Friday, June 18, 2010

Living life everyday

Life, has become boring; I think, most would probably agree on this. This is mainly due, to not knowing, how to live life. Everyday life, can be divided, into three main areas: work life, drives/urges and fantasies.

Work life, is all about, working. But more importantly, its about, how you go about, working. Many know, that living in America, can be fun, even if, you only work. This is because, Americans, know how to work. Working, is associated, with three thing: Ritual, Community and Symbolism. An example of ritual, are coffee breaks; an example of community, is networking, and an example of symbolism, is group meetings. Most people around the world, don't know, about the importance, of Ritual, Community and Symbolism, in getting things done. They simply sit, in their offices, all day long, 365 days a year, and at the end of it all, are depressed, and hate their work. They don't get much done, and with time, quit.

Drives and Urges, also form, a major component, of daily living. Drives, the most famous being known, as the sex drive, is associated, with gaining wealth. Urges, the most famous, being the sex urge, are associated, with social contacts. As they say, man is a social beast, and no man, is an island, to himself. Drives and Urges, tend to be group based; this might not be very clear, to many. For example, a man, is really driven, to gain wealth, by his associating, with other such minds. A man, might not find, a woman beautiful, if all alone, on an island, with her. Beauty, is very much, a social construct.

Finally, you have Fantasy. We all have, a fantasy figure in us, that is really associated, with our perversions, and our views. When telling others, of ones views, you very much behave, like a fantasy figure. With ones perversions, this becomes, even more clear. In general though, for most people out there, fantasy, is very much associated, with sex. Thats why, Africans, don't have more sex, than others out there. The HIV scare, in Africa, is mostly, a myth. Fantasy sex, is what leads others, to label others. There is a difference, in the way, men view women today, and how they did so, in the past. In the past, women were supposed, to meet an ideal; they could be cool, or uncool, for example. If uncool, they were probably labeled as, sluts, whores, and prostitutes. Today though, one will find, that such women, are not as many, as they were before. This is because, women see themselves, as being perverted, or not perverted. People today, have sex, based on perversions. They think, its okay, to have sex, such as bondage. They think, its an okay, perversion. Its not. Its very much, like having sex, with a prostitute, whore or slut. When you engage, in such sexual activity, you begin, to feel dumb. With time, you become dumb. There is nothing wrong, with sexual perversion. As long, as its treated, as an agreement. Its okay then, to take hold of a woman, drag her promptly, to the washrooms, and fondle her, while necking her. Finish up, with a smack, to the bottom. You probably also, don't know her, too well. Thats okay. Bondage, is not.

You can choose, to live life, with any of three above, dominating the other. In most of the world, the work life, dominates. In the movies, the Urges/Drives, dominate. Hustling your way, through life. There is however, a way, in which a fantasy figure, can dominate ones life. It is possible, to create a whole existence, and even economy, from fantasy figures. Running an internet business, is such an example. In the old days, the best example probably, was Flamenco culture, and especially, with the Gigolo. You can do it, as you like. Slavery, can even seem benign, when done, according to, Ritual, Community and Symbolism. In Africa, work life, unknown to many, was not associated, with trade or agriculture. For Africans, those two industries, were about Urges and Drives. Africans, have always been, commercial farmers. This was possible, due to the fact, that bananas, and the likes, grow naturally, in Africa. Work life, in Africa, was all about, taking care, of the land. Good land, more bananas. Today, nobody, really does this, anymore.