Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The 3 Stage Life

'The David', by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, is one, of the more reknowed, Italian/European Sculptures, of all time. To most though, 'The David', is simply, another, statue, which appears, to resemble, others, seen out there. The truth is though, 'The David', consisted, of what, 'Archetypal Religious Research', in Italia, was, all about; what this means, is that, its a, statue, that is believed, to embody, what, perfect human form, is all about, as a person, with the form, of, 'The David', can do, just about anything, they very much, wish to [in many ways, embodying, the spirit, of, 'Sang Real', and also, in lots of ways really, what, a Supernova, in human form, looks like]. In many ways too, it is, 'Archetypal Religious Research', in the form, of, 'The David', that made, the Italians (of Italia), famed, Martial beings, very much, in the spirit too, of, Rambo.

There are many today, who even, with all forms, of, Knowledge, sit at home, wondering, how really, to get, to, the next level, as with, their lives really. They at times, turn on, their Televisions, to see, all kinds, of, Succesful Figures, paraded out there, for all, and probably, wonder, how they can, go about, being, as such. The truth is though, that these, (Paraded) Figures, are actually, paraded about, meaning in all that, they are actually, chosen (by a Cabal of sorts), to represent, Success, for, the majority [in the form really, of, Ethnicities]. Truth is that too, there is, nothng, really wrong, with this, other than, the followng:

1. It is, an Ancient Way of Living [Egyptian in times];
2. Those chosen, to represent, Success, are not, chosen mainly, via, Meritocracy.

To understand this, is to understand, the concept, of, the World [as personifying, the Political, and even too, Heights Reached, in civilization], and also that, of, the Universe [the changing fluid, World, used, in creating, higher orders]. What one does find though today, is that, while, the World [as with the Political], is still, somewhat, in existent [though controlled, via, Corruption really], the Universe [as exemplifyng, a changing World, which allows, all kinds, of people, to rise up and fall, in Society], is mainly really, inexistent [but existing really, in the form, of, Bribery (as with, those, truly capable, of Success, on their own)].

What will be attempted below, is to explain to most, what, has constituted, the Universe, in past times, so that in all, they can, basically understand, that, their ability, to rise up, and fall, in civilization, has to do, with, their knowing, and understanding, the, Universes (orders really), seen, in, their lives/existences. That without really, Universes, one could be rather, highly intelligent, but still have no idea, how, to become, a Success, as becoming such, involves, understanding/knowing, the Universes/orders, around them, and in general too, how to, 'manipulate' them, so as, to gain, Success [in many ways, these Universes, represent, a game played, that allows, any, person out there, to rise and fall, in, their respective, Societies] [Without them really, Civilization exists, in the form mainly, of takeovers, mergers, and even, wars themselves].

In the 'Synchronicty' entry, Social Spheres, as pervading, our lives, were explained, to most, but what many, might, have missed out on, with understanding really, is that, these Social Spheres, actually, also represent, Universes/orders, in our lives. That unless, ones life, is like, a Fairy Tale, or an, Adventure too really, one, is simply, not moving ahead (or along really), with, their lives [in all, one has, no true idea, on how to, get ahead, in life].

The three, 'Social Spheres', described, in the, 'Synchronicty' entry, are Spheres, in many ways, which coexist, with, each other, but often, with, one, dominating, the others.

The first Social Sphere, spoken of, as dealing, with, Work/Effort, Parenting/Systems, and Women/Order [as the main social spheres] is not, well known, to most, as it in many ways, represents, Universes/orders, seen, mainly, in the movies. It speaks of, Universes, where one for example, has, a Child, raised, by exemplary, parents [or even, afforded, the very best, chances, by, a System/Country], and this, is often, followed, by ingenuity, in the form really, of, Work/Effort, before, that Ingenuity, is made, real, by, a singular (particular), Woman (or Order), in the Childs, life [that basically, is how, Success, is formulated, as, with this Universe/order, although, all this, not happening, always, as in such, simple, three steps (for example, being raised, by, exemplary parents, and the child, showing, ingenuity, might lead, to the Child, seeking out, a System, that could be, of greater help, and this seeking out, made real, by, a Female Figure, of a kind]. In many ways really, many, do seek out, this Universe, historically seen, in, Italia, but many should realize, that, today, its really, all, just, 'Movie Reality'.

The second, Social Sphere, seen here, is that, pertaining, to the Occidental [and Spaces inhabited]. It is a Universe/order, hugely prevalent, today, but heavily, regulated, by often, a Female Presence, as with whom, gets, to rise, in Society, according, to, Spaces Inhabited. In many ways, a Social Sphere (Universe/order really), that is, imbued heavily, with, all forms, of, discriminative behaviour (gender, race, nationality, attractiveness etc.), and for many, who do, not, fit, a certain, Ideal Profile (often, White in form, and nature), they can in all, forget, about, Succeeding, in Life.

The third, Social Sphere, seen here, is that, pertaining, to manifesting power, as with, regards really, to sex, money, and, respect. What this really means [as this Universe, is one really, pertaining, to, sole individuals, seeking out, Success], is in most ways, how to, go about, in steps really, attaining, Success [i.e. what to seek out first, as with, respect, money, or sex even]. For many out there, the goal is often, money first, followed by, sex really, and then, respect. Others, do, the sex first, followed by, respect, and then, money [very American in nature]. In todays World though, one does find, that, respect, followed by, sex, and then, money, is the best way, in many ways, to go, about, doing it (seeking respect, when young, means, being highly looked upon, by all) [a way of living, and seeking success, as with, Universes/orders really, often historically seen, in Europe, mainly] [all these though, do cross, with each other, as in, a respected youth, getting, a respected, part time job, rather easily].

However, as it was mentioned, all these, Universes/orders, have today, been destroyed, and for most, there is, absolutely, no way, to Succeed really, other than, be chosen, by a hidden Female Cabal, to attain, Success, in 'the' World [as with, Political really, and the assigning, of, different 'Successes' (such as, Athlete, Movie Star, CEO, Politician etc.), to different, Ethnicities, as examples really, of, Success (attained)].

These Universes/orders, all flowing really, into, each other [with one dominant though], have been, destroyed, by certain, movements, that many, ascribe to, without, a full understanding, to them. That of Synchronicity (and a Work.Parents.Women order/Universe), has been wiped out, in many ways, by, what some call, 'Science & Technology' [the belief really, that, with the right, Technological devices, any Success, can, be yours]. That of (the Universe/order really), pertaining, to Spaces Inhabited, has been, ruined, by a, powerful Media (in all), that simply, in most ways, tells, the masses (programs them really, as with, television programs too), that only, Whites (and those, deemed as, White really), have the natural right, to, access, these, Spaces Inhabited (as with Reserved). The third, Universe/order, has been destroyed, by, destroying, the Individual through mainly, telling him/her, that, Government (and especially, Presidents), can make, their dreams, come true; but also too really, by instillng (programming) in Individuals, Judeo-Christian beliefs, that have them really, developing, inferiority complexes [as with cultural differences], and as with mainly too, only seeking out, certain forms, of Success [as with race or gender perhaps], or beliefs even, that, certain forms, of Success, are immoral [as with, being, a Poker Player, for a living] [In many ways, beliefs, that instill, a sense of fear (and not fear really), into one, by having one, believe, that it is best, to do, as one, is told to (or in all, it is best to obey, Westerners in all)].

In all, these Universes/orders, actually present, in many ways, what, Themes in ones life, really, are all about [as really, with, the general Impetus (drive or urge really), to, Succeed in life]. For many though, they should realize, that, with the first Universe/order, succeeding in it, requires, in many ways, a Special Woman, to help, see, one through [as even too, with, Inspiration really, of Efforts/Work, chosen]. With regards, to the second Universe/order, one should realize, that if, one is not, looked, favourably upon (as with treatment really), by, Women, when one, is between, the ages, of, 0-27 years, then, they should realize in all, they truly, will never, make it really, in, life [with the exception though, of, a stroke, of Ingenuity]. With the third Unverse/order, one should realize, Success, does not, require, a Female Presence in their life, but, such a presence, can make, for, an easier, life lived (really).

In all really, one does find though, that, all these, Universes/orders, are dependent, on Women [and with the fact too really, that Women today, are mainly, decrepit and devious too, by nature], it all in general means that, these Universes/orders, really, do not, exist as such. The end result, of all this really [the collapse, of Universes/orders], has been, the stratifying, of Society, into, different levels, often, spoken about, as being, one (and very much too, the same even). With regards, to the first, Universe/order, what one does find is that, stratification, of Society, is often, in the form, of, the Privileged, the Rich, and finally, the Poor too. With regards, to the second, Universe/order, stratification, is often, in the form, of, the Wealthy/Upper Classes, the Middle Classes, and finally too, the Lower Classes [the Lower Classes here, mainly, represents, Cultural Backwardness, and not, Education based gaps really] [Meaning that, a good Education, will not really, take you, far enough today, unless, you come, from the right, background] . And finally, with regards, to the third Universe/order, stratification, in Society, is in the form really, of, Fame, Popularity, and finally, Impoverishment [a deep form, of, the Inferiority Complex].

Poverty though, while today, largely spoken about, mainly, exists only really, in South East Asia, and Africa too really. In South East Asia, it has been due, to, the acceptance, of the 'Science Movement', in attemptng, to build, Civilzation, which has seen, Indian Civilization mainly, fall apart [as Indian Civilization, (as with regards really, to, Knowledge Storage Systems), was built, on, Wordly Knowledge Storage Systems] [the 'Science Movement', is mainly one, based on, unfounded beliefs, and with Knowledge, of, any kind, heavily controlled (and hard to access too), by, an Imperialist, Western world] [In many ways too, the 'Science Movement', as with Integrity (and Knowledge really to), has its basis really, on, the rather, poor, understanding, of Greek and Islamic, Knowledge Systems (in all, what is been said, is that, most, of the promises, by, Modern Science, have never, truly, or mainly really even, been, fulfilled) (its simply, all, just, empty talk)]. In Africa, Poverty has arisen due mainly to, gross mismanagement, as with, the destruction, of, African based Cultural Systems [this destruction, manly, by, self-hating, Africans] [And in the form, of, Neo-Colonialism (Western/South African), as with triggering, Africans, to do, just this].

Dank Je

Caldini (van Hoorst)