, come to, suitable 'solutions' perhaps, on what, to, actually, do with it [from a present, future, and even past (too) perspective (in all)].

There are many ways, to live life, in the present. The most famous, is that, having, to do, with, Life Stages [like with the Sacraments, or, Chakras even]. In all really, when Life, is going not too well, one (was) supposed really, to look at it (reflect too perhaps), from, the Life Stage, lived within. A way of living perhaps, that worked, really well, until, most began, to lose faith, in, Life Stages [as with, the 'popularly' mad, beginning, to influence, just, about, anything out there, to do, with, life]. Below will be presented, 5 main ways, that, one, could seek, to base life on, as with, the present (really):
  1. 'Pet Hates'
  2. Persona Development
  3. Emotional Development
  4. Life Stages
  5. Successes
The above five, are the main ways, known, to most, on actually, how, to, transverse perhaps, through, life itself. Of these 5 as mentioned, Life Stages, is, pretty well known [although, not as, popular, as it, was before] [People today, are far more, psychologically messed up, than, in the (perceived) past, Ages of Innocence]. 'Pet Hates', is actually, one, of the better ways, to go, through life today, It simply, is all based on, knowing/understanding, ones, 'Pet Hates', and, attempting too, to escape them, at, all costs really. A method, way more inspiring [as with living life], than, that based, on, the fifth entry (of Successes). Successes on the otherhand, speaks really of, looking back really, at ones life, based, on the Successes, they have, achieved, and then simply, gauging, ones future, very much, based, on all that. This method, does not work too well today, due to the fact, that, the number, of sought out Successes, are, rather few and far in between. In all really, there is nothing, much, going on out there, as with, seeking Success really [unless, one, redefines Success, not only as having to do with, Victories, or Legacies even, but also, as to, what, constitutes, Success: Achievement, Accomplishment, Goal, or Attainment even] [that in all really, with regards, to, seeking Success, one really wants today, to seek out, Victories, and Goals too (really)]. Works well really, but probably not, as well, as, 'Pet Hates' would [in a World deemed filled, with crazy people]. Persona Development here, is actually, associated with, growth, with regards to, Truisms [and not really, image, personality, or, character development even]. A way of living perhaps, that works rather well with those, seeking out (more or less), traditional ways of living. Emotional Development here, refers really to, taking an account [of ones way of living], as based really on, the development, of, Seriousness levels. In all really, simply gauging, ones, mistakes, ones, unhappiness, and even, ones, misfortunes, all, from the level really, of ones, Seriousness (development), rather than, Persona/Personalty based Development, or even, the, simple blaming, of, others.

Many out there though, are truly, unhappy, about their lives, even when, everything, seems, to be going, rather well [as with, hardwork, paying off even]. The main reason for this, has to do with (really), how things, happen, in ones life [how things happen]. Many will find today, that, they are simply (in many cases/ways), simply (really), unhappy, with, the way, things, happen (in their lives). Alot of this too, has to do, with, people in general, being, unhappy, about their lives [as with, seeking Success today, that is, few and far (in between)]. Many today (in chasing Success really), have created, the, atmosphere/world we today, acquaint with, 'the hustle and bustle', of living; an existence, that most out there, simply, hate [as it is often, accompanied, by all forms, of, happenings (as with someone for instance, speeding, past one), that, most out there, simply, hate]. In many ways really, the above, 5 manners of gauging, ones life [if lived that is], are, oft mainly, accompanied, by different forms really, of happenings [America for instance, as a beloved country (where, anything interesting/funny), can happen to one, is based on really, gauging life, with regards, to, 'Pet Hates' (thats how, Americans, have lived, traditionally; 'Pet Hates')] [A way of living today, perceived, Rural America perhaps (but is, actually, American History Y) (or the true History, of America) (and not Howard Hughes truly)].

Keeping Time & the Calendar:

There are those who often, tend, to look at life, from more or less, the future (based) perspective. Today though, most have no futures really, to envision, other than that, of, problems (perceived) [to be faced really], and blank moments (in between as fillers). The end result, is often, listless/restless folks, who eventually [as with knowing others], engage, in a criminal act (of one kind or another) [as with, participating, in life really]. In all, the future alot today, is marked really, with, how perhaps, to respond, to, all forms, of incidents, associated with, people, one knows [and the less people one knows, the better, the standards/quality (of life), one has (really)]. A probable explanation (in all), as with observation really, as many even believe, History itself [as with, American History X (perhaps)], tends, to unfold, as such (really) [the responding really, to all forms, of, criminal incidents, towards, one].

This was not true in the past, where the future [as even with, holidaying, celebrations etc.], was in all really, defined, by Calendars. Several of these Calendars, do exist, with, the one used today [falsely knows, as, Gregorian], nothing more, than, an attempt really, to measure time (in all) [in all really, its not, a true Calendar, as with, helping gauge, growth (of all forms), with regards, to a Society]. In a past entry, it was mentioned in general, that, different Regions (of the World), use, different conceptions, of, Time (as with Time Zones really). What will be proposed below though, are equaling, Calendars, that go, hand in hand, with, these Time Zones, and in all, help, with the development, of, a Society [and helping one too, see themselves (much better), from, a future based, perspective] [as with working hard, to take, an early Christmas break, or even, have, the money, to enjoy it].

The Calendars proposed below, are not, simply, a way, of keeping Time, but the real reason, why, they are proposed, is such that really, the Festivities (associated with them), are kept [and practised too (that is)], as they in all, are believed, to, be best, for, the Regions, mentioned along with them, below [one of the only, true ways really, to create/build, a Region based 'Society'].

North America: The Julian Calendar

South America: The Gregorian Calendar

Europe: The Alexandrian (French Republican) Calendar

Africa: The Hebrew Calendar

South East Asia: The Tibetan Calendar

East Asia: The Chinese Calendar

The Middle East & Afrique: The Islamic Calendar

*Ramadan, and Idd-ul-fitr, are far more, widely engaged in (practised), in Afrique, than, Christmas is (even)*

In all truly, simply, associating oneself, with the Calendars above, will result, in ones, Mental Processes/Rhythms (perhaps), being attuned, to, what some call, the Cycles of Life [or simply perhaps too (even), the Cycles in Nature, born of, the birth-destruction-rebirth cycle].

*the prevalently used, modern Calendar, can remain intact, as a World Calendar (for all forms, of, interactions really)*

Methodologies and 'Work' Identities:

Most out there, don't really know, whom they are [in, just about, any manner]. What this really means is that, they totally lack, an Image, Personality, or Character even. This is because, they lack, the, most simple way, of, knowing another: the Identity. Some might believe this, rather, minuscule (in scope/nature), but the truth is, all forms, of, Personal Development, begin, with, the Identity [in all, whom are you really, as with others truly, identifying one].

The truth is, most out there, have, no idea, how, to formulate/create, Identities. Yet truly enough too, it is, known [perhaps even, from our stone-age ancestors], that, the 'Work Identity', is, the most, basic, of all, our, Identities [it is, the one really, that, defines us to others (in all), as, with being (perhaps), instantly, recognizable].

Creating a base Identity, is not, as difficult, as, one, might believe it to be [it being, associated, with, a 'Work Identity' (in all)]. To fully see this perhaps, is to know, that, most out there, don't really (know), whom they are, as, Workers [they don't really, know really, how, to Work well even, other than, by following, Instructions only]. To truly see (understand perhaps even), all this, is, to know really, that, different Regions (of the World), call for, different, Working mentalities (really), as with, how, to go about, solving, a problem (of any sorts) [plans made, equipment used etc.]. What too, that most, don't, know, is that, while, Tools, are associated with, Working itself, and, Materiality, with Culture based Personas, Equipment, is associated, with, Identify formulation [that in all, when one, is, asked perhaps, to, quickly/simply, identify another, they are really, seeking out Equipment, associated with them] [For instance, a Calculator, and, an Accountant (for example)].

Different Regions, of the World, call for, different, 'Work Identities' [as with, how, one goes about, working, as with, actually, solving, a problem perhaps].

North America: Testing

- one will find, that, in North America, all forms, of, Working (as with even, creating plans), is, totally based, on (as with the underlying), the Testing, of things. When North Americans, make plans, of any form, or set out, to do, just, about, anything (they plan for them in all, via, Testing really) [sounds strange, to those, who, have never worked really, in, North America (or lived there even)] [In all too, all forms, of plans/'actual working', is, associated with, blackbox mentalities] [In many ways too even, Testing, is associated, with, the taste buds actually, with regards, to, the end, desired, solution].

South America: Measurement

- in South America, one will find, that, all forms, of Working (and plannings), have to do, with, Measurement (in all its forms) [Measurement too, as often, accompanied by, the very issue, of, boundaries]. A South American, on setting out, to do, just about anything [as with planning even], will find, that, taking/making measurements (of all kinds), is all, thats needed [as especially to do too, with, the crossing, of boundaries (of all forms)] [for the working South American, the end sought out, is always really, an, end picture].

Europe: Synthesis

- in Europe all forms, of problems met (or acquainted with), require one in all, to perform, a Synthesis. What this really means is that, one is called upon, to be (really), an, Ideal, when dealing, with, a problem, working, or even too, the making of plans. Synthesis really, is about, having, a certain end ('height' really), as, the end goal, and marching perhaps, towards it, as with regards really, to, 'error margins'. A World too, strongly associated, with, the people one meets, as all kinds of problems (in Europe) [as with, the movies even], cannot, be separated, from, people/individuals [they are one, and the same, and, one has to become, an Ideal, in order, to beat them, by, seeking out, a certain end/'height' (as with dominance, for instance), and the marching, towards it (in all), as with regards really, to 'error margins'] [The World today, associated, with all forms, o,f Competition (and not, Competence really)].

Africa: Weighing

- in Africa, all forms of problems, working, and, plan making too, involves, the heavy weighing (of things/circumstances/events even), as with regards, to, stability issues. In all really, one will find, that, all problems faced in, Africa, have to do, with, Stability issues, and the Weighing (of just about, anything/everything), with regards, to, causing, stability/instability.

South East Asia: Treatment

- in South East Asia, any problem solved, work done, or plans made, has to do, with, what, they call, Treatment [the most famous perhaps, being, the Breakdown Treatment]. What this involves (as with making plans perhaps), is the actual, breaking down, of a plan (into parts) [and not stages], and, then, looking out, for, what would break down, on, the way, to attaining, the end (wholeness) sought out. But as mentioned before, there are many other, forms, of Treatment, a good unknown one [in South East Asia at least], being, the Clinical Treatment [solving problems really, based on, a Working Ideal (as with, functioning perhaps), and then, stressing/straining something, into, being, that Ideal].

East Asia: Standardization

- in East Asia, the solving of any form, of problem, working itself, or even, the 'laying' of plans too, involves, what is known, as, Standardization [something best understood through, the world, of, Manuals]. The popular way/belief, in solving, problems (step-by-step), by following instructions', in, a Manual, has its origins, in, the East Asian 'World'. Standardization though, is much, bigger (larger), than all this, as it is, based on, the world, of, Requirements taking, and, the setting out, to fulfill them, by, creating standard(s), of how, this, is to be done [based really too, on, past solutions perhaps, of fulfilling, similar, Requirements]. The Standard though (in all), is actually, a Template of sort [which means, that, once, work on making real, the end sought, is, began, its a smooth sail, all the way really (no more, thinking really, is, required)].

The Middle East, Italy & Afrique: Assessments

The belief, that those, in, the Middle East, and Afrique even, are rather, too similar, to Italians, has to do, with, the fact, that they all, solve, problems, work even, and, create plans too, based on, Assessing things. Assessment, is a way, of working really (perhaps), based truly, on, taking in, the whole picture (with regards to something/'a problem'), and looking out, for, 'side effects' really, that arise, as, one attempts, to solve, the problem (in all). A difficult way, of solving problems really [as with, the required heavy use even, of, Intuition], and in many ways too, has strongly, defined, Italian & 'Middle Eastern' History (with 'Middle Eastern' here, representing, Egyptian culture really, in, the Middle East), as with, the drama, that ensues, when, one, attempts, to tackle just about, any form, of, problem really [in all too, the differences being, the kind, of Imagination, used, to solve, problems really] [in all too really, Assessment, is all about 'fitting in', into, anything (out there really)].

The above Methodologies, are at, the very core, of, whom we are (as Individuals). When one, is called out, by, any, of their names [Identity], they are actually, being called out too, based on, the Working Identity [as with, the Methodologies above]. All this, might sound, confusing, for those, seeking, an 'International Job' perhaps (of some kind), but the truth is that, our, working abilities, are strongly (have been strongly), shaped, by, the environments (we grow up in, or, evolved in even too). In all, everyday problems, of any kind, are, solved really, based on, the above Methodologies, and most Schooling out there, doesn't, help one truly, develop, these Work Identities (but in many ways too really, actually, stunts them) [as with, believing perhaps, that, problem solving, is based on (rote) memorization]. In all really too, this, is not, Ascetic Religious Thought, as the above, Methodologies, are actually, about, fully understanding (perhaps), a problem [and not, the actual, solving of it] [to make this, even, more disheartening, the development, of, the above, Methodologies, is associated/based on, the actual, solving, of problems (as with, evolution even)] [What this means again is that, those, who attempt, to evade, all forms, of, problem solving (as with, growth really), stop evolving, and, begin, to look more or less, like Hominids (as with, de-evolution perhaps) (and the losing, not, of intelligences really, but, the above mentioned (Methodologies based), Abilities, Capabilities, and even, physical based Ableness)].

Again, it must be mentioned, that, the above, 'Work Identities', are highly defined, by, Equipment [and not, Tools (which are used for, actual working)]. Once more, it having been said that, our 'Work identities', are at, the core, of, all our other, Identities, it must be mentioned that, all forms, of, Identification [in the Regions above], be of course too, be, based on, the Methodologies, mentioned above [as with, Equipment really too] [In all, an Italian, would look, awkward, actually, carrying around, a Calculator, as Calculators really are Equipment, associated really, with those, with, Treatment based Work Identities].

America too, has often stood out, from, other Regions/'Countries', of the World, due, to its being, highly defined, by, Identities, strongly shaped, by, the Testing Methodology [in all, what is been said perhaps, is that, a look, at, American Media, shows all forms, of peoples, Identity driven, surrounded mainly, by, Equipment, as compared, to other World Media, which mainly, has, Personalites, Images, or Characters even (and, the associated Materiality) in them]. In many ways really, America, has, ingeniously built, a way of living (perhaps), based primarily, on, Identity (and not, Culture based Personas), that are, best though, seen, in, 'Americanista America'.

In all really, perhaps, as an overstatement too, it must be said that, Identity formation out there [as with, resident, citizen etc.], must perhaps, be, accompanied, by a, similar, formulation, of, accompanying Equipment [and not, Material Culture, as, many do today] [A true American for instance, must, be identified, with, American (Testing) Equipment (and not, American Material Culture, which can for instance, look, good, on a South American)].

As a finality, it must really be mentioned too, that, Identity (in all ways really), also, has to do, with, issues, of Belonging, as pertaining to, uproars, outrage, and, complaints even [or in many ways too really, what, Local Media, is, all about really].

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Oracle of Delphi

Truisms, and much more even;

At the very heart, of Dai'slam too.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Most out there, are aware, of, Superstition (in the form really, of, Superstitious Beliefs) [and not mainly really, Witchcraft practises]. What though, constitutes, Superstition, is of great, argument, to most out there, as tales, of black cats (and misgivings), are rampant, in the Egyptian/Swahili world, but, taken, to be nonsensical, in, other parts, of, the World.

Why is it though, that, most out there, believe in, Superstition? It has in most ways, to do, with, what was called 'Mental Frames' (as pertaining to, Ascetic Religious Thought). What this really means is that, our, Mental Frames, create, our, Mental Realities; however, there lays, other, Realities outside these (our), Realities, that are capable, of, becoming true, for us [meaning, not all, Realities, outside, our Realities, can, afflict us]. These Realities though, capable of, becoming, true, many, have labeled, Truisms.

Truisms, in most ways (as with seeking them out), are about, the search really, for, everyday Transcendence, Enlightenment, Realization, and, Actualization too (even). In many ways, what many, call, Personal Growth [as embodied really, in, the growth in, Memory skills, Pattern Recognition skills, and even, Logic skills too].

How though, one arrives, at a Truism, is based on, several things; First off, knowing ones, Mental Frames (Mental Realities), and what, they constitute of, as with Ascetic Religious Thought really [something, that has, to be ingrained, in one really, via, study] [As compared, to identifying with, Media figures]. Second off, is knowing, what, ones 'Fears' really are, with 'Fears', being of the, superstitious mold, and, emanating from, outside, our, Mental Realities (in all) [in all really, Superstition]. Third in all is about, the calculating really (Mental), of, the possibility, of these 'Fears', becoming, real, by attempting to integrate them, into, ones Mental Realities, via, Oracular/Memory Systems, which really, help one, arrive, at, a Truism (outside ones Realities), by attempting (in all), to best fit in a 'Fear', into, ones, Mental Realities, via, the very act, of, Memory Recollection, Memory Recall, and, Memory based Remembering too [and hence really, arriving, at, a Truism].

Truisms too, are associated, with, 'Coming into Being', as with, what, traveling through Life, is, all about [Personal Growth (Maturity), Self-Growth (Morality), Individuality (Spiritual Growth)]. 'Coming into Being', in most ways, can be, best described, in three main ways; First off, 'Life's Passage', which has to do, with, growth (Personal Growth that is even), as with, how, ones sees, things, with regards to, life really [in many ways too traditionally, this has, often, involved, what, they call, 'Initiations' (and arriving, onto, a Truism as such)]. You also have, 'Life's Memory', which has to do, with looking back, at ones life, with regards really, to, how, one arrived, at, just about, all forms, of, Truisms (as with Transcendence, Enlightenment, Realization & Actualization even), and all based too, on, Self-Growth [as with, Joker, Trickster and Magician Mentalities]. Finally you have too, what, they call, 'Life's Dream', which has to do, with, Individual growth (Individuality really), with regards, to, how, one does things [with Truisms arrived at as by such (and often, Future based too even)].

Below, will be attempted in all, to show, the various Truisms [and often, associated with, what, some call, 'Character Lore'], as associated really, with, the, different Regions, of the World.

North America: Haitian Vodou Lore

- what they call, Haitian Vodou, is really, one, of the most (more even), interesting, Religious Belief Systems, out there. While falsely believed, only African, it is infact, Lore (as with being, Character based), based on, Greek Gods worship, Congo Spirits worship, and even, French Kardecism [a rather, highly, interesting form, of Lore, as seen perhaps, in the various works, of, the 'Old French Crusade Cycle'] [French Kardecism, having origins too, with, French Moors, in France]. In all, it is truly simply Lore, associated with, arriving, at, Truisms (of all forms).

South America: Candomble

- the Brazilian Religion [Religious Belief System actually], of, Candomble, is heavily often falsely believed (widely even), to be, of, Yoruba origins. It does however share alot, of, similarities, with Yoruba Religion [as with, its, Oracles even], but there does too exist, a major difference really, it being that, Yoruba Religion, is, heavily based on, Ethnography [with, the exception, of, the Ifa Oracle, which has, Islamic origins], while, Candomble is totally really, 'Character Lore' [as with, helping arrive, at all forms, of, character based Truisms]. The works, of William Bascom (falsely believed), Yoruba, are actually, Candomble [at, its, finest perhaps even].

Europe: Germanic Lore

- the origins, of Germanic Lore, are highly associated, with, its Teutonic component. Various Character based works (such as, 'The Nibelungenlied'), represent really, what, Truisms in European History, have mainly been, all about [and in many ways too, representing, a significant component, of, what, many believe, to be, the, inherent superiority, of Germans, over, other, Europeans].

Africa: Igbo/Santeria Lore

- the Cuban Religion, of Santeria, has rather heavy, Igbo Antecedents (to it all), and in many ways too really, is, simply (actually), Igbo Religion, in, Cuba. In many ways too, Religion [as with, Religious Belief Systems really], that is, totally based on, arriving, at Truisms [as, especially too, with, its Oracles].

South East Asia: The Vedas

- the Vedas, having origins in, the Urdu World, are timeless classics, pertaining, to the arriving, of Truisms, of all sorts, as seen mainly, in, South East Asia.

East Asia: Maori Lore

- the Maori, of New Zealand, are actually, one, of, the most intelligent, people, in the World. Today though, they are famed for, their Rugby based exploits, but in the past too, for their, rather, well developed, Warrior instincts. What though, most don't really know, about, the Maori, is that, they, have developed, a rather, highly sophisticated, Culture, totally based on, Truisms [and totally too, characterized by, Life's Passage, Life's Memory, and, Life's Dream too]. Truisms, especially highly developed, as with Life's Dream, that has made them (despite suffering, heavy oppression), unconquerable.

The Middle East & Afrique: Egyptian/Swahili Lore

- for Afrique & the Middle East, Egyptian/Swahili Lore (myth), is deemed, the very best, for, a region really, where, the belief, in a black cat, knocking, on ones door, are, not considered, Imaginary Realities, but, Truisms actually.


One should attempt, to truly realize [in a sense too perhaps], what the above, really, entails; that in all, Truisms (as with the above), are simply, the existences [that exist], outside, ones, Mental Frames/Realities (that could, come true for one). The Universe, in all ways really, is rather, limitless (and infinite), and the above, can be, considered, a Framework, to, what lies, beyond, ones, Mental Realities.

The Subliminal

Many out there, have probably heard, about, the Subliminal (and its oft association, with the, Human Spirit). In all ways really, the Subliminal, refers mainly to, the raising, of the Human Spirit, to levels even, that, allow one [as with, becoming Energy itself] to travel, to other Spirit based Dimensions. (Human) Spirit too [as with, the Subliminal], is the key, to unlocking, ones, Genetic past/memory [this unlocking, based on, Ancestral Spirits, meaning really, that one, can, see, their past lives, based on, a Community based formation] [Two people, who once lived, in Paris, and never knew each other will remember, their past, in, rather, different ways/manners (as with Community)].

Trance Music [Enigma] (and having origins too, in Palestinian Religio-Spiritual practises), is a form, of Music, associated with, tapping into ones, Spirit [as with raising its levels really] [to heights even, that allow one, to travel, to, other, Spirit based Dimensions]. Trance Music though, can be classified, as a form, of 'Scared Art' [as is Tapestry for instance] [and Sacred Symbolism too ('Sacred Symbols' entry)], and they are in all, used, to raise, ones Spirit, as, ones Spirit in all too, determines truly, how, one in general, feels, on, just about, anything (out there) [including too, the, general thoughts, they might have].

In all really, when ones, Spirit, is broken down [a tactic, perfected, by Feminists, and even Mothers too (as with, most, have a, connection, to their Mother-Figures, based on Human Spirit)]; they in all too, must replenish it, or truly, live, a lifeless existence, where just about, everything (out there), is seen/perceived, as being, pretty much lifeless (or boring even). Of all Higher Beings, Picus, tends to have, the highest, levels, of (Human) Spirit, with, Lightbeings, having, the lowest [and, one of the reasons, why, Female Presences, can be, rather, strong, in a Lightbeings life].

The Ancient Egyptians (of the Kingdom Period), engaged heavily too, in, the practise, of, Dreamwork [as with, living, their daily lives] [and making things happen too] [Some of these practises too, became, a part, of, Palestinian Religious Practises] ['Of Water and the Spirit' too though, a book, by one Malidoma Some, speaks too, of, these, Egyptian Subliminal Religious Practises (as with, totally, basing life on them, as seen really, amongst, the Dagara, of, Burkina Faso)].

Life in all (as with, in, an everyday basis), should be, like, a Dream (really). In all too, one, does find that, different, Regions (of the World), have, their inhabitants, experience, life, in different, Dream-like states, similar too (in all), to what, one, sees in the Literature (movies even), associated, with, these Regions.

An attempt, will be made, to give/name, the different Dream-like states, associated, with, the different, Regions (of the World), based on, a Study, by one Frederik van Eden (Victorian).

North America: Mocking/Symbolic Dreams (Surreal)

South America: Pathological Dreams (Nightmarish)

Europe: Initial Dreams (Futuristic)

Africa: General Dreams (Memory based)

South East Asia: Vivid Dreams (Awakenings)

East Asia: Ordinary Dreams (Daydreams really)

The Middle East: Phantasma (Escapist)

Afrique: Lucid Dreaming (Osiris based, and, Astral Projection based too) [as seen alot too, in, the movies].

In general, one will find that, just about, all forms, of, accounts of life, in the above, Regions, are based on, the above, Dream-like states, and, Dreaming/Hallucinations, are based really on, the different kinds, of, 'meetings', one has (as in, those, in Europe, Africa, or, North America even, tend to have, different, kinds, of 'meetings', from each other) ('meetings', as with, the kind/type, and even, what, one meets really)].

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Judeo-Christian World

Many have probably heard, the term, Judeo-Christian before. For many though, they don't really know, what to make of it. Some believe it, to denote, Religion (as with, being, White skinned). Others though, associate it (in modern times really), with, Western civilization, while others (the deluded & academic even), attempt to claim, that, the Judeo-Christian World, has, Greek Antecedents [and origins even (to it)] [It is not so, for, the Jew, has always been, a Pariah (of sorts), in, Europe].

The term (and World even), of Judeo-Christianity, is actually, more recent, in, the making, than most, suppose it, to be, and responsible too, for the rise, of, Western civilization (in all), and based totally too (as with an aversion really), to two things: Non-white people, and, the Islamic world. It is a World really, born of, Genghis Khan [as Coloured, and Islamic/Muslim even], and takes place actually, just before, the, European Dark Ages (occur) [amidst the fall, of, European Civilization]. It is this invasion [by the armies, of Genghis Khan] (mostly in, Central/Eastern Europe), that gives birth, to what, some call, Eurasian History [in all, the belief, in, a Semitic Race, as embodying, Judeo-Christian Beliefs, and, superior even, to, the Islamic/Muslim World (as with, Morality mainly)]. Judeo-Christian Thought, is furtherly, solidified, by the invasion, of Europe, by Moorish/Saracen Armies, into Europe (during the Dark Ages), and giving birth, to what, some, might term, Eurabian History [in all, the belief, in what, constitutes, White/Euro identity, as compared, to, Coloured/'Savage' identity] (often, presented, in a Racial form, as with, the study, of, Physiognomy).

It is these two invasions really, that solidify, Judeo-Christian Ideologies (of itself), as attempting basically, to claim, superiority (in one form or another), over those really, who attempt, to, dominate/attack its World, as with regards really, to, rightful ownership.

To fully understand, the Judeo-Christian World, is to know, that, Judeo-Christian Beliefs, consist, in the modeling/creation, of, three, Primary, Identities: the Intrapersonal, the Transpersonal, and, Interpersonal Identities [and thats all really, as often philosophically presented, constitutes, Judeo-Christian Beliefs, and separate too, from, Judaism, as while Judaism, has a basis in, Ascetic Religious Thought, Judeo-Christianity, has a basis on, the three, Identities mentioned, above].

What constitutes these three Identities though [that in all define, everyday Operations (just about, everywhere, out there)], can be said, to be, the following:

Intrapersonal Identity: Society, Individual (freedoms, liberty etc.), Personal (ways & manners);
Transpersonal Identity: Ancestral (Spirits), the mind (as with clarity really), Success Profiles;
Interpersonal Identity: Relationships, Political Relations, Familial Relations;

It is the three above, that constitutes, what, all, Judeo-Christian Beliefs, are based on, and also too, at, the very basis, of what, constitutes, the Western World.

Secularism, Judeo-Christianity, Western Democracy and Yiddish:

The four terms (in the title above), describe fully, what, the Judeo-Christian (and subsequent Western) Worlds, are all, mainly, about. Secularism here, refers to, the creation, of Institutions (Western), that in all, enforce, a way of living based on the three, Identities, mentioned above [in all they enforce, this way of living, and do not really, enhance it]. Judeo-Christianity (as a religion), pertains to, the Beliefs, associated with, the three, Identities (Primary), mentioned above [(Judeo-Christian) Intellectualism]. Western Democracy [as averse, to, Greek Democracy (Platonic Republic), or even, American Democracy (Puritan)], consists really, of, what, they call, Governance [and Protocol formulation even]. In all too, it represents, the way, people, go about, doing things, in, the Western (Judeo-Christian) World [with Protocol really, destroying, Meritocracy, in any, of its forms really, as with having, an authority, of a kind (including a guard) moderate, ones, movements in all]. Yiddish, pertains, to the true language, of, the Judeo-Christian World, with it, not, truly associated, with, Hebrew, but having, origins, in European Ghettos, but none the less too, a Language, that has come to shape, the Modern World, as English today, is mainly, spoken, with a, Yiddish accentuation [meaning in all, that while, Old English, has, a Scottish accentuation, Modern English is, strongly defined, by, a Yiddish one] [Making it impossible for example, for most out there, to even actually read/recite Shakespeare].

Yiddish, as just mentioned, is actually, a Ghetto Language, with, various forms actually, of American Ebonics speech, born actually too, in, Jewish Ghettos (all across, North America).

In all really, the above, as with, Yiddish mainly [and Western Democracy too, being, at the very heart, of, Western culture], has in all, created, folks, with Ghetto Mentalities ['Bling-Bling'], with regards, to what, Life, is, truly about [the quest, for sex, money, and, bling-bling].

To fully though, see/understand, the, Judeo-Christian World, is to realize, that, it operates, from, three, seeable, levels. Levels, that strongly, determine, how, the World (Western) today, is actually, structured.

Level 1:

At a base level perhaps, and pertaining, to, the three Identities, mentioned above, are actually, the, following forms, of Enterprise:

1. Industry: and as associated, with the, Intrapersonal Identity mainly.
2. Manufacturing: and as associated, with the, Transpersonal Identity, mainly.
3. Business: and as associated, with the, Interpersonal Identity mainly.

In all, what is been said, is that, whenever, you hear, the words, Industry, Manufacturing, or, Business even [as envisioned, as, Enterprises] in the Western World, you are actually, dealing with, the three, mentioned, (Primary) Identities.

This level, is also too, very, American (in nature) [as with, the Enterprise really], and is managed in all, by, what, some call, Global Business Leaders (who are in all, either, Jewish, or, Jewish supporters too).

Level 2:

On a higher level perhaps, are the following, three existences [in the form really, of being, Enterprising] (and defining in all too, modern, European, North American, and, South American existences too in all):

1. Media: of European origins too, and strongly associated, with, the Intrapersonal Identity.
2. Architecture & Design: of South American origins really, and strongly, associated, with the Transpersonal Identity.
3. Materialism: of North American/American origins mainly, and strongly associated, with, the Interpersonal Identity.

In all, the three, are left, to, the average joe mainly(White really), to engage in, in the form, of, being Enterprising [this really means, an Idea, taken/stolen, by, another, and one simply manages it (in all)].

At the top, of this level, sits, what they call, 'Western Leaders', who are in all, Feminist, with, those, at the highest level, being, Jewish Feminists.

Level 3:

You still have, another, level, that most today, acquaint, with, the News Media, and consists of, what, they term, 'World Leaders'. This level, consists really of, people, who attempt, to take over, the cultures/lives/'ways of living', of, others (by destroying them really), and attempting too (in all), to spread, Judeo-Christian Beliefs.

They are organized, as follows:

1. Western/White Power: Mostly afflicting, the Intrapersonal Identity, and, directly mainly targeted, towards, Asia.
2. Western/White Supremacy: Mostly affecting, the Transpersonal Identity, and directly mainly targeted, towards, Africa (including the North).
3. Western/White Hegemony: Mostly attacking, the Interpersonal Identity (as with, influence mainly), and directly, mainly targeted, towards, the Middle East (and via Israel too).

All three movements, have, their bases, in the following, three countries: Taiwan, Egypt, and, Jordan respectively [as housing, Jewish elements, of all kinds, who influence, Key Figures, of all kinds too (of the Regions, mentioned above)].

At the top, of 'World Leaders' (associated with this), are what, they call, 'Religious Leaders' (Jew), who attempt in all, to spread, Atheism (in Asia), Judaism (in the Middle East), and Missionary Christianity (in Africa) [Missionary Christianity, consists of, a set, of, dogmatic beliefs, that in all, belittle, those, who accept them, as with mainly, making them believe, 'the White Man' to be, God himself].

Thats all, that consists, of, the Judeo-Christian World (Western too), with the above, 'Leaders' (in totality), operating through [as in making, real, their targets], what, they call, Lobby Groups.

World Domination:

The three levels above [as with its, Leaders, and those, strongly, associated with them], are in all, managed, by what, they call World Jewry. World Jewry, consists of, secret really, Jewish/Jew Cabals, who belong, to 'Secret Societies', that attempt to take, over the World, through, Witchcraft (practises) [and falsely, making the majority, believe, they, truly hold, the secrets, associated, with, Freemasonry].

World Jewry too (as with, 'Secret Societies' even), operates mainly [as with, being Hidden really], from the center really, of, the Western World; South Africa [with Kenya too, as a, subsidiary, of sorts].

Their Goal really [as with, being Hidden (in all)], is to take over, the Worlds, Monetary Systems, Knowledge Access (abilities) [as with, filtering the Internet even], and, Religious Thought (including Ascetic) [and replacing them, with, Western versions of History, and, Western Education (respectively)].

The reason too, why, Jew/Jewish people, remain, 'worshiped' perhaps, is because, they have, come, to take over, 'World Culture', in a way, most, don't, suspect it really: Presentation Formats. That in all, the very way, most, believe, that one, should Present just about, anything (out there) [from reading the News, to writing, an Essay/Book even, or even too, Dress forms, or even, speech/speaking manners], is in all, defined, by, Jewish/Jew cultures [an example in case, being that, 'Americanista Blog', is presented, in an, 'Arthurian Italian' manner]. This even becomes clearer, if one notices, that, 'Americanista Blog', is written, in Italian English (and not, Yiddish-English) [or what, some call, modern American English] and is also, accentuated, by, Scottish in general (as with, Shakespeare even) [and not, Yiddish].

In all really, the ability, to present, oneself today (coherently & admirably), is totally, Jewish/Jew in nature, and, moderated in all, by, what, some call, IQ/EQ Tests [which are of, Jewish/Jew origins, and, actually, a form of, Jewish Art (as with, Winnie the Pooh even)].

In all too, the attempt, to dominate, the World, is by attacking, the Presentation Formats (of other peoples), and attempting in all, to have them, replaced, with Jewish/Jew Presentation Formats [and in all too really, impose, 'Apartheid', wherever (and whenever) they can].

Ma'as-salam and goodbye

Mohammed Abbas Al-Mahmoudi

The Sounds of Scotland

The Sounds of the Scottish Celts, Normandy (the Black-a-mohr), and St. George (Jinni)

One has to know, ones, true Voice Sound, as a Higher Being really, to know, oneself, in totality; for all of ones, multiple Identities, are expressed, in the form, of ones, Higher Being, and this expression itself, emanating truly, from, ones Voice (as with, its Sound) [and Higher Being based too]. Most today, have no idea, how, their Voice, should sound, and strongly link it, to the Female Presences, in their lives [including also, their Mothers]. In reality, they should link it, to, their Higher Beings, as with, a certain, Figure, representing, the highest Ideal, to be reached (in expressing, the, Higher Being) [with knowledge too, that, these Ideal Figures, exist, in multiple forms, as with regards to, the different kinds, of a Higher Being (that do exist)] [As an example perhaps, St. George, is presented, in different forms, as representing, the different kinds, of Jinni levels]. For most today, without, such knowledge, attaching their Voice, to that, of, a Famed (Great) Ancestor, is the key, to, knowing, their true Voices [and truly, expressing themselves, in totality].

Australia as History (Myth):

The history of Australia, is one, unknown, to most, but heavily mired, in all forms, of violence. It is too a history, presented, in the form, of a Nation, but is actually, the history, of a People. A history, that begins (very much), with slavery, and the breeding, of, a violent culture (born as such), that has never, truly, quieted/died, to this very day. To understand this history, is to understand, the heavy role, that the Voice, has played, in, Australian history; that in all, Law in all its forms, has always, been, manifest, in the form, of the Voice. That those, possessing, a certain Voice (as with, Accent etc.), are allowed, to rule (in all ways really), with the Voice, associated, with Gaelic truly, stated really, to be, the highest Ideal.

All this, has seen, Australia, develop, a highly violent culture, as no group, of, 'Australians' out there [despite, their being, mainly, of Ancient Spain origin], have ever, attained, the usage really, of the Voice, associated, with, Gaelic. The end result, has been, all forms, of, violent competition [as with needed resources even], with those, viewed, as, having, the most, Authoritative Voices, spearheading in all, a culture, so virulently racist, it makes, Colonial America, look, like a, playground even [Racism really, as associated, with the movies] [most of the violent Images, associated too, with Slavery, where never, American (Colonial), or even truly, Caribbean, but actually, Australian] [In all, movies like Roots, actually speak of, Australian Slavery] [American & Carribean Slavery, took the form really, of, Servitude (black African), Indentured Labour ('White' & 40 Acres and a Mule), and Servility (Black & Huckleberry Finn ); with Servility, been, the harshest of them all, as with regards really, to survival (on ones own) (after, even, been paid)] [Servitude, was the least harshest, as North African black Africans, were deemed Muslims really] [In all, the difficulty, of even, finding, accommodation, with the money, and a World (Servility), no different, from that, inhabited, by most Minorities, in the Western World, today (as even with, poor pay even].

Australian Slavery though, is harsh, highly discriminative, and in all, marked, by a general culture [as with, general Australian existences even], of Massacre, Rape, and Plunder [that in all, makes, Judeo-Christian European History (Euro), more or less, a Philosophical topic (as with, perhaps, representing, civilized existence in itself)] [In many ways really, most view, Africa, to have no history of its own, when in reality, its history, is that, of, Famed Figures, and Cultural trends too (conceived often, as Musical)] [Australian history though, on the otherhand, is that, of one, violent act, after, another].

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cosmology 1.0 (World Philosophy)

Cosmology, is one of those, Subjects, that most (out there), somewhat, know about [and even perhaps, strongly, recognize as perhaps], in many ways, defining, whom they are (as a Tribe). It is a Subject, today, deemed, unimportant by most, and believed falsely too, advanced (as with, Study really), and even, Mastered (as with Thought), by, most, Western Astronomers [in all really, most, falsely believe, Western Astronomy, to be, the highpoint, of all, forms, of Cosmology (out there)].

Most though, have no, true idea, what, Cosmology, is really, truly, all about. They falsely, simply believe it, to be, all about, the, study, of the, Stars, Planets, and even perhaps, Comets [as being, really, interesting phenomena]. This though, is not, the true reason/purpose, for studying, Cosmology, for the real purpose/reason, has to do, with the fact, that, knowing Cosmology is at, the very basis, of, developing, what can be referred to, as, Ways of Knowing, Understanding, and, Comprehension too (in all) [Ways, and not, 'a Sense']. That there truly, does, exist, a Way of Knowing, Understanding, and Comprehending things, other than, the Western Model, of, Fact checking, and Fact verification [and that in all really, having, a deep knowledge, of, Cosmology, helps us, Know, Understand, and Comprehend, things, almost (instantly)] [And the very reason too, why, alot, of the old/Ancient World, did, not keep, accounts, of, their Civilizations, by, Writing/Reading (or Books even)].

To fully understand this, is to know, that, there does exist, a Natural Order, to all things; what however, is debated though, is exactly, how, many such, Natural Orders, do exist [if really that, is there, only one, as with, one, 'Almighty God', or many, that, can co-exist, with each other]. The truth is (it appears), is that, there, are actually, many (of them), and each, determined, by the, kind, of Imagination, that, one possesses [for instance, should we, study, the Solar System, with the Sun, at, the very center (of it all), or with the Earth (at the center), for that matter] [In many ways, this differentiation, is based, on, possessing, different kinds perhaps, of, the Artist (as Imagination)].

Most today, are not, acquainted, with, the Natural Order (of things); in all, what this really means, is that, they, have no, proper, follow-through, as with, almost, anything, they do [meaning too, that, many out there, tend, to get, stuck, or fall off easily due to, not having, a Way/manner, of Recognizing, Discerning, or Figuring out, the Truth perhaps, other than, through, Fact checking & verification (as a form, of Knowing, Understanding, and Comprehension)] [Being well grounded, in Cosmology (as with even, Language influenced as such), helps one, Know, Understand, and, Comprehend things, based on, mental, Figuring out, Recognizing, and, the Discerning, of things].

For most today, Natural Order, is not, really determined, via Schooling (which is really, about, Knowledge access), but actually, through, what, some call, Popular (mainstream) Media. Popular/Mainstream Media, exists, in, various forms, and especially, in, the form, of, Popular beliefs, many a time, popularized, via, Propaganda, and Gossip even. This Media, is in many ways, a, rather poor, way, of discerning, Natural Order, as it presents, Order mainly (interestingly enough), from, the perspective, of, the Instruction Set (the simplest perhaps, known, form, of Order, out there) [with, one finding today, that, many out there, have difficulties, following, Instructions (of any kind), often called for].

Another reason, why, most find it hard, to discern in all, Natural Order, has to do, with, the fact that, we live, in, a World, today, largely shaped, by, the English (and Psychai as Higher Being) [and based truly too, on, the Philosopher/Counsel, as Imagination]; which means really, that for most out there, as with regards to, the discerning of things [or how in general, they see things], they live, in a World, defined highly, by Probability (and Probable causes too) [which, does not, suit, their forms, of, Imagination really]. Add to that, the fact, that, Knowing, Understanding, and Comprehending (as with Instant), does have, a, Communications perspective to it, and the very fact too, that, for many today, their notions, of general, Communication, are highly, based on, the Psychai [as Higher Being].

In many ways really though, the two above reasons, have resulted, in, most out there, having, poor senses, of Flow (as with, follow-through even), the Rhythmic (and not, Rhythm really), and finally, Passage (as in, walking through, a, crowded corridor). Many out there, in attempting to rightly truly, deal, with the problem, of, Natural Order (as created, by, Popular Media), turn to, other forms, of, discerning, Natural Order such as, Astrology [which do work, as Astrology, is, simply, a branch, of Cosmology, and truly works only, if, ones associates themselves, with an Astrology, emanating from, the Cosmology, they are (inherently perhaps), associated with]. Another branch, of Cosmology, most know about, is, Astronomy, and helps one, deal, with issues, of, Knowing, Understanding, and, Comprehending things (instantly perhaps), as mainly to do, with, what, they call, Workings, Functionings, and, Operations too (even).

What will be presented below, are, Cosmologies, that rightfully fit, different, Regions (of the World), as with, helping, discern, the, Natural Order, to just about (if not really), everything, that, comes, (by) their way [including, their, very Health]. Presented too, will be, a piece, of, Literature (pastly too, often, in the form, of the Epic), that in all, is, mainly based, on, Cosmology [and helping, one, develop (as with, follow through really), a Way (and not, 'a Sense'), of Knowing, Understanding, and Comprehending, things (as with instantly)].

North America: Roman Cosmology

- Roman Cosmology & the Scientist (as Imagination)

South America: Mayan Cosmology

- Mayan Cosmology & the Woodcutter (as Imagination)

Europe: French Cosmology

- relatively unknown, French Cosmology (which is the basis, of, French Philosophy too), and also even too, the Artist (as Imagination).

Africa: Ashanti Cosmology

- Ashanti Cosmology, is of, 12th Dynasty Egyptian, origins, and one, more powerful, than most believe it [making, Ashanti Culture in all, far more, interesting, than most, other, African Cultures (out there)] (in all too, the, Artisan, as Imagination).

South East Asia: Indian (Gujarati) Vaiseska Cosmology

- the Epic of Gilgamesh, falsely, believed, Mesopotamian (Tibetan), is actually, a, Vaiseska Cosmological work, and all too also, based on, the Physician (as Imagination) [in many ways too, the real reason why, Gujarati Indians, are more innately intelligent, than, Hindu Indians].

East Asia: Malay Cosmology

- rather unknown Malay Cosmology, was once, at, the heart, of creating, a highly, Cosmopolitan Malay society [that included even, aspects, of, Spanish, and, New Yorker culture], and is also, at, the very heart, of, the vastly, more superior, Malay based, Silat, Martial Arts systems [and all too, based on, the, Medicine Man, as, Imagination].

The Middle East, Italy & Afrique: Islamic Mysticism, Italian Cosmology & Greek Cosmology

- in most ways really, Cosmology in the Middle East is found, within, Islamic Mysticism, and is, also, of, Pygmy origins [with the Philosopher/Judge (as Imagination too)].

- what is falsely believed, to be, Newtonian/English Cosmology, is actually, of, Italian origins, and constitutes, a part, of what, Italian Cosmology, is all, about, as based on, the Philosopher/Student (as Imagination).

- for an Afrique, that, best functions/works, on the, Philosopher/Counsel (as Imagination) [as has been, the norm, historically (as with, pre-Independence really], Greek Cosmology, is also, best suited, for, the region, as the region in all (as with, most of Africa truly), lacks, a Cosmology (of its own) [with Greek Cosmology, mainly too, been based, on, the Philosopher/Counsel (as Imagination)].

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sufi Music

Arabe, 'Allat Ruh Sakinah', the Moslem (Mystic Saint), and the search for Autonomy.

The Briton Celts

Let me tell you a Story,
of the very true, History, of Europe.

A Story, that has, never truly, been told,
but instead, appropriated, by the foolhardy, for Vainglories.

A Story, that begins, with the laying, of Hadrians Wall,
and ends really, with the collapse of France, and the French Civil War.

The Story begins, with the Greeks as Celts, and the desire,
for a new way of life, based on the Ideals, of Truth, Honesty and Valour.
From these three, the Briton (as Celt), is born unto, as to their being,
the true, embodiment, of these Ideals. A Story, shaped by Greece,
as embodying, these Ideals, is driven by the Divine forces of Love,
emanating, from Zeus, Achilles, and the Greek Goddess, Europa.

A Story, that calls for, those, who truly, aspire, to be European,
to be shaped, by these, 3 Divine forces, and in all, espouse, Truth, Honesty, and Valour,
in the form of Self-Acceptance (as Love), and all, remonstrated, as, Knightly Chivalry.

It is said, that true living, is based on, the very search, for Independence.
A Goal, to be sought out, by all, as embodied, by the Goddess Venus, and the
Ideal, of Liberty. An Independence, in most ways, Mohican (in nature and spirit).
Another true belief, is that, true living, is based, on the very search, for Autonomy.
A Goal, espoused, by the Mohammedan, as in calling, for Change (as embodied too in all,
by the Sufi Goddess 'Allat Ruh Sakinah'), and all too in the Spirit, of Jihad (a Sufi Ideal, and not, Islam, or Sharia, as often, presupposed) [for the Mohammedan, at heart, is truly, a Sufi].


For Europe, and the European, shaped in all, by Zeus, Achilles, and Europa,
as espousing in all too, Respect, Attention, and Acceptance, and in their highest forms, espoused too, 
by the three, Briton Celt Ideals of, Arthur, the Black-a-mohr, and Lugh (Sun King) [and all three, embodying in all too, the Greek God, Hermes].


For it is in Europe, as with Arthur, the Black-a-mohr, and Lugh,
that one, is readily to find, Respect, Attention, and Acceptance,
that in all too, on receiving, one has to espouse, Truth, Honesty and Valour,
by seeking out, Self-Acceptance as Chivalry, for while, the greatest enemy,
of the Mohammedan (and Islam), is the Pagan, that of European, and the Briton Celt,
is what, they call, 'the Nig'.

For the Briton Celt, whether Brown, Red haired, Green eyed, or (having) Black Curls,
and in all too, representing, European Knighthood to its outmost [as with Truth, Honesty, and Valour], for Europe, is truly, the land, of the Knight, and not, of the Intellectual (Jewish) [and
their worthwhile adversary, 'the Nig'].

For Europe, was truly born, of the Knight (as Scottish), and fully embodying,
St. Valentine, as the Legionnaire [or William Wallace too]. And while too, the American,
is driven, by sexuality, impulse, and tendencies [in fully, expressing themselves],
and the Mohammedan, by Self-Mastery vis-a-vis [Exertion, Delivery and Execution too]
(in fully, expressing themselves), the European, has always, being driven, by, 'Colour', 'Shape',
and 'Texture' [as in fully embodying them, and expressing them; whether it be, Blue and France, Rotund and the Germans, or even, Sallowness, and the English].


For it is believed, by the European (Briton Celt), that the 'World', is nothing more,
than Shape, Colour, and Texture, and by fully knowing them, one can truly, own,
every minute, every second (of ones life), and fully, express, oneself, by Imagination
as embodied in total, by, the Worlds, Most Highly Imaginative Secret Society, of all time,
the (Briton Celt) 7th Degree Scottish Freemasons [and its secret, Hermetic, Greek rites].

There are those, who have attempted, to re-write, the very History, of Europe
(as with its, Ideals), by attempting, to claim it, as a History, of Grandiosity, as
expressed mainly, via, Massacre, Rape, and Plunder even. A History, that has seen,
all forms, of divisions, between, Europeans (whether they be, Germanic or Romance),
or even too, whether they be, French, or Italian. Divisions arising, due to their not knowing,
that their exists, only one, true, European Ideal, that truly embodies, all, other, Europeans (the Briton Celt).

There are those, who have attempted, to claim, that the History, of Europe, is fully,
Religious (as with Religious Wars even), and fully for, Christendom (as averse, to, the Jew).
Those who do this, truly believe, European History, to be, German, or Roman even.
It is not so, as the only, true Religion, of Europe (Gnosticism), was born, of Greece,
and has always, been, structural, as embodying truly, Hermes, and the, Black-a-mohr.

There are those, who have attempted, to claim, that the History, of Europe, is fully,
Cultural (as with the Architecture even), and fully for, Romance, attitudes (towards life).
Those who do this, truly believe, European History, to be, French, or Italian.
It is not so, as the only, true Culture, of Europe (Arthurian), was born of, Graeco-Italian
Civilization, and embodied in all, by, the Scottish Language [with Italian, being nothing more,
than Scottish, in, another form, and early Scottish, spoken too, in, Graeco-Italy].

There are those, who have attempted, to claim, that the History, of Europe, is fully,
Symbolic (as with Famed Figures too), and fully for, Dane/Norse beliefs (towards living).
Those who do this, truly believe, European History, to be, English, and Viking even.
It is not so, as the only, true Symbolism, of Europe (Osirisian), was born of, the Irish Briton Celt,
and embodied in all, in Irish Culture [for to say, that Richard, or Louis, is fully, European, is to,
adhere, to Dogma, as with their exploits, for there is only, one, true, Legendary European Spirit,
and his name, is none other, than, Robin Hood].

And it is all, such divisions, that have lay, Europe to waste, as with Plunder, Rape, and Massacre even, 
as born of really, the refusal, to adhere, to live life, as Europa, Zeus, and Achilles, would call for, and in all too, 
find, Self-Acceptance [by embodying, Truth, Honesty, and Valour], and fully express, oneself, 
as Knight (and Chivalrous even), but all this, laid to waste, by the foolhardy (and the stupid even), 
who seek out, Vainglory, by attempting to claim (as Intellectual even), that they only, truly, embody, Europe [and attempting to forge, a new, Europe, out of, their twisted Imaginations, by seeking out, Intellectualism, 
rather than, Ideals & Knighthood even, by falsely claiming, that Judaism & the Holy City, are Ideal, and the Knights of the Wiemar Republic, everything, that Europe, is, against, or not for] [For it must be said again, that, 
as there exists, only one, true (Independent) American Spirit, the Mohican, and one, true (Autonomous) 
and Moslem (Mystic Saint) Spirit, the Mohammedan, there is only one, true, European (Briton Celt) Spirit, 
and he is none other, than, Arthur, the Black-a-mohr, and Lugh (and the only, true holders, of the, Divine Secrets, 
of the, 7th Degree Scottish Freemasonry Society)].

And as Europe lays to waste, pretentious in dress and Speech, trading Knighthood and the Roma Papacy (as representing Zeus), for 'Niggerism', and the Jew, and High Art too (Raphael), for Intellectualism (Jewish), 
Europe lays to waste, torn by, Divisions, that even, Reconciliation conceived not, possible, to heal; 
for Europe now, is truly dead, and whats left behind, is meaningless talk, of Famed Great Ancestors, 
who understood truly, that there lay, only one, true, European Ideal (the Briton Celt); and as embodied too, 
by Arthur, the Black-a-mohr, and Lugh [the Sun King].

William Wallace, as Achilles, to the Lugh (Sun King):

The Mohican: American Philosophic Addresses (1700 - 1900) by Blau

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Madonna ~ Papa Don't Preach

Jinni [Ascension issues] (and Communications too), 'thought-provoking' (Italian/Victorian) discussions, and finally even, the Philosopher/Student (as Imagination)

(and Madonna too as a, Precocious Jinni)

Topics & the Spoken Word

Community building:

Community building, is something, today, mostly associated with (popularly that is), with, Africa. To understand this better, is perhaps, to define, the, Community, from its, traditional meaning (association that is really), as with, regards to, Infrastructure [that in all, certain, accessible Infrastructure, was used, to, define, Community (in all)].

The term, Community today though, is, perhaps best, associated, with what, they call, Topics [that people, who tend, to form, Communities today (as in the past really too), do so, from, the perspectives really, of, Topics engaged in]. This in many ways too, can be used, to denote, what, they call, the International Community [as perhaps, probably consisting of, people, of a similar, ethnic lineage (as with Germans perhaps, living, in, America), differentiated, from each other, based on, Topics (spoken on)] [The main difference too, between, Italian Families, and, Italian-American, Families] [Comedic Italian (culture) based Shows, are, actually, Italian-American, while, Mafia movies, are more or less, Italian].

Topics, in most ways too, is what, separates, the, Modern Era/Age, from, past Times (Ages/Eras) [in that, the Modern Era/Age, sees, a disturbing, trend, towards, an obsession with, highs/money, sex, and, violence/crime too]. In many ways really (if not all), the Modern Era/Age, has given birth, to what, they call (in America really), 'Nigger Mentalities'. That in all really, the Modern Era/Age, has given, rise, to, modern day (and probably too) Highly, Mentally Disturbed, folks, who do nothing, but engage in, talk, of, highs/money, sex, and, violence/crime (all day long), with the end result [as in, being, (Highly) Mentally Disturbed], the development of, Attention Seeking Disorders (of all kinds/forms), with, the grounded belief in them, that, everyone out there, is, highly interested, in, learning about, their, 'Nigger Selfs', and, 'Nigger Existences' too (in all).

Topics (spoken on) should be, in all really [as with, Community building too] [and even too, the, Religious Police & the Middle East], be in all, highly moderated (in all really). This is because [as it is, very well, known] that, what, they call, the Spoken Word (as in, 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil'), eventually, does become, the reality, in a Community [and even, their, associated worlds too] [One can see all this perhaps, in what, one, would perhaps call, the 'African Blogosphere'. A Feminist infested, hellhole, that, is in all, the breeding ground, for, all forms, of, violence/crime, seen, all over, Africa] [If Africans, are serious about, solving, their issues (as with, International help too), then, engaging in, constructive dialogue (as with, shutting down, the, 'African Blogosphere'), is, the very first step, to doing so].

In an attempt, to destroy, the Modern (Nigger really) Era/Age, that has, seen, the creation, of all, forms, of, Uncivilized (Social) Existences [and having, origins too, with, the British (in all)] [as even with, Colonial America], not only, must there, be, a change, in, Topics (spoken about) [and by groups in all too], but also, an understanding, that, Topics (spoken about) [as with, popularity even], results (in all), in a, Natural Order (created), that, eventually, leads to, a culture, of, Inclusivity & Exclusivity and, as perhaps, denoted best, by what, they call, Stereotyping [as even, with, racial].A Natural Order (which, if not, monitored), leads, somewhat automatically, to, the Subconscious programming, of, the majority, with, all forms/kinds, of, views, based on, (perhaps) ['Nigger Mentalities'] (to say, the very least).

At the very least, Topics, are, highly, associated [as with, Community even], with the development, of what, they call, Aptitude [or, in everyday parlance really, Common Sense].

Below, will be presented, various, 'Encyclopedias' (suiting), different, Regions of the World, as with how really, their material is in all, presented (to the masses). The very fact, that, engaging, in Community, is not, as, difficult, as most, believe it, to be [and as, perhaps made out to be, by those, with, 'Nigger Mentalities' (and, the desperate attempts in all, to be, cool) (as with, seeking out, Attention, at all, cost)]; and that (in all too), there is, an underlying, current, to easily, engaging in, Community, based on, how, one, presents themselves [and even, their, thoughts too, to others (in all)].

[As mentioned just above, the Encyclopedias below, do contain in all, the, very same, topics really, with, the differences being, how, they are, presented, which in all, suits, Community building, in, different Regions, of the World] [as with, presenting oneself (in general too)].

North America: Encyclopedia Americana

- material presented, from, 'disturbing' perspectives, which in all ways really, is how, one, engages in, Community (in, North America), as well as with, the general, presenting, of, oneself (in all too).

South America: The World Almanac

- 'shocking' perspectives to, just about, every topic, spoken about really, in, South America (in all).

Europe: The Guinness Book of World Records

- 'amusing' perspectives, to, just about, every topic, that, would interest, an European [and, in all too, the, very way, Europeans, should, engage with, each other, other than, attempting, to be, serious & cool, all the time (as with, European Immigre Jewry)].

Africa: Wikipedia

- 'interesting' perspectives, as in most ways really, Wikipedia, is, somewhat written, by, lone figures, whom (in all), have, interesting perspectives, to most, Topics, out there (that would in general too, interest really, an African).

South East Asia: Microsoft Encarta

- material, presented from, the 'doubting' perspective, which, is how in all too, South East Asians, tend, to create, Community [and in all too also, engage in it].

East Asia: The New International Encyclopedia

- rather serious, in nature, with, material too, presented from 'questioning' perspectives, as, that is how in all, East Asians, tend, to associate (with each other), and, very well too, create, Community (in all really).

The Middle East & Afrique: The Encyclopedia Britannica

- an Encyclopedia, of, Victorian origins, and, one, that covers, material (Topics really), presented from, 'thought-provoking' perspectives, and in all too, speaking of really, how, people create/engage (in), Community, in, the Middle East, and, Afrique too.

Note: perspectives here, refers to, Autonomy (as with, perspective, point of view, and, objectivity even), and, not, simple hunches (or guesses even).

In all, the above [as with Topics, and, Community creation], is, deemed serious, for, a World, obsessed in all, with, highs/money, sex, and, violence/crime [and in all too, the, very creation, of, 'Nigger talk', or, 'Nigger cultures' really], with, those engaging, in, these ['Nigger Existences'], totally lacking, in, Culture, as, highs, sex, or, violence/crime, are actually really, offsets, of, Culture [which, even if, engaged in, are, done so Artfully] [as with, a Duel perhaps, or even, Seduction itself].

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Divine Comedy

This entry, is probably, one, of the most needed, out there, in helping really, curb, all forms, of, tragic happenings, that, often result, in, destruction (only). It in, many ways really, speaks of, peoples, that, most out there, often, call, Freedom Fighters (such as, William Wallace for example). Why, are such folks, often deemed, heroic (or Heroes really), by, most today, years, after, their passings? Obviously perhaps, its because, nothing much, has, changed in the lives, of, those, who worship them. Another reason though, is because, one, can view, such Figures, as, being in all, excellent Communicators (of a kind) [that in all really, when, one is faced, with any, kind of problem/sorrow, one can get out of it, by, being, a good Communicator (at the very least)].

The problem, of being, a, Communicator, is one, many face, but falsely too, believe, that, being a good/great Communicator (and not, simply, a Communicator), has to, simply do, with, improving (as with practise), ones, Communication Skills. Thats very true, but not really so, unless, one, understands, that, there has to be, something (in one perhaps), that, truly drives one, to be, a good/great Communicator [as with, being, a Freedom Fighter perhaps (even)].

Many groups out there, today, are, associated, with fine, Communication Skills [as with, the verbal really], due mainly, to, historical reasons. You for example, find, Indians, driven to be, good Communicators, by in all, becoming, like Gandhi [as a Communicator, and not, with, problems faced really], in helping solve too, just about, any, kind, of problem out there (faced). You have the Jews/Jewish, whom when destabilized really, tend often, to, 'become', very much, like, Anne Frank [as a Communicator]. You have, Minority Groups in America (for instance), whom, when opposed, are very, much, inspired, by, the Spirit, of Martin Luther King (as Communicators in all). The British, in many ways too, attempt, to, emulate, King Richard I, as a, Communicator (in total). You even, finally have, the Saudis, who, when facing, an adversity of sort, become, interestingly enough [as with, the International Scene perhaps too], like, Michelangelo (Merisi) [in many ways really, referring perhaps, to the way, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, presents himself, on, the International Scene].

Why this, is important [developing, good/great Communication Skills], is that, you find, that, those, with them, are, the most Successful/'Wealthiest', of us all.

This entry, will attempt, to provide, for, the masses perhaps, examples, of whom, they really are, as, good/great Communicators [as based too, on, their, Higher Beings].

The Story of Jesus (Christ), is one, of, the most, famously, known, out there. The Story though, is, rather, multifaceted, as it in, many ways, is, very much [or appears to most], to be, an, amalgamation, of, different versions, of, 'his' Life. Why the Story, remains, ever, endearing [especially, for those, facing, any form, of, adversity really], is because, its, the Story, of, Jesus (Christ that is), as an, excellent, Communicator [that in all, at, the very end, of, the Story, one, is not, left, feeling pity, for Jesus, but, actually, for oneself].

The events, associated, with Jesus (Christ), are many, and, numerous too (in all); and in all of them really, he shows himself, as, being, a great [or even, excellent (for those, who, truly, identify with him)], Communicator too. What will be attempted below, is to show, different, Higher Beings (really), that, they are, very much, like, Jesus (Christ), when, they face, any form really, of, turmoil, which in many ways, attempts, to, totally destroy, their lives, despite perhaps, the issue, being, rather, small (in nature). That various events, in, the Life of Jesus (Christ), can, be used really, to help, different, Higher Beings (that is), know, whom they really are, when, they face, any, kind, of adversity [and not how, they react, but whom, they really are, when this, actually, happens to them].

Being a Communicator, is not, only, about, Communicating (in all), but also too, deals, with the kind of environments, one, finds themselves, in. Communications really, can be broken [as with, Higher Beings perhaps], into, the following, fields: Protocols, Social Structures, and, Culture too. Protocols here, speaks of (as mentioned, much more previously) [Protocol, Rights and Order]. Social Structures here, speaks of, all forms/kinds, of, Games, Structures, and, Patterns seen, in Society (really). Culture here, refers, to, Culture in itself, the Cultural, and, culture/civilization too [with the three, from a Communications perspective, referring to, the following:][Culture: Social Security (rules, laws, regulations), Security (Humour based Interactions), and finally, Immorality (perversions/depravity)] [Cultural: Arrangements, Formations, Positioning] [culture: Testimonials, States, Experiences].

That in all really, the above (as with, Communications really perhaps), presents, the daily/average, Communications, that, most out there, tend to, engage in, and, hopefully too, based on, their, Higher Beings [and not, their Being (as with, Human Nature really)].

As mentioned before, below, will be presented, various, events (facets perhaps), from, the Life of Jesus (Christ), that show us, whom, we are, when, we are opposed really (in any way), other than, having us, identify, with, a certain, Freedom Fighter [who might (in many ways), not, fit us all] [as with, Ethics even].

Gargoyles: The Entombment

The Entombment, refers really, to the event, of, the enshrining really, of Christ, after, his Crucifixion. An event really, not, that different, from that, seen, in what, they call, 'The Egyptian Book of the Dead', which, in some ways, is, a Communications protocol, with regards, to, moving on, to, the next life. However, one has to get, the main gist, of all this, that, the event, is actually, symbolic, in that, for, the Gargoyle, on facing, any form really, of adversity (where defeat, is, perhaps foreseen), then in reality too, they, should see themselves, as being, Entombed [after, having, struggled of course] [as mentioned before, it is, all, symbolic here really]. Thats whom really, Gargoyles really are [Christ/Osiris, enshrined/entombed, when, persecuted in all too] [In many ways too, the very belief, that, after, ones demise, the, whole World truly, will, miss one] [The very death too, of, Osiris himself].

Jinni: The Ascension

For Jinnis, turmoil faced really, in any form [and, as with, Communication Skills problems too (in all)], have them really, becoming, very much, like, Christ, during, the Ascension; [one must again, understand, what, this really means, is that, should, Jinnis, face any, persecution really, of, any kind, they should (then), envision themselves, dying really, and, ascending, straight, into Heaven]. Unlike Gargoyles, who got, to, the Next Life (really), Jinnis, go, to the Kingdom of Heaven [a place really, where, one, can be free, to act, fully, as themselves, as they, so wish to] [In many ways too, the Kingdom of Heaven, is, associated, with a Crusaders myth, seen, in the Arthurian World (that of Balian of Ibelin), that, speaks too, of, the Crusaders, limited in all ways really (as with movement perhaps), who then, fight, for Jerusalem (envisioned really, as, the Kingdom of Heaven) (in many ways too, not that, too different, from, the movie itself)].

Light beings: The Nativity

The Nativity, is, a very well known, event, in, Christ's Life [and, today, mostly associated, with, Christmas mainly]. In the past, it was, associated, with, the Epiphany, and in many ways too, with, the seeing/vision, of, the Angel of the Lord [as presenting himself really, to, the Virgin Mary] [the Angel of the Lord, and not, ArchAngel Gabriel]. In many ways really too, Light beings, on, being persecuted, often, see themselves, as, Baby Jesus really, and, associated too, with, all kinds (and forms too), of, great Figures [and, events also] [who in all, give one, the strength, they, very well need]. These Figures, are really, the, 'Virgin Mary', the Angel of the Lord (or, an Italian perhaps even), and, finally, the Three Magi [whose origins, to this day, remain, unknown].

Psychai: The Entering of Jerusalem

This manner, of, envisioning/seeing oneself, when, persecuted, in any form, is, rather, World famous, as, with the Movies really. In its, basic sense, it speaks of, Psychai/Christ, entering, Jerusalem itself, after, being, victorious (in all). A rather, very, popular way, of envisioning, oneself (when persecuted) [as seen alot, in, the movies (as said just before)], and in many ways too, associated, with, what, they call, Lent [in many ways really, the rather, popular, culture, of, praying alot, before, facng, any, battle (as with, even, a 12 hour, prayer session)] [And as, associated too, with, the English Crusades] (in all really, the persecution faced, is, ongoing, and, calls for, meditation/prayer). [One should in all too, attempt, to fully, understand (envision perhaps), what, all this, really means; that in all, just, about, all forms, of, Communications (as with, the Industry even), in the World, today, have been, strongly shaped (by Psychai), with the end goal in all, being, 'the Entering of Jerusalem', and, Lent even (as with, a quick phone call, somewhere)] [Thats how, strongly, the English (and Psychai), have, come, to shape, the, modern World (in its entirety too)]

Picus: The Temptation of Christ

The Temptation of Christ, is, an event, associated strongly, with, the Fasting (40 Days and Nights, in the Desert), that, Jesus (Christ), had, to endure. In many ways, as with, persecution, what this, event, actually, speaks of [as with, Picus even], is that, any, persecution faced (by them), often, results, in the seeng, of, easy ways (out), which in reality, should, be partaken, as, being, last resorts, to dealing, with, a problem [the very world, of those, having, a smoking problem perhaps, but, have actually, a, cigarette pack, hidden, somewhere, and they in all, must struggle, to, the very end, before (perhaps even), falling, and, having a smoke/cigarette]. Imagine truly, a Communications Industry, built on ths [which in many ways, is what, Science Fiction (today), is really all about].

Esicrucian Man: The Passion of Christ

The Passion of Christ [as with, the Mel Gibson movie] [and even too, the Life, of Marcus Vispanius Agrippa], is, a harder, Communications Being (perhaps), to, fully see. A way of persecution, that, tends, to traumatize, most, but in all really, associated too, with, a full understanding, of, Human Nature [in all, its, complex forms] [Historically, this full, understanding, has been, associated, with the History, of, Secret Codes, of all kinds/forms (such as, the, Caesar Cipher)]. In all really, what is been said here is that, symbolically speaking too really, Esicrucian Man, on, being persecuted, should, foresee themselves, as, Christ, being tormented in all [with each stage, of, the persecution (the Passion of Christ), calling, for an, understanding, into, the very nature, of, 'the Human Being'] [Again, imagine, a Communications Industry, built on all this (no different really, from, the Comic Book world)].

Shapeshifts: The Transfiguration of Jesus

The Transfiguration of Jesus (Christ), is an event really, best, associated perhaps, with, the Last Supper (and, the Eucharist too). In all, its speaks of, what, in North America, they call, "Dead Man Walking" [and the plight somewhat too, of many, an, Illegal Immigrant]. In many ways too, it calls, for one, envisioning themselves, as, being betrayed perhaps (by, one they trust fully, or even, by themselves too) [as with, Judas/Jesus, envisioned, in, Italian Christianity, as with not, listening, to ones, true, inner voice]. In all really, a tale, of betrayal, and the searching, for, Deliverance perhaps (as with, the Transfiguration), by even, probably, remembering, a small detail, that makes, all, the difference [as with, Freedom really] [In many ways too, the World, of, News Media (and its, many lies too)].

Gods: The Miracles

For the Gods, the Miracles, performed, by Christ (Jesus), speak really, of, whom, they are, when, persecuted (in all). These events, are associated strongly though, too, with, what they call, the Pentecost. In all really, when, Gods, are persecuted, they in all, look out, for, a Miracle (Miracles too), to, deliver them (perhaps), from, their anguish even. These Miracles, falsely associated, with, the praying, to God the Father, are actually, associated, with, the Holy Spirit. In all, speaks of a God World, where, persecution, can make, absolutely, no sense [as with, an evil Dictatorship], and in all too (as with, the symbolic even), Gods, should seek, to see themselves, as being, filled, with the Holy Spirit, and, ready, to perform really, a Miracle (Miracles) [as seen perhaps, in most, Action (Arnold Schwarzenegger), movies] [True Lies, being, a good example of this] [In all really too, as with, the Pentecost (and the speaking with tongues by, the Apostles), the ability, to communicate directly, with, the persecutor].

The Constellations: The Sermon on the Mount

Those, from the Constellations, will find, that, when, persecuted (in all), they are, very much, like, Jesus (Christ), delivering, the Sermon (on the Mount). An event, strongly associated too, with, the Lords Prayer [and also too, what, some call, 'the Antithesis of the Law']. In all, those, from the Constellations, when, persecuted, attempt in all (too), to 'try', the Law (system), as with, delivering, the Truth, on, the very issue, of, Justice. A form of Communications really, strongly seen (today), in more or less, the "Third World' [as in a place, lacking, Knowledge/Justice, in general].

*Note: There are many, outside, works/sources, such as, 'The Jesus Papers' by Michael Baigent, or even, 'The Sign and the Seal' by Graham Hancock, that, speak of, the above [with both, mentioned books, speaking of, the, Ascension (Jinnis), and, the Passion of the Christ (Esicrucian Man) respectively].

The Tribe:

The very concept, of the Tribe (often, today, envisioned extinct perhaps), is, perhaps, best put into use, as with, formulating, a Communications Identity [that in all, those, who, belong, to a Tribe, Communicate, in, the very, same manner]. All this, also, best understood [as not, only, being separate, from, Family & the People], but also too, based, strongly (in total), on, Higher Beings [as with, dividing them, into, all forms, of, groups] [Gargoyles, in a Cold Desert, are rather, different, from those, in, a Hot Desert (Communications wise)] (even, if, they are, at, the very, same level of Being, as with, Religious practise really).

In all really too, the Tribe [as with, Country (and Political Society), is also, very much, at, the basis, of, Political Debacles.

The Divine Comedy [the Book, as well enough, the movie even], is really, a work, that, helps one, see things, for, what, they really are [from the perspective though, of Comedy (and, atrocities even)]. A rather, important work, with regards, to, Communications, as especially too, with, helping one, realize/know, that, Communications, with, Higher Entities [Spirits, Gods etc.], does, truly exist (in all).