Monday, March 28, 2011

The Judeo-Christian World

Many have probably heard, the term, Judeo-Christian before. For many though, they don't really know, what to make of it. Some believe it, to denote, Religion (as with, being, White skinned). Others though, associate it (in modern times really), with, Western civilization, while others (the deluded & academic even), attempt to claim, that, the Judeo-Christian World, has, Greek Antecedents [and origins even (to it)] [It is not so, for, the Jew, has always been, a Pariah (of sorts), in, Europe].

The term (and World even), of Judeo-Christianity, is actually, more recent, in, the making, than most, suppose it, to be, and responsible too, for the rise, of, Western civilization (in all), and based totally too (as with an aversion really), to two things: Non-white people, and, the Islamic world. It is a World really, born of, Genghis Khan [as Coloured, and Islamic/Muslim even], and takes place actually, just before, the, European Dark Ages (occur) [amidst the fall, of, European Civilization]. It is this invasion [by the armies, of Genghis Khan] (mostly in, Central/Eastern Europe), that gives birth, to what, some call, Eurasian History [in all, the belief, in, a Semitic Race, as embodying, Judeo-Christian Beliefs, and, superior even, to, the Islamic/Muslim World (as with, Morality mainly)]. Judeo-Christian Thought, is furtherly, solidified, by the invasion, of Europe, by Moorish/Saracen Armies, into Europe (during the Dark Ages), and giving birth, to what, some, might term, Eurabian History [in all, the belief, in what, constitutes, White/Euro identity, as compared, to, Coloured/'Savage' identity] (often, presented, in a Racial form, as with, the study, of, Physiognomy).

It is these two invasions really, that solidify, Judeo-Christian Ideologies (of itself), as attempting basically, to claim, superiority (in one form or another), over those really, who attempt, to, dominate/attack its World, as with regards really, to, rightful ownership.

To fully understand, the Judeo-Christian World, is to know, that, Judeo-Christian Beliefs, consist, in the modeling/creation, of, three, Primary, Identities: the Intrapersonal, the Transpersonal, and, Interpersonal Identities [and thats all really, as often philosophically presented, constitutes, Judeo-Christian Beliefs, and separate too, from, Judaism, as while Judaism, has a basis in, Ascetic Religious Thought, Judeo-Christianity, has a basis on, the three, Identities mentioned, above].

What constitutes these three Identities though [that in all define, everyday Operations (just about, everywhere, out there)], can be said, to be, the following:

Intrapersonal Identity: Society, Individual (freedoms, liberty etc.), Personal (ways & manners);
Transpersonal Identity: Ancestral (Spirits), the mind (as with clarity really), Success Profiles;
Interpersonal Identity: Relationships, Political Relations, Familial Relations;

It is the three above, that constitutes, what, all, Judeo-Christian Beliefs, are based on, and also too, at, the very basis, of what, constitutes, the Western World.

Secularism, Judeo-Christianity, Western Democracy and Yiddish:

The four terms (in the title above), describe fully, what, the Judeo-Christian (and subsequent Western) Worlds, are all, mainly, about. Secularism here, refers to, the creation, of Institutions (Western), that in all, enforce, a way of living based on the three, Identities, mentioned above [in all they enforce, this way of living, and do not really, enhance it]. Judeo-Christianity (as a religion), pertains to, the Beliefs, associated with, the three, Identities (Primary), mentioned above [(Judeo-Christian) Intellectualism]. Western Democracy [as averse, to, Greek Democracy (Platonic Republic), or even, American Democracy (Puritan)], consists really, of, what, they call, Governance [and Protocol formulation even]. In all too, it represents, the way, people, go about, doing things, in, the Western (Judeo-Christian) World [with Protocol really, destroying, Meritocracy, in any, of its forms really, as with having, an authority, of a kind (including a guard) moderate, ones, movements in all]. Yiddish, pertains, to the true language, of, the Judeo-Christian World, with it, not, truly associated, with, Hebrew, but having, origins, in European Ghettos, but none the less too, a Language, that has come to shape, the Modern World, as English today, is mainly, spoken, with a, Yiddish accentuation [meaning in all, that while, Old English, has, a Scottish accentuation, Modern English is, strongly defined, by, a Yiddish one] [Making it impossible for example, for most out there, to even actually read/recite Shakespeare].

Yiddish, as just mentioned, is actually, a Ghetto Language, with, various forms actually, of American Ebonics speech, born actually too, in, Jewish Ghettos (all across, North America).

In all really, the above, as with, Yiddish mainly [and Western Democracy too, being, at the very heart, of, Western culture], has in all, created, folks, with Ghetto Mentalities ['Bling-Bling'], with regards, to what, Life, is, truly about [the quest, for sex, money, and, bling-bling].

To fully though, see/understand, the, Judeo-Christian World, is to realize, that, it operates, from, three, seeable, levels. Levels, that strongly, determine, how, the World (Western) today, is actually, structured.

Level 1:

At a base level perhaps, and pertaining, to, the three Identities, mentioned above, are actually, the, following forms, of Enterprise:

1. Industry: and as associated, with the, Intrapersonal Identity mainly.
2. Manufacturing: and as associated, with the, Transpersonal Identity, mainly.
3. Business: and as associated, with the, Interpersonal Identity mainly.

In all, what is been said, is that, whenever, you hear, the words, Industry, Manufacturing, or, Business even [as envisioned, as, Enterprises] in the Western World, you are actually, dealing with, the three, mentioned, (Primary) Identities.

This level, is also too, very, American (in nature) [as with, the Enterprise really], and is managed in all, by, what, some call, Global Business Leaders (who are in all, either, Jewish, or, Jewish supporters too).

Level 2:

On a higher level perhaps, are the following, three existences [in the form really, of being, Enterprising] (and defining in all too, modern, European, North American, and, South American existences too in all):

1. Media: of European origins too, and strongly associated, with, the Intrapersonal Identity.
2. Architecture & Design: of South American origins really, and strongly, associated, with the Transpersonal Identity.
3. Materialism: of North American/American origins mainly, and strongly associated, with, the Interpersonal Identity.

In all, the three, are left, to, the average joe mainly(White really), to engage in, in the form, of, being Enterprising [this really means, an Idea, taken/stolen, by, another, and one simply manages it (in all)].

At the top, of this level, sits, what they call, 'Western Leaders', who are in all, Feminist, with, those, at the highest level, being, Jewish Feminists.

Level 3:

You still have, another, level, that most today, acquaint, with, the News Media, and consists of, what, they term, 'World Leaders'. This level, consists really of, people, who attempt, to take over, the cultures/lives/'ways of living', of, others (by destroying them really), and attempting too (in all), to spread, Judeo-Christian Beliefs.

They are organized, as follows:

1. Western/White Power: Mostly afflicting, the Intrapersonal Identity, and, directly mainly targeted, towards, Asia.
2. Western/White Supremacy: Mostly affecting, the Transpersonal Identity, and directly mainly targeted, towards, Africa (including the North).
3. Western/White Hegemony: Mostly attacking, the Interpersonal Identity (as with, influence mainly), and directly, mainly targeted, towards, the Middle East (and via Israel too).

All three movements, have, their bases, in the following, three countries: Taiwan, Egypt, and, Jordan respectively [as housing, Jewish elements, of all kinds, who influence, Key Figures, of all kinds too (of the Regions, mentioned above)].

At the top, of 'World Leaders' (associated with this), are what, they call, 'Religious Leaders' (Jew), who attempt in all, to spread, Atheism (in Asia), Judaism (in the Middle East), and Missionary Christianity (in Africa) [Missionary Christianity, consists of, a set, of, dogmatic beliefs, that in all, belittle, those, who accept them, as with mainly, making them believe, 'the White Man' to be, God himself].

Thats all, that consists, of, the Judeo-Christian World (Western too), with the above, 'Leaders' (in totality), operating through [as in making, real, their targets], what, they call, Lobby Groups.

World Domination:

The three levels above [as with its, Leaders, and those, strongly, associated with them], are in all, managed, by what, they call World Jewry. World Jewry, consists of, secret really, Jewish/Jew Cabals, who belong, to 'Secret Societies', that attempt to take, over the World, through, Witchcraft (practises) [and falsely, making the majority, believe, they, truly hold, the secrets, associated, with, Freemasonry].

World Jewry too (as with, 'Secret Societies' even), operates mainly [as with, being Hidden really], from the center really, of, the Western World; South Africa [with Kenya too, as a, subsidiary, of sorts].

Their Goal really [as with, being Hidden (in all)], is to take over, the Worlds, Monetary Systems, Knowledge Access (abilities) [as with, filtering the Internet even], and, Religious Thought (including Ascetic) [and replacing them, with, Western versions of History, and, Western Education (respectively)].

The reason too, why, Jew/Jewish people, remain, 'worshiped' perhaps, is because, they have, come, to take over, 'World Culture', in a way, most, don't, suspect it really: Presentation Formats. That in all, the very way, most, believe, that one, should Present just about, anything (out there) [from reading the News, to writing, an Essay/Book even, or even too, Dress forms, or even, speech/speaking manners], is in all, defined, by, Jewish/Jew cultures [an example in case, being that, 'Americanista Blog', is presented, in an, 'Arthurian Italian' manner]. This even becomes clearer, if one notices, that, 'Americanista Blog', is written, in Italian English (and not, Yiddish-English) [or what, some call, modern American English] and is also, accentuated, by, Scottish in general (as with, Shakespeare even) [and not, Yiddish].

In all really, the ability, to present, oneself today (coherently & admirably), is totally, Jewish/Jew in nature, and, moderated in all, by, what, some call, IQ/EQ Tests [which are of, Jewish/Jew origins, and, actually, a form of, Jewish Art (as with, Winnie the Pooh even)].

In all too, the attempt, to dominate, the World, is by attacking, the Presentation Formats (of other peoples), and attempting in all, to have them, replaced, with Jewish/Jew Presentation Formats [and in all too really, impose, 'Apartheid', wherever (and whenever) they can].

Ma'as-salam and goodbye

Mohammed Abbas Al-Mahmoudi