Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Courage to be

Life today, is pretty much, boring. Nothing much, going on, and most out there, are pretty much, bored listless. They don't know, what to do, outside work; its work, eat, sleep, and back to work. A kind of middle age existence, but somewhat worse. Most people, spend their time, daydreaming, or simply hanging out, with people, they consider friends. Paul Tillich, once wrote, a book, by the name, of, the courage to be. In it, he speaks complicatedly, of life today, outside work; its meaningless, pathetic, and poor in nature. The danger in all this, is that, of going crazy, or insane, later on, in life, due to a meaningless existence. Most people, spend their time, daydreaming, but one day, could very much go insane, when there is nothing, to daydream about. It happens, more often than not, and in some people, is called senility [or being senile]. You have to give your mind, some food for thought, or it will shut down, and you will feel nothing much, around you, and be more, like a space monkey [or monkey in space]. Its a real pathetic existence, and senility, is affecting, more and more people, in their youth. A disease, like Autism, is really, a form of senility. Parkinsons disease too.

How to deal, with this problem, of firing up your brain, for evolutions sake, depends, very much, on where you live. Different parts, of the world, require, different food for thought, and failing to engage in this, is the start, of the journey, down the road, to insanity, in one form, or another. Once your brain shuts down, its hard, to fire it up, again.

Europe: socializing

While in Europe, the best way, to feed your mind, some food for thought, is by socializing. This is especially true, with regards, to contact, between the opposite sexes. How it traditionally functioned, was that the men, were depositories, of knowledge, while the women, were depositories, of patterns. The men, then got together, with the women, and while the men, offered knowledge, the women took it in, and asked questions, based on, 'patternalistic' [logic of one kind or another], thinking. This might sound strange, to many, since the modus operandi today, is women, having the knowledge, and men, the patterns. In olden Europe, women, were the problem solvers, while the men, sought out info, in one form, or the other, one way, or the other. All this, can best be seen, in a historical sense, in England, and the rise, of London. The English, had a society, where the men, sought to become, really strong. With time, they noticed, that being strong, could drive them crazy, if they had nothing, to do. And hence, socializing, was born. Socializing, is a kind of society, where people, don't really speak about themselves, but about others, and whats going on. The men, knew what was going on, and the women, knew others. It was a kind of competition, where the men, would talk about, what was going on, and the women, knew, who was doing it, and this would strike, the mens curiosity, the more, they spoke about it. The women, praised the men, who were making things, go on, and other men, became jealous, or envious. They too, sought to make, something, to go on, out there. These societies, best described, in the book, 'Conversation', by Stephen Miller, gave rise, to London, for thats what, people, really did, in London; talk, and play games, like Polo, and Cricket. The jealousy, or envy, imbued in the men, gave rise, to English industries, from publishing, to oil and gas, to design/architecture. The whole idea, of these industries, was to be original. Do something, really original, and one finds, if they are strong, one can be, very original. It is also, from these, English industries, that University departments, were born. The university department system, is a recent invention, of English origins [Oxford]. Thats kinda how, one fires up their brains, while in Europe.

North America: Reading

In North America, when you have nothing to do, you should seek, to simply read. Reading, as an artform, was born, in America. Americans, have always been, voracious readers, and when you seek to read, one should seek, to read anything, that interests them. This is a way, of knowing, whom one, really is; your interests. You should read, until what you are reading, becomes very much, your existence. Everything you see around you, should more or less, be a creation, of your reading.

Africa: Music

Africa, has always, been strongly associated, with music. When Africans, traditionally, had nothing much to do, they engaged, in music, in one form, or another. Even story telling, was very much, in a musical format. African music, differs, from that seen, out there. It's different, in that, while other worldly music, is really only about patterns, African music, traditional, consists, of patterns, and knowledge. Thats why, some describe it, as being, polyphonic. It has polyphonic sounds, and these are important, for most just don't know, that when, you know something new, you kinda hear, a sound, in your left year. Like a ding. Thats what they did in Africa back then, they played music, which stirred their imagination, and sense of knowing, enabling them, to daydream, always. Alot of African history, is in a musical format too. A good example, being the music, of Salif Keita.

South America: Sporting Activities

This might sound, odd, to many people, but sporting activities, have always been, the source, of patterns and knowledge, in South America. A thief exposed, and the knowledge gained, due to the exposure, and the patterns programmed in one, due to how, the exposure was made, is how, South America, has traditionally run. Its as if, the whole region, is made up, of one huge, street culture. South Americans, are different, from others, out there, when it comes, to sporting activities. They simply do them, differently; from how they play soccer, volleyball, and even, sword fighting, or boxing. They do it, in a manner, consisting, of interesting patterns, that leads one, to instantly, gain new knowledge, by performing a trick, or two, or even importantly, exposing someone else, via a trick or two. Sporting activities, are the only way, to stay sane, in South America. Dance, in South America, has always been, a sporting activity, and is filled, with tricks, of different sorts. The most known, of these, South American dances, is the Tango. Traditionally, this way of gaining knowledge, gave birth, to what today, are referred to, as, the Securities industries [finance been the most famous], and the Large scale industries, too. Large scale farming, began really, in South America, as it is practised, today. Computer security too, a large scale industry, as South Americans, make up for, the best hackers, out there. Brazil, once rivaled France, in eminence.

The Middle East: Prayer

In the Middle East, traditionally, when people were not working, they engaged, in prayer, in one form, or another. From prayer, as it is known, on bended knees, to participating, in philosophical debate. The Middle East, was once reknowed, as a center, of excellence, when it came, to problem solving. They just simply knew, how to solve problems, from a philosophical approach. Einsteins, theories, of relativity, are not real theories, but more or less, philosophic thought. They have a spiritual/religious feel, to them. Theories, have a mathematical background, while philosophic thought, has Cosmology, as its basis. The Stephen Hawkings, stuff; not easy, to understand. Science, in all its definition, including technology, has a mathematical basis. What they call, Islamic Science, has cosmology, as its basis, and consists of, the theories, of Einstein, and Feynman. This intelligence, of radical problem solving, is often associated, with Israelis, although, there are many other better problem solvers, in the Middle East, and especially, the Saudis.

Asia: Courtship

Asian Courtship, is different, in nature, from European Courtship. European courtship, was born of, intellectualism, and dealing, with social problems. Asian Courtship, has been one, where people spoke, of themselves, and especially, their interests. When an Asian man, and woman, traditionally, went on a date, they spoke of themselves, and their interests. This form, of social contact, has become, popular, in the western world. One simply sits around, even if in a group, and simply teaches others, about their interests, and especially, with regards, to any new developments. An Asian, interested in science, would probably talk, about, a new interesting development, in robotics. It is this way, that Asian society, developed, from a structural, perspective. People, would hear about, new ideas, and think of ways, to apply them. Its kind of how, Asian, and especially, Japanese industry, was born. The Americans, told the Japanese, about the transistor, for instance, and the transistor radio, and walkman, were born. What some call, consumer products, and services, were born of all this; the most famous, are the Entertainment industry, and Engineering, as practised today.

In todays world though, people, don't engage, in any of the activities above, anymore, really. What has resulted, in place, is a more or less, violent culture; the rise of violence, in society. In Africa, aimless people, spend their time, abusing others. In North America, they engage, in backbiting; talking about others, behind their backs. In South America, violence, has taken, a physical form, and its one of the few places, in the world, one, often sees, physical fights, all over. In Europe, there is alot of, domestic violence. And in Asia, there is alot of, insulting, going on, all over. The Middle East, is obsessed, with sex. All this, has to change really, or the end result, will be deformed humans, in one form or another. Autism, will become, widespread. If you don't use it, you will lose it, really applies, to the brain.

The whole goal, of all the above, is not to present oneself, as being learned, or knowing, to others; the whole idea, is to learn, how to question, reality. What does this really mean? It means, questioning, whats going on, around one, and how one, experiences life; and, how to go about, too, making it better. One does this, by taking, what they have 'learned', and playing a game, with their learnings. The game, played here, is really at its core, about, questioning, reality, by asking questions, based on, the following: what if, why, which, who, how, and when. Many out there, are acquainted, with the Greek Philosophers, and other similar such thinkers, like Galileo Galilei. Theres, was a world, created, by people always asking, why? They created their realities, by simply, always asking, why. America, became a very developed country, as its people, sought to question reality, by always asking, what if. Today, the world, has fallen, to a low level, of thinking/asking. People today, mainly ask, who? Every problem, or reality, in their lives, can be deconstructed, by asking, who? Who is affecting my reality. If something good happens to someone, they ask, who? If something bad happens, they again ask, who. The problem, with this world, is that, its kind of primitive, when not done right. It is not as free, as other worlds, but can be. The best example, of this who world, can be seen, historically, with what they call, the Swahili civilization. The Swahili civilization, gave birth, to what they call out there, the Orient. The Orient, was a world, centered, around the Indian Ocean trade. It simply consisted, of problem solving, around the Indian Ocean, based on asking, who? It was here, that the Swahili, gained fame, as being good problem solvers, by knowing, about who. They were seen, as far as Japan, and Indonesia, and such places like Indonesia, today, still have a Swahili culture, alive. Its an interesting world, the world of who, but not really complicated. One way to see this, is in the technology. In the who world, when a piece of technology fails, one asks, who can fix it, by replacing, a part. In America, a what if world, their technology, when it fails, is fixed, via repair manuals, and asking, what if. Repair manuals, are pretty much, inexistent today, as most technology today, is who technology. In the Swahili world, many Swahilis, were jacks, of all trades. And they created, a world, of a flurry, of activity, as people were called upon, at almost all times, to help fix, a problem, or simply, due to engaging, in different types, of work. The Orient, was born this way. In America, the who world, also existed, but was a world, based on, facilitating an endeavour, and was a world, controlled, by the women. It gave birth, to what they call, the Humanities.