Friday, June 18, 2010

Flambouyancy: An African Ideal

Africans, are kind of, recognizable people, on the world stage. You kinda know them, when you see them. Its not that they are ugly, as many believe, but, they are just, recognizable. You probably have seen African soccer players, with painted heads. African musicians, with the most outrageous costumes on. The average African, out on a night, in Europe, or America, with a very flashy green gucci suit. Thats flambouyancy, and many probably wonder, why Africans, are as such. They just think, that Africans, are really self-confident, and even optimistic, about themselves. It is not so, and I will tell you why.

In the old days, and even today, growing up in Africa, was a tedious bore, for many African youth. Many, spent their days, and time, daydreaming, about what their future, would be like. There is, however, another side to it all. When African youth, were not daydreaming, or performing daily chores, of one kind or another, they entertained themselves, by telling stories; fantasy stories. African folklore, is not like other folklore out there, in that, it is highly coloured, with fantasy figures. An African storyteller, will tell, the most incredulous story, but make it, really believable. They knew, how to do this, in the old days, but not today.

When one thinks fantasy figure, many probably think, Lara Croft. But a real good example, of a fantasy figure, known to many, is William Tell, or Wilhem Tell. Most out there, have probably heard, of the tale, of Wilhelm Tell. It is said, that he put an apple, on his sons head, and then split it into two, with a crossbow shot, and was forever then, famous. Most probably read that tale, and think: "he probably practised alot. For five years maybe, 6 hours per day." They are wrong, for they fail to realize, that Wilhem Tell, is a Deutsch fantasy figure. What does this mean? It means, that Wilhelm Tell, probably, most probably, had no crossbow training ever, but still decided, to do, what he did. Thats fantasy figures for ya; they have no idea, what they are doing, but, they have every idea, what they are doing.

Knowing this, is the key to really somewhat understanding, modern and traditional Africa. In the traditional days, people simply lived out fantasys the right way. They just kinda did dumb things, as fantasy figures tend to, but everything worked out all right. Read African folklore, to know what I mean. To understand, Africas tulmoutous history, is to know, about, the rise and fall, of fantasy figures, who believed, they could very much do, as they liked. You have Shaka Zulu, who was very much a fantasy figure, but pretty much knew, what he was doing. You have Idi Amin too, a fantasy figure, more on the comical side though.

You have to fully realize, the implications for this, with regards, to Africas future. Most out there, believe that Africa, has a bright future, probably; I am here to tell them, they are wrong. The problem with Africa today, is the rise in number, of fantasy figures, who believe they know, what they are doing. Some believe, they are the next Shaka Zulu. But most, are really dumb idiots. You have to know this, for many of them, are now achieving, a cult like, celebrity status. You might think this funny, but you have no idea, the kind of hell, a fantasy figure gone wrong, can create. Many of them, believe, child slavery, is okay. The problem with Africa today, is not its elderly leaders; they know, what they are doing, and somewhat, whom they are. Its the youth, that are a huge problem, and believe in being fantasy figures, who can live large, without ever having, to work a single day. It is kind of, a dangerous, situation. You have to realize, that many, or most, African youth, out there, are not crazy, as many believe, but really stupid. Thats the problem with Africa today: fantasy figures, gone wrong, acting stupid, almost, all the time.