Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Turks

The Turks.

There is a Myth in all, and as said very much true, and that does speak even and of the very belief that, the origins of Life, and as said Human too, and on this very Earth or Planet, does speak even and of Alien Life forces that is. That Human Life in all, does have its origins, and in said Alien Beings, and who did practise certain Forms of Religion in all, and which in all again, did civilize Humans, and as with they said even rather Hominidal and in their ways/manners too that is.

To understand this Myth in all again, is to also refer and to Humans and as with they said Hereditary in their ways/manners too that is. What all this does truly mean is that, it all does speak even and of Humans and as said very much Uncivil/Despoiled in their ways/manners that is. To fully understand it all perhaps, is to also speak of the Hereditary, and from the very perspective of the 'egyptian' races/breeds. That they in all again, are very much said Egyptian, Greek, Judea, Spain, Libyan, Nubian, and even Numidian too perhaps.

In all, and in attempting to make the above of interest or even rather clear in its ways too, is to speak, of the misrepresentation of History, and as pertaining to the 'egyptian' races/breeds [and as versus speak of Mesopotamia, the Babylonians or even the Meso-Americans too for instance], that the History of the 'egyptian' races/breeds, is often falsely presented, and as with it all even not taking into account, another of their group in all: the Turks.

That the History of Libya, is poorly presented in that, Libyan Civilization, did actually exist in all, and in Algeria too, while what is known as Libya today in all again, does actually in all even, speak of the Turks that is. That the 'egyptian' races/breeds, and as said even famed in all, and from speak in all again, and of Artworks too that is [and as versus speak even and of the Persians for instance], does find amongst its groups, populations, Libyan/Turk, and who are very much primitive in their ways that is.

To understand the History of the Libyans/Turks in all again, is to in all ways even imagine the very beginnings and of Human Life on this Earth, and the Religion in all [and as with it even speaking of (Human) Forms too], and that did arise that is. That the so termed Libyans of Libya (and not Algeria either), are known in Egyptian History, and as the Mamlukes, and as said Warriors even, and as having now in all again, settled in Central Asia that is. In all, Religion and that does speak even of Human Beings, and as said Perverted too (the origins of Turkey), or in many a way too, living life and as said to go along, and with speak of the Castration Complex that is [or speak even and of Libya too that is].

In all, it does appear that life today, and on this very Earth that we do live on too, does appear to speak in all, and of Atheism, and as very much even, speaking of the very beginnings of Human Life on this Planet that is. That in all again, this Atheism, does speak even of the History of Libya and Turkey, and as speaking in all again, and of Castration Complexes, and even (Sexual) Perversions too that is.

In all, speak even and of Libyans/Turks, and as the kind of people, to truly want or desire, and to pull one down, and in Name, Success or even Status too that is [and at all cost too, and as speaking even and of one of them, and if not all of them that is]. In all, the History of the Turks/Libyans and as complicated in all in that, it does speak even and of the 'egyptian' races/breeds, and as 'One' too, and as very much a useless and hopeless people too that is [and with no known or recognized Art perhaps, and to them too that is]. Furtherly, the Red/Blue Mosque in Turkey, and as said to speak of Egypt, and with Justinian Christianity in Libya on the otherhand, and as said to speak of Greece too that is.

In all, Atheism, and as known to speak of Demonic Possession, and also Libidinal/Oedipus Complexes too that is [Link].
