Friday, June 11, 2010

Hate and Ageing

Some people out there, talk about uniting all people in the world together, not really knowing, what they are doing. They fail, to realize, that what unites, most people, out there, is Hate. Most people out there, hate the same way. Thats what Unity, is all about. Hate. Most people, out there, tend to keep, their hate hidden. They believe, its the right thing to do. Eventually, their hate, starts to eat them up, and they can't keep from exploding, until they do. Thats when, everybody around them, starts looking down on them; its kind of, a social game. That of the whiner, and complainer.

Hate, can be a complicated thing, and only often studied, when it becomes organized or systematized. Hate, unknown to most people, is the main reason, why people age fast. It drains you off, your energy reserves. Probably, the energy crisis, around the world, is due to hate. Not only that, it kinda, connects you, to others. Most people, who hate alike, see things alike. An ugly connection.

Hate, through the ages, human that is, tends to flow as follows:

1. 0-20 years: Most people here, tend to hate, whats better, or better looking, than they are. They don't even hate ugliness, they kinda, ignore it.

2. 21-30 years: Most people here, tend to hate, according to Nationality. They divide themselves, by nation, tribe, gang etc., and then hate. Most people don't know, that tribalism in Africa, really exists, in this age group.

3. 31-40 years: With this group, hate, is all about race. These people, tend to judge people, by their features, colour of skin, nose size, skeletal structure etc. They are one of the worst, for they can keep you, from being employed. They can be real, haters.

4. 41-50 years: With this group, hate, is centered, around gender. They hate people, of the opposite sex. They can't stand, being near them. This problem, is mostly discussed in Africa, but is really, a problem worldwide.

5. 51- years: With this group, hate, is all about Age. They practise Ageism. They hate people, younger than them, and see them, all stupid.

Thats kinda how, hate, manifests, in all societies, around the world, and makes them similar. Everywhere. If you know the haters, in your society, you can go to London, and kinda also know, who the haters, are there.

How to deal with this? Some suggestions perhaps, for it is hate, that really makes life boring. When you hate, you can't think up, anything interesting.

0-20 years: With this group, hate is dealt with, via self-improvement. Go to the gym, basketball, isometrics etc. Another way, is to have, that one special person in your life, who tells you, all will be okay. They give you, the right advice.

21-30 years: With this group, the best option probably, is a study of history. Not in the conventional way, but in the hating way. Study the ugly history, of other people, for this group, always presents itself, as highly civilized.

31-40 years: With this group, the best option, is probably, to be alone. Be alone, all the time, and think stuff. These people, tend to manifest hate, due to the groups they create. They judge each other alot, and wind up, spreading their hate, to those they view as inferior. Just be alone.

41-50 years: With this group, hate, would probably, best be dealt with, via intercultural or even interracial, dating. Go see other women, and men. Forget your women and men. I always believed, this is the best age group, to get married in. North and South.

51- years: With this group, the best thing to do, would probably be, to study trends. In most of the world out there, this means, studying the Media. The Media, is an interesting topic. I don't know, it sounds right. Helps you know, whats going on, around you.

Thats hate.