Monday, February 28, 2011

The Land of the Pharaohs

When Israel was in Egypt’s land,

Let My people go!
Oppressed so hard they could not stand,
Let My people go!

Of Cadence and Self-Belief:

When we speak, of Cadence really, we in many ways, are referring, to, our, general, Walking Rhythm. A Rhythm, highly associated to, as, with, our general, Self-Belief, as not, only, with Inner Strength, or, Inner Power even, but even too, Safety issues, and, general issues, of Faith, Hope, and Charity too in all. A Rhythm (Cadence really), if destroyed (in one way, or another) [as with, servile depictions of one, for example], has one, suffering, heavily, from, Self-Belief issues.

The story, of Moses, as seen, in the Bible (King James Version), is a rather, dangerous, rendering, of the story, of Moses in all. This is because, it is written, in such, a manner, that when, upon reading it, one, heavily identifies, with, Moses (and the Slaves), such that, unknowingly to most, it heavily, interrupts, with ones, Cadence [in that also, the tale, is rather, engaging, and on reading it, as with, anything else, rather engaging too in all, one is immediately (if not, almost), swept into, such worlds, depicted (as with, ones, real life really)].

When many out there, first ever, hear, the word, Egypt, its always mainly, has to do, with, the Biblical story, of Moses. A story, that attempts to paint, Moses (and the Slaves), as innocent, figures, of Pharaonic domination, and the Paharohs (and Egypt in itself), as, a rather, evil land (in all) [a powerful depiction, that has, many to this day, associating, those formerly strongly, associated, with Ancient Egypt (as with descent even), as being in all, rather, powerful by nature (as with, Art Worlds mainly)].

To understand though, how Moses, could come to lead, Slaves, outside, rather Civilized Egypt, is, to understand, the very nature, of, Evil, as associated mainly, with Egyptian Civilization [as with, the Apocalypse even]. That there exists, a kind, of Evil, most, know little about, but in many ways, rather scary, as with, having to do, with issues, of, Cadence (and Self-Belief too in all). An Evil, rather basic, in its premise, but having, far reaching effects (as with disaster really, in all). An Evil really, associated with, interfering, with ones, Cadence, based mainly, on, interrupting it, as mainly to do, with issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma in itself.

To understand, what this all means, is to understand, what, issues of Delay, Timing, and Trauma in itself too, have to do, with us [in that, they instill in us, a, general sense of fear, a general fear of things, and a general sense of fearfulness (as with the future really), in all, respectively].

Whenever, you suffer/encounter, a Delay of any kind, you in general, become, unaware, of your, environments in general [and in such conditions, one, can be made, to believe in, just about, anything, rather easily], and in all too, instilling in one, a, general sense of fear, on just about, anything, out there. Whenever you have, a poor (or lack in all really), of, a Sense of Timing really, you discover, that, anything, can happen to one, or to ones environments too in all [and in general too, instilling in one, a general fear (of things), having to do, with, just about, anything out there]. When we speak, of Trauma, we are in many ways too, referring, to, issues, pertaining to what, they call, the Intellect [as with, Shrewdness, Wit, and even, Dexterity]. What this means, is that, should one, possess, a damaged, Intellect in one form, or another, then, they are most likely, to suffer, from, Trauma, as pertaining mainly, to issues, of, Realization, as mainly, with, Realizing of things, a bit, tad late [and in all, instilling in one, a general sense of fearfulness (as with, the future really in all)].

All this, has been explained, because, issues, having to do, with Delay, Timing, and Trauma in all, heavily, affect, our Cadence (and Self-Belief too, in all really). There are those, who have attempted (or tried really), to rule, over the World, based on, very much, possessing, this kind, of Knowledge [a Kind of Knowledge really, that attempts, to Program (as with the Subconscious really), into one, all kinds, of, general senses of fear, general fears, and even too, general senses of fearfulness]. A kind of Evil, most know mainly about, as via mainly, through, the Internet, and also, Conspiracy Theories, in all too. An Evil, heavily based, on, Allegory (as with Seriousness), as Allegory (as with Seriousness really), can be, easily used, to hamper, one, with regards, to, Delay, Timing, and Trauma issues in all [in all really, asking questions, as if, the person to answer, is not, in the know, of, something (even right now), actually, going on].

The above Image, speaks of, the kind, of Evil, very much, associated, with, all this, as it is, Evil really, having, to do, with issues, of, Delay [that is, looking at the image, has one, programmed really, with, a general sense of fear, as in, looking, at the Image, does enforce, a delay, into, ones thinking, as though, one, is expecting, something, to happen in all really] [Under such conditions, evil (as with programmed), can be, projected, into one, even, via, the Internet, as one, is capable, of believing, in just about, anything, whenever, one, is delayed, in anything, out there (and especially, abruptly)].

The above Image too, represents, Media, as often, associated, with this kind of Evil, in that, its Media, that, damages ones, Intellect in all [the above Image, damages, ones Intellect, as with, Dexterity really (i.e., having, a general sense of knowing), as one, wonders, what could have happened, to, the Woman (face in all), but with good Intellect too, one too, does notice that, the Woman, does actually look alot, like, Madonna (in the Eighties)] [It probably, is her too].

This kind of Media, often seen, in America (as with Conspiracy Theories too) [and having one, believe in them too], is also, heavily in all, associated, with, Australian Media [which should be, heavily avoided, in general] [In all too, Media, that messes, with, ones senses, of delay, timing, and the intellect too].

It is this, kind, of Evil, that Egypt, eventually, finds itself facing, as a Civilization. An Evil really, in the past, which was dealt with, mainly, in the form, of, Slavery [and an Evil, heavily too, associated, with Egyptian Women, which in all, made them, a, servile class, in, Egyptian Society in all]. An Evil too, highly associated, with, the attempt in all, to limit, Self-Expression, in all, its forms (as with those, attempting, to Succeed really), and in many ways too, a form of Evil, associated, in America, with those, often known as, Technocrats [those who believe, that, Technology, in the form really, of, Gadgets, is the answer, to all, of, Humanities, problems] [In that in all too, such people, are knowledgeable, of the Evil, associated, with gadgets in all (as with limiting, self-expression), but still in all, heavily, do promote them]. An Evil too, as with those, who practise it, is associated in general, with, the Apocalypse really, as with, the Book of Revelation, and the, sighting, of the Beast [there being, three of them, in all] [that which, is marked, 666, attempts, to control, the flow, of Information, in general; there is however, another, called, the Beast of the Sea (often in the everyday form really, of, a raging black Bull, as with, its head mainly), and a Beast, rather, violent, in nature, as with, slaying, maimings, and, killings in all (what this means, those possessed, by, the Beast of the Sea, have a head, that calls upon, ones imagination really, as with, the sighting, of, a black bulls head)] [A very violent, Evil being, as with, Cannibalism too even].

In many ways too in all, an Evil, highly, Media associated, as with, mainly, Presentation Formats, in that, the Media, presents things, heavily, based on, affecting, one, as with, Delay, Timing, and Trauma in all [and in many ways too, the very world, of, David Icke].

La Vita Bella:

It is important, to have, a general sense, of delay, timing, and even, trauma in all too, so that, one, cannot, easily, be affected, by the Evil, spoken about, above [which attempts in all, to make one, feel, rather, servile by nature, by breaking, one, down, as with, Cadence mainly (and Self-Belief too, in all)].

In gaining, a good sense, of timing, delay, and even, trauma too (as with the Intellect really), it is deemed, a not too, difficult task in all, but one, many, might find, Manipulative (somewhat). In general, it is believed, that ones, sense of delay, can easily, be, affected (rectified really), by assocating it, with, the element, of Hues, as often, seen, with Colour [that one, in general, inorder, to have, a, proper, sense of delay, in all, has to see, certain, hues, as associated, with, Colour, and, our, very environments too, in all]. Hues, depicted, as follows, in the, various Regions (as with, the land itself, and, colour/hues):

North America: Light chocolate brown
South America: Whitish-yellow
Europe: Light green
Africa: Red-brown (Egypt), White-brown (North Africa), and Dark Green too.
South East Asia: Dark red
East Asia: White
Middle East & Afrique: Light brown

In all, what is been said, is that, while, in the respective, Regions of the World (as presented above), in order, to have, a good, sense of delay, one must, be able, to see, the above, Hues, as with, their environments (colour), mainly.

Ones proper, Sense of Timing, is believed too, to be, heavily, associated, with, Ambience (as with Colour/Light too mainly). In most ways, Ambience, is heavily, associated, with, colour, as often, associated too, with, Minerals (as with, the colour, of, Minerals in all). In general too, one, notices, that, different regions, have, different Ambience (as with, Light mainly), seen, as follows really:

North America: Indigo
South America: Golden
Middle East, Africa & Europe: Silvery
South East Asia: Bronze
East Asia: Amethyst

That in general, seeing the above, Ambience in all (as mainly, to do, with Light, rather than, colour/environments), results, in one, having, a rather, good, sense of timing, in all.

Finally, you have the disturbing issue, of, the Intellect, which, for many today, is, underdeveloped (and hence, an obsession, with, street wise figures, in, general, pop culture), and when, damaged, has one, Realize, things (in all), rather, slowly, making, one fearful, by nature (in all). In developing, good Intellect, traditionally, this has been done, by, associating it, with, certain animal life forms, seen, in different, Regions, of the World:

North America: Rabbit (as with Br'er Rabbit perhaps)
South America: Deer
Europe: Fox
Africa: Hare
South East Asia: Cobra
East Asia: Wolf
Middle East: Owl

That in all, to develop, a good, Intellect, and in all too, generally, avoid, being Traumatized, in ones life, one must, develop, an Intellect, as associated really, with, the animal life forms, as seen, just above really [as with the Regions].

Of Einstein and Pharaoh:

Albert Einstein, in developing, his Theories, of Relativity in all, in many ways, was not, too different, from, the Pharaohs (of old) [as with Wisdom really]. To understand this in all, is to, truly try, to understand, the, very nature, of, Ancient Egypt (as civilization/culture really). That, in most ways, Ancient Egypt, is often, depicted, in a Cartoon-like manner, with many, not, fully realizing, what constituted, everyday, Egyptian Drama (as with, High Civilization really). In all really, Egyptian Civilization, as with, Drama, was one, highly, associated, with issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect (in all). Some of the best renderings, of all this, have to do, with, the stories, of Joseph (and his 12 Brothers), and also, that, of Joseph, Mary, and, Baby Jesus too in all.

To get, a better grasp, of this (in all), is to know, that, in Egypt, issues, of Delay, Timing, and even, Trauma/Intellect, are more, highly heightened, than, in other parts, of the World [with Seriousness too, in Egypt, conceptualized really, in the form, of, Allegory] [one of the reasons, why, Egypt, is always, separated, from the rest, of Africa (as even, with, North Africa too, in itself)].

Albert Einstein, studied, in many ways, issues, of Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect, when he, published, his three, most, reknowed, seminal papers, on, his Theories, of, Relativity. With regards, to the Propagation of Light, he, in many ways, stated (amongst many other things too), that, if one, travels, at the speed, of light, one is in, general, not aware, of, anything, around them. In all really, that, there must, be, a delay (as with light really), for one, to, become, aware, of ones, environments (and even, ones self too, in all). However too, these delays in all, can give, rise, to different, forms, of phenomena, which are, in nature, of great, interest (as with, potential really). In his paper, on E=Mc2, he not only, spoke of, the conversion, of matter into light [and the amount, of energy, hence given off], but also, spoke about, it, with regards, to issues, of, Timing, in general [In general that, with a lack, of, a proper, sense of timing (or even, poor notions, of such), anything, can in most ways, happen, to one] [This does not, make sense, from, the perspective, of, Linear time really, but makes, lots of sense, from, the perspective, of, Non-Linear time]

[Einstein in all, did develop, Theories on this, with regards, to, Non-Linear time, which were, confiscated, by, the US Government].

On his third paper, having to do, with, Brownian Motion, he in many ways, referred to, the, Intellect, as with especially, having to do, with, Realization [that in most ways, slowing/damaging, the Intellect, results, in, a poor, Realization, of things, and when, that happens, ones, environments (worlds even), tend, to be, rather tense, as with, anything, can happen, with regards mainly, to ones, thoughts in all]. In all, understanding, fully, Brownian Motion, helps one, truly, grasp, Realization, in all its forms.

It is here too, that, we partly, enter, into the world, of, Egyptian Drama [and, Egyptian Magic, in some ways too]. That in all, everyday, Egyptian life, heavily, based on, the three issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect, did often, result, in the most, unpredictable, happening always. To gain, some understanding of this, is to know, that, Egypt, is a land, that hampers, ones, Intellect (somewhat naturally), and when, this does happen, one fails, to, Realize things, as one, should in all, and the end, result, is a, Tense environment, created, whereupon, Allegory, is called onto, and a failure still, to Realize, things as such, leads, somewhat perhaps, to the calling, on, Wit [as with rescue, and, often, as with, a poor joke (at ones expense)], which in many ways, as with, thoughts really, can realize, these thoughts/wit [a good example, is being, in a room, with two, others perhaps, and one, of them, saying, 'Someone is coming'; on turning, towards the door, as with, Realization (and not realized really), a silence followed, has one, of them, saying, 'You think, its the Pope?'; such Wit, expressed, results, in, further, tense moments, (as with, thoughts too really), before, the door, opens, and someone, walks in -- that in many ways, was Egypt (as with, everyday Drama), and the Pope, walking in (as with, Egyptian Magical realities)].

France (Napoleanic) too, as land perhaps, did adopt, Egyptian Drama, in, its everyday life; in many ways too, madly perhaps, it did, mesh, this, Egyptian Drama, with, Merovingian Drama, too, in all. The end result, was, a rather, heightened environment, as mainly, having to do, with, Trauma/Intellect issues [in all, more, dangerous perhaps, than, in Egypt, as, Merovingian Byzantine France, was rather, lawless, as with, attacks, from, outside France, itself] [It is this, Drama too, that eventually, sees, France, in most ways, simply, collapse (in all)]. A France, not really, envisioned, by most, as European/French Civilization, is often, depicted really, in, Movie-like states. In many ways too, these issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect, in France (as compared to Egypt), were dealt with, mainly, with, High Culture (Draconian) [while in Egypt, they were dealt with, in similar fashions, to Einstein, and, secret covert US Government, experiments/operations (Montauk)].

In all, living (and dealing), with, French/Egyptian Drama, often called for, its peoples, to in all, become, what, some call, Matyred Saints (as with, daily happenings really) [and as with, a Fool perhaps, too], and often, as, most, popularly, depicted, with, Saint Valentine [of Valentines Day fame] [In general, everyday, life, in Egypt and France even, was, akin, to Valentines Day (as with surprises really), and tensions, as best perhaps, seen, in, Michael Jacksons, 'Liberian Girl' video (general everyday tensions that is *one must realize this*, with, Michael Jackson, being, very much, akin, to, Saint Valentine himself)].

[In many ways too really, life, as with, 'sudden death', all over]

The Melody

The Melody, as a form really, of the Sunnah, and also, of, Italian origins too.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life's Quest & the Search for Self-Meaning

The sole purpose, of this entry, is to help, many out there, with the problem, of, Self-Meaning. A problem really, that tends, to afflict us all, when in most ways, we view in all, ourselves, from the perspective, of the Present. In most ways, this has to do, with how really, we do in all actually, see ourselves, despite, what we (or others even), might believe, to be true, about us. To fully understand this, is to know, that, for many of us, despite, what we might know, about ourselves (as with, Higher Beings for instance), we mostly, in all, tend to see ourselves, from the perspective, of, Memory really (and not, even, history) [an example being, someone, making it, through a trial of a kind, shattered (as with memory), but victorious (as with History)].

In many ways really, as Memory based beings, we tend to see ourselves, from the perspectives, of, Ridicule, Pain, and Pressure even. It is, from these, three perspectives, we often, give ourselves, 'private names' in all [such as, fool, dumb, stupid etc.], that often, have us, in the future perhaps, acting, very much, like, Cartoon-like figures in all. In many ways too perhaps, people who become, Cartoon-like figures in nature, eventually, begin, to view, their worlds [as with Constructs, Paradigms, and 'Models of Reality'], from, the perspectives, of, Disrespect, Mistreatment, and, Abuse even. In many ways, having, such views in all, results, in one, losing, Self-Meaning (all together).

There is, however, another, basic way, to view ourselves, as with, Name first. This involves, seeing ourselves, from, the very concept, of, Seriousness ( all together really). How really, one sees (or describes even), themselves, as with, being, a Serious being (in all). Words, such as Demure, Modesty, Loquacious, or even, Staid (as with Michael Bolton perhaps), are one, of, the best ways, to get, a full, perspective, of ourselves, as with, our, fullest, potentials, possible (in all). If you can, decipher, a single word, that, describes you totally (as with Seriousness really), you can, in all too really, almost, gauge, all, your potentials, as with, whats, really, capable of, happening, in your life.

Having done this (discovered, such a word really), then next step, is to, re-evaluate, the very way, you see, yourself, in all really, as, a Memory-based, being. That the following, are better ways, of viewing, things, that happen, to one, from the perspective, of, Memory in itself:

1. Ridicule: Instead of seeing, oneself, from the perspective, of, Ridicule, one should instead, see, Life more, as a Quest, embodied in all, in the following, formats: a Calling, a Labour, or even, a Mission (which all, help one, in dealing, with, issues, of Ridicule, as with potential really).

2. Pain: Instead of seeing, oneself, from the perspective, of, Pain inflicted perhaps, one should seek, to see, their very lives, as being, either, an Adventure, Race, Trip, or even, Journey too really (and Pain inflicted, as associated, with, any of them).

3. Pressure: Instead, of seeing, oneself, as with, Memory really, as based on, Pressure faced (and feared, as with, avoidance too really), one should seek, to see, their lives, as based on, seeing, oneself, as either, a Spirit, a Laugh, a Memory, or even, a 'Name' in all [in all, Memory here, is not, used, to record, the pressure faced really, but to actually, gauge, oneself, as with, how, one, best, represents, a Laugh (as with a Custom perhaps), or even, a Memory (as with, an Ancestral linkage perhaps), and in all, as with, an Identity too really].

If one, can see, oneself, from the perspective, of, Seriousness [and also too, from, the above, definers, of, Self-Meaning], then one in all, begins, to view, their worlds [as with, Constructs, Paradigms, and 'Models of Reality' too], from, the perspectives, of, the Illegal, the Illicit/Abnormal, and finally too, the Irregular, respectively.

Traditionally, developing, Seriousness (in us all), which is, hugely too, lacking today (as mainly, with, Television), was done, differently, in the, different Regions, of, the World. Certain, examples, will be given, below (they being, rather, prominent in all), and were, used, to develop, Seriousness, amongst, the populations, of, the various, Regions, mentioned below:

North America: The Allegory

Often best seen, perhaps, on TV Shows, such as, 'Who wants, to be a Millionaire'.

South America: The Narrative

Rather, commonly known, as with, movies, that tell, of, true stories.

Europe: The Ballad

'Waltzing Matilda', is probably, the most famous, today, of all Ballads.

Africa: The Anecdote

As seen most, popularly (and even, annoyingly too) as mainly with, the News on TV really, in the form really, of, the Sad Story.

South East Asia: Sutras & Mantras

Rather too, popularly known, for most, who, attemptedly, try out Yoga, once in their lives.

East Asia: Haiku Poetry

Japanese, and used traditionally, to develop, Japanese, Stoic Mentalities.

The Middle East: Sunnah

Form of prayer, or poetry even, used to, develop, Seriousness in all.

Sunnah (popular)

Lawrence of Arabia

The 'Age' of Disenchantment:

When we speak, of, the 'Age' of Disenchantment, we are in many ways speaking, of the, Conscious States, that inhabit really, our, Conscious living [as mainly, having to do, with, Awareness]. That in many ways really, most of us out there, are unaware, of whom we are really, as with, our Conscious beings, and are therefore, not truly, aware, of our existences, as they, really are [they in all, cannot, really see, the turmoil, and angst really, that, surround us all].

To understand this better, is to speak, of, what, some refer to really, as the Undercurrents, of, life itself [Undercurrents really, that call for, total Awareness]. That in many ways, there is, what, one would call, a General Theme, to life in itself, that pervades, just about, everything, and in many ways too, is believed, to, transcend, Time itself. These General Theme, can probably, best be described, by understanding, what, they refer to, as, our True Selfs [Selfs really, that have to do, with, our, 'Exclaiming' Self]. What this all means really, as with True Selfs perhaps, is basically talk, of whom we are, when something, out, of the ordinary, happens to us, leading us in many ways, to exclaim [in total shock], at what, has just, happened, and in many ways too, revealing, the person, many, believe, to be, our, very True Selfs.

We live today, mainly, in a 'Europeanized' World (as mainly with, American based Europeans); what this really means, is that, our Conscious beings, are, today, heavily influenced, by, Environments, that in many ways, have us, in, States of Disenchantment [ all around]. What this really means again too, is that, when, the totally shocking, does happen, we in many ways, tend, to be, disenchanted [as with, aggravated really]. In many ways too, we probably wonder, why, such a thing, would happen at all. A fuller understanding of this, calls for, knowing really, that in, Europe, General Themes of life (as with, Awareness really, and the Conscious being), is heavily, shaped, by what, they call, Enchantment [as perhaps, with, being mesmerized]. In many ways, if living in Europe, one is supposed, to rise, to levels, of Enchantment (as with being, mesmerized), in all really, with truly, appreciating, life, for what, it really is [as mainly, with, Awareness, and Self-Awareness too].

When we it was said, that we live, in, 'Europeanzed' Environments, it was meant too, that, our States of Awareness, are highly, associated, with being, Disenchanted (as meaning really, that, at any moment, when one, today, becomes, aware of their Environments, they in general, feel, aggravated in all) [all this, as mentioned, just above, due, to living, in, European-like Spaces]. In other Regions of the World, one finds that, the, General Themes, of life, are rather, different, and one, has to connect with them, in order really, to feel, really, connected, with Time itself [as these General Themes, pervade, Time in itself, in that, despite, things changing (as with Time really), nothing, really, does ever change (as with, Enchantment really, as an example)]. In North America, one finds that, total Awareness, has to do, with, being, Enthralled (an orgasmic high) in all. In South America, it has to do, with being, Bedazzled (as with, being, totally disengaged). In Europe, it is about, being, Enchanted (mesmerized really), and in Africa, it has to do, with, Amazement (as with being, wonder filled). In South East Asia, total Awareness, calls for, being, Dazed (as with totally, losing control), while in East Asia, its about, being, Stunned (as with, being blinded perhaps). In the Middle East though, total Awareness, has to do, with, being Magnetized (as really, with being, totally blank, mentally perhaps).

In accessing, our total Conscious states, in many ways, calls for, accessing, ourselves, as, a Primal being; In many ways, as, a hominidal Evolutionary being. This in all too, is about, accessing, what, they call, our, True Selfs, as with, our, 'Exclaiming' Selfs [as, Civilized Hominid, is in many ways, believed, to have been, associated, with, 'Humanity', as based really, on Exclaiming, as a Human would do]. In an attempt, to guide one, in discovering, their, True Selfs, is to perhaps, best, associate, our 'Exclaiming' Selfs, with, certain, Animal life forms [as was, shown, in, the 'The Search for Truth' entry; examples being, associating, North Americans, with, the Eagle, and the Middle East, with, the Hawk].

In all, what has really happened today, is that, our cultures (civilization), as with, Testimonials, States, and Experiences, have come, to be, highly defined (wrongly that is), by, Disenchantment (aggravation in all really), rather than, by, our, Psyches [as with, Doctrines, Religious Works, and, Ethical Works even]. We are, in general, beings, that are, always today, in loud (or silent forms even), of exclaiming, and mainly in general exclaiming always (as with perhaps, any event that happens in all), and what this does, in general, is make us, what, some call, 'Psychologically Messed up' [in all, that, we are always, in, perpetual, States of Denial] [civilization/culture, as with Psyche, speaks of, Environments, that call upon, 'long term memory', 'feelings', and, finally, 'physical reality' (as with, material/physical states really)].

Lawrence of Arabia, arrives, in the Middle East, as a, Mercenary, sent by, the British, to, infiltrate, in many ways, the, power structures, seen, in the Middle East (and especially, the, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). It is a task, that proves, rather, difficult [as mainly, with, Ascetic Religious Thought in all], as encountering, 'Arabs' in all, leads hm, to be, enchanted perhaps, by, the Power and Influence, of Islam (Shi'a really), as with, Ascetic Religious Thought. It is then, with time, as with learning, more, about 'Arabs', and 'Islam' too, that he begins, to become, aware, of his own, rather, irrectitude (immoral really), states, of inhabitation really, that have, come, to define him, very much, as, a Modern Westerner [in all really, that, Disenchantment/aggravation, is the, main, defining experience really (in its various forms - energy levels), of, Western civilization]. In the Middle East, he is met, with, wander (magnetism in all), at how, 'Islam' in all, does, operate and function [as especially, with, Islamic Religious Thought].

In many ways too, it is recognized, that, Religious Thought, in all, differs, in the different, Regions, of the World [as with having, a basis, in Ascetic Religious Thought]; and that, while, in the Middle East, Islamic Religious Thought, is highly, associated, with, Persona Development, in other Regions of the World, this, is not really so [North America, it being, having, to do (Religious Thought that is), with, Money/Wealth accumulation (as defining, God like Civilization); South America, with, Acculturation, and Europe, with, Philosophy/Thought; Africa, with History (in the making), and South East Asia, with, Status (acquired), and finally East Asia, with, Family oriented Evolution (as with, Family Trees, and Individual growth, as mainly to do, with, our True Selfs)].

Lawrence of Arabia, sought to redefine, himself (as with Transformation really), by forgoing, any, internalized really, Western Philosophy/Thought [Dogma in all], associated, with, issues, of Disenchantment/aggravation (of perhaps, a, Europe gone, to ruins, as with Culture really), and many, too, Survival issues [as with, perhaps, attempting, to maintain, the, living standards, associated, with, European Civilization, by, the Western world]. He redefines [transforms himself really], as with, the Psyche mainly [and Conscious states too], in two major ways: with Conscious States, he becomes, one, with Ummah (the Feminine Principle) [and in many ways too, becoming, a rather, magnetic figure in all]; with the Psyche/civilization [and in many ways too, Religious Thought in all], he seeks, to redefine, himself, from, the perspective, of, Persona (rather than, Philosophy/Thought), by developing it, to, its fullest, as with, the following (and freeing himself too, from, Western disenchantment/aggravation states): He seeks out, Transcendence, as with, Testimonials really, by attempting, to embody in all (in meaning really), what, the Holy Mosque at Medina, partly, symbolizes in all (i.e. becoming, a Messenger of Allah; a perspective, of, Lawrence *of Arabia*, that many, falsely, associate, with him, being, a, Western/British Mercenary). He also seeks out, Transcendence too, as with, living States, by, attempting, to embody in full, what, the Hawk, represents, to, the Middle East (as with, our, very, True Selfs); Finally, he also seeks out, Transcendence, as with, Self-Expression really, by attempting, to fully, embody, an anciently known, Desert Goddess (commonly known, by Sufis, as, 'Allat Ruh Sakinah'), as totally, embodying, what, true (to heart), Self-Expression, is really, all about (the same Goddess, associated, in the Middle East, with, 'the Sands of Time'/Change, Creativity, and, Money in all too).

In all truly, he came really, to embody, what a true, conversion, to Islam, is really, all about [as in, he became, a 'Messenger of Allah', within, one lifetime] (and by living too, a highly, disciplined life, and guided too, by, 'Prince' Faisal, the current, Pasha, of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

Sounds of Shi'a (popular):

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gothic Sounds

Theban (Egyptian-Greek) in nature, and as associated, with, Gothic Architecture, in Scotland mainly (as with, the Rosslyn Chapel really) [Theban too, as with, the Theban Legion, and the Knights of Malta too]

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ascetic Spaces

Ascetic Spaces, in most ways, refers to, places, we can, in all really, turn to, to escape in general, the, general madness, associated, with the World (in itself). Spaces really, where, we can feel, safe (totally perhaps), and have no fear, at all, that anything, bad (or remorseful even), will happen, to us. A practice, once seen, in, the olden times [as with, Europe for example], where, it was forbidden in general, to invade (enter even), a, mans house/home, without, any form, of, invitation [which included too, policing efforts].

Today though, the concept, of, Ascetic Spaces, is needed, more than, in other times, in order really, for most, out there, to actually, start believing, they live, in, Civilized Environments. Another truth too, is that, the concept, of, Ascetic Spaces, has become, more, aligned with, Religious Thought, in that, Religious Thought today, is supposed, to create in us, Mental Spaces, we can, all feel, rather safe in, without, having, to worry much, of anything (out there).

To understand this better, is to attempt, to understand, what, constitutes, Religious Thought, as with, Asceticism really; that in all, Ascetic Religious Thought, constitutes, of the, following, five elements:

1. States of Mind
2. Mental States
3. Mindsets
4. Mentalities
5. Mental Frames

The above 5, elements, constitute, in many ways, what, Ascetic Spaces, are all, about, as not only, are they, spaces, that offer, clarity in Thought [as with, the 5 elements above], but in many ways too, define us, as, Religious Individuals, and also, as, Religious beings [as with, regards really, to, Evolution].

What one finds today, is that, there are some, who have, attempted [in the attempt really, to 'unite' all Humans together], to make, each and, every of us, have, the same, kind (form really), of, Ascetic Religious Thought [as with, the above, 5 elements]. An attempt even, to control others, by, heavily defining for them, what, the above, 5 elements, are really like [from, the perspective, of, doing really].

To help explain, the above, 5 elements, is to know, that, they can, be associated, with, certain, Emotional States, that we, must attempt, to, overcome, so as to feel, as, totally worthy (and even, capable), Human beings. These five Emotional States, one could call: Forsakedness, Forloness, Wretchedness, Dispirited, Dejection [with these, 5, Emotional States, associated with, the above, 5 elements, as follows: States of Mind (Dispirited), Mental States (Dejection), Mindsets (Forloness), Mentalities (Wretchedness), and Mental Frames (Forsakedness)].

In many ways too, the goal, of developing, the, above, 5 elements, is so as to, develop, the following, 5 Emotional States: Assuredness, Certainty, Decisiveness, Cocksuredness, Sanguinity [these 5, positive Emotional States, are associated, with, the above 5, elements, of Ascetic Religious Thought, as follows: States of Mind (Dispirited/Certainty), Mental States (Dejection/Sanguinity), Mindsets (Forloness/Decisiveness), Mentalities (Wretchedness/Cocksuredness), Mental Frames (Forsakedness/Assurdness)].

The above, 5 elements, of, Ascetic Religious Thought (along with, Religious Thought in general), and also too, the above, 5 positive/negative Emotional States, that accompany, this, defined, Ascetic Religious Thought in all really, differentiate, Human beings, according, to, Superiority, Equality, and Inferiority [that in all, the rather, false belief, that, Intelligences (acquired), or Creativity, is a true marker, of, Human Evolution, on this Earth, is not true, and that in fact, its, Religious Thought (and especially, Ascetic Religious Thought), and the 5, positive/negative Emotional States, described, just above, that really, do this (define, Human Evolution, on this Planet)].

The idea, of World Domination [a theory, of, World Rule really (as with Big Business, and the Establishment too)], has in many ways, to do, with, making Humans, Inferior, with regards mainly, to, Ascetic Religious Thought, and the above, 5 mentioned (positive/negative), Emotional States. In reality though, different Humans (as especially, with, regards, to, Higher Beings), have evolved, rather, differently, with regards mainly, to, Religious Thought [in many ways too, it is, the Ascetic Religious Thought, that one, ascribes too, that, for instance, differentiates, between, different levels, of, Higher Beings (as in, there are, different kinds of Jinnis, Shapeshifts, Light beings etc.)].

Below, will be presented, different, Religious Thought Systems, that go along, with, different, Higher Beings, in helping them, actually, gauge themselves, properly, as, Human beings, and in many ways too, be, totally inspired, to, succeed (in every endeavour), by, in general, having, the right, Mental Frameworks, to deal, with, just about, any, kind of issue/problem, out there (that arises really). In many ways too, Religious Thought Systems, that will help, one, realize, they are actually, different, from others, as with, regards really perhaps, to the sounds of their voices, their body smells, their basic intelligences, and even too in all, their, basic Talents or Gifts even, too.

In all, Ascetic Religious Thought, that allows one, to see themselves, totally, as individuals, and separate, from, just about, everything, out there, and therefore, truly know, whom, they really are [there are some, people, who due, to, driving, too much, actually identify, with Cars, as with, Mindsets really; in many ways too, they associate, their, potentials, with Cars, driven (and also generate, accompanying fears, with, problems associated, with Cars) (as with the false belief for example, of breaking down, if one, works, too long)].

Gargoyle: Shi'a Islam

Islamic Ascetic Religious Thought, as associated mainly, with, Arabian people, and the creation/formation, of, Islamic Religious Thought (in all), and as embodied mainly, in, the history, of, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Jinni / Psychai : Sunni Islam

Islam, as associated, with, Prophet Muhammed (and the history, of Oman too), and differs, from, Shi'a Islam, in that, it incorporates, elements, of Gnostic Christian Thought, into it [as with, Gothic Christianity (St. Aquinas), and even, Gothic Architecture too].

Light beings: Egyptian Mysticism

Egyptian Mysticism, actually, describes, the very roots, of, Christan Mysticism, as associated mainly, with, conceiving 'God', as, Light, and embodied too, by the word, 'Amen'.

Shapeshifts: Protestantism

Protestant Ascetic Religious Thought, is in many ways, embodied best, in, the History, of Protestantism itself, and in many ways too, Ascetic Religious Thought, that has, mainly, been applied, to creating Wealth (as with, Napoleon Hill for instance), and not, really, to building, Civilization in itself (as with, South American Civilization really).

Esicrucian Man: Sephardic Judaism

Ascetic Religious Thought, as associated, with, Sephardic Judaism (and the Roman Civilization too), and probably, best suited too, for, Esicrucian Man (as with, Roman Civilization too).

Gods: Vedic Philosophy

Probably, one, of the more, unknown, Vedic Texts out there, but in many ways, best, suited really, for Gods (as with Ascetic Religious Thought really), as in many ways, it does, incorporate, Religious Practices, needed, to, evolve, into, a God being [in all, Ascetic Religious Thought, is associated, with, religious practises, needed, to evolve, into, Higher Beings].

Picus: Christianity

What they term, Christianity, is in many ways, Christian Theology, as seen, in, North Africa, and encompassing, Christian Beliefs, Metaphysical Thought, and, 'Scientific Process' Thought, in all; A Christianity, modern in nature, and well, suited, to Africa in general, as with, the amalgamating (in design thought really), of, different, Thought Systems (seen out there) [Picus (Py-cus), hereby, refers, to a Higher Being, once seen, mainly, in North Africa, and believed, to be, best suited, for, the future, of Africa; Daemons, in most ways, have failed really, to, adapt, to Africa, and Picus, are highly, believed capable, of, doing so (Stephen Colbert, is, Picus)]

The Constellations: Mizrahi Judaism

Mizrahi Judaism, as perhaps, best embodied, by, Maimonides, in many ways too, represents, Ascetic Religious Thought, as associated traditionally, with, those evolving, into, the Constellations [and with, Ancient Egyptian Religious Thought too, in general (and all too)].

In most ways really, the above, represent, sources, that should be memorized in all, and required, to develop, what, are known, as, Mental Faculties [if you have no intention, of ever, going to school, you owe it to yourself, to develop, yourself, fully, in Ascetic Religious Thought].

Falco - Rock me Amadeus

Amadeus [Fleming style]; in all, 'the Watch' (literally even), 'News Reporting', and 'Consumer Services', all rolled, into one.

The popular life, of a State Dignitary perhaps [or really, a Chevalier, to be exact]

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shamanic Existences

This entry, might be useful, to those, who probably, having read, everything else, on, Americanista blog, still find themselves, looking out, of their windows, and despite all that has been said, find themselves, thinking, 'We have gone, too far, with this, modernity project'. The false belief, that the world, outside them, is largely, unchangeable, due mainly, to the fact, that, they actually, heavily depend, on, Modernity, for survival.

The whole goal, of this entry, is to provide, examples, of what, one could refer to, as, 'Survival Identities'. Identities really, that will, in many ways, make them, have, a broader view, of, their worlds, such that, they can easily, see, the ills, associated heavily, with, modern worlds.

To explain this much better, is to say, that, the Modern World, is one, heavily based on, 'Science & Technology'. That there exists, all these, modern, technology really, that most, don't know, what to do with, or even, the rather false belief, that, these modern existences, equal, those, of the past [due, to, delusional thinking, arising mainly, due to being, heavily dependent, on, modern existences] [No electricity, and some, even go, mad]. To explain this better, is to explain, to the masses, out there, what exactly, constitutes, Western 'Civilization'. That while, many deem it, to stem from, Egyptian, Greek, or even, Islamic/Byzantine Civilizations, the truth is that, the rise (and creation), of, Western 'Civilization', has in many ways, been driven, not by, 'Science & Technology' [as believedly, based on Philosophic Thought], as many believe really too, but actually, by the rise [in importance], of, the Visual Arts [that in all, Modernity, in its very self, is, a creation, of, the Visual Arts, and could not, have been, envisioned, by any, other, Philosophy, Science, or even Art, out there]. For those too, lacking a good grounding (and understanding), in, Philosophy, Science and Art, is to also, be aware, that, the Visual Arts, are some, of, the poorest, forms, of Art out there [that in many ways, in many Civilizations, they have been used, for, general/intermediate, problem solving (a good example, being, the Programming world, and the use, of, Visual Basic; a rather, influential, programming language, than most, believe it, to be)].

The bigger problem, with the Visual Arts & Modernity [as with technology based gadgets really] [most cars today, are actually, large gadgets too really], is the kind, of life, it creates, for all. Lives really, that in all, are, Prisons of a kind, in that, they use 'Science & Technology', to base, their lives, as compared to, using, what, they refer to, as, 'Culture'; that in all, to understand this better, is to know, that, 'Science & Technology', as a valid means, of, existential expression, is not too different, from, the Stone Age periods [with 'Science & Technology', having gained, favourable ground (above the Stone Age), due to what, they refer to, as, Material Sciences]. In many ways too, the very death, of, Culture, means too, the very death, of, Human Self-Expression, with the end result, being, a dearth, in, Creativity, and our living, in, a World, where we are becoming, slowly extinct, as the world, 'Science & Technology', has created, is not, only destructive, by nature (of ourselves & nature) [of ourselves, as with, creativity, and even, self-expression, of any kind] [In many ways, in a gadget filled world, we find that, gadgets (in all) in most ways too, limit, all forms, of, creativity, and self-expression] [One even finds too, that, the Stone-Age Eras, had, Humans, using, Tools (which encouraged, creativity, and, self-expression), as compared, to, Gadgets (which limit these)]. In all really, a Gadget filled world, in most ways, has killed off, Culture, and as it is very well known, that, Culture (in all), being the basic, Evolution based Environment, Humans, engage in, means that, its death, is slowly, leading, to the death, of Humans (everywhere, out there) [as with extinction really].

As a reminder, Western 'Civilization', is nothing more, than Visual Arts, and to recognize its decline, is to know, that African Visual Arts (and not Bantu really), today, are highly influential, in driving, Western 'Civilization', ahead [As mentioned before, Visual Arts, are highly associated, with, the search today, for, sex, popularity, and, security in all] [Thats the World, today, in a nutshell: sex, popularity, and security].

What is proposed here, is a Knowledge, of, ancient really, Existential forms, that existed, and worked suitable, way before, Humans, started uttering, the word, 'Egypt'. Shamanic Existences really, that actually, can be developed, to a rather, high level perhaps, and understanding this, is based on, knowing that, 'Science & Technology' [in limited form], can be used, as a basis, for, these Existences. The end goal, is to not only, make, many out there, who feel, trapped, by the, mindless, Gadget filled, Existences, seen out there today, know, that they can, live life, differently [as with, gaining Inner Peace really - Happiness, Joy, Satisfaction etc.], but also too, in many ways, begin, limiting, the very existence, of, Modern Technology, as a, Technology really, that does, nothing much, for, Human Advancement, in most ways [despite, all the Technology Advances, made out there (as said indicators, of human progress), Einsteins Theories of Relativity, still remain, the most, though provoking, Intellectual based works (as with their true impact, on humanity), seen, in, the last, 100 years].

Five of these, Shamanic Identities, will be presented, below, and a further explanation, on, making them real easily, presented too, as based, on, 'Science & Technology'.

1. Landmass existences
2. land existences
3. country existences
4. Intercontinental existences
5. Global existences

In many ways, Existences too, that can be used, to track, Human Migratory patterns, in the, very, olden days, as with, how, they actually, survived.

Landmass Existences:

Landmass existences, lie truly, with identifying, with, a Landmass, as ones, true home [and not, with, Country, or State even]. In many ways, they are Existences, highly influenced, by, Animal Spirits, in, helping, shape, ones, Subconscious Mind [as mainly, with, Knowledge Access, all forms of Relationships, and finally too, daily Routines]. In most ways, Landmass Existences, are highly based on, 'Ritualism & Self-Culture' [as seen, in, the Ritualism entry]. To understand these Existences better, is to perhaps, provide, a, 'Science & Technology', basis, to them, by showing/explaining perhaps, how, 'Personal transport', 'Email/Messaging systems', and, 'Personal culture' (as based really, on, Relaxation, and what too, they call, Developments), is actually, in many ways, the very basis, of, Shamanic Landmass Existences [as with, modeling really, Animal daily existences]. That the three above 'modus operandi' [a way of life, seen even, today, popularly (as with, a private detective perhaps)], actually, constitutes, of Shamanic Landmass Existences, heavily modeled, on, Animal Spirits [and Animal life forms (daily existences), too, in all].

land Existences:

When we speak, of land, we are really, speaking, of, Regions, such as, North America, or even, Africa too. In many ways, an Existence, based on, the land, is one, heavily based on, Traditions [as with, Customs, Law, Beliefs & Practices]. That these, are in all, land/Region based, and one can, in all too, formulate, a way of living, based on, traveling around, and engaging, in, these Traditions, wherever, they may be, seen, on a, land/Region. America, as with the movies really, has been, a famed land, in many ways, where, many believe, they can, easily, jump onto, a plane, fly across the land, and wind up, in, a strange city, knocking, on the door, of, a stranger, who then follows in all, by, offering one, accommodation, and even, dinner in suit [all, as a Custom really]. Formulating life, on the land, can be based, on, the following, 'Science & Technology': 'Air transport', 'Cellular Communication', and finally, 'Vehicular/Public transport'. That these three, and a good grasp, of, land/Region based Traditions, is all, thats needed, to survive, in, a land.

country Existences:

country, in many ways, is a denominator, for what, some call, Social Customs [and differing, from, Tradition based Customs, in that, Social Customs, can be, rather, highly Individual, in, nature (and scope too)]. In many ways too, America, has been, a rather, famed country, for, Internationals, as with, an immigrant/stranger too, showing up, in, America, being offered, accommodation, being shown around, and even, offered too, some work [employment really & part time often too], and all, based on, the, individual, having in many ways, a gregarious, and engaging, Personality in all [America, as a country, where one, can get, a 'girlfriend', within hours, of landing, at, LaGuardia Airport perhaps] [All based too, on, high personality]. In many ways, a way of existence, that can, be based around, Internet Forums, Internet Chat/SMS, and even, Internet Media [as with, advertisements perhaps]. In many ways too, a culture of sharing [and not dependent, on, too much money], as its an existence, highly based, on, the 'cult of Personalty'.

Intercontinental Existences:

Intercontinental Existences, are actually, those based, on, World History [as with, Helplessness really], and in many ways, are, Existences, rather, Socialist in nature. Socialist in that, they are, based on, Work Identities, as with, migratory patterns, based on, workforces, who engage really, in, Creative Problem solving [and not, just, work in all]. In many ways, existences (or even lifestyles), as those, associated, with, the Gypsies of old, who moved, around, helping solve, all forms, of, Psycho-Sexual, problems, groups faced. In many ways, existences (lifestyles too), based around, the Watch, 'News Reporting' [and not, News Media really, as perhaps for example, with, Reuters], and finally, 'Consumer Services' [in many ways, services associated, with, money issues]. In all, what, Socialism, is manly, really, all about.

Global Existences:

Global Existences, refers really, to, the living around, certain forms, of, durable materiality, as with, creating, Community, around them [as with, owning, a rather, good, hardy, and durable, jacket, that one, does not, mind, lending out, to others, for use in all]. In many ways, existences, based on, creating, Community (as a Global construct really), as with, doing simple work, but traveling, around, to live, in, other, such Communities. In all really, what, Communism, is really, supposed, to be, all about. This way of living [as with, 'Science & Technology' really], is supported, by, three main things: Plastics (the use, of plastics, in making, just about, anything), Entertainment media (which in all, is actually, cheap entertainment), and finally, Social Networks [the most, interesting, offshoot, of, Modernity, as Social Networks, are highly, based around, creating, all forms, of, cultural associations, which can be, highly divisive, in nature (when not, understood, well enough, as they, truly, really work best, in, Communist Societies)] [To understand all this better, is to know, that, not only, are, Social Networks, outmoded in all, but they were, infact, in olden times too (biblical), replaced, by what, they call, Decency (as regulating, all forms, of, human interactions)].

The above, do represent, the basic, five, Shamanic Existences, that, despite, their simplicity, can actually, be developed, to, higher levels, than most, do foresee. Landmass Existences for example, speak of, people, who are, in all, Creative Muses, and coming up, with, all forms, of, Creative ideas, to improve, life, in all, its ways (and meanings) [in many ways, the lives, of, some Billionaires, like, Warren Buffet, are actually too, based on, Landmass Existences] [To understand this better, is to know, that, basing ones life, around, Animal Spirits & Ritualism, results, in one, being, rather, clear minded (and not, conditioned, in any way), as with seeing, the obvious, in all (and everything too)]. 'land Existences', can be taken, to higher levels, as with, improving largely, on, ones, Trades, Skills, and Expertise (and including too in all, Engineering), as what, they call, Firms, can be, of great use, in hiring, 'traveling help' [as with, Trades, Skills, or Expertise even really]. 'country Existences', might appear, to be, troublesome to some [as with, Judeo-Christian beliefs, and, immorality (cultural) issues too], but one finds, that, Existences, can easily be, based on, 'Cultural Ethnography' [as mainly, with, Orality, Information Networks, and Studies too], and can lead, to, rather, highly profitable, existences. Intercontinental Existences, on a high level, approximate, State Dignitary existences, as they are, Existences really, associated with, 'the Ecumenical', as with, being, a Teacher, Leader, Warrior, Healer etc. [of Psycho-Sexual issues really]. Global Existences, as with, Communism (done right) really, in their highest forms, exist, mainly, as with, living, within, a, Communal System, such as, the, University System [as with, Stanford University, and other, such, Private Universities too].

In all, what is been said here too really, is that, the above, 5 Existences/Identities, should be, at the basis, of, most, traveling and mixing, between peoples, of all kinds. This is because, we live, in, a world, where most, believe, the above, 5, to be, of great importance (as with survival & social engagements), but in reality, are, a waste of time, as with, Culture & Evolution [in that, nothing much, has happened, in, the last, 100 years, of human history]. We are here, to evolve, into, the higher realms, and while really, the above 5, Existences/Identities, do in all, do this, they are actually, Solitary existences, in all really[although today, existing, as Group existences, due mainly, to the influence (surprisingly enough), of Niger (Kanem-Bornu) Civilization]. In many ways too, it is deemed observable, that, the prevalence, of Culture & Civilization, as with Existences really, will reduce, the vast majority, of problems, seen today, and that in all, there is, absolutely no, need, for most, transnational transport & communication, as in most ways really, an African, does not, really, have, any business, being, in Europe, due mainly, to the rather, large, Cultural differences, unless, of course, they having to do, with, Landmass Existences [To make this even clearer, Culture, replaced, Social Engagements/Networks, as with in all, having, a surprising, story, to tell, of, a stranger, one met perhaps] [Religion, as with Civilization, is also deemed, at the very heart, of all, forms, of survival (problem solving); Only Islam, as an example, can make, living, in desert, conditions, possible].

Below too in all, are presented, 5, films really, that, can help, expound, on, the above, 5 Existences, in, a manner, deemed, mainly inspirational:

1. Landmass Existences: Sherlock Holmes (2009) - Private Detective (Subconscious routines), Gnostic Traditions (as Ritualism), and the Crow (as Animal Spirit).
2. land Existences: Invictus (South African & based mainly, on, Traditions/Law); Another memorable look perhaps, is, 'The Way of the Peaceful Warrior' by Dan Millman, and in most ways, a good look, at, 'land Existences', in America though, really (and reads too, like a movie really).
3. country Existences: Hitch (Will Smith), and Social Customs, as based, mainly on, Information Networks.
4. Intercontinental Existences: Amadeus (1984) - in many ways, presents, Mozart, as a Healer really, and in all, how, a Socialist Nation, works (as with, a place, with, little money, and novelty too, with regards, to, Consumer Services).
5. Global Existences: Million Dollar Baby - living, in many ways, as a professional boxer, within, what one could call, the, Boxing Community.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vivaldi Concertos

Cultural Motifs [more of the, Byzantine (Monaco)/Gargoyle kind, though], but done really, in the, Italian Arthurian Style.

A Feast for All (really) - Byzantine Monaco style [and not Italian]

Progressive Media

This entry, has in many ways, to do, with, the often, troubling aspect, of our daily lives, that pertains, to what, they call, Patterns. That in general, what is been said, is that, the World, is very much, filled, with Patterns, that most, simply, fail to see, or recognize [unlike, in the olden days, where, such Patterns, were easily, observable, as in, the Patchwork Image, seen above].

Traditionally, Patterns, in our lives, have been somewhat (mainly), defined, by, Womens Art works. This, should be taken, rather seriously, as Patterns, are an important, part, of how, we interact, with ourselves, others, the World, and even, Universe, at large [as mainly, with, Pattern Recognition (IQ even) intelligence]. Patterns, are not only, used, to influence, Architecture [as mainly, to do, with, planning, plotting, scheming, design etc.], but they also, very much, do influence too, how we, in most case 'Notice' [or in reality really, notice, see, view, observe etc.], our worlds, as, from, the perspective, of, Constructs, Paradigms, and even, 'Models of Reality', as mainly to do with even , what they call, 'Composite Images', Motifs, and, Mosaics, respectively.

The problem though, today, is that, Patterns, are still, very much, under, the influence, of, Women (in all, and in general too). What is troublesome though, is that, the Patterns, we observe really [as with, 'Spot and See'], are Patterns, that are in all, rather, disgusting by nature [what this all means, is that, most people, out there, never do "Notice' things (notice, see, observe, view etc.), but instead really, tend to, 'Spot and See' things, in all] [What this means too, is that, if you 'Spot and See' things in general, they tend, to fill you up, with, disgust, as 'Spotting and Seeing' things, is in many ways, what, Trauma, is really, all about]. The Patterns, that tend, to fill up, our, present lives, are rather, traumatic in nature [as in, we always in all, 'spot and see' things, in our daily lives (and never do, notice, see, observe etc. things)], and in many ways too, make for, a most, disgust-filled existence really, that many, simply, can't seem, to escape, whether, they be, in a rural village somewhere out there, or even too, perhaps, relaxing, in, Monaco (a kind, of, Byzantine paradise - Patterns wise mainly).

[The above, represents, a general, 'Spot and See' pattern, and the kind, of pattern, one is in all, most likely, to observe, in, their daily lives (as with, being, traumatized, and disgust-filled too)] [The other pattern, posted, way above, is, a Notice pattern] [In many ways too, 'Spot and See' patterns, tend to make, one, develop, a fear filled existence, as with, regards, to what, they call, Self-Defeatist, attitudes] [Men, who in general today, are grossed out, by, Women, is because, they see them, from, the 'Pattern wise', and not 'Memory wise' or 'Logic wise' (as many other, men, tend to do), and in general, seeing a Woman, from, the 'Pattern wise', is to in general today, mainly, 'Spot and See' them] [Unlike someone perhaps, like, Rene Russo, who one, tends, to See, or Notice really].

What will be attempted below, is to give, different, Higher Beings, a form, of, Progressive Media, that they can, turn to, so as to, realign themselves, with, regards, to seeing things, as, they should [i.e. notice, see, view, observe, perceive etc.]. That in all, for ones life, to be, one beautiful moment, after, another, one should, in general really, never, have to, 'Spot and See' things [as Trauma too, should not, be confused, with, Shock (which has to do, with, sharply noticing, quickly viewing, or even, promptly observing (etc.) something].

In all, below are, Media (Progressive), that will program, one, with Patterns, to make one see, things, as they should, be seen [Patterns, to not only, influence, any form, of Architecture (planning, plotting etc.), but in general too, how, we in general, see things (notice, see, view etc.)].


Alexander Dumas' 'Black Tulip', might prove, an interesting read, for Gargoyles, who in general, tend, to have, good, 'Pattern Recognition' skills.


New Grub Street - George Gissing

Light beings:

Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens


Pickwick Papers - Charles Dickens

Esicrucian Man:

The Ambassadors - Henry James


The Bostonians - Henry James


The Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy

The Constellations:

The Monk - Mathew Lewis


[Psychai, are actually, Higher Beings, associated mainly, with, Greek Civilization, and in many ways, still, seen today (as amongst, Italians mainly) (they too, were the Higher Beings, also associated, with, Italian Civilization, alongside Jinnis). They have not, been mentioned previously, due, to their not, too high, numbers really, but, they are in all, are capable, of making, a home, in Turkey, Greece, and Afrique even (which all, are in many ways, Psychai havens)]

The Golden Bowl - Henry James


One should realize, what, the above, recommendations really, have to do with. The first being that, most today, have been programmed, with, all kinds, of Patterns, that in all really, make them, only, 'Spot and See' things; Patterns to (as with, Thought Patterns really), that make them in all, unable, to think, clearly (or even, quickly), on just about, anything (out there).

Part of this, has to do, with, the highly, musical world, we live in, where, through, alot of these, dangerous patterns, are programmed, into, human beings. In many ways, Patterns, that lead, to, all forms, of, Self-Defeating behaviour, the biggest example perhaps, being, messing up, ones self, in doing, just about, anything (including too, the very, simple perhaps) [as perhaps, as also with, always being, late, for just about, anything (out there)].

Again, all this, might prove, a bit, controversial, as Patterns in all, tend, to be, highly Cultural (in nature) [and rather strongly, identifiable, with, Womenfolk], but the works above, in most ways really, should be, viewed, as being, Therapeutic [in that, most people, out there, don't, see things, as, they really are, at the present, and in fact, many, imagine, just about, all things out there, to be, Equal (in nature), and rather the same too (in all)].

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

An English Wedding

Fleming style [with Rene Jacobs (Flemish really)]

A Rhapsody in all too.

The 3 Stage Life

'The David', by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, is one, of the more reknowed, Italian/European Sculptures, of all time. To most though, 'The David', is simply, another, statue, which appears, to resemble, others, seen out there. The truth is though, 'The David', consisted, of what, 'Archetypal Religious Research', in Italia, was, all about; what this means, is that, its a, statue, that is believed, to embody, what, perfect human form, is all about, as a person, with the form, of, 'The David', can do, just about anything, they very much, wish to [in many ways, embodying, the spirit, of, 'Sang Real', and also, in lots of ways really, what, a Supernova, in human form, looks like]. In many ways too, it is, 'Archetypal Religious Research', in the form, of, 'The David', that made, the Italians (of Italia), famed, Martial beings, very much, in the spirit too, of, Rambo.

There are many today, who even, with all forms, of, Knowledge, sit at home, wondering, how really, to get, to, the next level, as with, their lives really. They at times, turn on, their Televisions, to see, all kinds, of, Succesful Figures, paraded out there, for all, and probably, wonder, how they can, go about, being, as such. The truth is though, that these, (Paraded) Figures, are actually, paraded about, meaning in all that, they are actually, chosen (by a Cabal of sorts), to represent, Success, for, the majority [in the form really, of, Ethnicities]. Truth is that too, there is, nothng, really wrong, with this, other than, the followng:

1. It is, an Ancient Way of Living [Egyptian in times];
2. Those chosen, to represent, Success, are not, chosen mainly, via, Meritocracy.

To understand this, is to understand, the concept, of, the World [as personifying, the Political, and even too, Heights Reached, in civilization], and also that, of, the Universe [the changing fluid, World, used, in creating, higher orders]. What one does find though today, is that, while, the World [as with the Political], is still, somewhat, in existent [though controlled, via, Corruption really], the Universe [as exemplifyng, a changing World, which allows, all kinds, of people, to rise up and fall, in Society], is mainly really, inexistent [but existing really, in the form, of, Bribery (as with, those, truly capable, of Success, on their own)].

What will be attempted below, is to explain to most, what, has constituted, the Universe, in past times, so that in all, they can, basically understand, that, their ability, to rise up, and fall, in civilization, has to do, with, their knowing, and understanding, the, Universes (orders really), seen, in, their lives/existences. That without really, Universes, one could be rather, highly intelligent, but still have no idea, how, to become, a Success, as becoming such, involves, understanding/knowing, the Universes/orders, around them, and in general too, how to, 'manipulate' them, so as, to gain, Success [in many ways, these Universes, represent, a game played, that allows, any, person out there, to rise and fall, in, their respective, Societies] [Without them really, Civilization exists, in the form mainly, of takeovers, mergers, and even, wars themselves].

In the 'Synchronicty' entry, Social Spheres, as pervading, our lives, were explained, to most, but what many, might, have missed out on, with understanding really, is that, these Social Spheres, actually, also represent, Universes/orders, in our lives. That unless, ones life, is like, a Fairy Tale, or an, Adventure too really, one, is simply, not moving ahead (or along really), with, their lives [in all, one has, no true idea, on how to, get ahead, in life].

The three, 'Social Spheres', described, in the, 'Synchronicty' entry, are Spheres, in many ways, which coexist, with, each other, but often, with, one, dominating, the others.

The first Social Sphere, spoken of, as dealing, with, Work/Effort, Parenting/Systems, and Women/Order [as the main social spheres] is not, well known, to most, as it in many ways, represents, Universes/orders, seen, mainly, in the movies. It speaks of, Universes, where one for example, has, a Child, raised, by exemplary, parents [or even, afforded, the very best, chances, by, a System/Country], and this, is often, followed, by ingenuity, in the form really, of, Work/Effort, before, that Ingenuity, is made, real, by, a singular (particular), Woman (or Order), in the Childs, life [that basically, is how, Success, is formulated, as, with this Universe/order, although, all this, not happening, always, as in such, simple, three steps (for example, being raised, by, exemplary parents, and the child, showing, ingenuity, might lead, to the Child, seeking out, a System, that could be, of greater help, and this seeking out, made real, by, a Female Figure, of a kind]. In many ways really, many, do seek out, this Universe, historically seen, in, Italia, but many should realize, that, today, its really, all, just, 'Movie Reality'.

The second, Social Sphere, seen here, is that, pertaining, to the Occidental [and Spaces inhabited]. It is a Universe/order, hugely prevalent, today, but heavily, regulated, by often, a Female Presence, as with whom, gets, to rise, in Society, according, to, Spaces Inhabited. In many ways, a Social Sphere (Universe/order really), that is, imbued heavily, with, all forms, of, discriminative behaviour (gender, race, nationality, attractiveness etc.), and for many, who do, not, fit, a certain, Ideal Profile (often, White in form, and nature), they can in all, forget, about, Succeeding, in Life.

The third, Social Sphere, seen here, is that, pertaining, to manifesting power, as with, regards really, to sex, money, and, respect. What this really means [as this Universe, is one really, pertaining, to, sole individuals, seeking out, Success], is in most ways, how to, go about, in steps really, attaining, Success [i.e. what to seek out first, as with, respect, money, or sex even]. For many out there, the goal is often, money first, followed by, sex really, and then, respect. Others, do, the sex first, followed by, respect, and then, money [very American in nature]. In todays World though, one does find, that, respect, followed by, sex, and then, money, is the best way, in many ways, to go, about, doing it (seeking respect, when young, means, being highly looked upon, by all) [a way of living, and seeking success, as with, Universes/orders really, often historically seen, in Europe, mainly] [all these though, do cross, with each other, as in, a respected youth, getting, a respected, part time job, rather easily].

However, as it was mentioned, all these, Universes/orders, have today, been destroyed, and for most, there is, absolutely, no way, to Succeed really, other than, be chosen, by a hidden Female Cabal, to attain, Success, in 'the' World [as with, Political really, and the assigning, of, different 'Successes' (such as, Athlete, Movie Star, CEO, Politician etc.), to different, Ethnicities, as examples really, of, Success (attained)].

These Universes/orders, all flowing really, into, each other [with one dominant though], have been, destroyed, by certain, movements, that many, ascribe to, without, a full understanding, to them. That of Synchronicity (and a Work.Parents.Women order/Universe), has been wiped out, in many ways, by, what some call, 'Science & Technology' [the belief really, that, with the right, Technological devices, any Success, can, be yours]. That of (the Universe/order really), pertaining, to Spaces Inhabited, has been, ruined, by a, powerful Media (in all), that simply, in most ways, tells, the masses (programs them really, as with, television programs too), that only, Whites (and those, deemed as, White really), have the natural right, to, access, these, Spaces Inhabited (as with Reserved). The third, Universe/order, has been destroyed, by, destroying, the Individual through mainly, telling him/her, that, Government (and especially, Presidents), can make, their dreams, come true; but also too really, by instillng (programming) in Individuals, Judeo-Christian beliefs, that have them really, developing, inferiority complexes [as with cultural differences], and as with mainly too, only seeking out, certain forms, of Success [as with race or gender perhaps], or beliefs even, that, certain forms, of Success, are immoral [as with, being, a Poker Player, for a living] [In many ways, beliefs, that instill, a sense of fear (and not fear really), into one, by having one, believe, that it is best, to do, as one, is told to (or in all, it is best to obey, Westerners in all)].

In all, these Universes/orders, actually present, in many ways, what, Themes in ones life, really, are all about [as really, with, the general Impetus (drive or urge really), to, Succeed in life]. For many though, they should realize, that, with the first Universe/order, succeeding in it, requires, in many ways, a Special Woman, to help, see, one through [as even too, with, Inspiration really, of Efforts/Work, chosen]. With regards, to the second Universe/order, one should realize, that if, one is not, looked, favourably upon (as with treatment really), by, Women, when one, is between, the ages, of, 0-27 years, then, they should realize in all, they truly, will never, make it really, in, life [with the exception though, of, a stroke, of Ingenuity]. With the third Unverse/order, one should realize, Success, does not, require, a Female Presence in their life, but, such a presence, can make, for, an easier, life lived (really).

In all really, one does find though, that, all these, Universes/orders, are dependent, on Women [and with the fact too really, that Women today, are mainly, decrepit and devious too, by nature], it all in general means that, these Universes/orders, really, do not, exist as such. The end result, of all this really [the collapse, of Universes/orders], has been, the stratifying, of Society, into, different levels, often, spoken about, as being, one (and very much too, the same even). With regards, to the first, Universe/order, what one does find is that, stratification, of Society, is often, in the form, of, the Privileged, the Rich, and finally, the Poor too. With regards, to the second, Universe/order, stratification, is often, in the form, of, the Wealthy/Upper Classes, the Middle Classes, and finally too, the Lower Classes [the Lower Classes here, mainly, represents, Cultural Backwardness, and not, Education based gaps really] [Meaning that, a good Education, will not really, take you, far enough today, unless, you come, from the right, background] . And finally, with regards, to the third Universe/order, stratification, in Society, is in the form really, of, Fame, Popularity, and finally, Impoverishment [a deep form, of, the Inferiority Complex].

Poverty though, while today, largely spoken about, mainly, exists only really, in South East Asia, and Africa too really. In South East Asia, it has been due, to, the acceptance, of the 'Science Movement', in attemptng, to build, Civilzation, which has seen, Indian Civilization mainly, fall apart [as Indian Civilization, (as with regards really, to, Knowledge Storage Systems), was built, on, Wordly Knowledge Storage Systems] [the 'Science Movement', is mainly one, based on, unfounded beliefs, and with Knowledge, of, any kind, heavily controlled (and hard to access too), by, an Imperialist, Western world] [In many ways too, the 'Science Movement', as with Integrity (and Knowledge really to), has its basis really, on, the rather, poor, understanding, of Greek and Islamic, Knowledge Systems (in all, what is been said, is that, most, of the promises, by, Modern Science, have never, truly, or mainly really even, been, fulfilled) (its simply, all, just, empty talk)]. In Africa, Poverty has arisen due mainly to, gross mismanagement, as with, the destruction, of, African based Cultural Systems [this destruction, manly, by, self-hating, Africans] [And in the form, of, Neo-Colonialism (Western/South African), as with triggering, Africans, to do, just this].

Dank Je

Caldini (van Hoorst)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Archetypal Research

'The Musketeer' [as with Justin Chambers (Flemish really), and Georges too (Fleming really)], represents, the Musketeer, at' the next level, of existence:

The world really of, Abraham del Court [and Mercurial Republican Europe too].

The Dutch Masters

The Netherlands, is a Country, steeped, in History, that today, one could call, 'the Secret History of Europe'. This is because, unlike, other Regions of the World, Europe, has always involved itself, in what, one could call, 'Religious Research' [Research, in innovation, with regards really, to Religion, Culture, Order (cultural, with a small, 'c') and even, Philosophy/Thought]. In many ways, this Research, is what, made, Europe, the premier, Cultural Destination, in the World, and this, should not be taken, lightly, as it, in many ways, involved, the Research [Top-Secret in nature perhaps], into, what, one could call, Archetypal Knowledge (similar in nature, to embodying, an Archetype), which in itself, would embody perhaps, what, 'Sang Real', is all about [a Being perhaps, that can do, just about, anything]. Alot, of this Knowledge, was carted away, to America [during Europes downfall], but it appears, it has, never, truly, been understood, by them (at all) [the Netherlands in all, consisted, of three primary groups: the Flemish (White), the Fleming (Brown), and the Dutch (Black); with the Dutch in all, responsible really, for the downfall, of, Holland itself (to the English)].

It is mainly, to the Flemish, and the Fleming too, that highly needed, European Religious Research, was mainly done, as responsible really, for taking, European Civilization, to the next level [as with, Religion, Culture etc.] [What distinguishes, the Flemish, and the Fleming, from the Dutch, is that, the former two, are of, Greek/Graecian origins, and with the Dutch, being, Jew/Jewish].

What some call, Top-Secret research [as with a gadget too], should today really, be perceived, as Individual endeavours [entrepreneurial in scope], and real Research today, is really, Cultural/Archetypal, in nature, as quick thinking, Beings, can outsmart, the most, highly equipped, of police forces.

What will be attempted below, is to show, the different peoples, o,f different Regions in the World, whom they can turn to, with regards, to, 'Religious Research', other than, waiting, for the next, ingenious, Cultural/Religious idea, to spring up, from, Europe. Research in all too, needed, to fill up, in our lives, the elements of, Shock, Awe, Amazement, Dumbfounded (ness), and even, Total Surprise [in all, elements, that can ruin, our very lives, as in many ways, they are, genetic in nature, as with, our early evolution, on this Earth (and as, with lives too, lived, through, dark & barbaric, times)].

North America: Americanistas (Legion)

Americanistas (Legion), are still, to be seen, in North America, and in many ways too, represent, the most, intelligent, of the peoples, one sees there. It is believed, that rather, than waiting, for an European idea (to be leaked through), on improving, North American life, take place, that in all really, Americanistas (Legion), should engage, in 'Religious Research' [and especially, as with, the cultural aspects], rather than, having, North Americans, believe, that, Italian-Americans, are the peak, of, North American, Cultural Identity.

South America: Venezuelans

Probably, the most creative (and aspiring too), of, South Americans, and all this, should not be confused, with, Cuban Creativity, as the Creativity, we speak of how here, is that, of change, as with taking, Civilization, to the next level.

Europe: The Netherlands

As usual, and to say the least, nothing changes here really.

Africa: Algeria

Creative, and the most, aspiring, of Africans too(as with being French perhaps). Forget Gadaffi, and let all, ideas, on taking, Africa, to the next level, stem off, from, Algerian, Creative Minds.

South East Asia: The Hindi-Indians

The Indians (of India, as with the name, and fame in all) [think Hrithik Roshan], are the ones really, who gave, the ever popular, Hindi language (as with, Gujarati really), to India. It is believed, they are, in many ways, the top candidates, for, 'Religious Research' [in South East Asia], as in many ways, they do, represent, what most, peoples out there, think, when asked, to think, India (in all) [and as, Creative, and Interestingly Intelligent].

East Asia: The Philippines

Not much, is known, about, the Filipinos, other than, the (popular) belief, that, they are of, Spanish, American, Dutch, or even, Indian (extraction). What however, is known, about Filipinos, is that, they are the most, Sophisticated (as with, engaging really), of, East Asians. In many ways too, the ideal folk, suited for example, in taking, the Samurai (as with 'Archetypal Religious Research'), to the next level [as for example too, with, Dan Inosanto too].

The Middle East: Qatar

Qatar, is home, in the Middle East, to what, some would call, 'Esoteric Research' [Research in all, that attempts, to find out, interesting facts, to do, with just about, anything (from Medical Research, to, Atomic Physics Research)]. In many ways though, it is best, believed that, all these efforts, be turned, towards, 'Religious Research', in helping, take, the Middle East (and the Islamic World too), to the next level, in, Civilized Existence.

Inspirational Source:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Robert F. Frost - A Time in Spring

A Time in Spring
Unlike no other, it waits for none;
Spring calleths, and the Sun itself, rises (with joy);

But to what, does Spring itself, aspire to?
Is it, to merry lovemaking, or perhaps even, dueling?
But I say to you, Spring waits, for none, because, none waits, for Spring;

But it is to Spring, that we do owe, one, festive occasion;
that of, none other, than seeking, a new, beginning, with our, very own lives.
Sounds tame, what I say, but Christmas and New Year wishes, turn to despair,
on any, given, Spring day, as fast approaching Summer, has one aspire,
for one, truly, golden moment: Deliverance (that in all, indeed, we are, the chosen ones, to lead, rule, and love, truly madly, like Spring, has never, known before);

Deliver me, Deliver us, from anguish, and pain, that memory, does bear,
Another year, yet gone by, and lifes wishes, and promises, fulfilled, not;
but none the less, a beating heart, with love desiring, promises too, that, all,
is not truly lost, but that, as, memory calls on death, love desiring, calls on, wishes (and promises), death knows, nothing about (a life truly, wasted, in search, for, meaningless glory).

Seek out death they say, let the heart stir, from terror, rather, than memory;
let memory, be nothing more, than a laugh, and the very, present too, be more, than a dream;
It is life called for, to be sought out, for a dream, born now (in the present), does stir the heart, with terror, and memory, filled, with timely moments, that, with time, does make for, Reality (as terror seen/known, calls on memory imagined, and a full realization, results, in a dream made);

To dream, that is life they say, to search, or to seek, is fools gold, some say,
but a dream, none the less, stirs up, imagination, that leadeth to, fools glory,
as the Fool, more than the Trickster (who seeks), or the Artist (who searches),
knows not, of folly/terror or fear/memory, but of the present, and, Faces made;

The Face in History:

There are those, who believe that, Life, is meant to be lived, in the Present. A belief, that many, especially, in the Western world, have found maddening, as they aspire, and wish for, futures, that they believe, will lead to, the happiness, and glory, they seek out. The Present for them, holds no value, other than perhaps, to wish for, an occurrence (perceived in the future), that will transport them to, where, they wish, to go (or be) [an Occurrence, and not, an Event, as many do, often suppose].

To live in the Present, in all really, is to be a Fool; it does not mean, that one cares not, for whom they are, or what, they wish for, but does really mean that, one asks, the question always, followed (beginning with really), a Preposition, such as, which, where, when or even, how;

To the Trickster (who seeks out all, but nothing), life, is not lived, but experienced, in a manner, that suggests, Fame, is at hand. The truth though is, for the Trickster, Fame arriveth, after death, and a life lived, is one, of, Infamy really.

For the Artist, life is never sought out, and todays problems, are tomorrows worries, and yesterdays worries, todays wishes; A life, never truly envisioned, as Time matters all, and everything truly, does happen, with Time [and to truly know, that wish and promise, lie, at the very foundation, of all problems, experienced].

History, has in many ways, always been recorded, from the perspective, of Religion (in itself). But for most, seeking out life, how to truly live it, has always been, an Enigma, that most, have never truly understood. That in many ways, to become, an Ideal, is to be, a Fool, Trickster, or even, Artist too. But for many too, all this, has no meaning, unless, one can put, a Face to it (that in many ways really, what is said, is that, any form of victory or success, sought, has in many ways, to do, with, Faces experienced).

But why, does the Face matter, so much? Why should it matter with, a Brain, at hand? To truly understand this, is to know, that Thoughts (perceived), have to do, with Faces made, and that in deed, before our Brain, does come into play, Thoughts received, do go, well hand in hand, with Face perceived/seen [different Faces mes amis, it is said, different Thoughts].

The concept of the Bust, in many ways, does signify, what History, as embodied, by the Face, is truly, all about. Some might believe this, rather modern, and even, rather historical [as with making history itself], but the truth is, History, when recorded, as a Face, is History, tumultuous in all, and a chosen one [a Son perhaps], called up [as a Face], to deliver all, from pain, misery, and anguish (unforetold before).

When Macedonia, as Greek Civilization, comes onto, itself, the World, in many ways, is actually, steeped, in darkness. Civilization, had fallen, to such low levels, that only, a Messiah (or Messianic Figure), could put it, back together. For the Macedonians, Alexander really, was not, a person, to be born unto really, but a Face, to be emulated (and made), in Thought, or Practise, and in Principle too, made real.

To know this better, and fully, is to know that, during, the very origins, of Civilization, it, progresses, along the lines, of, Mythology, inspired, by, the Fool, Trickster, or Artist even, but made real, by a Muse [as with Inspiration].

In the origins, of Civilization, only Spirits really, existed, to guide, Humanity along, as unknown to most, what makes, for a Face, is the Spirit, it embodies [for many, this Spirit, is embodied, by a Father, or Mother Figure, such that, one begins, to look somewhat, like the Mother, or Father Figure as mainly, as Muse].

Most really, don't know, how they look like [as with, Face as Mask],for they fail to realize, that the Spirit (or Muse even), that one, adheres to, does for, a Face/Mask, make [Face as a Mask, and not, Physiognomy/Features].

And while, Alexander, of Macedon, was in most ways, a Dreamer [and Preposition filled too], as guided along, by Spirit/Muse, as, 'the Angel of the Lord'.

The very first Religions, and Tongues too spoken, were all based, on the worship, of Spirits, as Inspiration/Muse, to accomplish/fulfill, a certain, goal, or mission [thats how really, Civilization evolved, in its, premier years]. Yet still, the question, of what, Face, to seek out [as Inspiration really] [or even, as Mentor or Guide], is in many ways, determined really, by the Environments, we choose to live in [with Father, or Mother, often, at the forefront, of this all, with many men too out there, looking alot, like, their Mummies].

For many, in the premier times, of Civilization, the Face, of Civilization, was that, often, embodied, by a Christ-like figure in all [whether it be Jesus, or even, Lord Krishna]. But the truth, as mentioned above, does state that, the Faces we choose (as with Spirits really), do influence, the worlds, we choose, to inhabit; meaning that, our Environments, do influence, the Thoughts, or Principles, that eventually too, do form our Faces.

For those, living in the Middle East for example, Sanskrit (as a Religious Tongue), and having origins, in Ancient Mesopotamia, did involve itself, with the worship, of certain Spirits, that in all, formed, the Faces, of Ancient Mesopotamia, and the Kayumars (of the Shahnameh) too, and what is truly been said, is that, these Spirits, should be sought, out, as, the Faces, of the Middle East [Faces, such as those of, Rene Russo, or even, Cate Blanchette]. Greek Faces, and Greek Spirits (such as, 'the Angel of the Lord'), go well hand in hand, with, the European worlds. Roman Faces & Spirits, go along, with, the North American worlds [in all really, the bust of Brutus, is in many ways, a North American Face, as with regards too, with, Environments inhabited, such that, what is been said, is that, ones Face, and ones Environments, should go along, hand in hand, to make one, feel very much, at home]. Jewish Faces & Spirits, truly, do belong, in Africa [as does, in many ways too, the Face, of Jesus]. To Asia, where Urdu, is the oldest, known Tongue, and a Tongue too, associated, with a Civilization, that was in all, called Aryan [the oldest truly Asian, Civilization, as in many ways too, influencing, East Asia, as with Spirits really], and while believed white, some of its most glorious sons, included, Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, and even in many ways too, Kitsune [of Japanese fame]. Urdu Spirits & Faces, as Inspirations/Muses, go very well, along with, Asian, Civilizations/Environments. And as with South America, one does find, that, Egyptian Faces & Spirits (as Muses/Inspirations), do go along, really well, with South American, Environments [Faces, such as those, of, Cyndi Lauper (with Bes as Muse/Inspiration), or even, Colin Farrell, and Pierce Brosnan too] [the Face, of Antonio Banderas, is Celtic, and belonging too, to European (Earthly) Spirits, and in many ways, a European Face in all].

One should realize, that Faces & Spirits, should not be confused, with Deities, or 'gods' even, as these, do not serve, as Inspiration/Muse, but actually, determine, how ones Thinks, or even in reality too, Sees/Perceives things. Faces & Spirits, are also similar somewhat, to Ancestral Spirits, as they too, can give one, a Dream (or 'Hope' even), to aspire too [as they really do].

Embodying, a Trickster, Artist, or even, Fool, in many ways too, must be made, Physical. How to do this, is perhaps, best exemplified, by the Martial Philosophies [as with expression skills too & weapons practise], that one, adheres too [for the Macedonians, Olympic Sports, such as, the Discus, Javelin, and even, the Shotput, trained one, in becoming, a Fool, Artist, and Trickster, respectively] [There are other, of these, full physical embodiments, other than, the three, just mentioned, above].

It is, our Faces, as a Voice too, that determine, our very feelings, of love, empathy, and feeling. That it is these, three forces really [as with Enthusiasm], that spur as, to action, of any kind, and at, any time 'love', calls for competition, empathy, for empowerment, and feeling, for, justice [as with injustice really].

White Supremacy, calls for, White Faces, as the Faces, of the 'Gods' (so to speak). The Faces, for many, of Salvation (and Deliverance even), and embodying one of them to many, means, power manifest, in all its forms [White Faces, are actually, Western Faces, as inspired, by, African (Earthy) Spirits ] [and as often too, envisioned really, on, White South Africans] [African (Earthly) Spirits, are the Spirits, that have often given, all other Spirits, bad names to them].

Mind Control, in many ways, speaks of, controlling, the Faces/Spirits, that one, does fully, facially (physically even), embody. This, in many ways, is the oldest form, of Evil, ever envisioned, on Earth itself [as with making others in all, have, Ugly Faces]. A Media trick, often used, to subjugate others [as with International Images really], by associating, any one group, with, certain Faces, as their, Real Faces. Asian History (and especially Chinese), is totally filled, with examples of this form, of Evil, as the Underworld (in Chinese Mythology), is made up, of Evil beings manifest, in certain Facial Forms.

One of the most, famous, of these, Evil beings (manifest as Face), that has come, to strongly influence, the World today, is that, of the Ox head (or Oxen, as some call it). That those, having, a Face really, embodying, an Oxes head, in many ways, represent, an Evil, rather violent in nature, and unknown, to most; In the origins, of Civilization, wars, Religious in scope, were fought, against, the Godly (as with face really), and by, the unGodly (often manifest, as an Ox head, or even, the Evil being, some call, Baphomet). Evil, that led, to all forms of war really, before, this Evil being, evolves in scope, such that, the Evil manifest now (as with Evil Spirits really), involves, the taking out, of, Key (Evil | Important) personnel, in fighting a war. The warring, does evolve, much further, unknown to most, as the war now, becomes, about real Mind Control, as with having others, develop, poor Thoughts [by giving them, somewhat, poor Faces (as with the example, of mindless, media programming)]. An Evil, that has taken, over the world, today really (as it is now), as many, have been programmed really, to develop, Evil Faces (Ugly in scope), and in all, under the power, of the Ox head (Evil being), manifest, all forms, of violent, Evil, all over [The Ox head, as Evil, is today seen, in the form, of what, they call, the French Mob (as with, the French Connection, even); A Mob really, that has come, to control, Interpol, the Vatican, and the Euro Monetary System, with the end goal, to totally, wipe out, Civilization on Earth, by turning, all the people in it, into, Morons, of all kinds, denoted, by skin colour/Influence, facial features/Persuasion, and even, body images/Knowledge, and all embodying, the ugliest, vilest, of human beings, all eventually, destined, to become, extinct] [The world really, of 'Greg Szymanski', and the, French/Vatican Illuminati].

The form of Evil, associated, with Mind Control [and powerful Media], is one, rather difficult, to destroy, as in many ways, via Media (as with thoughts really), it attempts, to destroy, and limit, our Freedoms, Liberty and Liberties even [without our true knowing really]. All this, destroyed, not really, by limiting them directly (as one might believe), but by changing, the very Faces (Inspirations), that we put on [people for instance, mindlessly, thinking about sex, limit themselves, in more ways, than they can imagine (as with Liberty mostly)]. An Environment, rather difficult, to come out of, as once, one has a certain Face (that goes along, with certain evil thoughts), changing it, within this 'Mind Control' Environment, becomes, in many ways, an impossibility [to see all this, as clearly as possible, is to know, that in the beginning, the Ox head, attempted to destroy, Civilization, by the mass (as with religious warfare); later on, its technique, changed, to that of, seeking out the weaknesses (strengths even), of a Civilization, and from a hidden center somewhere, using others, in an attempt, to destroy, Civilization (as it was) [the culture too, of attempting in all, to kill, the prominent people, of, another, Civilization (as with, politically motivated, assassinations). However, this evil, had gotten worse, with Media (and Mind Control), such that, the goal now, became, the attempt, to westernize/demonize others, in the attempt, to wipe out, Civilization] [By in all giving them, Evil/Demonic Faces, to adhere too].

It is here, that the 'Myths', by John Milton [Paradise Lost, and Paradise Regained], come into play, as it is Myth [Alexandrian in scope as inspired, by, 'the Angel of the Lord'], that in all, helps one, sees their Realities, as they really are [by internalizing/memorizing, these 'Myths' really], as this third form, of evil (of Mind Control, and manifest, by, the Ox heads), can only, be defeated, by, exposing it to all, for what, it really is [as with their seeing it (and recanting it too), as with their eyes, and memories respectively, and hence, gaining full understanding, of their, present, environments].

Thank you in beaucoup, and very much too in all s'il vous plait;

Caldini (van Hoorst)

and of Alexander, Macedon, and 'Attila the Hun' (Ox head)