Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Divine Comedy

This entry, is probably, one, of the most needed, out there, in helping really, curb, all forms, of, tragic happenings, that, often result, in, destruction (only). It in, many ways really, speaks of, peoples, that, most out there, often, call, Freedom Fighters (such as, William Wallace for example). Why, are such folks, often deemed, heroic (or Heroes really), by, most today, years, after, their passings? Obviously perhaps, its because, nothing much, has, changed in the lives, of, those, who worship them. Another reason though, is because, one, can view, such Figures, as, being in all, excellent Communicators (of a kind) [that in all really, when, one is faced, with any, kind of problem/sorrow, one can get out of it, by, being, a good Communicator (at the very least)].

The problem, of being, a, Communicator, is one, many face, but falsely too, believe, that, being a good/great Communicator (and not, simply, a Communicator), has to, simply do, with, improving (as with practise), ones, Communication Skills. Thats very true, but not really so, unless, one, understands, that, there has to be, something (in one perhaps), that, truly drives one, to be, a good/great Communicator [as with, being, a Freedom Fighter perhaps (even)].

Many groups out there, today, are, associated, with fine, Communication Skills [as with, the verbal really], due mainly, to, historical reasons. You for example, find, Indians, driven to be, good Communicators, by in all, becoming, like Gandhi [as a Communicator, and not, with, problems faced really], in helping solve too, just about, any, kind, of problem out there (faced). You have the Jews/Jewish, whom when destabilized really, tend often, to, 'become', very much, like, Anne Frank [as a Communicator]. You have, Minority Groups in America (for instance), whom, when opposed, are very, much, inspired, by, the Spirit, of Martin Luther King (as Communicators in all). The British, in many ways too, attempt, to, emulate, King Richard I, as a, Communicator (in total). You even, finally have, the Saudis, who, when facing, an adversity of sort, become, interestingly enough [as with, the International Scene perhaps too], like, Michelangelo (Merisi) [in many ways really, referring perhaps, to the way, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, presents himself, on, the International Scene].

Why this, is important [developing, good/great Communication Skills], is that, you find, that, those, with them, are, the most Successful/'Wealthiest', of us all.

This entry, will attempt, to provide, for, the masses perhaps, examples, of whom, they really are, as, good/great Communicators [as based too, on, their, Higher Beings].

The Story of Jesus (Christ), is one, of, the most, famously, known, out there. The Story though, is, rather, multifaceted, as it in, many ways, is, very much [or appears to most], to be, an, amalgamation, of, different versions, of, 'his' Life. Why the Story, remains, ever, endearing [especially, for those, facing, any form, of, adversity really], is because, its, the Story, of, Jesus (Christ that is), as an, excellent, Communicator [that in all, at, the very end, of, the Story, one, is not, left, feeling pity, for Jesus, but, actually, for oneself].

The events, associated, with Jesus (Christ), are many, and, numerous too (in all); and in all of them really, he shows himself, as, being, a great [or even, excellent (for those, who, truly, identify with him)], Communicator too. What will be attempted below, is to show, different, Higher Beings (really), that, they are, very much, like, Jesus (Christ), when, they face, any form really, of, turmoil, which in many ways, attempts, to, totally destroy, their lives, despite perhaps, the issue, being, rather, small (in nature). That various events, in, the Life of Jesus (Christ), can, be used really, to help, different, Higher Beings (that is), know, whom they really are, when, they face, any, kind, of adversity [and not how, they react, but whom, they really are, when this, actually, happens to them].

Being a Communicator, is not, only, about, Communicating (in all), but also too, deals, with the kind of environments, one, finds themselves, in. Communications really, can be broken [as with, Higher Beings perhaps], into, the following, fields: Protocols, Social Structures, and, Culture too. Protocols here, speaks of (as mentioned, much more previously) [Protocol, Rights and Order]. Social Structures here, speaks of, all forms/kinds, of, Games, Structures, and, Patterns seen, in Society (really). Culture here, refers, to, Culture in itself, the Cultural, and, culture/civilization too [with the three, from a Communications perspective, referring to, the following:][Culture: Social Security (rules, laws, regulations), Security (Humour based Interactions), and finally, Immorality (perversions/depravity)] [Cultural: Arrangements, Formations, Positioning] [culture: Testimonials, States, Experiences].

That in all really, the above (as with, Communications really perhaps), presents, the daily/average, Communications, that, most out there, tend to, engage in, and, hopefully too, based on, their, Higher Beings [and not, their Being (as with, Human Nature really)].

As mentioned before, below, will be presented, various, events (facets perhaps), from, the Life of Jesus (Christ), that show us, whom, we are, when, we are opposed really (in any way), other than, having us, identify, with, a certain, Freedom Fighter [who might (in many ways), not, fit us all] [as with, Ethics even].

Gargoyles: The Entombment

The Entombment, refers really, to the event, of, the enshrining really, of Christ, after, his Crucifixion. An event really, not, that different, from that, seen, in what, they call, 'The Egyptian Book of the Dead', which, in some ways, is, a Communications protocol, with regards, to, moving on, to, the next life. However, one has to get, the main gist, of all this, that, the event, is actually, symbolic, in that, for, the Gargoyle, on facing, any form really, of adversity (where defeat, is, perhaps foreseen), then in reality too, they, should see themselves, as being, Entombed [after, having, struggled of course] [as mentioned before, it is, all, symbolic here really]. Thats whom really, Gargoyles really are [Christ/Osiris, enshrined/entombed, when, persecuted in all too] [In many ways too, the very belief, that, after, ones demise, the, whole World truly, will, miss one] [The very death too, of, Osiris himself].

Jinni: The Ascension

For Jinnis, turmoil faced really, in any form [and, as with, Communication Skills problems too (in all)], have them really, becoming, very much, like, Christ, during, the Ascension; [one must again, understand, what, this really means, is that, should, Jinnis, face any, persecution really, of, any kind, they should (then), envision themselves, dying really, and, ascending, straight, into Heaven]. Unlike Gargoyles, who got, to, the Next Life (really), Jinnis, go, to the Kingdom of Heaven [a place really, where, one, can be free, to act, fully, as themselves, as they, so wish to] [In many ways too, the Kingdom of Heaven, is, associated, with a Crusaders myth, seen, in the Arthurian World (that of Balian of Ibelin), that, speaks too, of, the Crusaders, limited in all ways really (as with movement perhaps), who then, fight, for Jerusalem (envisioned really, as, the Kingdom of Heaven) (in many ways too, not that, too different, from, the movie itself)].

Light beings: The Nativity

The Nativity, is, a very well known, event, in, Christ's Life [and, today, mostly associated, with, Christmas mainly]. In the past, it was, associated, with, the Epiphany, and in many ways too, with, the seeing/vision, of, the Angel of the Lord [as presenting himself really, to, the Virgin Mary] [the Angel of the Lord, and not, ArchAngel Gabriel]. In many ways really too, Light beings, on, being persecuted, often, see themselves, as, Baby Jesus really, and, associated too, with, all kinds (and forms too), of, great Figures [and, events also] [who in all, give one, the strength, they, very well need]. These Figures, are really, the, 'Virgin Mary', the Angel of the Lord (or, an Italian perhaps even), and, finally, the Three Magi [whose origins, to this day, remain, unknown].

Psychai: The Entering of Jerusalem

This manner, of, envisioning/seeing oneself, when, persecuted, in any form, is, rather, World famous, as, with the Movies really. In its, basic sense, it speaks of, Psychai/Christ, entering, Jerusalem itself, after, being, victorious (in all). A rather, very, popular way, of envisioning, oneself (when persecuted) [as seen alot, in, the movies (as said just before)], and in many ways too, associated, with, what, they call, Lent [in many ways really, the rather, popular, culture, of, praying alot, before, facng, any, battle (as with, even, a 12 hour, prayer session)] [And as, associated too, with, the English Crusades] (in all really, the persecution faced, is, ongoing, and, calls for, meditation/prayer). [One should in all too, attempt, to fully, understand (envision perhaps), what, all this, really means; that in all, just, about, all forms, of, Communications (as with, the Industry even), in the World, today, have been, strongly shaped (by Psychai), with the end goal in all, being, 'the Entering of Jerusalem', and, Lent even (as with, a quick phone call, somewhere)] [Thats how, strongly, the English (and Psychai), have, come, to shape, the, modern World (in its entirety too)]

Picus: The Temptation of Christ

The Temptation of Christ, is, an event, associated strongly, with, the Fasting (40 Days and Nights, in the Desert), that, Jesus (Christ), had, to endure. In many ways, as with, persecution, what this, event, actually, speaks of [as with, Picus even], is that, any, persecution faced (by them), often, results, in the seeng, of, easy ways (out), which in reality, should, be partaken, as, being, last resorts, to dealing, with, a problem [the very world, of those, having, a smoking problem perhaps, but, have actually, a, cigarette pack, hidden, somewhere, and they in all, must struggle, to, the very end, before (perhaps even), falling, and, having a smoke/cigarette]. Imagine truly, a Communications Industry, built on ths [which in many ways, is what, Science Fiction (today), is really all about].

Esicrucian Man: The Passion of Christ

The Passion of Christ [as with, the Mel Gibson movie] [and even too, the Life, of Marcus Vispanius Agrippa], is, a harder, Communications Being (perhaps), to, fully see. A way of persecution, that, tends, to traumatize, most, but in all really, associated too, with, a full understanding, of, Human Nature [in all, its, complex forms] [Historically, this full, understanding, has been, associated, with the History, of, Secret Codes, of all kinds/forms (such as, the, Caesar Cipher)]. In all really, what is been said here is that, symbolically speaking too really, Esicrucian Man, on, being persecuted, should, foresee themselves, as, Christ, being tormented in all [with each stage, of, the persecution (the Passion of Christ), calling, for an, understanding, into, the very nature, of, 'the Human Being'] [Again, imagine, a Communications Industry, built on all this (no different really, from, the Comic Book world)].

Shapeshifts: The Transfiguration of Jesus

The Transfiguration of Jesus (Christ), is an event really, best, associated perhaps, with, the Last Supper (and, the Eucharist too). In all, its speaks of, what, in North America, they call, "Dead Man Walking" [and the plight somewhat too, of many, an, Illegal Immigrant]. In many ways too, it calls, for one, envisioning themselves, as, being betrayed perhaps (by, one they trust fully, or even, by themselves too) [as with, Judas/Jesus, envisioned, in, Italian Christianity, as with not, listening, to ones, true, inner voice]. In all really, a tale, of betrayal, and the searching, for, Deliverance perhaps (as with, the Transfiguration), by even, probably, remembering, a small detail, that makes, all, the difference [as with, Freedom really] [In many ways too, the World, of, News Media (and its, many lies too)].

Gods: The Miracles

For the Gods, the Miracles, performed, by Christ (Jesus), speak really, of, whom, they are, when, persecuted (in all). These events, are associated strongly though, too, with, what they call, the Pentecost. In all really, when, Gods, are persecuted, they in all, look out, for, a Miracle (Miracles too), to, deliver them (perhaps), from, their anguish even. These Miracles, falsely associated, with, the praying, to God the Father, are actually, associated, with, the Holy Spirit. In all, speaks of a God World, where, persecution, can make, absolutely, no sense [as with, an evil Dictatorship], and in all too (as with, the symbolic even), Gods, should seek, to see themselves, as being, filled, with the Holy Spirit, and, ready, to perform really, a Miracle (Miracles) [as seen perhaps, in most, Action (Arnold Schwarzenegger), movies] [True Lies, being, a good example of this] [In all really too, as with, the Pentecost (and the speaking with tongues by, the Apostles), the ability, to communicate directly, with, the persecutor].

The Constellations: The Sermon on the Mount

Those, from the Constellations, will find, that, when, persecuted (in all), they are, very much, like, Jesus (Christ), delivering, the Sermon (on the Mount). An event, strongly associated too, with, the Lords Prayer [and also too, what, some call, 'the Antithesis of the Law']. In all, those, from the Constellations, when, persecuted, attempt in all (too), to 'try', the Law (system), as with, delivering, the Truth, on, the very issue, of, Justice. A form of Communications really, strongly seen (today), in more or less, the "Third World' [as in a place, lacking, Knowledge/Justice, in general].

*Note: There are many, outside, works/sources, such as, 'The Jesus Papers' by Michael Baigent, or even, 'The Sign and the Seal' by Graham Hancock, that, speak of, the above [with both, mentioned books, speaking of, the, Ascension (Jinnis), and, the Passion of the Christ (Esicrucian Man) respectively].

The Tribe:

The very concept, of the Tribe (often, today, envisioned extinct perhaps), is, perhaps, best put into use, as with, formulating, a Communications Identity [that in all, those, who, belong, to a Tribe, Communicate, in, the very, same manner]. All this, also, best understood [as not, only, being separate, from, Family & the People], but also too, based, strongly (in total), on, Higher Beings [as with, dividing them, into, all forms, of, groups] [Gargoyles, in a Cold Desert, are rather, different, from those, in, a Hot Desert (Communications wise)] (even, if, they are, at, the very, same level of Being, as with, Religious practise really).

In all really too, the Tribe [as with, Country (and Political Society), is also, very much, at, the basis, of, Political Debacles.

The Divine Comedy [the Book, as well enough, the movie even], is really, a work, that, helps one, see things, for, what, they really are [from the perspective though, of Comedy (and, atrocities even)]. A rather, important work, with regards, to, Communications, as especially too, with, helping one, realize/know, that, Communications, with, Higher Entities [Spirits, Gods etc.], does, truly exist (in all).