Saturday, October 30, 2010

Life's Odyssey [Bk. 1 in the Life's Compass Guide series]

Living Life, can be a bore, if one, does not, truly know, how, to go about, really, doing it, at a very, basic level. This, does not refer, to, everyday living [or sustenance], but to, actually, living out, ones, whole life: What to do with it, and even, probably, why.

For many, Life, at its heart, as a transversal mode, has, alot, in many ways, to do, with, the search, for, Success [as defined, by Westerners]. Thats what, most, think about, from, the moment, they get up, to, the time, they go, to sleep. In many ways, the search, for, Success, has, at its heart, the search, for Sex too [the basic belief, that Sex, will heal them, of all kinds, of, negativity, and even, provide, the best, memorable experiences, in Life].

The search, for Success [Western], can be, futile, for many, as it is, very much, based, on steps [steps, it is believed, that, take one, to a higher, level, of existence, with each, level, being more, pleasurable, than the previous] [In many ways, each level, of existence, is similar, to the previous, with the exception, of the, perceived pleasure, in it] [The concept, of Western Success, as explained before, is one, that, is followed, by those, who worship, Angel beings]. The problem, with Western Success, as a path, to living, is that [Success as lived out today, perhaps], each level, of existence, is not, as pleasurable, as that, above it, and is, only, perceived, to be so, by those, who cannot, access it (the above) [in many ways, the pleasure, in rising, with regards, to Success, lies, with those, outside, to ones level, of existence, not knowing, about, one (and ones way of living)]. Due to each level, being similar, to the previous, those, who seek out, Success, as a, Life path, tend, to discover, that, issues, of self-sabotage, easily, arise, as they face, disappointment, disillusionment, and disorientation, with each, rise, and with each, day, lived, in an upper level [in all, what is been said, is that, Life, at the upper levels, is not, as fun, as the, Mass Media, presents it]. Self-sabotage, arising, and giving rise too, to, endless daydreaming, as, disappointment, faced, from rising, to new levels, of existence, also gives, rise, to a general belief, in, the meaninglessness, of, Life, leading, in many cases, to, 'numbness', with regards, to Life, and, the desire, to feel/experience, Life, grandly, leading to, episodes, of hardheartness, cruelty, and even, an obsession, with sex, in an attempt, to escape, the 'numbness' [with regards to Life], that one feels [In all though, Western Success, should not, totally, be looked down, upon, as it is, erroneously, based on, the Stages of Life, as seen in America (7 vices); however, one finds instead, that, Western Success, is vice ridden, while, the point of it, is to, get rid, of vice].

There are however, other ways, to live out, Life [in as, Life paths], and also, very much, better too, at dealing, with, any forms, of, negativity [the Success path, does not, offer, any advice really, on dealing, with, negativity, other than, being, avoidant in nature (including the use of violence)] [by negativity, we do not, speak, of attempting, to, understand it (or eliminate it, from ones system), but actually, with knowing it, and generally, avoiding it (learning, from ones mistakes)].

There are several, paths, to live out, Life, based, very much, on, Destiny, Fate and Karma [Western Success, as a Life path, does not, appear, to take, into account, any of these, but very much too, appears, to be, the search, of endless pleasure (including violence prone pleasure)]. These Life paths, are based, on, what, they call, Virtuosity [or even, Religiousity]. Virtuosity, refers, to, certain virtues, that are, generally, perceived, and seen, in society today, but not, often, explained theologically; Virtues, such as: Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Integrity, Honor, and even, Patience. All these, virtues, and even more, can provide, for a, basic, blueprint, to living Life, in general, and feeling, too, that, one, has indeed, accomplished, something, in ones Life. In all, they should be, at, the heart, of, everything, we do [and should basically, describe, us, when someone, asks, 'what kind of person, is he?'].

These virtues too, have elements of, Faith, Hope, and Charity, to them [each in all], and in many, ways, when choosing, a basic, blue print, of whom, one really is, then, one discovers, that, Life, can be lived out [at its heart], as an, Artist, Martial being, and, Actor. In all, what is been said here, is that, transversing, through Life, at its very heart, is all about, showing Virtuosity; if you never, truly, achieve anything [as one (or society), might define it], living, Life, based on, Virtuosity, can at, the very least, convince one, that, their Life, has not, been, to waste. In many ways, it will be shown [hopefully so], that, grand 'success', of any kind [accomplishment, achievement etc.], is at, its very heart, actually, based on, Virtuosity [the Taj Mahal, was a work, commissioned, out of, Loyalty/Rectitude].

We shall below, attempt, to show, how, a Life, can be lived, based on, Virtuosity [at Lifes basic level], and as mentioned, is not only, the basis, of what, real 'success', is all about, but also, what, a memorable life [in its entirety], is all about [based too, on the creative interpretation, of what, Virtuosity, really means] [Kindness, can, for instance, take, the mold, of pleasant surprises]. Each example below, will also, attempt, to show, possible, Artists (Destiny), Martial beings (Fate), and Actors (Karma), that one, can use, to basically, get, through Life [not with regards to survival, or 'success' really], but actually, living out, Life, on a daily everyday basis [experience wise]. We shall also, partially, refer, to olden, Religio-Military organizations [such as the Jesuits], and offer, to explain, that, at the heart, of their, rise, to 'success', was not, Intelligence [as many believe], but actually, Virtuosity [the Knight Templars, for instance, were born of, Honor].

Examples, of Martial beings, are hard, to easily come by, but examples, from, European culture, will be given, as a basis.

Life path 1: Kindness

Kindness, as a virtue, is all about, being, helpful, by nature. While attempting to show this, is rather, simple, attempting, to show it, as a Life path, might be, disconcerting, to those, who cannot, envision, what, totally encompasses, Kindness. Going through Life, as a, Capoeirista [at its heart, being, a worker], is very much too, about, living, a Life, based on, Kindness. In all, a Life, of seeking out, opportunity, by seeking, to help out another, resolve, a problem [by being, a learner too], in exchange for something [in all really, looking around, one, and on seeing, problems, asking, to help, re/solve them].

[Below, will be offered, three, basic profiles, associated, with the virtue, of, Kindness; some of these profiles/figures, will come, from, Literature (as a religious read), and should not, be, perceived, as a way, of living, Life. What this means, is that, these profiles, simply help one, learn, how to espouse, a certain virtue right (and also very much, become it)] [In many ways, these profiles, could very much, be seen, at the heart, of ones, everyday prayer (as most Religion today, has been replaced, by practises, and Art)] [Examples include, listening, to Sufi music, or reading, Sufi poetry, as a way, of engaging, in Sufism] [The literature pieces below, can be seen, as a kind, of 'Bible']

Artist: Painter
Martial being: Jesuit [ 'David Copperfield']
Actor: Calisthenics/Capoeira

Life Path 2: Honesty

Honesty, as a virtue, can best, be explained, as, expressing truth, at all times [seeking it out, and even, exposing it]. Honesty, is very much too, historical, in nature, and is, very much, about, being true, to oneself [not giving out, or falling, for false/unvirtuous ideologies]. In many ways at its heart, is holding, strong, to certain, principles [including beliefs and values], that one lives by. An example, of Honesty, in everyday life, is doing, the right thing, in a, negative environment [as in a businessman, finding, creative ways, to do, business, in an environment, filled, with corruption, and, bribery, of all sorts]. In many ways, a Life, based, on Honesty, is fateful in nature, as it, eventually, leads, to the figure, in it, fading [into the distance (and even, becoming, legendary, in a religious sense)] [in all, a kind, of saviour].

Artist: Poet
Martial being: Crusader ['Nicholas Nickelby']
Actor: Archery

Life Path 3: Generosity

Generosity, as a virtue, can best, be, explained, as giving, Aid [as in being, a donor], when it is, called for, or even, required. This way, of living, is what, has made, America [traditionally], a famed, nation, of virtue [Generosity, lies, at the heart, of, American Democracy (Repulicanism)] [Repulicanism, has nothing, really, to do, with, the Republicans]. This American generosity, shows, itself, in the hundreds, of, Charities, Foundations, and Trusts, seen, all over, America. A way, of making wealth, becoming powerful, and still, very much, aiding, people, out there, to do, what they want [The Rothschilds, for instance, were never, really, Bankers, as many believe, but, actually, ran, a Foundation].

Artist: Violinist [and other instruments from the Violin family of instruments]
Martial being: Knight Hospitaller ['Oliver Twist']
Actor: Swimmer

[The works, of Charles Dickens, based on, Classicism, are very much, religious in nature, and mainly, espouse, Virtuosity. The world of Dickens, appears, to many, to be, dark (and miserable), but compared, to this, day [and age], we live in, hope, still lives on]

Life Path 4: Loyalty

Loyalty, is a virtue, that can, best, be explained, as seeking out, a Life, of, service [similar in nature, to servitude, and even, being, a slave, to a higher cause]. It is basically, working, for a, higher good [of sorts], and fully, identifying, with that good [as truly seeing, oneself, as a teacher]. It appears, to be, at, the heart, of, Western Success, but this, is not so [Western Success, is pleasure driven]. It is a path too, highly, associated, with what, they call Professions (Religious in nature). Seeking, to be a, Movie director, is such, an example [the higher good here, being, founding, community, and hence too, spreading, joy]. Mercedes-Benz, began, as a, Conglomerate, based on, Loyalty, and driven, towards, creating, car parts [and engines], that were more, efficient, and cheaper too. The end result, of all this, knowledge [of communal service], was, the Mercedes Benz itself.

Artist: Guitarist
Martial being: Knight of Malta ['Little Dorrit']
Actor: Snooker/Squash

Life Path 5: Integrity

Integrity, is a virtue, based on, being, totally fair, and just. A virtue missing today, in Life, especially, due, to Western Success, spreading out there, everywhere, as a model, of living. A good example, of a Life, based on, Integrity, is one, of being, an expert, of all sorts [on one end, this very much, includes, being, a Consultant/Thinker, and on, the other end, a professional Poker player].

Artist: Playwright
Martial being: Teutonic Knight ['Martin Chuzzlewit']
Actor: Runner

Life Path 6: Honor

Honor, is a virtue, that very much, has, to do, with being, charitable [assisting others, via, creating, a new order]. In many ways too, its about, being, a man, of the times [the well known person, who goes around, solving, problems, for others (asked, or unasked for)]. The Knight Templars, were an, Arthurian organization, built on Honor. They sought, to create, a Trading Empire, based on, serving, underprivileged [poor in nature], markets, before, becoming, very much, an NGO of sort. It was, an organization, that defined, the Arthurians [in the UK], as a, Global power, of sorts [and giving rise, to, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table].

Artist: Chef/Cook
Martial being: Knight Templar ['Edwin Drood']
Actor: Athletics [of all sorts]

Life Path 7: Patience

Patience, is very much, a virtue, most, believe, they know, about today. It is a virtue, believed, practised, by many, outside, the success tracks [as defined, by Western Success]. In short really, waiting, for opportunity, to show, or even, arise [in the form, of choice, option, and possibility]. In truth though, Patience, is all about, Trust [garnering it, and showing it]. In many ways, a Life, lived, on Patience, is no, different, for instance, from becoming a Politician [falsely believed though, to be a person, of Loyalty]. Another, finer example, would be, becoming, a, Sports star (Tennis), and even too, a, Rockstar. In many ways, giving [or delivering], what, the 'people', expect.

Artist: Photography
Martial being: Rosicrucian ['Dombey and Son']
Actor: Cycling

These, are just, some, of the virtues [falling under, Virtuosity], that one can live by. As mentioned earlier, Virtuosity, is generally, lacking, in, todays world, having being replaced, instead, with the search, for, pleasure [even at all cost]. In many ways, while, Virtuosity, is at, the very heart, of, defining, the human being, seeking pleasure [only], is at, the heart, of defining, the animal. At the very least, if one, seeks, to live, a life, without, seeking, any form, of, 'success', then, living it, by, showing, Virtuosity [at its basic level], everyday, in ones life, will eventually, lead, to one, entering, a state, of Joy or Happiness, and with time, the belief, in a Life, well lived. A Life, not shameful, to one, but in many ways, could very much too, make, World History.