Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Life Worth Lived

How to live life? Even better yet, how, to actually, live through it? For most out there, going through, life (as with, taking a moment, to reflect on it), never, does truly, really happen. To most perhaps, it has to do, with, the 'hustle and bustle', of everyday living, and simply, trying, to survive [or even, stay alive (as with, simple mental existences/stability)]. Life, even when going, rather well, can eventually, become, a drudge when one, realizes perhaps, that, there is nothing much, to do with it [outside childhood really], and life too, is pretty, much longer, than, most anticipate it, to be.

This entry, will attempt in all, to provide, 'solutions' maybe, to how, one, should seek out to live, through life (in its entirety). It will attempt really, to have one, reflect, on life, and, in all too, come to, suitable 'solutions' perhaps, on what, to, actually, do with it [from a present, future, and even past (too) perspective (in all)].

There are many ways, to live life, in the present. The most famous, is that, having, to do, with, Life Stages [like with the Sacraments, or, Chakras even]. In all really, when Life, is going not too well, one (was) supposed really, to look at it (reflect too perhaps), from, the Life Stage, lived within. A way of living perhaps, that worked, really well, until, most began, to lose faith, in, Life Stages [as with, the 'popularly' mad, beginning, to influence, just, about, anything out there, to do, with, life]. Below will be presented, 5 main ways, that, one, could seek, to base life on, as with, the present (really):
  1. 'Pet Hates'
  2. Persona Development
  3. Emotional Development
  4. Life Stages
  5. Successes
The above five, are the main ways, known, to most, on actually, how, to, transverse perhaps, through, life itself. Of these 5 as mentioned, Life Stages, is, pretty well known [although, not as, popular, as it, was before] [People today, are far more, psychologically messed up, than, in the (perceived) past, Ages of Innocence]. 'Pet Hates', is actually, one, of the better ways, to go, through life today, It simply, is all based on, knowing/understanding, ones, 'Pet Hates', and, attempting too, to escape them, at, all costs really. A method, way more inspiring [as with living life], than, that based, on, the fifth entry (of Successes). Successes on the otherhand, speaks really of, looking back really, at ones life, based, on the Successes, they have, achieved, and then simply, gauging, ones future, very much, based, on all that. This method, does not work too well today, due to the fact, that, the number, of sought out Successes, are, rather few and far in between. In all really, there is nothing, much, going on out there, as with, seeking Success really [unless, one, redefines Success, not only as having to do with, Victories, or Legacies even, but also, as to, what, constitutes, Success: Achievement, Accomplishment, Goal, or Attainment even] [that in all really, with regards, to, seeking Success, one really wants today, to seek out, Victories, and Goals too (really)]. Works well really, but probably not, as well, as, 'Pet Hates' would [in a World deemed filled, with crazy people]. Persona Development here, is actually, associated with, growth, with regards to, Truisms [and not really, image, personality, or, character development even]. A way of living perhaps, that works rather well with those, seeking out (more or less), traditional ways of living. Emotional Development here, refers really to, taking an account [of ones way of living], as based really on, the development, of, Seriousness levels. In all really, simply gauging, ones, mistakes, ones, unhappiness, and even, ones, misfortunes, all, from the level really, of ones, Seriousness (development), rather than, Persona/Personalty based Development, or even, the, simple blaming, of, others.

Many out there though, are truly, unhappy, about their lives, even when, everything, seems, to be going, rather well [as with, hardwork, paying off even]. The main reason for this, has to do with (really), how things, happen, in ones life [how things happen]. Many will find today, that, they are simply (in many cases/ways), simply (really), unhappy, with, the way, things, happen (in their lives). Alot of this too, has to do, with, people in general, being, unhappy, about their lives [as with, seeking Success today, that is, few and far (in between)]. Many today (in chasing Success really), have created, the, atmosphere/world we today, acquaint with, 'the hustle and bustle', of living; an existence, that most out there, simply, hate [as it is often, accompanied, by all forms, of, happenings (as with someone for instance, speeding, past one), that, most out there, simply, hate]. In many ways really, the above, 5 manners of gauging, ones life [if lived that is], are, oft mainly, accompanied, by different forms really, of happenings [America for instance, as a beloved country (where, anything interesting/funny), can happen to one, is based on really, gauging life, with regards, to, 'Pet Hates' (thats how, Americans, have lived, traditionally; 'Pet Hates')] [A way of living today, perceived, Rural America perhaps (but is, actually, American History Y) (or the true History, of America) (and not Howard Hughes truly)].

Keeping Time & the Calendar:

There are those who often, tend, to look at life, from more or less, the future (based) perspective. Today though, most have no futures really, to envision, other than that, of, problems (perceived) [to be faced really], and blank moments (in between as fillers). The end result, is often, listless/restless folks, who eventually [as with knowing others], engage, in a criminal act (of one kind or another) [as with, participating, in life really]. In all, the future alot today, is marked really, with, how perhaps, to respond, to, all forms, of incidents, associated with, people, one knows [and the less people one knows, the better, the standards/quality (of life), one has (really)]. A probable explanation (in all), as with observation really, as many even believe, History itself [as with, American History X (perhaps)], tends, to unfold, as such (really) [the responding really, to all forms, of, criminal incidents, towards, one].

This was not true in the past, where the future [as even with, holidaying, celebrations etc.], was in all really, defined, by Calendars. Several of these Calendars, do exist, with, the one used today [falsely knows, as, Gregorian], nothing more, than, an attempt really, to measure time (in all) [in all really, its not, a true Calendar, as with, helping gauge, growth (of all forms), with regards, to a Society]. In a past entry, it was mentioned in general, that, different Regions (of the World), use, different conceptions, of, Time (as with Time Zones really). What will be proposed below though, are equaling, Calendars, that go, hand in hand, with, these Time Zones, and in all, help, with the development, of, a Society [and helping one too, see themselves (much better), from, a future based, perspective] [as with working hard, to take, an early Christmas break, or even, have, the money, to enjoy it].

The Calendars proposed below, are not, simply, a way, of keeping Time, but the real reason, why, they are proposed, is such that really, the Festivities (associated with them), are kept [and practised too (that is)], as they in all, are believed, to, be best, for, the Regions, mentioned along with them, below [one of the only, true ways really, to create/build, a Region based 'Society'].

North America: The Julian Calendar

South America: The Gregorian Calendar

Europe: The Alexandrian (French Republican) Calendar

Africa: The Hebrew Calendar

South East Asia: The Tibetan Calendar

East Asia: The Chinese Calendar

The Middle East & Afrique: The Islamic Calendar

*Ramadan, and Idd-ul-fitr, are far more, widely engaged in (practised), in Afrique, than, Christmas is (even)*

In all truly, simply, associating oneself, with the Calendars above, will result, in ones, Mental Processes/Rhythms (perhaps), being attuned, to, what some call, the Cycles of Life [or simply perhaps too (even), the Cycles in Nature, born of, the birth-destruction-rebirth cycle].

*the prevalently used, modern Calendar, can remain intact, as a World Calendar (for all forms, of, interactions really)*

Methodologies and 'Work' Identities:

Most out there, don't really know, whom they are [in, just about, any manner]. What this really means is that, they totally lack, an Image, Personality, or Character even. This is because, they lack, the, most simple way, of, knowing another: the Identity. Some might believe this, rather, minuscule (in scope/nature), but the truth is, all forms, of, Personal Development, begin, with, the Identity [in all, whom are you really, as with others truly, identifying one].

The truth is, most out there, have, no idea, how, to formulate/create, Identities. Yet truly enough too, it is, known [perhaps even, from our stone-age ancestors], that, the 'Work Identity', is, the most, basic, of all, our, Identities [it is, the one really, that, defines us to others (in all), as, with being (perhaps), instantly, recognizable].

Creating a base Identity, is not, as difficult, as, one, might believe it to be [it being, associated, with, a 'Work Identity' (in all)]. To fully see this perhaps, is to know, that, most out there, don't really (know), whom they are, as, Workers [they don't really, know really, how, to Work well even, other than, by following, Instructions only]. To truly see (understand perhaps even), all this, is, to know really, that, different Regions (of the World), call for, different, Working mentalities (really), as with, how, to go about, solving, a problem (of any sorts) [plans made, equipment used etc.]. What too, that most, don't, know, is that, while, Tools, are associated with, Working itself, and, Materiality, with Culture based Personas, Equipment, is associated, with, Identify formulation [that in all, when one, is, asked perhaps, to, quickly/simply, identify another, they are really, seeking out Equipment, associated with them] [For instance, a Calculator, and, an Accountant (for example)].

Different Regions, of the World, call for, different, 'Work Identities' [as with, how, one goes about, working, as with, actually, solving, a problem perhaps].

North America: Testing

- one will find, that, in North America, all forms, of, Working (as with even, creating plans), is, totally based, on (as with the underlying), the Testing, of things. When North Americans, make plans, of any form, or set out, to do, just, about, anything (they plan for them in all, via, Testing really) [sounds strange, to those, who, have never worked really, in, North America (or lived there even)] [In all too, all forms, of plans/'actual working', is, associated with, blackbox mentalities] [In many ways too even, Testing, is associated, with, the taste buds actually, with regards, to, the end, desired, solution].

South America: Measurement

- in South America, one will find, that, all forms, of Working (and plannings), have to do, with, Measurement (in all its forms) [Measurement too, as often, accompanied by, the very issue, of, boundaries]. A South American, on setting out, to do, just about anything [as with planning even], will find, that, taking/making measurements (of all kinds), is all, thats needed [as especially to do too, with, the crossing, of boundaries (of all forms)] [for the working South American, the end sought out, is always really, an, end picture].

Europe: Synthesis

- in Europe all forms, of problems met (or acquainted with), require one in all, to perform, a Synthesis. What this really means is that, one is called upon, to be (really), an, Ideal, when dealing, with, a problem, working, or even too, the making of plans. Synthesis really, is about, having, a certain end ('height' really), as, the end goal, and marching perhaps, towards it, as with regards really, to, 'error margins'. A World too, strongly associated, with, the people one meets, as all kinds of problems (in Europe) [as with, the movies even], cannot, be separated, from, people/individuals [they are one, and the same, and, one has to become, an Ideal, in order, to beat them, by, seeking out, a certain end/'height' (as with dominance, for instance), and the marching, towards it (in all), as with regards really, to 'error margins'] [The World today, associated, with all forms, o,f Competition (and not, Competence really)].

Africa: Weighing

- in Africa, all forms of problems, working, and, plan making too, involves, the heavy weighing (of things/circumstances/events even), as with regards, to, stability issues. In all really, one will find, that, all problems faced in, Africa, have to do, with, Stability issues, and the Weighing (of just about, anything/everything), with regards, to, causing, stability/instability.

South East Asia: Treatment

- in South East Asia, any problem solved, work done, or plans made, has to do, with, what, they call, Treatment [the most famous perhaps, being, the Breakdown Treatment]. What this involves (as with making plans perhaps), is the actual, breaking down, of a plan (into parts) [and not stages], and, then, looking out, for, what would break down, on, the way, to attaining, the end (wholeness) sought out. But as mentioned before, there are many other, forms, of Treatment, a good unknown one [in South East Asia at least], being, the Clinical Treatment [solving problems really, based on, a Working Ideal (as with, functioning perhaps), and then, stressing/straining something, into, being, that Ideal].

East Asia: Standardization

- in East Asia, the solving of any form, of problem, working itself, or even, the 'laying' of plans too, involves, what is known, as, Standardization [something best understood through, the world, of, Manuals]. The popular way/belief, in solving, problems (step-by-step), by following instructions', in, a Manual, has its origins, in, the East Asian 'World'. Standardization though, is much, bigger (larger), than all this, as it is, based on, the world, of, Requirements taking, and, the setting out, to fulfill them, by, creating standard(s), of how, this, is to be done [based really too, on, past solutions perhaps, of fulfilling, similar, Requirements]. The Standard though (in all), is actually, a Template of sort [which means, that, once, work on making real, the end sought, is, began, its a smooth sail, all the way really (no more, thinking really, is, required)].

The Middle East, Italy & Afrique: Assessments

The belief, that those, in, the Middle East, and Afrique even, are rather, too similar, to Italians, has to do, with, the fact, that they all, solve, problems, work even, and, create plans too, based on, Assessing things. Assessment, is a way, of working really (perhaps), based truly, on, taking in, the whole picture (with regards to something/'a problem'), and looking out, for, 'side effects' really, that arise, as, one attempts, to solve, the problem (in all). A difficult way, of solving problems really [as with, the required heavy use even, of, Intuition], and in many ways too, has strongly, defined, Italian & 'Middle Eastern' History (with 'Middle Eastern' here, representing, Egyptian culture really, in, the Middle East), as with, the drama, that ensues, when, one, attempts, to tackle just about, any form, of, problem really [in all too, the differences being, the kind, of Imagination, used, to solve, problems really] [in all too really, Assessment, is all about 'fitting in', into, anything (out there really)].

The above Methodologies, are at, the very core, of, whom we are (as Individuals). When one, is called out, by, any, of their names [Identity], they are actually, being called out too, based on, the Working Identity [as with, the Methodologies above]. All this, might sound, confusing, for those, seeking, an 'International Job' perhaps (of some kind), but the truth is that, our, working abilities, are strongly (have been strongly), shaped, by, the environments (we grow up in, or, evolved in even too). In all, everyday problems, of any kind, are, solved really, based on, the above Methodologies, and most Schooling out there, doesn't, help one truly, develop, these Work Identities (but in many ways too really, actually, stunts them) [as with, believing perhaps, that, problem solving, is based on (rote) memorization]. In all really too, this, is not, Ascetic Religious Thought, as the above, Methodologies, are actually, about, fully understanding (perhaps), a problem [and not, the actual, solving of it] [to make this, even, more disheartening, the development, of, the above, Methodologies, is associated/based on, the actual, solving, of problems (as with, evolution even)] [What this means again is that, those, who attempt, to evade, all forms, of, problem solving (as with, growth really), stop evolving, and, begin, to look more or less, like Hominids (as with, de-evolution perhaps) (and the losing, not, of intelligences really, but, the above mentioned (Methodologies based), Abilities, Capabilities, and even, physical based Ableness)].

Again, it must be mentioned, that, the above, 'Work Identities', are highly defined, by, Equipment [and not, Tools (which are used for, actual working)]. Once more, it having been said that, our 'Work identities', are at, the core, of, all our other, Identities, it must be mentioned that, all forms, of, Identification [in the Regions above], be of course too, be, based on, the Methodologies, mentioned above [as with, Equipment really too] [In all, an Italian, would look, awkward, actually, carrying around, a Calculator, as Calculators really are Equipment, associated really, with those, with, Treatment based Work Identities].

America too, has often stood out, from, other Regions/'Countries', of the World, due, to its being, highly defined, by, Identities, strongly shaped, by, the Testing Methodology [in all, what is been said perhaps, is that, a look, at, American Media, shows all forms, of peoples, Identity driven, surrounded mainly, by, Equipment, as compared, to other World Media, which mainly, has, Personalites, Images, or Characters even (and, the associated Materiality) in them]. In many ways really, America, has, ingeniously built, a way of living (perhaps), based primarily, on, Identity (and not, Culture based Personas), that are, best though, seen, in, 'Americanista America'.

In all really, perhaps, as an overstatement too, it must be said that, Identity formation out there [as with, resident, citizen etc.], must perhaps, be, accompanied, by a, similar, formulation, of, accompanying Equipment [and not, Material Culture, as, many do today] [A true American for instance, must, be identified, with, American (Testing) Equipment (and not, American Material Culture, which can for instance, look, good, on a South American)].

As a finality, it must really be mentioned too, that, Identity (in all ways really), also, has to do, with, issues, of Belonging, as pertaining to, uproars, outrage, and, complaints even [or in many ways too really, what, Local Media, is, all about really].