Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Merovingians

Of Sang Real, and, 'Forms of Dance'.

The Merovingians, come into place, at, the end, of, the Roman Republic, amidst, the kind, of violence, one sees, right, at the beginning, of, the 'Dracula' Film. Theirs, was in all, a world, of, all forms, of, Civil disorder, that, they sought, to make, right.

Metal music, probably, can be said, to have, its origins, in, the Byzantine Era, with, the instrument, known, as, the "Hurdy Gurdy' [by some]. However though, as mentioned, previously, Metal Music, does, have its birth really, in, Italia, with, the Brits there [although, one can, easily claim, origins, in Byzantine France].