Thursday, February 10, 2011

Luso-phones, Afrocentrics, New York and the rise of Internationalism

Carmen Miranda, was a woman, of French origins (but of, Brazilian extraction too), who in many ways, help give birth, to, the world, of Internationalism. Internationalism, has been defined, by some, as the merging, of, different Nations, for greater, Economic prosperity, for all. It however, is not, really so, as Internationalism, is in fact, based really, on, living, as based, totally, on, highly racialized, Physical Images [which are in all, Internationalized]. What this means really, is the belief, that those, of, African origins, should in fact, where 'Afro's', as they, define them, in ways, distinct, from, others [as in, thats, whom, they really are]. As a result, of Internationalism, many have come, to associate, themselves, distinctly, with, certain, Physical Images, which they believe, totally, represent them, as, mainly, with, self-loathing, self-hating, and even, issues, of self-mutilation.

It is hard, to describe, the real origins, of Internationalism, as with, Physical Images really, since, in fact, it did come, to define, the, very way, what, some call, 'Ethnic History', is written about, and, represented/presented too, in all [in all really, attempting, to show, the origins, of, any Ethnicity really, as with, a Physical Image, representing, barbarity in all, and, the rise really, to outgrow, such, Physical Representations] [In many ways too, giving birth, to a World, obsessed, with, Youth, and looking good]. In many ways, while, the African, is supposed, to outgrow, the, Afro [and animal clothing], and the blonde German, Nazism and Barbarians, the European is supposed, to outgrow, Blue Men mentalities, with all these, in many/all ways, misrepresentations, of others, so as to have them identifying really, with, the lowest, denominator, within, their social group [as with Evolution really] [In all, there have been, Africans, somewhere in Africa, struggling, to survive, with Afros on, and Animal clothing, as, covering] [This obviously though, does not say much, about, other Africans] [In all, while Japan, or even, China, is supposed, to outgrow, the, 'Slant eyed, Buck tooth Physical Image', imposed, on them, by a rather, fearful, Western world (as with competition really), the Brazilian, is supposed, in many ways, to outgrow, Carmen Miranda].

Internationalism [as with Physical Images really], has its origins, somewhat, in New York [a City, really, which has, denizens, who come, in, all shapes, colours, and, especially, Images]. In many ways, these Images, as with those, of, Internationalism, are what, some would call, Totemic (in nature) [Meaning that, they mainly, represent, how one, reacts, to just, about, anything] [And in all too, that, our Reactive being, is whom, we really are, in more, than one way]. A rather, powerful way, of shaping, the, Consciousness, of others, as with, defining, their physical aspects, attributes, and even, qualities [as totally, represented, by, the Internationalized, Physical Image] [In many ways, our Consciousness, as with, Religious Beings worshiped, do in most ways, represent, how, we look like, in, general] [In all really, the very danger, of Internationalized, Physical Images, has not only, to do, with, shaping strongly, our, Consciousness (and Intelligence in all, as with, attributes, qualities and even, aspects too), but in many ways too, helps, to strongly foment, Psychosomasis, in one, by in many ways too, associating, these Physical Images, with, a rather, falsiefied History].

Capoeira, is an Art form, that in recent decades, has been, highly Internationalized, but in most ways, attempting really, to associate it, with, Africa [and probably too, 'primitive' culture]. And while, Capoeira, does have, some, African antecedents to it, its history, has been, falsiefied (by those, who seek, Power, through, Internationalizing, Physical Images), and associating it, with, African Slaves [despite the fact, that its, a rather, highly complex, Art form] [In all, its speaks of, evolution, in rather, sophisticated, Cultural backgrounds, and, not, Brazilian Plantations].

In all, the attempt, to mock in all Capoeira, as an Art form, has to do, with, the rather, powerful, Physical Images, it creates, as in, they, cannot, be, desecrated really, by associating them, with, a Castration Complex, of, a kind/sort [even the above, supposed image, of, supposed African, slaves, playing Capoeira, is not, as, Castrating, as the 'blue men' Image, or even, 'Bucktooth' image are] [Castrating Images say really, that despite, what, you achieve, even, in, physical looks themselves, n all, you are still, a loser (and leading, to many, rather, beautiful looking women, becoming, anorexic, due really, to believing, they are, really in all, the lowest, common denominator (as with, the ugliest woman really), in both, looks and intelligence)] [In all too, these Images, suggest to one, that Success, was totally, a fluke, or even, by chance or luck].

As a result, certain powers, rather fearful, of, an ever, developing, Brazil [as with, Eminence really], did decide, to begin, mocking, the Images, associated, with Capoeira, by attempting to, totally, misrepresent it, as mainly [rather highly, interesting enough], as, a really, deadly, Martial Art form, whose practitioners, can, even perhaps, fight, 100 men, at, the same time [a very interesting, psychological tactic, as it, in many ways, leads many, to in all, believe this, to be false, and, in many ways too, seek, to attack/destroy, any, Capoeira lover/practitioner] [Truth is, Capoeira, is capable, as with, its theory truly, of fighting, 100 men per person, but this, is not, readily, easy, to explain].

Tribal Knowledge Systems:

What makes, Capoeira, a rather, power Art form [as with, Spirituality really], is the fact, that, it helps, its practitioners, create, a certain, form (type really), of Knowledge, deemed, rather important, in this day, and age: the Proverbial. Knowledge in itself though, does exist, in the form, of, Knowledge, Intelligence, Wisdom, and even, Intellectual Capital. However, it is the type, of, Knowledge, that in many cases, really matters [Capoeira, attempts, to teach, its practitioners, to, totally, embody, the Joker, Trickster, and, Magician Archetypes, to their fullest, potentials]. It however, is, associated, with Knowledge, in the form/type really, of, the Proverbial [amongst, other forms, of Knowledge too], and Proverbial Knowledge, is, a kind, of Wisdom, that in many ways, tells you, of all sorts, of, possible outcomes [as with, being, a Joker, Trickster, and even, Magician]. In all, Knowledge, that, states 'Only fools, die, by the gun' [meaning, that, if you truly, know, what a fool is, you, can never, die, by the gun]. It also will tell you 'Only cowards, get shot', which tells you, if you, truly know, what, a coward is, you, can never, ever, get shot.

We all, in many ways, still, live, in a Tribal world, as with, 'Knowledge Generation Systems' really [that in all, different, groups/people, tend, to associate, themselves, not with, different forms of Knowledge really (as with, Wisdom, or Intelligence too), but actually, with, different Types, of Knowledge (that in all, suits, their disposition, rather fine)].

Capoeira, is said, to be, influenced, by many, cultures, with regards really, to, its practises [which is a rather, really, poor way, of, looking, at the Art form]. Capoeira, is in fact, many things: Congo, Angola, Native Indian, Islamic/Swahili, and finally, Brazilian too. All these, do not, represent, practises, as many believe, but actually, really, Knowledge (Generation) Systems; Congo for instance, speaks really, of, Self-Mastery, in Capoeira, in the form, of, Malandragem. Angola, speaks of, the, Militarization, of Capoeira, in the form, of, Militias (often armed too). Native Indian, speaks of, Religious beliefs, associated, with, Capoeira, and especially, Eshu [Eshu in Capoeira, is actually, Native Indian, but referred to, using, the Yoruba term, Eshu]. Islamic/Swahili, speaks, of, the Institutionalization, of Capoeira, as with, the Schools, created [and ways, of teaching really, too] [Islamic/Swahili, in many ways, is often, written about, as being, Bantu]. Finally, Brazilian, speaks of, Capoeira, as with, its being, a, Game, Fight, and even, Dance too [all manifesting really, in the form, of, Play] [In many ways, Byzantine history, in Brazil/South America]. All these, are rather, different, Knowledge Systems, in many ways, which, makes, Capoeira, a rather, complex, system, as not, only, with, the form, of, Knowledge associated with it, but also, its, Type too.

To understand all this really, is to understand, how, Brazil, in more, recent times, came to, develop itself [with, Capoeira, at its, very center], but was, later, dismantled, by, 'invading' European Forces, leading to, multitudes, of, wars, all over, Brazil [and falsely, associated, with, slavery].

We live, in a, 2-dimensional world, is what, some, will, tell you. That of, the Explicate, and Implicate, Orders. The Explicate, has to do, with, our real world (in tangible form), and the Implicate, with, what, is termed, the Familiar. To understand, how, Brazilian Society, once functioned, is to understand, the role, of Women, in everyday, Brazilian Society. Women, in Brazilian Society, where, heavily associated, with, the Implicate, and also too, issues, of, Self-Mastery [in all, issues, of, 'Levels of Speech', Sexuality, and, Popularity]; to fully, understand this again, is to not only say that, Brazilian Women, defined, almost everything, that, was familiar, but in many ways too, were the key, to, Sophistication (Social Approval), Sexuality, and, Popularity, in Brazilian Society [what this means, is that, Brazilian Men, moved on up, in Brazilian Society, by developing, Self-Mastery, through, acquainting themselves, with, Brazilian Women, as with, regards, to Self-Mastery] [In many ways, a man, who could, sense out really, that, a Woman, could provide him, with, sexual favours, would find himself, easily, rising, in Society]. Yet again, Self-Mastery, as with, Sophistication, Sexuality, and, Popularity, in many ways too, totally defined, the, Brazilian, Explicate Order, as with, Condos perhaps, which were all, erected, by, the Men. The Women (Brazilian that is), fashioned themselves, in, many ways too, based on, Yoruba culture [more recent Brazil, but still, 19th Century]. The Yoruba culture, spoken hereof, was, Islamic in all [as with, the Sokoto Caliphate], and in many ways too, makes, Brazilian Women, rather, Islamic, in their ways too [Yoruba cultures, changes, with, drastic events/calamities, happening; Todays Yoruba, are a people, totally, shaped by, a Colonial legacy, of discounting, their, way of life (Yoruba Religion), and in many ways, they see, themselves, from, this perspective].

Brazilian Women, as practising, Yoruba Religion, worshipped, the Yoruba Orisha, in, the form, of, Goddesses [which they all, attempted, to emulate, in, totality (as with, full Consciousness)] [Their practises though, were, Sokoto]. In all really, this speaks mainly, of, Black skinned, Brazilian Women, envisioned, as, Goddesses, in, Brazilian Society [due, to their, full, emulation, of the Orisha], with other, Brazilian Women, attempting, to copy, or imitate them, in, their ways [as with, manners really, in general]. Brazilian Men, in turn, attempted, to develop, Self-Mastery, with regards, to, their Women [and the, Familiar too], and in many ways, interestingly enough, accumulated, a, Body of Knowledge [perhaps best, called, Luso-phone], totally based, on, Self-Mastery, and in reality, associated with, the Orisha, as with, forms (types too), of, Knowledge gained/accumulated [Ogun for instance, teaches, Engineering, in one form, or, another] [A way really, of Knowledge Generation, based on solving, just about, every, problem, as with, Self-Mastery (Execution, Delivery & Exertion)] [All thought out/up, too].

Capoeira, played an important part, in all this, in that, its, 'Body of Knowledge', helped, with most, Administration issues [as with, Governing, and even, the Military] [All this though, was dismantled, by, 'invading', Europeans (Portuguese, French and German), who in all, replaced, Brazilain Men/Realities (Implicate), Brazilian Women/Explicate, and, Capoeira itself, respectively, with their ways] [Portuguese Architecture for example, does not, dominate/represent, Brazilian Architecture in all] ['Portuguese Invasion', does bode well, for, Brazil, as with, Trade possibilities, but it is, the French, and, Germans, that in all, bring war, to, Brazil (as with, Cultural domination, and, actual, Physical war, in itself, respectively)] [In all, the Germans, impose, a ban, on, practising, Capoeira, with threats mainly, of Imprisonment] [The end result, is a period, of, warfare, that eventually, divides, Brazil (as with, its Cities too), into two (as with, Favelas, and, 'White Brazil', with the victory really, being, gained, by, the Germans, due, to Brazilian Women 'selling out', to, French-Brazilian culture] [In all really, The Germans, were never winning, in, the Capoeira wars (and Brazilian Favelas, are still, a no go zone, for, German-Brazil)] [In all too, showing, the superiority, of, Luso-phone, Knowledge Bases, as compared, to, Western/German Knowledge Bases, as mainly, with, Militarization, and even, Self-Mastery (as with how, Brazilians, rather, musically, express themselves in all) (and in all too, can't really, lose, in, an argument)] [In todays Brazil, real Brazilians, live, in the Northern States of Brazil, and, 'invading' Europeans, in, the Southern States][The Western world, did lose, a, terrible War, in Angola too (Cuito Cuanavale), and in many ways, showing, the superiority, of, Congo based Knowledge Systems (in many ways, the word, Congo, is highly, disturbing, as it does, not, really speak, of, Kanem-Bornu, or even, Nubia, but actually, of, French Moor, and Swahili, cultural systems] [That in all, there exists, a, core group, one, could call, Congo, whose origins, lie, with, the Swahili/Tanzanians, and, the French (as with, Moors)] [Even Angola here, speaks of, Congo populations, in, Angola, and not, Nubian populations; Congo populations, associated, with, Jesuit history, in, Angola] .

Brazil, was not, the only, Society, that developed, an, interesting way, of living, based on, the, Explicate, and Implicate Orders. America too, has developed, ways, of living [in its three, primary, strongholds, of, Florida, New York, and, California], based totally, on, the Implicate, and, Explicate Orders.

In New York, one does find, a, rather interesting, way, of living, based on, how, the Implicate, and, Explicate, are rather, defined in all. New York, is divided really, into, what, they primarily call, Boroughs [as with, the basic unit, of division]. Boroughs in all, are, rather, large, Neighbourhoods, and what makes, New Yorks, Boroughs, of interest [as compared, to those, seen, in Paris], is that, traditionally, they have been, places, where youth, grew up, with, no sense, of worry, at all [in all, life, for the youth, in NY, has always been, a, rather, great pleasure (until, they grow up that is)] [Paris' Boroughs, come into origin, in the 60's, and are, associated, with, a Jewish influence, into Paris, coming in, from NY].

It is when, they grow up, that, most New Yorkers, eventually get, to meet, the, Implicate Order, in the form, of, the Familiar. One discovers then, that living, in NY, is, rather difficult (as with, the Big Apple), due mainly, to, conditions, seen, with, the Familiar/Implicate [in all, just simply, all forms, of difficulty, in getting, just about, anything done]. New Yorkers, and New York itself, are rather, interesting in all really, as they, in many ways, attempt, to deal, with, these conditions, created, by the Implicate, via, accumulating, a, Body of Knowledge, they can, generally use, to, get through, life in itself; to make this, even more clearer, is to say, that, New York, is very much, at, the heart, of, an Intellectual Capital Industry [as with, daily living really], as in many ways, those, who live in it, have, accumulated, Knowledge, with regards, to, the heavenly really [as with, the Lord, God, Almighty etc.; In all, New Yorkers, have accumulated, IC, used, to make, easier/better, processes, procedures, the limiting of struggle, or pain, and even, make easier/better, too, production, generation etc.], all which, are really, associated, with, daily living, really [NY, was once, a rather, Religious, place (as with prayers)].

To understand, becoming, Successful in NY, is to know, that he, who, rises, to the top [as with, Donald Trump], has infact, accumulated, the most, IC really, on, the Familiar/Implicate Order [In all, Knowledge really, associated, with dealing, with, the Absurd, in, the Familiar/Implicate, Orders]. 'Wisdom' really, that one uses too, to deal, with just, all sorts, of, problems [like, a slowdown in general, by, a workforce].

When it comes, to the Explicate, New York, is rather, interesting, in that, its Explicate, is heavily defined, by its, Women. In all, Women in NY, have always. presented themselves, from. the perspective, of. Power, Might and Authority, and in all, one finds that, nearly all, the Institutions, in New York, are tied, closely, with its, Womenfolk [including, the Governors Office (it is all, Women really)]. New Yorkan Women, have traditionally really, defined themselves, according, to Power, Might and Authority, via, worshiping, the Greek Goddess, Diana [all this, is not true, today though really, as, many New Yorker Women, have become, rather, strongly influenced, by, Swedish Culture, and are in fact, in all, rather, Swedish in nature] [Leading too in all, to a general, slide, in the, New Yorkan Society, as, Swedish Women, tend to be, strongly, homebodies].

For those, without, the IC, to survive, in New York [as nobody really, attempts, to help you out], Luminary Figures [such as, Martha Stewart perhaps] [or even too, 'Cults', associated, with, Carla Gugino], are available/present, to, help one, really, survive, in New York [the more, the better, as with, Luminary Figures really] [Todays, New York City, has replaced, many, of its, Luminaries, with celebrities, of, the Swedish mold (Princess Madeleine, is, a big star, in, NY somewhat)].

Yet still, some might wonder, what is it, that drives, the Familiar/Implicate, in, NY, as with, making things, difficult, in nature, and in all [and perhaps, as with, Religion too]. It is here, that one, realizes, that, NY, has a, Byzantine History, associated, with, the Merovingians, and their form, of, Byzantine Christianity [in all really, it is believed that, it is, Religious Signs and Markers, associated, with, this Church, that are, believed, to influence, the, Familiar/Implicate].

In all really, New York, is at, the very center, of, a booming [but unappreciated], Intellectual Capital Industry [in the form really, of, Knowledge Productivity], that could in all, make it, a, rather important, Center, with regards, to all, forms, of, Productivity [as with, processes, struggle, production etc.]. An Industry, rather important, in an age, where, Knowledge, is assumed, to be, rather equal amongst all, with whats, lacking, being Money, in itself.

California, is another place, of interest, in, America, as it too, bases, its life, on, the Implicate, and, Explicate Orders. California though, is interesting in that, in all really, it is, the sole individual, that is responsible, in many ways, of defining, the Implicate, and, Explicate Orders, in, their lives [most Neighbourhoods, in California, tend, to strongly, differ, as with, Infrastructure even (and looks too)]. Traditionally, surviving in, California, was all based, on, the worship, of, certain, Native American gods, who, not only, defined, in many ways, ones, Persona, but also, the, Implicate/Explicate, in, their lives.

Women in California, did do this too, but also, were involved, in, the worship, of, a believed, Angel being [associated perhaps, with, Los Angeles], but in reality, this Angel being, is actually, a Jinni [of a higher kind] [this Jinni, has origins, in America, with Americans, of Greek origins (as with, the Civilization) (and in all, Americanistas [Legion] too), but was also, associated, with, Italian Culture (in Italy), and is known, as, the 'Angel of the Lord' (as with, the Angelus prayer)]. Californian Women, often prayed, to, 'the Angel of the Lord', and in many ways, the 'Angel of the Lord', is associated, with, bringing, Drama, into, ones life, very much, based on, 'Trauma' (of a kind) [In Italia, 'the Angel of the Lord', was responsible, for, giving some, Art based, Visions, to fulfill]. In all really, Californian Women, are known, to 'traumatize', their Men, with regards, really, to Drama. This also, has a larger effect [as with, the Snowball effect], with, the very fact, that, Californians, individually, traditionally worshipped, different gods (who in all, defined, their Explicate, and Implicate Orders) (as with existences really), and there is, bound, to be, a clashing, between, all these, existences [as perhaps, a person, worshiping a god, who, somewhat, makes him believe, the colour, violet, does not, really exist, but the Governors Office, putting out, mailboxes, in, violet] [The end result, could be, somewhat, traumatic]. In all again, Californian Women, acting as advisors, to various, Californian bodies, on dealing, with, all these, clashes, of existences, are rather intimate, with Californian Men, in this regard, and in general, seek, to make, Californian Men, not only, intelligent, as with, figuring them out [and their, perceived rudeness], but also in all, warning them, of, something, that might, befall them, out there [as with, a 'Trauma', not only due to, clashing, existences, but also, due in all, to, dealing, with, Californian women, rather wrongly] [The 'Trauma' in all too (both good and bad), as with, not fearing, experiencing it, not only, makes one, more, dignified in nature, but also in all, leads, to a discovery, of sorts (that in all too, simply makes, one, more aware) (as with gaining, all forms/kinds too, of experiences really] [A beautiful, Californian Woman, giving you, all the signals, for, a relationship of sorts, is, an example, of, good Trauma (and the fear too, of, someone else, snatching her, from you, or even, her simply too, living you, after, a while)] [Thats Cali for you, ladies and gentlemen].

Those in California, unable to survive really, find themselves, associated, with, the Governors Office, and the wealthy class, in, California [One though, can seek, to survive, in California, by, starting perhaps, a, Watchdog Organization, to point out, problems, in, California (to the, Governor), while living off, some, funding)].

*One should realize though, that life, in both, New York and California, has fallen apart really, due to, immigrant populations, to both areas, never, having understood (or even cared perhaps), to truly, become, Californians, or New Yorkers even* *In all, immigrant Women, in California for example, thinking, being, purposely rude, is what, a, Californian Woman, is all about*

Miami/Florida, is also too, another area of interest, in America, but perhaps too, due, to the fact, that it is, the only place, in, America, to become, rather, prominent, based on, outside, populations. Florida, was once believed, to be, Spanish (as with, a colony), but was in reality, 'colonized', by Islamic Spain. Florida too, creates its life, based on, the, Implicate & Explicate Orders. In Florida/Miami, the Explicate, was very much, defined, by a, Wealthy Class, who in all, set it up really. A Wealthy Class, of Hispanic origins, and, associated too (rather strongly infact), with, Cuba. The Implicate/Familiar, was all about, Administration, with regards, to, all forms, of, activity, and this, was under, the charge, of groups, coming in, from, Islamic Spain [in many ways, this group, did allow, a, rather open, culture, of anything, happening, regulated in all, very much, by, the "American' slogan, that, states, "Money Talks'] [This in all, gave birth, to an all, going, conflict, that exists, to this day, between, the Wealthy Class (who still own, the, infrastructure really), and the Government, as with, Administration issues]. You also, had a third, group, coming in, from Cuba itself, and consisting, of, Congo people, who in many ways, became, Religious Figures, as with, being, 'Streetwise, in all. Figures really, who not only, generally, manouvered themselves, through, Society [as with, Capoeiristas really, but instead, practising, a form, of Boxing, part of which, would become, Americas, famed, Southpaw boxing style]. These Figures, were in all, rather, clear sighted, and guided those, whom they believed, were of good faith [as Miami, does attract, all, kinds, of vagabonds], and when they (of good faith) succeeded, they sought them, out, and became, a Managerial Group perhaps [as with, Security even], for these, newly made, Wealth. In all, Mami/Florida, was once, probably, the most, dangerous place, in America, due, to the general culture, of, 'Money Talks' [African-Americans, adopted, this mode of operation, associated with these, Congo groups as Managerial Groups, and today, do manage, a strong part/share, of, America, in all] ['African-Americans', like Shaquille O'Neal, and even, Dennis Rodman, are actually, Congo, but through, Cuba] [Major forms, of Entertainment, in, Miami/Florida, such as, Casinos, and even, Card Games, like, Poker, have their origins, with, these, Congo groups] [Imagine in all, a Miami/Florida, ruled over, by, Castro, Ludacris, and even too, Dikembe Mutombo].

[That in all, summarizes, New York, California, and Miami/Florida, as they in all truly, make up, America, in all, its entirety; in many ways really, the denizens, of these, three, Metropolitan areas, are in actuality, the friendliest, of all, Americans (this too, not referring, to, those, who remain, immigrants, forever)]

Knowledge Storage Systems:

Many have probably heard, others, speak of, what, some call, 'Indigenous Knowledge Systems'. In many ways, this refers really, to how, different groups, of people, actually, develop, Knowledge Storage Systems [as with, really, storing, accessing and, using, Knowledge]. That in all, while reasoning, is, an intelligence, it can be found, in just about, any, population, on this earth. However, what makes such, populations, differ in all really, is in how really, they actually, 'Store', any Knowledge, they do possess [that in all, there are, different, Storage Systems, with some, probably to say the least, superior, to others (as with, writing down, a poem, or even, memorizing it too), and that in general today, Superiority really, of one, over, another, has to do, with, how, Knowledge in all, is stored, accessed, and, even used/applied].

Storing of Knowledge itself, actually depends, on how, such, Knowledge, is processed, with regards, to, its very, basic unit, of, existence [or what, some call, meta-data]. For most of the world today, meta-data, exists, in the form, of, the numeral system [as with, zero, one, two etc.], that in all, single units, of, numeral systems, represent, Knowledge, in its most, basic forms, as with, storage issues really [all this, might not, be, surprising, unless, one realizes, that, in other parts, of the World, meta-data, did infact, exist, in the form, of, the Alphabet] [A small example, being, what, they call, a Codec].

With regards, to Knowledge access, one finds, various mechanisms, developed, with the most, famous, being those, associated, with, the Numeral systems [as with, addition, multiplication, and even, division in all] [Mechanisms, which in all, help one, with, Memory access, for example]. There are others, of these, many, might not know of really, as with, the example, of, rhyme [as seen, in, poetry], and even, 'flashbacks' [as when, one, attempts, to solve out, a, word puzzle].

Finally, you have, what some refer to, as, Knowledge usage/application, and speaks of really, how, you actually, apply, Knowledge itself; for some for instance, you do find, that, Knowledge, is applied, as with, planning things out [so that, something, can happen]. For others, they might, engage in, the creation, of, universes, or even, worlds [as with, a work, of Fiction], from wherein, they are easily, transported, into, these imagined, realms/realities. Finally, there are those, who on wishing, something, to happen to them [as with, a date perhaps], seek, to make themselves, Feel really, like, they would, in, the date, they wish to, engage in, and then, do find themselves, easily led there, as, by a hunch, or even, a, Stranger in all [in all, the ways really, how one, survives, in, New York, California, and even, Miami respectively].

All the above, speaks of, Knowledge Storage Systems, and as mentioned before, the concept, of Superiority, between, different groups, actually lies, with Knowledge Storage Systems, and not, money, or even really, Intelligence itself [meaning that one, can possess, several, intelligences, but still, be, not capable, of much, due, to having, poor, memory systems].

Below, we shall speak, of, different, Knowledge Storage Systems, according, to Civilization, and help others, realize, how lots, of, Knowledge, out there, has today, been, sidelined, due, to the belief, that, only, one Knowledge Storage System, really matters [Islamic].

Islamic Knowledge Storage Systems:

The Islamic, Knowledge Storage Systems, are the most, popularly, known today, as with, their said, origins, in, Mughal India, with the creation, of, the so called, Hindu-Arabic, Numeral System. In all, since then, alot, of Knowledge, storage, access, and, usage, has been based, on, mathematics, centered around, this, Numeral System, the most famous, being, Arithmetic. All this, might be of interest, to one, as the Egyptians, never did, really, have, the numeral system, when dealing, with, Knowledge, of any kind. Numeral Systems, are in most ways, at, their heart, based on, the study, of, Light, as mainly, in the form, of, Time [and seconds]. In many ways too, Storage Systems, dependent, on, the kind, of matter, actually used, to store, Knowledge itself too. The world really, of, Hypothesis, Theory, and, Experimentation [all rather, Numeral, in nature].

Egyptian Knowledge Storage Systems:

At the heart, of the, Egyptian Knowledge Storage Systems, was actually, the, Abacus. And while, this is hard, to fathom for most in all, the Egyptians, did study, several, board games too [in a mathematical fashion], as with, Chess, Draughts, and, Backgammon, from which, they developed, the, Mathematics, associated, with, Numerical Analysis, and, Algorithms too in all [in many ways too, the world, of, Semi-Conductors and Computing]. At the heart, of, the Abacus, was actually, Binary, Numeric systems, which in all too, were created, with, the Egyptian study, of, the 4 Elements (of Water, Air, Earth and, Fire) [and in general, from, the perspective, of, how, to work with them, as with, their properties even]. In all also too, Knowledge Storage Systems, with, Eye sight, at their basis, as with making out, things [in an, Algorithmical, fashion].

Greek Knowledge Storage Systems:

Greek Knowledge Storage Systems, are known, to most, but, actually, never truly, used by them, today; however though, they do, lay, at the basis, of, Western Knowledge Systems, as with, the creation, of what, they call, Logic Systems. In all, Greek Knowledge Storage Systems, not only did, occur, in the form, of, Logic Systems, but also, with, Geometry (Pythagorean), and at their very base, was, the rather, huge field, of, Hermeneutics [in all, Knowledge Storage Systems, created totally, based on, High Intuition] [The Ferrari (Lamborghini Gallardo), is a, work, of, mechanical marvel, based on, Hermeneutics].

Roman Knowledge Storage Systems:

Interestingly enough, Roman Knowledge Storage Systems, are rather, known today (Anthropologically), but falsely, associated, with, primitive peoples. Interestingly enough too, these Knowledge Storage Systems, were totally, based on, Drumming [as an Art, to be studied]. Drumming done, from, the perspective, of, a Sense of Space-Time, a Sense of Humour, and finally too, a Sense of Order [and that in all, interesting, drumming patterns, associated with the three, mentioned mentionables, which general, help one, think, from the, perspective, of those, three, mentioned factors (sense of)]. In all really, at its basis too, was the study, of waves (as associated, with, sound/hearing), and the Mathematical Branch, created, as a basis, for, Roman Mathematics, was Topology [not too much, is known, today, of Roman Knowledge in all, as most, Knowledge out there, is mainly, Islamic, Greek, and, Egyptian].

African Knowledge Storage Systems:

When speaking, of African here, we are really, referring, mainly to, the, Niger, and Nubian, Civilizations. They too in all, developed, Knowledge Storage Systems, highly based, on, the Physical Body, and a mastery really, of, all sorts, of, Sensations, Feelings, Emotions, and even, Conscious States [as with, what, the Yoruba, call, Ori, but even more, highly developed, by, the Congo people, as with, the Cuban Religion, of Palo Monte] [In Congo Religion, attaining, Conscious States, was associated, in, the Congo, with Congo Christianity, which, was about, attaining, Sainthood, as with, Dona Beatriz Kimpa, or even, what, some call, Sarabanda (as with, St. Peter)]. Rathert High States, of, Conscious beng, evoking, all forms, of, 'Feelings', and the, attempt really too, to Model, Reality, as with, attempting, to discover, why, one, is feeling, as, they do [in many ways, the study, of waves, as associated, with, Touch, and having, at, their heart, the Mathematical Branch, of, Mathematical Modeling, as with, Finite States Automata] [The world, of Telecommunications and Antennas, has, its origins, in, the Congo world, with, Knowledge stolen, by, French Colonialists, during, Congo Colonialism] [The Italians, using, Hermeneutics, did discover, Radio Transmission, but not, as well developed, in theory, as with, the Congo groups]. The Congo too, as with, these, Knowledge Storage Systems, developed, Martial superiority, that historically, has been seen, in, Cuba (as with, the Bay of Pigs invasion), Angola (as with, Cuito Cuanavale), Haiti (as with, the Haitian Revolution), and even, Brazil itself [as mainly, with, Capoeira, where attaining, high, Conscious States, as with, Sarabanda, can have, one, easily fighting, 100 people, at once]. Knowledge Storage Systems, that in many ways, make, the concept, of, the Army, rather obsolete today, and, 'Terrorist networks', rather formidable, in all. [Capoeira, though in all, does run, on both, Congo, and Islamic, Knowledge Storage Systems (with the Islamic, done, creatively, as with, the Swahili/Tanzanians] [The heart, of the Swahili world, was, always Tanzania, and not, Kenya, as many, falsely believe] [Most African Numerical Systems, rather interesting, in nature, are actually, of, Islamic origins (as those, seen, in West Africa, and even, amongst, the Swahili)].

European Knowledge Storage Systems:

The European Civilization, interestingly enough, to many, did have, their, very own, Knowledge Storage Systems, that were, not, of, Islamic/Byzantine origins [and in many ways too, defining Europe, in itself]. These, Knowledge Storage Systems, were not, Greek either, but somewhat, similar in all, and had, at their heart, three, main things: the Alphabet, Music, and, the applied, study, of, Physics, Chemistry and, Biology. The Alphabet, was heavily studied, in the form, of, Puzzles, Riddles, and, Jokes, as forms really, of storing, Knowledge, in all [at higher levels, these in all, became, known as, Enigmas (as with, Fermats Last Theorem really), Codecs, and, Codes finally]. Music, was highly associated with (rather interestingly enough), the study, of, Colour, Shapes, and, Textures [as with, hind sight really, and also, induced in all], and in all, accumulating, a, 'Body of Knowledge', as with, the generation, of, interesting, Nature based, Shapes, Colours, and, Textures, and in all too, used, to study, Nature itself [as with Physics, Biology and Chemistry, and the very, generation, of Nature itself]. Again, a wealth of Knowledge, mainly lost, and replaced, with, the study, of Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, from, an Islamic perspective, that in most ways, is not, as, productive really, as the use of, Music [as with Knowledge Patterns], and the general, study, of Shapes, Colours, and, Textures, is best done today, using, Cartesian Plane Mathematics [as with, their generation really (and as seen too, in, Nature) , and the application, of such, Knowledge really, to, real life in all (as through, the, study, of, Natural Processes, as with, Chemistry, Biology, and even, Physics)] [A good example, of all this, is the, Bell-curve, and its use, in, predicting, almost everything, as in, with, Biology, Economics, Psychology, and even, History itself (as too, with, the rise and fall, of, Civilization itself)] [In Europe, these Knowledge Storage Systems, created, the Prodigy, while, the Greek Knowledge Storage Systems, created, the Genius].

World Knowledge Storage Systems:

World Knowledge Storage Systems, in all, refer, to just about, how, Knowledge in all, has been, stored, since, the beginnings, of time [that the above other, mentioned, Knowledge Storage Systems, are rather, new in all]. From the beginnings, of Time, Knowledge in all, was, Stored (stored, accessed, and usage), in the form, of, History, Language/Linguistics, and, Art (as with Performance really). In all, History, was associated, with, Memory, Language/Linguistics, with, Pattern recognition, and finally, Art/Performance issues, with, Logic in all. In reality, these is how, most, Civilizations out there, have evolved, without, much, of a, Mathematical basis, to them all [with the exception, of, Mathematical Forms, perhaps (as with, Probability & Statistics), associated mainly, with, the study, of, Climate, Weather Patterns, and, Women too in general]. Even America, as a Civilization, has existed, at, this level, as have others, mainly believed, great Civilizations, such as, Japanese, China, and, Indian even [in all, these Civilizations, have had, tumultuous, Histories, leading in all, to, the creation, of, a huge, 'Body of Knowledge', to be used, in, problem solving, of all sorts (as with, applied Knowledge too)] [Americas rise, as, Civilization really, lays in all, with, its use, of, Greek, Knowledge Storage Systems].

[For those, seeking out, help, with Development, rather than, turning, to America, Japan, or even, China really, it is best, to turn, to, the Islamic World (as it is, today), as they, do, possess, lots, of Knowledge, in the form, of, the Islamic, Egyptian, Greek, and even, European, Knowledge Storage Systems] [For most today, Knowledge Storage Systems, are rather based, on, reading others peoples, works, and simply, accumulating, Knowledge as such] [Knowledge Storage Systems too in all, are actually, based on, the Mind itself].