Thursday, June 12, 2014



Community Havens:

Kilio, is a Swahili term, and that does have many an Interpretation to it. In a basic sense, it does speak even, and of Shock and Exclaim in itself, but in many a way too, does speak in all again, and of many a unique Whimper, Cry or Whine too that is.

We do live in a World today, and where most in all, are inundated, and by many an Image or even message too, and which does have us in a state of shock or exclaim, and as with they Images even, and that do speak of the 'End of the World', Barbarity, or in all again, Images too, that do go along and with speak of Progress or Advancement actually [Link]. In all, when most do face or view such Images in all, they may in many a way too, develop a Psychological Complex, and which does speak even and of Brainwashing, and as with regards even, and to what is truly Human, and when it does come to Kilio [that in all again, we all don't cry or whine, and in a similar fashion or manner too that is].

In all again, many a said Community Haven, does arise, and as with regards even, and to just how many a person does perceive Kilio, and as with telling one that, the very Kilio they do possess, or speak even and of what they do believe to be true or not (and as based on speak on speak of Kilio too), does in all again, determine, just what does happen to them in all actually. In all again, a Community Haven, and as arising or erupting even, and as with regards to just how one does define themselves and as with regards to Kilio, and as with speak even of the so termed Human Condition today, and speak even and of Humanity and as said as One too, speaking in all, and of the very belief that, we all do possess the same or similar Kilio, but that in all ways even, Intelligence and in the Modern/Western World today too, does go along and with speak of what Kilio, one does possess, and as with the said Knowledge Divide even, and that does plague the World today, speaking even and of those said Superior, and as Brainwashing in all, those said Inferior too, and via speak even and of their defining them, and from the very perspective of Kilio too that is [and the reason in all again, many a Community Haven, does arise, and as with regards to attempting to truly define themselves, and as with speak even of Modern Religion too perhaps, and from the very perspective of Kilio that is].

In all again, Americanistas, and as found Worldwide too, defining themselves and in a Community fashion, and as seen all over the World, and that does speak even of Kilio, and as with Americanistas even, making a home in all, and in the United States, Cuba, Turkey, Canada, and even Kenya too actually. In all though, speak of Community Havens and Americanistas, does in all ways even, actually speak of Kuwait in itself too that is.

Americanistas, Kuwait & Kilio: