Saturday, October 30, 2010

Expressive Outbursts

Robert Pattinson, can kick, Leonardo DiCaprio's, ass. Because, I say this, because, Leo, is really, just a wuss; a big wuss for that matter. Cats, could whoop, Leonardo DiCaprio's, ass; white cats, and those, simply, having a bad day. Leo, thinks, he has it going on. He thinks, he is hot; hot enough, to date, a model, like he did, Gisele Bunchden. Well Leo, I am here to tell you, Robert Pattionson, IS, a Model. He doesn't do, the date-me-a-model thing; to him, it is another, business meeting, of sorts. Leonardi DiCaprio, thinks, he is so hot, after all, he does make movies, and movies, that appear, to sell, really well; Well Leo, so what: Robert Pattinson, is French, and thats, like winning, an Oscar, back-to-back, 4 years, in a row. I don't really like Leo, and neither I believe, does, Rob Pattinson; Mugda Godse, would probably find, Robert Pattinson, to be hotter, than, Leonardo DiCaprio, as does, every other woman, out there, including, Leo's mummy. To hell with Leo; the next movie, with Leo in it, am going, to watch it, with no clothes on. All this, to show, LEO, I don't care, to know him, as he would believe, I would; I would, travel, to Leo's home, and knock, on his door, stark naked, to show, Leonardo DiCaprio, I don't really care, to know him, or the women, he dates. Thats really, what I think, of Leonardo DiCaprio.

To Hell, with Leo