Friday, March 18, 2011

Nature Spirits

Nature Spirits, speaks of, the conceptualization, of, Spirit, as seen most popularly in, what the Yoruba (of Nigeria), call, 'Ori Spirit'. In many ways, Nature Spirits, should not, be, confused, with, Earth, Water, Fire, or even, Air Spirits. Nature Spirits, in most ways really, arise mainly (as with, regards to, Energy Levels really), when, a (Nature based) Environment, is, working, rather well [as with, the case, of, Dark Clouds often seen, in, Africa, Mist (in Europe), Rainbow, Rain, and, a Shining Sun (in Afrique), or even, Gloomy Bluish Clouds (in South East Asia)].

In all, one can refer to them, as, a form, of Phenomena, arising really, from, high Energy levels (in Nature), that in all ways too, afflict us, as, with enlivening us, or even really, (simply), purifying us.

Nature Spirits, are the most, basic, of all Spirits, and, unlike, other Spirits, can easily, be, awoken really, as based mainly on, knowing about them [as with, memory based knowing (perhaps even)], or even, simply, by believing in them [as with, believing, that, certain, nature based Phenomena, is capable of, happening (as with Lightening/Thunder, and the Sun Shining, in, North America)].

In many ways really, they are, best aroused today, especially as with helping deal with, those, addicted really, to, Western Environments [as mainly with, western noises, western tensions, western smells, western images, or even, western grievances (as with, anything, sharply noticeable perhaps)]. In all, facets, of Western Environments, that, most in general, tend, to find, 'Inspirational' [but really, more along the lines, of, Psychological Disturbances, and, Torment too (in general)] [In all really, for the unknowing being, tensions, noises, smells etc., can be used, as a form, of control, oppression, or even, trauma too (in general)].

In all really too, spirits, that make, the, everyday world, look, very much, like, a 16th Century, Oil Painting (as with, Energy levels perhaps), and in all too, creating, homely feelings [as with, the feeling, of belonging, to somewhere], and feelings too, rather, inspirational in all [as with, being, joyous for example (or even perhaps, being shacked up, in, ones bedroom) (all alone)].

North America: Iroquois Jogah Spirits

South America: Warao Tamulu Spirits

Central America: Innuit Tupilaq Spirits

Europe: Celt Faerie Spirits (not to be confused, with, Celtic Fairy Spirits)

Africa: Bantu Imbangala Spirits

South East Asia: Tibetan Sadag Spirits

East Asia: Shinto Kami Spirits

The Middle East: Arabian Sila Spirits

Afrique: Swahili Pepo Spirits