Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ideas in Schooling

I never, did enjoy, my schooling years that much, with the exception, of a certain time period. That time period, made for some, of the happiest years, in my life. I think schooling, has become decrepit, and needs reform, of one kind, or another. It has become meaningless, and many even believe, useless. If I had my way, I would change schooling, to the format, seen below:

Arts based schools:

Arts based schools, are schools, that primarily teach, the Arts. One is supposed, to become, an excellent practitioner, of an Art, or several. They will be made talented, and hopefully, extremely creative. But many, might wonder, what one could do, with an Arts education. Thats where, the social sciences, come into play. The Arts, go very well, with the social sciences. They both, complement, each other well, and there are lots of opportunities, in the wide field, that makes up, for the social sciences. Financial services for instance, are part, of social sciences.

Athletic based schools:

Athletic based schools, were made popular, by Rugby schools, once seen in England. These schools, were an offspring, of the British Empire. What they did, was train men, young men really, to be good problem solvers, via sports, and teamwork. These young men, once trained, were then sent out, into the British Empire, to help make things work. They were supposed, to be rugged, and able, to solve, any problem. An Athletic based schooling, can work well, when taught hand in hand, with the Natural Sciences. From Geography, to Zoology. Being a soldier, a mechanic or a scientist, is what, Athletic based schooling, is all about. Very many opportunities out there, some, many, self created.

Religious based schools:

Religious based schooling, is all about, teaching, religion, at the heart of it all. People pray alot, they learn to be ethical and show morality. They learn to be good people, and learn alot, about human nature. What makes humans evil, and how to make them, right again. They even learn, how to live life; a religious life. This kind of education, best goes, with the hard sciences; for the hard sciences, teach one, how to be, a critical thinker. Many of the graduates, of these schools, are often put, in positions, of prominence. From CEO, to Professor, to Politician. Not too many opportunities, but many crucial ones.

Thats what I think, about schooling, and how it should be implemented. All the above, share one thing, in common; they all learn Mathematics, and English.