Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Time Points

Time Points.

This entry in all, will have to do, and with speak in all even, and of the so termed Modern/Western World, and as said even a rather problematic place in all perhaps, and in speak too and of how many in all, do perceive Time in itself. That we do now truly live in a heavily Media driven World, and one too, which has us not truly perceiving or processing in all, Time, and as it truly is, and in speak for instance, and generically too, and of Opportunity and for all that is. That what is been said here is that, for those in the Modern/Western World, and in speak too and of what does constitute and for Modern/Western Media/Time in all, one then does see or find many a person in all, and as very much processing or perceiving Time, and in speak of (keeping) Tabs that is.

In many a way, the very World perhaps, and of keeping Tabs, has proven to be of great difficulty to many, and whom or who in all, have been conditioned, molded or shaped too, and in very much perceiving their environments or environs in all, and in speak of Time too, and from the very perspective of (keeping) Tabs that is, and such that, it is believed by the Blogger herein in all perhaps, that they in all again, do not very much in all, see their environs or environments too, and as they truly are that is. In all again, the very World in all perhaps, and of thinking of Time, or perceiving it all, and from speak of (keeping) Tabs, has led to a World in all again, and in speak of many a person and as molded, shaped or conditioned as such, a World, highly problematic, and in speak, and of 'Personal Differences' for instance [and further speak in all, and of Westerners, and as often said in all again or perceived in all as such that is, and as Selfish, Narcissistic or even Controlling/Manipulative that is].

In past times though, different manners or mechanisms too in all, and of relating to Time that is. The first of these, does now speak of a World, and as said very much rooted in all, and in speak of Ritual/Rite too, and such that, life is not only said planned out in all, and as such (or speak too of plotting or scheming that is), but that in all ways even, Time is now perceived, and in speak of Meters and Gauges that is [and as with it all even speaking of Time and as perceived in speak of consequences, and as very much in all arising, and with speak of Rite and Ritual too that is].

In many another society perhaps, life and as not as troublesome and as most do believe it to be, and as it does in all even speak of Calendars and as associated in all, and with speak of Holidays, Celebrations or even Memorials too, and speak now of society, and as designed and with speak of Time, and as perceived and in speak of Time sections perhaps, and as with it all basically even referring and to the Weekend for instance (and as highly anticipated that is), or speak too and of a certain Time period and in the day too, 4 - 6 p.m., perhaps, and wherein and in all again, many might loosen up in behaviour, or speak in all again, and of many a shop perhaps, and as now having a bargain to it, or speak too, and of many a person and as simply said openly helpful in their ways that is.