Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Errata (La Bella Figura)

The Romans:

The Roman Civilization, remains, out of the reach (as with, appreciation really), of most, out there, due mainly, to, not seeing it, from, its everyday, perspectives. This really refers, to, general noises/sounds, Cadence, and, even, movements (as with speed, really). In many ways, really, a rather, tense, Civilization (as with Tempo really) [meaning in general, the speed, of things], and one, best, described, as, Cinematic (in all) [as with, a, really good, American Movie (Cool Hand Luke perhaps)]
(the Roman Civilization, as with, Drama really, and everyday, activity too)

The Greeks:

The Greek world, as with, Cadence, general activity, and, even, general noises/sounds made, is also, not, well recognized, and, even supposed, similar, to, the Roman Civilization (in all). This is, rather false, and, Greek Civilization, was rather, high end (as with, Tempo really), and, the speed, of, general activity too [a rather, brash, Civilization, in all]
(the sounds, energy, and, vigour, of, the Spartan world perhaps, as centered, around, Monumental works in all)


Once upon a time.......

It is in, Sweden really, where, we see, the very, origins, of, Popular Modern Lifestyles (as based mainly, around, Worldly Success, in all). The World, of, go-getters, seeking out, an, International Education, that allows them, to, seek out, Individual Success, in just, about, every/any, place out there, in, the World [and this, education too, offered, freely, by, the Swedes, in exchange, of, Goodwill (as with, Alumni, and, agreeing, to help them, when, called on)].

A world really, born, in Uppsala (and around, Uppsala University too), and, the seekng, of, everyday, Success, as measured really, by, quality, home products, afforded really [as with, IKEA mainly]. A world, which, comes, into place, just, after, the Dark Ages (in Europe) [with Uppsala University, actually, being, built, in, the mid, 1800's], and, separate really, from, Arthurian Sweden [as with, Gothenburg, and, Stockholm (with Stockholm in all, being, Arthurian America really)]. Success too, as not, only, with, Individual efforts (entrepreneurial in nature), IKEA, but also, an, accompanying, beautiful, blonde, Swedish Wife.

Italian Folia (a kind, of Concerto), and in celebration, of, Louis XIV