Thursday, March 17, 2011


The Making of a Society:

The purpose, of this entry, is to speak of, an 'Element', formerly seen, in, Society before, but, totally mainly, missing, today [with the exception, of, Influential Media Personas (such as, Oprah Winfrey)]. An 'Element' really, that, has in the past, heavily, defined, English History [as most assume, English History, to be, the History, of, Wealthy Families, who speak, really, good English, and have too, what, one would call, a, 'snappy' (in all), Sense of Humour]. In many ways though, English History, as with, Rule, Politics, and Institutions even, has been, heavily, defined, by what, one, would call, Figureheads.

In many ways though, Figureheads, tend to, heavily, define (in all), what, constitutes, the following really (in, a Society):

1. Religion
2. Wealth
3. History
4. Culture

In all, they are Figures, that, tend to shape (drastically) [if not, heavily even] [and as with, a, 'Sense of Direction' too], what, constitutes, the four above.

Figureheads, were rather, common, in the past, but, mainly as just said before, seen, mostly, in English Society. One of the most famous, Figureheads (out there), was Imhotep [who in most ways, defined, what, constituted, Religious behaviour, in, Ancient Egypt]. Another, famed, Figurehead, was, Lord Krishna, who in many ways, helped, others see themselves really, as with, regards, to History [in general really, do, the right thing].

In many ways really, Figureheads, are of, prime importance, in, helping, keep Society, stable, and in general too [as with, a 'Sense of Direction'], determining in which, direction really, a, Society (perhaps), should, 'advance' (move forward) in.

Below, will be attempted in all, the attempt really, to determine fully (perhaps), what, it is, that Figureheads, really do, by defining, the four, above, elements (mentioned), from, the manner [as with, Autonomy (objectivity, perspective, point of view)], that, Figureheads, tend to, view them from.

In general really (as with, a 'Sense of Direction' really) [and based too, on, Thought, Principle, and Practise], Figureheads, tend to view, the, above mentioned, four elements, in, the following manner: direction, opportunes (opportunity, luck & chance), stability [as in, 'seeking', 'searching for', and 'the quest for', respectively (in all)].

To make this, simple (but difficult), conceptualization, more easier to see, is, to realize in all really, that, the four mentioned elements, of, Religion, Wealth, History, and, Culture too, are often, accompanied [as with, 'Advancement' issues], by perhaps (as with, clarity really), the following:

1. Regional Lifestyles Existences (Religion)
2. Family (Wealth)
3. Personal life (History)
4. Relationships (Culture)

To make this all, even much more clearer, is to speak of really, Society [as with, a 'Sense of Direction' even], and as based on, Thought/direction, Principle/opportunes, and, Practise/stability, with all really, associated together really, as with mainly, basing Religion (as with, improvement, bettering, or making it) [on, Regional Lifestyles Existences], basing Family (as with, improvement, bettering, or making it) [on, Wealth matters], and even, basing Relationships (as with, improving them, bettering them, or even, making them too) [on, Culture].

To perhaps, even, delineate this even, farther, is to state, as an example really, that, one can in many ways, base, the, very 'advancement' (improving, bettering, making), of, Religion, on Regional Lifestyles Existences (as with, Cowboy culture perhaps), by, seeking out direction (for example), based on really, Thought, and by in all too, becoming, an Autonomous Societal Being [Figurehead], who in most ways really, is, responsible, for the manner in which, Society, 'advances' (improves etc.), as based really on, giving it, a, 'Sense of Direction'.

[in all really, probably, the best, formal way, to put in]

Informally, one could easily say that, all the above, is about, 'advancing' Religion [by seeing it really, from, the perspective perhaps, of, Regional Lifestyles Existences], 'advancing' Family [by seeing it, from, the point of view, of, Wealth matters], 'advancing' Personal life [by very much, seeing it, from, an (identifiable) History] (as with, the Kennedy Era, and not, Ancient Egypt perhaps), or even, 'advancing' Relationships [by very much, seeing them, from, the objective, of, Culture (as with, the opportunes, the Culture, offers perhaps)].

Figureheads, did not only, define, the English World [as with, Elizabeth I, attempting, to unite, differing, English factions together, in, an English World, where, 'English Pride', tended to rule over, all forms, of, interactions, and in all really, Elizabeth I, attempted, to unite, the English, as based on, History (and Personal life issues)] [She in all, made, English Society, somewhat, Egyptian (as with having, the English, identify, with, a certain period, of, Egyptian History)]. Queen Victoria, was also, another, remarkable, Figurehead, as she in many ways, sought, to salvage, Civilization (and based on, Goodwill too), by, taking upon herself, the, defining, of the, above four, mentioned, elements [of Society], in a time, when, Civilization in all [was, still very much, falling, apart], and a time too, when, Feminist Society, was, starting to, creep upon, conventional ways of living and in all really too, as with Stability perhaps, saw to it, that, all Victorian Men and Women, lived, really, according to, the dictates, of the Queen.

[Caravaggio (Merisi), served in the same function, as with, Relationships & Culture really, in, Italia, as Georges did too (in France), with regards, to, Religion & Regional Lifestyles Existences]

Below, will be offered, various, Figureheads, that one, can use, to, identify with, as with in general, giving, ones life, a Sense of Direction [as with, in,'seeking direction', 'searching for opportunes', and 'chasing (perhaps) stability'], as with, regards to really, Religion, Wealth, History and, Culture [by basing them all, on, Regional Lifestyles Existences, Family, Personal life, and, Relationships too (in finality)] [Figureheads, that one, should, look up to, with regards really, to, being driven (generating hope), in, ones life, right now (this moment), as with, general achievement in all].

North America:

Religion & Regional Cowboy Lifestyles: The Thomson Family

[What this means really, is that, the Canadian Thomson Family, should be, seen, as a, Figurehead (in North America), in helping, not only, 'advance' Religion, but basing too, this 'advancement', on, North American, Cowboy cultures (as with, change really)]

Wealth & Family: Richmond WA

[What this means, really, is that, North Americans, should, see, Richmond WA, as, the ideal City, to, deal, with all forms, of, Ideas (as with, direction, opportunes, and stabilty), on, matters really, pertaining to (really), on, Wealth & Family]

History & Personal Life: 20's New York

[What this means really, is that, for those, in, North America, wishing, to do, something interesting, with, ones life (as with right now, perhaps), one, should seek out, 20's New York culture (as with, identifying with it really), and in all, look out, for, the aspirations, of, New Yorkers, during, that time Era (and in all too also, seek, to fulfill them, again, as with, starting on, Life/Achievement/Civilization, now!!)]

Culture & Relationships: Billy Budd & Boxer [Women & Professional Titles]

[What this means really, is that, those, seeking out, more, in their lives, with regards to, Culture & Relationships, should see themselves (in North America), as, Billy Budd (as with, everyday existence & personal problems too), and, the 'Boxer' (as with, whom, one is, Professionally)] [In many ways too, what is been said in all is that for, Men, seeking out, Women perhaps, they should, identify only, with, the kind, of Women, Billy Budd, would like; What is also been said here, is that, most Men, should, choose, to associate, with Women, as based on, being, Billy Budd (only), or even too, as based on, ones, Professional Life/Titles] [In general too, knowing oneself, intrinsically, as Billy Budd (perhaps), means, that only, certain, problems really, can, afflict you (personally), and, nothing out, of the ordinary, can happen (to one)]

[All this, mentioned, as, the above, four areas, of, Figureheads, is how in general really, (Feminist) Women, tend, to take over, Society in general]

South America:

Religion & Regional Iberian lifestyles: Roberto Marinho [and Globo Media]
Wealth & Family: Caracas, Venezuela
History & Personal Life: 30's Manaus/Brasila
Culture & Relationships: The Earl & Leader/Worker


Religion & Regional Normandy Existences: Richard Branson [and the Virgin Group]
Wealth & Family: Norwich
History & Personal life: 1910's England
Culture & Relationships: The Green Knight & the Monk


Religion & Regional Arabe Existences: Martin Bouygues & Family
Wealth & Family: Nice, France
History & Personal life: 20's Italy [Arabe & as seen somewhat, in, the 'Talented Mr. Ripley' (with, Matt Damon)]
Culture & Relationships: The Green Knight & Monk

Western Europe:

Religion & Regional Nordic-Bavarian Existences: The House of Habsburg (the Austrian Royal Family)
Wealth & Family: Zurich, Switzerland
History & Personal life: 1910's Netherlands
Culture & Relationships: The Green Knight & Monk

Central Europe:

Religion & Regional Castilian Existences: Andrey Melnichenko [and the Belarus Nobility]
Wealth & Family: Prague, Czechoslovakia
History & Personal life: 1900's Hungary [Similar, to actually, what you see, in, the ''Sound of Music', movie]
Culture & Relationships: The Green Knight & Monk

Eastern Europe:

Religion & Regional Austro-Hungarian Existences: the Baltic Nobility [Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania]
Wealth & Family: Riga, Latvia
History & Personal life: 1910's Bulgaria
Culture & Relationships: The Green Knight & Monk


Religion & Regional Prussian Existences: The Danish Royal Family
Wealth & Family: Stockholm, Sweden
History & Personal life: 1930's Sweden
Culture & Relationships: The Green Knight & Monk (Hamlet)


Religion & Regional Western Existences: The Moroccan Royal Family [Africa, is rather, sparsely populated]
Wealth & Family: Durban, South Africa
History & Personal life: 60's Nigeria
Culture & Relationships: The African Warrior & Combatant/Spearman/Saintly Figure


Religion & Regional Victorian Existences: The Sultanate of Oman
Wealth & Family: Transcendental Meditation [as with, Osiris worship perhaps, even]
History & Personal life: 50's Kenya
Culture & Relationships: Antar & Combatant/Spearman/Saintly Figure

South East Asia:

Religion & Regional British Raj Existences: The Dalai Lama
Wealth & Family: Colombo, Sri Lanka
History & Personal life: 40's Nepal
Culture & Relationships: Lord Rama & the Swami

East Asia:

Religion & Regional Heian Existences: the Imperial House of Japan
Wealth & Family: Seoul, South Korea
History & Personal life: 30's China
Culture & Relationships: The Archer & the Swami

The Middle East:

Religion & Regional French TriColour Existences: Religious Clergy [the UAE]
Wealth & Family: Manama, Bahrain
History & Personal life: 40's Syria
Culture & Relationships: Antar & the Investigator Figure