Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Waynes World (Party Time!!!)


The purpose, of this, whole entry, is to speak, of, an everyday problem, that befalls, the, vast majority, of, peoples, on this Globe. The problem, has to do, with, what they refer to, as, Worlds [as based on, opinions, beliefs, and, speculations]. The very fact, that, we live, in a World, with no, 'Worlds' really, in, existent. As it was mentioned before though, there are few, few 'Worlds', out there, that actually, function, somewhat: Nigerian, Scandinavian, Islamic, Chinese, and even 'Western'.

When you set out, to do, just about, anything, you will eventually, need, the opinions, beliefs, or, speculations even, of a source, here or there (even). These three in actuality, refer, to, when one, is, Clueless, Stumped, or, Dumbfounded, when they attempt in all, to do, just about, anything [they seek out really, a source, to give them, the answer, to the, 'questions', that leave them in all, clueless, stumped, or, dumbfounded even]. Today though, with most, Political Institutions, having, collapsed, in one way or another, most out there, often, turn, their queries (a kind, of question really), to, the Internet, for, an impromptu, answer [the belief, that, the Internet, can, answer, any queries (as with, opinions, beliefs, and, speculations), that tend, to have them really, clueless, stumped, or, dumbfounded even].

Wayne's World (both of them), is one, of, the funnier, American movies, out there, as it in all, talks of, two, Individuals, who set out, to seek, Success [in the midst, of, Cluelessness, being Stumped, and, Dumbfoundedness even], as they wonder really, whom, they can turn to, for, opinions, beliefs, and, speculations (in all) [in all really, they create, their, very own Worlds (safe havens really), as, with regards, to, whom, they can, turn to, for, beliefs, opinions, and, speculations in all (as with, seeking, answers, to all forms, of, questions)]. Waynes World, is a, charming, (movie) flick, that actually, shows in all, the journey, to, Success, once upon a time, in, America (really) [as with, between, the 20's - 60's (and before, America, sees, the rise, of, feminism, to wipe out, this, form, of existence)].

In todays World though, most, Worlds out there (especially "Western'), operate, on, the Network model [meaning really, as perhaps, with an, Internet Forum/Board, you have, to really know, people, rather well, inorder, to get, the answers, you need (in doing anything)]. In all really, you do find, that, discrimination, in the Western World, mainly, has to do, with ones, ability, to access, a Network (as based really, on, Age,Gender, Ethnicity, Race, Nationality etc.) [that in all, one, has to ascribe, to, the right, 'Doctrine' really, as, with observing, the, said, 'Superiority', of folks, termed, as, 'Anglo-Saxon'] [what is been said here in all, is that, Systematic Discrimination, n the Western World, is totally, built around the Cult of 'Anglo-Saxons' (and each, discriminated group, has to know, their place, as with, regards, to, Anglo-Saxon Ideals)].

What will be presented below, is, in all really, how, Worlds, in different Regions, of, the World, have, traditionally, functioned (in all), and the attempt really, to, reformulate them, again, so as, to have, civilizations actually, existing [as with, regards, to, efficiency, and the actual, workings (of things, in general)] [In all really, most, out there, have given up, on life itself, due, to the very, fact, that, nothing out there, does, really seem, to ever, work at all].

Not only, will, Worlds, as (somewhat) historically, conceptualized really, in, different Regions, of the World, be presented below, but also too, the, very fact, explained (as with, Mathematical Disciplines really), that, underlying, all Worlds [as based, on, opinions, beliefs, speculations], is, the very issue, of, Security, Defence (Preservation of Life), and, Protection [that in all, when one does give, another, advice really, as with, opinions, beliefs, or speculations, they have, the, three Security Measures (mentioned above), also too, very much, in, mind].

Also presented, will be, examples (as with, National Security really), of how, Security, Defence, and, Protection, have previously, been, applied (as with, the Infrastructural really), in different, Regions, of the World [with the vast, majority, of the World today, asked, questioningly (lowly perhaps too), to implement, all, 'Security', as seen really, in, America mainly (and, the Western world too)] [That in all, 'Security', in the Western World, is, Ideal, when in fact, Carlos 'The Jackal' proved, all this, rather wrong].

North America: State Structures

In North America, the concept, of, the World, has always, been based, rather, strongly, on all, kinds, of, State Structures [e.g. Apparatus, Bureaucracy, Legislature, Assembly etc.]. That in all, seeking, opinions, beliefs, and, speculations, in North America, have highly, been, based on, the State, and in all, too, 'Security' issues, have also, been, strongly based, on, the State [to make this, all rather, clearer, is to, understand, that Worlds, have, in many ways, been, strongly associated, with Women (as with, 'Security' issues really), but not, with, regards, to the, formulating really, of, opinions, beliefs, or, speculations (which have, been associated, with, 'Authoritative Figures', as seen too, in, the 'Authoritative Figures' entry] [In North America, those, with a huge, Body Build (and Height too), have, traditionally been, responsible, for, formulating in all, opinions, beliefs, (and) speculations, and have, therefore, sat atop, State (Structures), in all, their workings really].

As mentioned before, due, to the fact really, that, we live, in, rather, Feminist times, we shall, also present (in, the form really, of, 'Defensive Measures' (really), Mathematical Disciplines, that, one can turn too, as, with dealing with, 'Security' issues, as often, associated, with, Worlds. With regards, to, State Structures (in all), one finds, that, 'Security' issues, have been, dealt with, as follows: Statistics (Defence/Preservation), Information Theory (Security), and, Decision Theory (Protection).

With regards, to, National Defense issues, State Structures, have often, operated, on, Policing (Defence/Preservation), Inspections (Security), and, Special Units (Protection) [including too, the, North American, Armed Forces].

South America: Electronic Media

The belief, in using, Media (Electronic really), and, as with, the Internet, to create, Worlds really, is, actually, of South American, origins. Electronic Media, refers in all, to, Media, that is, totally based on (really), formulating, opinions, beliefs, and, speculations, on issues mainly, having, to do, with, Security, Defence, and, Protection (in all). Media, rather common, in, all forms (as with, Publishing Houses too), and probably, best, exemplified, by, TV Shows, such as, 'Larry King Live' [in all, a rather, huge segment, of the Media Industry, as with, Electronic (and print) Media, and, rather unrecognized, as surprisingly enough, it does, shape, the Consciousness, of, alot, of people, out there, with, regards, to, 'Security' issues] [What is been said, is that, most, are unaware, of how, huge, the Electronic (and print) Media Industry (and having, a base too, in, Brazil/South America), really is; and not only, how huge it is, but, also how, influential too, as most, people, who, engage, in its, contents, tend, to be, rather, strongly, brainwashed in all] [To most people, out there, unknown to them, Electronic Media, such as, the following (http://www.coverbrowser.com/image/bravo/1835-1.jpg), is, rather, hugely popular, around the World really, and, in all too, a, rather dangerous, form, of Media, as it, can strongly, brainwash, one, and, have one, living, in, Mental Prisons (Worlds really), of all kinds] [Atop, of, Electronic Media, has often, sat, all kinds, of, Intellectuals, associated with, South American, Society (including, street wise, Intellectuals)].

Mathematical Disciplines (associated, with, Defensive Measures, as, with, 'Security' issues really), and, associated too, with, Electronic media, are, Computer Science (Protection), Actuarial Science (Defence/Preservation), and, Analytics (Security).

National Defense, in, South America, has traditionally, been, based, on all forms, of, Cartels, Monopolies, Collusions, Alliances, Bands etc.

Europe: Fraternities

In Europe, where one, has, often seen, all kinds, of people, crisscross, with each other [as with, settlers, believing, Europe, is, the perfect place to live in], Worlds, were, mostly based, on, Fraternities [as with, Guilds, Unions, and Lodges]. These Fraternities, were, also, pretty much, divided, according, to, Historical Identities [as with, Scandinavian, Dane (Norse), Briton (Celt), Romance (Celtic), Germanic/Teutonic, and finally, Slavic]. Fraternities in all, can be, Individual, or Group really [and are, often, guided, by a, certain, Holy Text, or even 'Holy Book' (in all), that, helps (guide) them strongly, in, formulating, all forms/kinds, of, opinions, beliefs, and, speculations in all] [In all really, the Rule of Lodges, was, by those, with, the most, commanding, Voices/Lingual skills].

[The History of Europe, often, represented, from, Materiality (and pertaining really, to, White people, as with, Italians, Franks, English etc.), is actually, best, represented, from, the Religion/Evolutionary, point of view. Scandinavian, speaks of, Goth (and not, Gothic history) (with Goth, representing, not, only, pipe-organ music, but also, very much too, the mixing, of, different, genetic strains, of, White people, to create, an, European Ideal - as with, Culture based evolution really) (all Europeans, have at one time, married, a 'Scandinavian'); Dane (Norse), speaks of, European, Primordial peoples (such as, the Scots) (and the history too, of, European Religious Signs and Symbols). Briton (Celt), speaks of, European Greek History (as with, Structural History), with, the founding, of Europe (inland) (Europa in all), by, Hadrian (as the real, Father of Europe). Romance (Celtic), speaks of, the, Cultural History, of Europe (from, a Religious point of view really) (as with, Culture mainly really). Slavic (as mainly through, Central Europe), speaks of, European, Religious History (as with, Religious Worship really), all based, around, the, worship, of, the Madonnas, Maria, Mary, and, all too, emanating, in Egypt, with, the worship, of, Isis (in all, Goddess Worship, in, its various, complicated forms, has been, associated, in Europe, with, Slavic people, although, today, Slavic people, might, also want, to, look, into, the worship, of, Marianne, as, the primary, Goddess, from which, the, Madonnas, Maria, Mary etc., emanate, from - and not, Isis who, is, a rather, too, powerful, ancient, and, heavily too, Egyptian Goddess, in nature. Germanic/Teutonic History, speaks, of, the evolution, of, European Images, as pertaining really, to, Success (in all, its, formulations)]

In many ways though (as with, Defensive Measures really), Europe, has, not always, relied, on, its Women, for, 'Security' issues [with, most Women, often, traditionally barred, from, most, Fraternities]. In general though, the (Mathematical) Disciplines, associated, with, Fraternities, have been, Game Theory (Protection), Rhetoric (Security), and, Semantics (Defence/Preservation).

As with regards, to, National Defense issues, Europe, has traditionally, always, been defended really, as, with, Personal Protection (including, Technological Weaponry), Private Security (Defence), and, Private Armies (as with, for hire) (Security).

Africa: Enterprises

The very concept, of, the Enterprise, has, traditionally been, used, in Africa, as, with regards, to, creating, Worlds. The concept, of the Enterprise, was also, used, to create Worlds, in, Ancient Egypt, and in most ways, talk, of Upper & Lower Egypt (Kush & Kemet really), in all referred to, how, they, conceptualized, Worlds in all [Kush, should not, be confused, with, Kushites/Nubae/Qustul (who, were Nubians)]. In general though, Enterprises, can be, divided into, Religious, Social, Political, and, Economic Enterprises in all [in Africa, one, is most likely, to get, all, the advice they need, in, a Restaurant somewhere (as with, Social Enterprises for example)] [This culture, of, creating (Exclusive in all), Enterprises, did reach, its, heights, in, Colonial Kenya, making, Kenya, rather, segregated (in all) then, and leading, to, violent clashing (in all), between, White and Black, populations, living there] [leading too in all (surprisingly enough), to the fight, for Independence (as with, the right, to attend, White Schools, White Restaurants, and, even too, marry, White Women)] [Enterprises in Africa, have often (as with, Authoritative Figures really), been, ruled, by, prominent Families].

When it comes, to, Defensive Measures, and, 'Mathematical Disciplines' in all too, Enterprises (as with, 'Security' issues), are regulated really by, the following, disciplines (mathematical): Mathematical Finance (Defence/Preservation), Systems Theory (Security), and Database Theory (Protection).

When it comes, to, National Defense issues, 'Security' in all, has, often been, applied, as follows: Security Devices (Security), Communal/Computer Security (Defence/Preservation) (including, Missile Defence Shields), and, finally, Computerized/Watchdog Security (Protection) (as with, perhaps even, 'Watchman' culture, seen often, in Africa)].

Asia: Private Organizations

In Asia, Private Organizations, often, mostly heralded, by, Success Figures (as with Authoritative Figures), have, been responsible, for, handing out (really), beliefs, opinions, and, speculations even, when, called upon, to do so, by, the Masses [Organizations in all, that, truly, tend to work, with, the Peoples in a region (like an NGO would), and, are in most ways really, Religious Organizations (of a kind)].

In many ways too, 'Security' issues [as with, the Peoples served (and also as with, formulating, 'opinions' in all)], have been, based, on, the following, Mathematical Disciplines (traditionally) (as with, Defense Measures really): Signal Processing (Security), Robotics (Protection), and, Computer Graphics (Asian Visual Arts really) (Defense/Preservation).

National Defense issues, have been, based, on the following, forms, of, the Infrastructural: Police Forces (and not Policing) (Protection), Psych-ops (Psychological Warfare) (Defence/Preservation), and, Militias (not similar, to, Private Armies, as, Militas, are mainly, bands, of peoples, with, Martial training, called upon) (Security).

The Middle East: Networks

The Middle East, has, traditionally, strongly functioned, on, all forms, of, Networks. Networks (managed in all, by, a Scholarly Class), and, which, one could tap into, for, all forms, of, opinions, beliefs, and, speculations [when, totally clueless perhaps, dumbfounded, or even, stumped really]. Networks really, formulated, based on, the huge, undertaking (historical), by, Islamic Scholars, in, studying, the Natural Sciences (as based really, on, Networks Theory).

Defensive Measures, as with, Mathematical Disciplines (and 'Security' issues, as with, not depending, on, Womens ideas), have been, based on, Computer Algorithms (Abacus based traditionally, and, the basis too, of, Bioinformatics) (Protection), Image Analysis (Numerical Analysis really) (Defence/Preservation), and, finally too, Computational Science (as with, 'Applied Networks', solutions) (Security).

As with regards, to, National Defense issues, 'Security' issues, have, been dealt with, as follows: Mercenaries (Protection), Defence Systems/Spy Networks (Defence/Preservation), and finally, Defence Leagues (as with, the, X-Men perhaps) (Security) [This model, was also in all, used, in Italia (as with, Central Intelligence really), and, works rather well too, in, Afrique also].


One should realize in all really, that, Worlds, have often, traditionally (as mentioned before), depended, on, Women, for, 'Security' issues (with male figures, often, formulating, beliefs, speculations, and, opinions in all too). The above forms, of, Mathematics, can be said, to be, Feminine in nature, as they have, often, been associated, with, Women (who in all, are, more strongly, attuned, to them, than, Men are). They have been, mentioned though, since, we do, live, in, rather, Feminist times, and, it would best in all, for Men, to be, rather, squarely acquainted, with them (in all really).

Creation of Worlds, should not, be seen, as being, difficult in all really, as in most ways really, working in, the Structures (associated with them), is, in most ways, rather fun in all. If you hate working, but can't, quit your job really, you really want, to find, a Job, in, the 'Worlds' sectors [as, they are, in most ways, rather, fun to engage in, in all] [Even, with low pay, you will find, that, you are, in general, much happier, with life in all].

Worlds (as with, 'Security' issues), are, rather important in all, as, they are, at, the very foundation, of, formulating Success, in their entirety [that, Success really does have, its basis, on, 'Security' issues]. Traditionally,'Security' issues, have been, associated, with, ones Family/Homes, but, the time has come (as with, the historical past too in all), to base, Success, on, 'Worlds' (as, conceptualized above), and not, Families (Homes) [In all, when one thinks, of, building, their 'Country'/Success, they should think, from, the 'Security' issues, associated, with, their 'Worlds', and, not, their Homes/Families; In many ways too, the very way, Europe, has, remained stable (but lacking in, progress in all)] [Basing Success, on Families/Homes, is, rather precarious, as, Family Feuding, has been, known (as with, starting small even), to, bring down, whole, Civilizations (in all)].