Saturday, December 6, 2014



This entry in all, will attempt to have those very much ascribing, proscribing or subscribing to it all that is, very much in all again attempt to view it all, and from speak even of Totemicity that is. That Totemicity, is believed even said truly, the oldest Religion known to Man, and that in all ways even, and in speak too of Modern settings in all, speak of Totemicity here, does in all even perhaps, speak of Prospects in themselves that is. Totemicity too, and that does speak in all even, and of Time Sequencing in itself too, and in speak too of Time Relapses for instance, and that do in all even speak of Moods/Memory, but Totemicity too, and that does speak in all even, and of the very manner the Victorians in all, did perceive India that is, and as Indian Totemicity, is believed said to truly open one up, and to past Moods/Memories, and as with it all even now defined, and in speak of viewing oneself gratefully perhaps, and as with regards to Direction, Mood and Prospect that is. 

In all, a differing manner of viewing this very Blog, Americanista Blog that is, and as with it all even referred to as 'Americanista Blog' too that is, and in speak too of the post on Moderation in all, but that in all ways even, and in speak too of many and as losing hope or faith in Religion in itself, and in the World and as it is today, does in all have to do it is believed here, and with whom or who one in all is, and with Prospect that is [that it in all, could make for a minimal difference in our lives, and that does speak even of Religion, and as truly associated and with speak of Presence that is (Link)].

Wednesday, November 26, 2014



In speaking of the term Glasnot, is to in all ways even now, speak of Modern European History, and as going along in all, and with speak of Authority, and as with it even said Aristocratic too that is. That most in all, have a poor picture in all perhaps, and of what does make for the EU (European Union) for instance.

That speak in all for instance, and of European Airline culture, and alongside speak even of European Governments, does in all even speak of Central Europe, or Central European Culture that is. That in all ways even, speak of the term Glasnot, does not only refer and to speak of European Militaries, but in all ways even, and in speak of European Media, Popular too, and as referring in all even perhaps, and to European Magazine culture that is [Link].

It is however, and in speak of European News Media, and alongside speak even of European Educational Institutions/Facilities, that one does in all even make contact in all, and with European Industries, and as with it all even truly speaking of Western European culture that is. In all again, European Diplomatic culture, very much Scandinavian, but in viewing Europe and as presented in this very post, speaking in all now and of the United Kingdom (or the UK too in particular), and as now having its history in all, said intimate, and with that of South Africa for instance, and in speak of Multi-Ethnic Identity in England/London too for instance, or speak even and of Authority in South Africa, and as simply said British that is..

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Ivory Tower

The Ivory Tower.

This post in all, very much has to do, and with speak in all even, and of Conventional Religion that is (Link). That Conventional Religion, in the very least, and in the Modern/Western Times we do live in, has not only sparked in all, a search, and for an early Retirement for instance, but that in all ways even, and in speak too of the link posted in all before ('Fields of Blood'), a belief in all that, what they do term the endemic, is simply said a part of our everyday lives, and in speak of Violence too that is.

In all, Conventional Religion and as found/seen in these Modern/Western Times we live in, is believed said in all, and to very much speak on, the very search for Identity, and in redefining or re-aligning ourselves, and in speak of roots, descent or origins too (and not Heritage or Ancestry truly either), and in speak not only of History and as perceived in all even, and from speak of Migration Patterns and Trends [and of Bodies, Ideas and Wealth too], but with it in all even truly believed, and to speak for the very search, and for Privacy in our lives, and in speak too of Intimacy, the Clandestine, or even Confidentiality in itself too that is. 

Monday, November 24, 2014



Historiography and Modern/Western History:

The very purpose of this entry, and in speak too of the sub-header above and on Historiography too, is to in all ways even now speak of History in itself, and as often believed redundant by many [that History in all, is said to have no lessons to teach one, and as with regards to solving today's problems that is].

In helping one understand the above, History, and as said redundant too that is, is to perhaps attempt to give a physical footing to it all, and that does in all even speak, and of the History of Migration, and on a World-scale too, and that has been very much going on and for the last 200 Years, and as said in all even, and to originate and with speak of the History of Slavery in Africa that is. A Migration too, and that does in all even speak of Labour in itself, and alongside speak too of the British Empire, and the 'British'/English-speaking World that is.

Losing My Religion.

In speaking of the header of this very entry though, Moderation that is, is to in all ways even speak of the 'search for God', and for those living in the Modern/Western Times that is [and as very well said referring and to speak of Moderation in itself actually]. In understanding this better, the 'search for God', and in the name of Moderation too, is to in all again remember History in itself, and as in many a way differing from as such, and in speak here too, and of the names Egypt and India that is. 

That in speak of Egypt, History now, and as very well acquainted in all again, and with the speak of the worshiping in all, and of many a God or Goddess, and as with it all even today believed said outmoded Religion, and other than speak of Jesus Christ in all for instance. In speaking of India, speak now and of History and as defined and in speak of Rite and Ritual too, but with it History in all again, now associated and with the so termed 'endless pursuit for Happiness' that is [and as very well speaking of the 'Human Condition', and in the Modern/Western Times we live in that is].

In growing up, or while growing up too perhaps, and in the Modern/Western Times we live in, the very words 'Modern Democracy' in all, would be said to speak and of whom or who, any one of us, were, and in speak of aspirations for instance. Modern Democracy, and as believed said offering just about all forms or kinds of Opportunity, does not in all ways even appear to deliver on its promises, and in speak too of Modern Democracy and as very much presenting itself, and in speak of Control, Power and Coercion/Coordination that is, and as versus speak in all again perhaps, and of Moderation in all even, and in speak too and of what does constitute for Continuity in our lives that is [and as with it even said Generational in all]. For those though, seeking out Continuity, and not only in regards and to speak of the past, but in many a way too, and in speak of Re-Incarnation in all, speak now and of many an author and such as Deepak Chopra for instance in all, and as with he in all even now perhaps, mentioning that, the Prophet Moses, had something to teach us all, and about life, and in speak of Modern Democracy and Moderation too that is. In a World though, Modern too, and as filled with many a Sexual Image in all, and as said to speak of Success in itself too, in my youth, the Kama Sutra, and as appealing to me in the most perhaps (and so to speak too), and as with regards to thinking up Success, and as going along and with speak of Sexuality that is [that most in all, don't truly see the Kama Sutra, and as a Philosophy/Ideology that is, but as a Practise truly, and as it is often said to be, for it is in all, Philosophy or Media truly, very much inspired, and by speak of the Indian Cobra that is][and with Africa too, housing these varieties in all perhaps, and of the Cobra: that said Egyptian, that said African, and that said Kenyan/Kenian/Afrique too that is]. In all perhaps, and to the unknowing 'Fool', the Kama Sutra, and as going along even, and with speak of Moderation in itself that is.

While the story of Modern Democracy in all, did continue to persist, and in defining itself and in speak of Control, Power, and Coercion/Coordination that is, many a person in society, Priest, Human Rights Activist or even Teacher too perhaps, did in all actually realize, that society in all was in need of stringent Moderation, and not in speak of Power in itself, but with it in all even now leading to speak and of what some do term 'Alternative Media' that is [or the attempt in all again, and in redefining society, and in 'Cool' too perhaps, and a way from speak of Excess/Excessiveness that is].

In referring to the above paragraph, speak too of Modern Song in all, and its best too, and as finding inspiration in all again perhaps, and in speak of Moderation that is, and in the story of the Three Magi, Jerusalem, the Star of Bethlehem, and speak too of the birth of Jesus Christ, and in a Manger/Stable somewhere far away, and from King Herod in himself too that is. 

Forever Young

The story though, and for the 'search of God', and in the name of Moderation, can be said to speak of History and as said Greek (Link), or Egyptian too (Link), but that in all ways even, Moderation, and as a Theme of life, has never been truly associated and with speak of History, and as with it even best perceived now, and in speak of the Fall of Italy, and as versus speak of the Decline of India that is. That it is in Italy now, and in speak too perhaps, and of 'the death of Cupid' (Link), and where in all again, Italians do envision God in all, and as said Omni-present, Omni-potent, Omni-scient etc., and where in all again, one does find Cupid, and as now playing an advisor perhaps, and in speak of the 'Game of life' [and as said Evolutionary too that is]. But that God and as envisioned and as mentioned in all above that is, does in all even now speak of Italy, and in its nascent states perhaps, and as born and in speak of Positivism in itself, but that in all ways even, speak of life and as going along with the Advisor (and the Reception Hall too), and as versus speak of the Guardian and Europe too that is (and the Concert Hall in all again), and speak now of Italian life, and as going along and with those who do dare open themselves up and in Dream, and away from speak of Referencing Egypt or Greece (and in speak of Happiness now and as associated here in all again, and with speak of Poverty too, or speak even and of Fascism in itself that is), but that in all ways even, speak of one and as truly attempting to redefine themselves, and a way from the Ancients in all, and in speak of Gender, Sex, Race, Ancestral Lineage, Geneticism etc., and in speak of finding oneself anew, and in defining Success and as said to speak of the 'New Age' for instance [or it in all again and as said Celt in itself, Templar, Jesuit, Papal, Caeserian, Florentine or even Theban too that is] [or in many a way too, a better manner of viewing all this, and for most of us today, and in speak of the Reception Hall too, speaking of History in all, and as viewed even and in speak of 'the spirits of the Dead' perhaps, and as in attempting to validate their very Experiences that is]. In all, Italian life, and as guided by Cupid, and in speak of God and as said to embody Positivism in itself, does find or see to it, many a 'Fool' perhaps, and as now attempting to sidetrack one, and in speak of the 'Meaning of life', and a way from speak of 'the Italian Memory' perhaps, and as with it even said to speak of Cupid in 'himself' (Link), and onwards to speak of Poverty in itself instead, and as said to define, what Happiness, is said truly all about [that in all, History in itself, is said truly lived out, and in speak of Mastery/Discipline, and not Decisiveness/Power either that is].

In many a way, the above, is the very manner and by or in which, the ancients in all, did live by, and as with it all even spelling out the word/term 'Mythos' for instance, and as referring to whom or who in all we are, and in Expression that is, and as versus speak of Attitude/'Force' in itself actually [and as 'Civilization' today, Western/Modern too, is said to very much exist by that is].

The very origins though, and of the Modern/Western Times, and in speak too, and of the 'search for God' and in name of Moderation too, can be best said to go back in all, and to Revolutionary Europe/France, and in speak too and of the storming of the Bastille that is [Link]. That it is via speak of the Bastille, that Modern/Western History in all, does actually arise or begin too perhaps, and as with it all best said even, and to refer and to the birth of the Masses, and speak too of Mass Psychology in itself too perhaps. 

In all, French History, and as now helping in all again, and in giving birth, and to speak of Modern Communications, Modern Philosophy, or even Modern Religion too that is. That Modern Communications, and as referring and to the Masses too, and further speak too of the term Hegemony in itself, now does speak or refer in many a way truly, and to the Modern History of the United States of America, and with Modern Communications in all, and as said defining Modern Success too, speaking in all again, and of defining one in all, and in speak of Sexuality/Aesthetic, and as in referring and to those deemed Unworthy in all, and as with regards to Modern Communications, and as in many a way truly, Desexualized in all, and very much in all again believed said primitive and violent that is. In all, frustrations, and as arising with Modern Communications, does in all even speak of being unhappy in all, and with ones Sexuality/Aesthetic, and as said in all even, and to go along in all, and with speak of possessing or habouring in all again, a Violent sentiment, and towards life that is. In France though, one does see the very rise of Modern Philosophy, and as with it all even speaking of 'the search for God', and in the name of Moderation or Hegemony too, and speak too in all again, and of the Masses, and as said to refer and to Mass Suffering in all (and as with it even said Psychological or Emotional too), and speak now in all again, and of the said rise of Islam too, and in the name of Hegemony that is, and as with it even believed, Islam that is, and to truly help in all, and in alleviating Mass Suffering, and as said Emotional, and not that said Physical/'Poverty' either that is. It is in Africa though, and in speak of Kenya too in particular, and not South Africa either, and where in all again, Modern Religion, does attempt to truly take hold, and as with it all even speaking of debating in all again, what does constitute and for a proper Worldview in all (and as said to refer and to speak of History in itself, and as said Hidden too), and in solving ones problems, and away in all again perhaps, and from that said Victorian too in all. 

In all, Modern History, and in speak of Moderation too, best playing out perhaps, and in speak of Russian History, and the very rise of Communism too, and further speak now in all, and of Communism and as associated and with speak of Suppression, Repression or Depression in particular (Link), and as with it all even perceived an ill-mannered way in all, and of Moderating society that is, and as versus that which does speak even of Russian Song (Link), and as Moderating life, and in speak of Love or Happiness too that is. In all, the very belief that, 'the Pen is mightier than the Sword', is said a lesson taught, and in speak of the fall of Communism in all, and in speak too that is, and of Russian Song for instance [special thanks to the Scorpions here though, 'Wind of Change', and in having helped made 1992, a rather even, memorable year, and on my part somewhat too that is].

The rise of Feminism, and in Europe too, does in all even speak of Moderation in itself, and as with it all even believed and to speak of the Male Sex, and as now vilified, and as said naturally Violent in its ways, and intrinsically too that is. That the Female Sex, is now termed too, the 'Weaker Sex', and with Men in all, very much presented in all again, favourably too,  and away perhaps, and from Men and as said Savages, Brutes, Criminals, Tyrants etc. [and which in all again does very much see the very rise of Modern Bureaucracies and Administration systems, and which in all ways even are truly associated and with speak of Women, Family, and even Feminist Attitudes in themselves, and in speak of society too, and as generally in all, believing men to be Violent, Lazy, Sexually Inhibited etc., and if not outrightly Angry or Hateful too, and in further speak here for instance, and of Policing systems in themselves that is]. In all, Feminism, attempting to in all again define Family that is, and not in speak of Womanhood either, or speak of Tradition too, but in speak of Moderation in itself perhaps, and as truly associated with Unemployment Rates for instance, or even speak of Regular/Irregular Behaviour, and not speak either truly and of 'the search for God', and in the name of Moderation too that is.

In speak of America in all again though, and in speak too of Moderation, speak in all even perhaps, and of Post-Modernism in all (and speak too and of where America does meet Italy too in all), and as Post-Modernism in all again, does now refer and to societies, that in all do need as little Regulation or Moderation in all, and in running them that is, and in speak here in all even, and of the attempt by some, to make Western 'Civilization' a reality, and a way from speak of Technology too, and as with it all even referring and to the Masses, and as said attaining Happiness in all, and in their defining themselves, Economically or Business wise too perhaps, and in speak of the Niche that is [and if not the Genre either]. In all, Post-Modernism as presented to the Masses in all, and in America too, and in speak of many a Grassroots movement that is, and in an United States of America too, and whereby Success in all, is pretty much defined and in speak of Excess/Excessiveness, Mass Consumption, or even speak of Violence popularized [and further speak even of Sexual Inhibitions in all, the Stages of Life, and pf Adolescence/Teenagehood too perhaps, but further speak here in all even, and of a said prolonged Iraqi War that is], but that in all again, Moderation, and in American History, and further speak too of the 'Statue of Liberty' in itself, does now in all even refer, and to American Literary works, and such as 'Moby Dick' for instance [Link][or America in all again and as presented in all, and a way from speak of Excess in itself that is][Link].

In all, and in many a way too, finally, and to one Sherry McEvers (Australia I believe), de Luz, Jeyakumar Ramasani (India), or even Rose Sharma too, is to say that and in the name of Moderation in all, don't be afraid to spread around in all again, the very contents of this Blog, Americanista Blog that is, and to many another person out there that is, and in knowing that, every entry to it or in it, is believed truly said, and to speak of Moderation in itself that is. In all again, speak of Civilization and as said at Cross-roads in all here, and in speak too of the 'search for God', and in the name of Moderation too, and not Mastery/Discipline either that is [and in speak too in all again, and of the 'Depicting of life'/'Lifes depictions' that is].

Finally, one more applause in all perhaps, and to (Sir) Micheal Lee Aday, stage-name Meatloaf too, and further speak here in all even, and of Patti Russo, and in speak here in all, and of the very manner the Victorians, did envision Moderation in all, and in speak of a World/Europe too, believed gone truly awry, and in the name of Violence too, and with World War 1 and World War 2 in all again, speaking in all even and of Feminism, Moderation and the Austro-Hungarian Memory in itself in many a way truly, but that in all ways even, speak here that is, and of a good song said ruined, and in the name of Moderation too that is ['Thanks Patti']:

'Screwing around'........'screwing around'.......... 

Link [Scroll to the bottom]

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Time Points

Time Points.

This entry in all, will have to do, and with speak in all even, and of the so termed Modern/Western World, and as said even a rather problematic place in all perhaps, and in speak too and of how many in all, do perceive Time in itself. That we do now truly live in a heavily Media driven World, and one too, which has us not truly perceiving or processing in all, Time, and as it truly is, and in speak for instance, and generically too, and of Opportunity and for all that is. That what is been said here is that, for those in the Modern/Western World, and in speak too and of what does constitute and for Modern/Western Media/Time in all, one then does see or find many a person in all, and as very much processing or perceiving Time, and in speak of (keeping) Tabs that is.

In many a way, the very World perhaps, and of keeping Tabs, has proven to be of great difficulty to many, and whom or who in all, have been conditioned, molded or shaped too, and in very much perceiving their environments or environs in all, and in speak of Time too, and from the very perspective of (keeping) Tabs that is, and such that, it is believed by the Blogger herein in all perhaps, that they in all again, do not very much in all, see their environs or environments too, and as they truly are that is. In all again, the very World in all perhaps, and of thinking of Time, or perceiving it all, and from speak of (keeping) Tabs, has led to a World in all again, and in speak of many a person and as molded, shaped or conditioned as such, a World, highly problematic, and in speak, and of 'Personal Differences' for instance [and further speak in all, and of Westerners, and as often said in all again or perceived in all as such that is, and as Selfish, Narcissistic or even Controlling/Manipulative that is].

In past times though, different manners or mechanisms too in all, and of relating to Time that is. The first of these, does now speak of a World, and as said very much rooted in all, and in speak of Ritual/Rite too, and such that, life is not only said planned out in all, and as such (or speak too of plotting or scheming that is), but that in all ways even, Time is now perceived, and in speak of Meters and Gauges that is [and as with it all even speaking of Time and as perceived in speak of consequences, and as very much in all arising, and with speak of Rite and Ritual too that is].

In many another society perhaps, life and as not as troublesome and as most do believe it to be, and as it does in all even speak of Calendars and as associated in all, and with speak of Holidays, Celebrations or even Memorials too, and speak now of society, and as designed and with speak of Time, and as perceived and in speak of Time sections perhaps, and as with it all basically even referring and to the Weekend for instance (and as highly anticipated that is), or speak too and of a certain Time period and in the day too, 4 - 6 p.m., perhaps, and wherein and in all again, many might loosen up in behaviour, or speak in all again, and of many a shop perhaps, and as now having a bargain to it, or speak too, and of many a person and as simply said openly helpful in their ways that is.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Limits & Heights

Limits & Heights.

This header above in all, Limits & Heights, does in many a way here, refer in all even, and to speak of Avoidance in itself too. For it does in all even, speak and of our attempts and in detailing in all, our very environs, and if not our very selves too, and from the very perspective of speak of Separatism, Exclusionism or even Isolationism, and as with it all even speaking in all again, and of our very Realities in all, and as defined primarily or fundamentally too, and in speak of Limits & Heights that is, and as with they even said Victorian (and alongside speak even of Continental Identities), British (and speak too of Racial Identities), American (and speak too of Social Identity), European (and speak too of Gender Identity), or speak even and of Religion in all (and speak in all and of Ancestral Identity too).

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


The UAE.

We do live in a World, and that does tell us in all that, the United States of America is simply said the greatest Democracy on Earth, that the Scandinavia is the most developed of places on Earth, that Kenya too, is said a wonderful and developing Country, that Brazil is home to Soccer and somewhat immoral women too, that Germans in all, are highly Intelligent, that the English/England are highly cultured, and with Italy too, said in all and surprisingly enough perhaps, associated and with speak of Industrialists, Billionaires and 'Fascist' Intellectuals too that is [and as according to the Financial Times in London that is]. This manner of viewing the World, and as with it even an opinion in all, does differ from that British, and which does simply worship Japan, China, India, South Africa, the UK/Canada and the United States of America too, and as the former view in all, does have its origins in the Victorian world, and before it all even does become very much a part, and of Scandinavian International Development Initiatives that is.

In all though, this post will attempt to point out in all that, it could very well be of a great idea in all again, and to have a third opinion of a kind, and in speak of International Media too, and that does speak in all even, and of where in all, the World is believed headed that is, and in speak of promise, and as with regards to speak of Development in itself that is.

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Whole New World

A Whole New World.

When one does speak of a Whole New World here in all, one is in all ways even not referring and to speak of the Modern World, and as said acrimonious in its ways too, and as with regards and to the defining of Heritage that is [that in the most simplest sense in all, most today, are simply asked to think of themselves, and in speak of Modern Heritages (Link), and which do in all even are said to accompany, a Western Education that is].

This post though, does in all ways propose that, the problems the World does face today, and as it has in a long time, don't have to do, and with speak of Heritage that is (and as with it even said Napoleonic too) [Link], but that in all ways even, it does have to do, and with speak of society that is [or speak even and of the functionings, workings and operations, and of a Locale for instance].

In all, the old World and as said coming to an end, and in speak even of Napoleanic society (Link), does see in all even, an attempt to create Victorian and British society (and as taking the very form of Commerce too in all), and all over the World, and before American society in all, does become a Model and of existence, and in speak even of Western Commerce too that is.

With American society though having introduced Gangsta Rap into our lives, an attempt here perhaps, and to promote Turkish society and in our lives too, and as with it even said International in all that is.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Land Plates

Land Plates.

This post in many a way, does very much have to do, and with just how in all, most in the World today, do in all even perceive Modern Communications so to speak, and as said in all even to go along in all, and with speak of solving just about any problem one might face that is. That in all, these does speak in all again, and of Communications, Modern, and as said defined and in speak of Networking in itself, and as said truly associated, and with speak of People & Places that is [and speak too, and of a general Referencing for instance, and of many an International City too].

While the above is not truly wrong in its ways, it does in all again, give a distorted, view in all, and of the World, its functionings, and just how in all again, to go about solving many a problem faced that is. That Communications in the World today, can probably be best said rectified in all, and in speak of simply designing them, and in speak of References in themselves, and as with they now in all, having one truly perceive the World, and in speak of Land Plates for instance, or speak even of Land Masses, Land Regions, Extraterrestrial land, and even speak of Locales/Localities in themselves that is.

Communications, References & Locales/Localities:

Monday, October 13, 2014

An American Prayer

An American Prayer.

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray to God my soul to take.
If I should live for other days,
I pray the Lord to guide my ways.

Father, unto thee I pray,
Thou hast guarded me all day;
Safe I am while in thy sight,
Safely let me sleep tonight.
Bless my friends, the whole world bless;
Help me to learn helpfulness;
Keep me every in thy sight;
So to all I say good night.

Friday, October 10, 2014



This entry, very much has to do, and with just how best in all, and to go about presenting History in itself, and as said in all even, to truly speak, and of the World and as it is today. That speak of History and from the very perspective of (World) Religions, does in all even, speak of Chronology in all, and as truly associated in all perhaps, and with many a Historical Event, and further speak of Timelines too that is. What of Spirituality? And speak too in all, and of History, and as very much associated in all again, and with speak of War in itself for instance [and History too, and that does in all even go along and with speak of Technology in itself too actually].

But what of the History of Money? For it in all, is not a History and that does speak of Religion or Spirituality in themselves, but in all perhaps, and of what some would term Wit perhaps, and as with it in all even a History, and that does very much in all, accommodate the very presence of Africans/Africa, and as said Moor, Ethiope, 'Arab' or even Egyptian in all that is.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Monoplane/Bi-plane

The Monoplane/Bi-plane.

The Mono- and Bi- plane in all, and as truly said even, a Relic/Artifact of our Times, and as it does in all again, truly represent in all, Time, and as said in all, having truly passed, and in Memory too that is (Link), and from the very 'Time' in all, and of the American Civil War for instance.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

the Blank

The Blank.

The Victorian Memory.

Of said Noise too, the Noisy, or if not of said Gibberish too, the Nonsensical.


the Victorian Memory.

of Memorism, Victorian - the Memorist, Victorian.

of Time, [Link], Being, [Link], or if not of said Motion too, [Link].

Monday, September 29, 2014

Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit.

This posting or entry in all, will attempt to speak and of what the Future is believed to hold, and as with regards and to the Modeling in all, and of Human societies that is. That this in all, does speak in all again, and of Human societies today, and as said in all, truly in trouble perhaps, and with their not understanding, just how in all Human societies do evolve or change and in Time too that is.

For this in all, does speak even and of just how Asia, has come to shape Human societies today, and as in telling one that, Asia in all, and in speak of its Religions too, does offer a differing manner or way, and of thinking of life, and that does in all again, not go along, and with speak of Egyptian Civilization truly (and Africa too) for instance.

That Asia to this very day, does define Human life in itself, and in speak truly of Human Potential, while those in all again knowledgeable of Africa and Egypt, do in all even acknowledge that, Human Potential, and as now said dormant in its ways, and in speak of the Three Pyramids of Gaza that is. That while Asia does continue to define itself and in speak of Human Potential, Egypt/Africa (and as said Continent too), now seeking out new manners or ways of thinking of life, and as very much going along in all and with the attempt to truly define the Human Experience, and in speak of Shock & Exclaim in itself too that is. In all, Asia, and as still very much enthralled by the Pyramids, and with Egypt/Africa in all, truly pondering, just whom or who in all again, were the Pharaohs of Egypt, truly said to be.

In many a way, this post, will in all truly even, attempt to deal and with what some do term Euro-centrism, and as with it in all even, speaking of redefining the Human Experience, and in speak too of Physical looks for instance (and alongside speak of European styled behaviour), and away in all again, and from speak of Egypto/Africo-centrism that is.

That while Europe in all will have us very much worship at the Altar of the 'Cult of the Ancestors' so to speak (and as with they even having been said more or less European in their ways too), Egypto/Africo-centrism, does ask of us, to truly understand what does pass for Worship or Praise in all, and in our lives too that is. That while the so termed 'Cult of the Ancestors' is truly real, for the Egyptians, Religion and in the form of Embodiment (Link), while for the Greeks, nothing ever said, could be said to be the Truth in itself that is, and with Italy, speaking in all and of not Humouring the Gods and as the Greeks did, but in all truly, and of the Elevating of Consciousness, and to a level said to surpass all and as including speak of the Egyptians for instance, and in incident and behaviour too, and as with it all even going along in all, and with speak of Cupid in himself that is [and further speak too in all, and of just whom or who, 'the Italians', were truly said to be that is].

That the World today, and in speak of the 'Cult of the Ancestors', very much going along and with speak of 'Images of Respect', and as very much said Greek, Roman and Egyptian, but in speak of America, a differing view in all, and as with regards to historical 'Images of Respect', and as with they even said African/Egyptian in many a way too, and in speak of the Copt (Link), the Coptic (Link), and even the Saintly (Link) too that is.

That the Founding of America (and in speak of the Statue of Liberty too), is in all even and as unknown to most, said Copt/African (Link), and in speak of Myth too, for American History in all, is not in its ways European (and in speak in all and of the rise and demise of many a City-State too that is), while that said Egyptian and as found in the rest of the World in many a way too, does in all even speak and of the Rise and Fall and of many a Civilization, but that said African, very much in all does speak of the Bible in itself, and as a work and that does speak of troubling and difficult Times ahead that is [and in speak of change in itself too actually][and with the Bible, truly African/Greek in all, and not an Egyptian Holy Book either that is][Link].

Irish culture in all and as said European in Myth, but with that said Scottish, very much African/Egyptian in Myth actually.

For the Colony, the Republic or even the Outpost too (Link), said very much African/Egyptian, while speak in all and of the Country or the Land, the Dominion, the Protectorate, the Commonwealth, or even speak of the Province too, does in all actually speak of the Egyptian in all truly.

European Identity and as heavily even grounded and in speak of Symbolism, while that said Egyptian/African, speaking in all, and of Artifacts in themselves [and as with they even said Architectural too][Link]. 

For Heraldry in all, is actually African, and Kingship Egyptian, but speak of Europe, does speak of the Church and as said foremost Authority in itself too that is.

While the Buddhist, does speak of the Egyptian in Asia, speak of Krishna, Rama or Yoga too, does speak of the African/Egyptian, but speak of the European in Asia, does speak of Australia, Japan, and further speak even and of the Japanese races that is.

For Dickens or Middleton, does speak in all and of the Egyptian in Europe, while Shakespeare does speak in all and of the African/Egyptian in Europe, and with what is truly said European, said to speak of the Arthurian in all truly.

For the Dramatist is European, while the Poet is said Greek, and with the Playwright very much said Egyptian, but in speak of Italy, speak in all and of the Ode and the  Odist too, and the very belief by Italy that, History in all, did very much come to be that is.

(Little Dorrit)

While Song is truly African/Indian, and with Performance truly Egyptian in all, Dance in many a way, is truly Italian, but speak of Europe, does in all even truly speak of the Comic/Bard that is.

For English is actually African in Tongue, and with Italian, more or less said here Egyptian in Tongue, but with Spanish/Basque and German, truly in all even said truly European that is [and not speak of French either, and which is in all truly said 'the Language of the Moor' that is].

For Adventure is very much African, and with the Mystery very much Egyptian, but speak of Asia, does speak and of Danger in itself that is.

For MA'AT is said truly Egyptian, while Isis is truly African in all, and with Hathor, speaking of Goddess Worship, and as to be seen/found outside the African Continent that is.

For life lived in the name of the Code (and as in speak of Jesus too), said African/Egyptian, while speak of Money and as said truly representing life in itself said truly Egyptian, but with the search for Great Health and in Mind or Body or Spirit too for instance, said in all European that is.

Thursday, September 25, 2014



Myth and as said Historical in all, and for the World we do live in today, and in saying in many a way that, those said Icelandic in all, are very much believed perfect (Beings) in their ways, and as the Egyptians and Greeks in many a way too, were truly said to be that is.

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Aborigines

The Aborigines.

The God Gene:

In speaking of Aborigine or Aboriginal Tribes in all, is to in all again then refer, and to what some do term the 'God Gene' that is. That the 'God Gene', cannot in all be said and to truly refer and to speak of Intelligence, and as said referring to Mathematical abilities for instance, but that in all ways truly, speaking of Intelligence, and as going along in all, and with speak of Human Behavior, and as said Familial too that is.

That it is amongst the Aborigine and Aboriginal Tribes/races of the World (and with many a famous French King, having been said and to actually be of the Aboriginal persuasion in all), and just where in all again, Rite & Ritual in all, and as going along and with speak of Human Behaviour & Relations too, does in all again truly arise, and in speak of defining God and everything else in life too, and in speak of Human Deeds, Human Affairs, Karma, Kismet, Predestination, Lady Luck (England), Providence, Doom, Outcome, Moira etc., and as with it all even said to refer and to the very belief that, War in itself, is not an evil act, but that in all again, Violence, truly is.

In many a way, Aborigine and Aboriginal Identity, and as truly defining life in Middle Kingdom Egypt that is (and as believed even, one of the more truly renowned perhaps, and of the Egyptian Periods), but that in all ways even, Egyptian Civilization, and as owing its Beliefs in God in all, and in speak of Human Affairs for instance, and to speak of Middle Kingdom Egypt that is. In all, while the Egyptians did in all again truly study Astronomy and as with regards to all this, Astrology on the otherhand, is said believed truly Greek that is.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tears, Blood & Sweat

Tears, Blood & Sweat.

The Rose in Mythology/Mythos.

[and speak too and of the unknown world of Incendiary religion perhaps, and that does in all again speak of Bees, Birds/sparrows, and even Wines, Spirits & Beverages too that is].

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Homestead

The Homestead.

Myth and the End of History:

This post in many a way, will attempt to tackle, the very belief that, Modern History in all, is believed said in all, redundant that is, and as it is believed in many a way too, to not truly teach one many a lesson that is. That Modern History, is said truly in all, grounded, and in speak of the Event, and such that, the Event in all, is very much studied and from a Religious, Political, Social and Economic perspective too. Modern History and as said coming to an end, does speak in all, and of the Modern/Western Times in all perhaps, and as running out of many an Event, and that could be considered and of interest too that is.

In speaking and of History and as above (that nothing much of interest does happen any more truly), is to in all ways even speak and of just how History in the past, has been perceived in all; that in many a way truly, History, and before the Modern Times in all do arise, was very much perceived and in speak and of not only Philosophy in itself, but speak too of Myth actually.

That History and in speak of Philosophy in many a way, is very much said dead in its ways, and very much from speak in all, and of the Human Condition too that is [Link], but that in all ways even, there is a possibility that the World could be a better place in all, and as with regards to History, and in the form of Myth too, and as emanating in all again, and from Central Asian Publishing Institutions, and alongside speak of a Central Asian Education too that is [and all this too, and as versus speak of Myth, and as emanating in all, and from Egyptian Library Reserves for instance, and as with they in all even more suited for Africa that is].

In all, speak of History and in the form of Myth, speaking of Egypt, and as having Myth in the form of Worship in itself, while Myth and in Greece, does very much go along and with speak of Folk culture in all that is. It is in many another place though, and where Myth in all, is very much said to arise and with speak of the Homestead too that is, while in Italy, Myth in all, and as taking two forms: that of the Play/Opera, and another of Tears (and Retentive Memory too that is).

Central Asian Myth:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Magician's Circle

The Magician's Circle.

The Promise of Life:

This entry in many a way, very much has to do, and with speak of Reality in itself, and as not deciphered and in speak of Logic solely, but in all ways even, and in speak and of the Unfounded too that is. That Reality in all, is said experienced or explained, and in speak of bridging in all, the gap, and between Logic too perhaps, and the Unfounded too that is.

In speaking of Magic in all, is to in all ways even, present it all, and from speak and of the defining, and for what does constitute and for a 'Sense of Reality', a 'Grasp on Reality', or even, a (Holographic) 'View on Reality' that is.

In many a way, the lack in belief or the lack in faith, and in believing in Magic in itself, can somewhat be blamed, and in speak of Mirrors in themselves that is. That Mirrors in all, have in many a way led in all again, and to our loss in all, and in perceiving Time, and from the very perspective of Innocence in itself that is.

That in all, and as with regards to speak of Mirrors in all again, we are in many a way said to have a poor 'Sense of Reality', a poor 'Grasp on Reality', or even a poor (Holographic) 'View of Reality', and as going along in all, and with our said losing of Innocence, and with Time and Evolution in itself too [and the very belief that, the so termed 'Dawn of Civilization', did speak of Human relations, and at their very best too that is, and that all that has happened since then, and in speak of Technology too, does speak and of a loss of Innocence in itself, and such that, Human Beings in all today, do very well in all, question, the very Presence of God that is]. In all, speak of Innocence in itself, and as very much said a Conscience/Consciousness too, and that does accommodate the Magical in all that is.

In all, what does it truly mean, and when we do speak and of losing Innocence that is? To speak of North America, a failure and in believing, and in the 'counting of ones Blessings', and as said in all, and to very much go along too, and with speak of the Rite of Marriage that is. To speak of South America, a failure in all, and in believing, and in Fraternity too that is. To speak of Europe, is to speak in all and of the rise and fall and of Chivalry in itself actually. To speak of Africa, Reality in all, and as said not going along, and with speak of (Magical) Spells that is. To speak of Asia, a failure in all, and in the very embodying, and of Song in itself [and as said in all again, truly representing the Asian Psyche/Experience that is]. To speak of the Middle East, a lack of Belief in all, and in Love in itself that is. To speak of Italy and Afrique in many a way too, a fall and in the realizing in all, the Symbolic meaning in all again, and of the Chalice for instance, or speak too, and of the Cross that is.

In all again, speak too and of Humans in all and as having changed, and in their perceptions and of God in all and such that, Civilization and as it does exist today, said held back in all, and by speak of Mirrors too (and in themselves), and as said representing in all again, Innocence in itself too, and in the very form of (Memory) Blankness that is [and not Conscious States or Awareness either that is].

In all, Magic in itself, and as said to speak of a 'Sense of Reality', a 'Grasp on Reality', or even a (Holographic) 'View of Reality', and that in all, the very Innocence needed to attain this, does speak in all again, and of what some do term Retentive Memory, and as said Memory too, and that does speak in all for instance, and of Reality, and as perceived and from speak of Tears in all that is.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Rogers Canada.

The Rogers Media Network, and speak too, and of an Authentic and Genuine Canadian Media, and as versus that said simply North American or Non-American too that is [and as in speak of Telus too for instance].