Thursday, March 24, 2011

Topics & the Spoken Word

Community building:

Community building, is something, today, mostly associated with (popularly that is), with, Africa. To understand this better, is perhaps, to define, the, Community, from its, traditional meaning (association that is really), as with, regards to, Infrastructure [that in all, certain, accessible Infrastructure, was used, to, define, Community (in all)].

The term, Community today though, is, perhaps best, associated, with what, they call, Topics [that people, who tend, to form, Communities today (as in the past really too), do so, from, the perspectives really, of, Topics engaged in]. This in many ways too, can be used, to denote, what, they call, the International Community [as perhaps, probably consisting of, people, of a similar, ethnic lineage (as with Germans perhaps, living, in, America), differentiated, from each other, based on, Topics (spoken on)] [The main difference too, between, Italian Families, and, Italian-American, Families] [Comedic Italian (culture) based Shows, are, actually, Italian-American, while, Mafia movies, are more or less, Italian].

Topics, in most ways too, is what, separates, the, Modern Era/Age, from, past Times (Ages/Eras) [in that, the Modern Era/Age, sees, a disturbing, trend, towards, an obsession with, highs/money, sex, and, violence/crime too]. In many ways really (if not all), the Modern Era/Age, has given birth, to what, they call (in America really), 'Nigger Mentalities'. That in all really, the Modern Era/Age, has given, rise, to, modern day (and probably too) Highly, Mentally Disturbed, folks, who do nothing, but engage in, talk, of, highs/money, sex, and, violence/crime (all day long), with the end result [as in, being, (Highly) Mentally Disturbed], the development of, Attention Seeking Disorders (of all kinds/forms), with, the grounded belief in them, that, everyone out there, is, highly interested, in, learning about, their, 'Nigger Selfs', and, 'Nigger Existences' too (in all).

Topics (spoken on) should be, in all really [as with, Community building too] [and even too, the, Religious Police & the Middle East], be in all, highly moderated (in all really). This is because [as it is, very well, known] that, what, they call, the Spoken Word (as in, 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil'), eventually, does become, the reality, in a Community [and even, their, associated worlds too] [One can see all this perhaps, in what, one, would perhaps call, the 'African Blogosphere'. A Feminist infested, hellhole, that, is in all, the breeding ground, for, all forms, of, violence/crime, seen, all over, Africa] [If Africans, are serious about, solving, their issues (as with, International help too), then, engaging in, constructive dialogue (as with, shutting down, the, 'African Blogosphere'), is, the very first step, to doing so].

In an attempt, to destroy, the Modern (Nigger really) Era/Age, that has, seen, the creation, of all, forms, of, Uncivilized (Social) Existences [and having, origins too, with, the British (in all)] [as even with, Colonial America], not only, must there, be, a change, in, Topics (spoken about) [and by groups in all too], but also, an understanding, that, Topics (spoken about) [as with, popularity even], results (in all), in a, Natural Order (created), that, eventually, leads to, a culture, of, Inclusivity & Exclusivity and, as perhaps, denoted best, by what, they call, Stereotyping [as even, with, racial].A Natural Order (which, if not, monitored), leads, somewhat automatically, to, the Subconscious programming, of, the majority, with, all forms/kinds, of, views, based on, (perhaps) ['Nigger Mentalities'] (to say, the very least).

At the very least, Topics, are, highly, associated [as with, Community even], with the development, of what, they call, Aptitude [or, in everyday parlance really, Common Sense].

Below, will be presented, various, 'Encyclopedias' (suiting), different, Regions of the World, as with how really, their material is in all, presented (to the masses). The very fact, that, engaging, in Community, is not, as, difficult, as most, believe it, to be [and as, perhaps made out to be, by those, with, 'Nigger Mentalities' (and, the desperate attempts in all, to be, cool) (as with, seeking out, Attention, at all, cost)]; and that (in all too), there is, an underlying, current, to easily, engaging in, Community, based on, how, one, presents themselves [and even, their, thoughts too, to others (in all)].

[As mentioned just above, the Encyclopedias below, do contain in all, the, very same, topics really, with, the differences being, how, they are, presented, which in all, suits, Community building, in, different Regions, of the World] [as with, presenting oneself (in general too)].

North America: Encyclopedia Americana

- material presented, from, 'disturbing' perspectives, which in all ways really, is how, one, engages in, Community (in, North America), as well as with, the general, presenting, of, oneself (in all too).

South America: The World Almanac

- 'shocking' perspectives to, just about, every topic, spoken about really, in, South America (in all).

Europe: The Guinness Book of World Records

- 'amusing' perspectives, to, just about, every topic, that, would interest, an European [and, in all too, the, very way, Europeans, should, engage with, each other, other than, attempting, to be, serious & cool, all the time (as with, European Immigre Jewry)].

Africa: Wikipedia

- 'interesting' perspectives, as in most ways really, Wikipedia, is, somewhat written, by, lone figures, whom (in all), have, interesting perspectives, to most, Topics, out there (that would in general too, interest really, an African).

South East Asia: Microsoft Encarta

- material, presented from, the 'doubting' perspective, which, is how in all too, South East Asians, tend, to create, Community [and in all too also, engage in it].

East Asia: The New International Encyclopedia

- rather serious, in nature, with, material too, presented from 'questioning' perspectives, as, that is how in all, East Asians, tend, to associate (with each other), and, very well too, create, Community (in all really).

The Middle East & Afrique: The Encyclopedia Britannica

- an Encyclopedia, of, Victorian origins, and, one, that covers, material (Topics really), presented from, 'thought-provoking' perspectives, and in all too, speaking of really, how, people create/engage (in), Community, in, the Middle East, and, Afrique too.

Note: perspectives here, refers to, Autonomy (as with, perspective, point of view, and, objectivity even), and, not, simple hunches (or guesses even).

In all, the above [as with Topics, and, Community creation], is, deemed serious, for, a World, obsessed in all, with, highs/money, sex, and, violence/crime [and in all too, the, very creation, of, 'Nigger talk', or, 'Nigger cultures' really], with, those engaging, in, these ['Nigger Existences'], totally lacking, in, Culture, as, highs, sex, or, violence/crime, are actually really, offsets, of, Culture [which, even if, engaged in, are, done so Artfully] [as with, a Duel perhaps, or even, Seduction itself].