Monday, October 25, 2010

The Age of Compassion

The Age of Compassion.
A Tibetan Monk, by the name, of, Dhondup, on his way, back, to his monastery, on the aftermath, of a long, walk, meets, a travelling, Japanese Samurai Warrior, whose name, is, Yogiro, which results, in the following, conversation, emanating, and taking place:

Yogiro: Excuse me friend, how far, is the town from here?

Dhondup: [looking both ways] which Town, do you seek?

Yogiro: I seek out, accomodation, for the night, and little, food, to get by;

Dhondup: Maybe, you seek, this out, at Monastery, where i reside;

[the two new friends, alongside each other, begin, their travels, back, to the Monastery, with Yogiro, riding, his horse, and Dhondup, walking, beside him]

Yogiro: It is, very hot, in your country, why is this so?

Dhondup: No rains, in a long time, but, it not bother us, too much;

Yogiro: Maybe, you move, to another place

Dhondup: Maybe, we not care, too much;

Yogiro: I travel, from Japan, by sea first, and now, by horse; but you, never travel too far, maybe.

Dhondup: Travel not necessary, if you care, to know, self

Yogiro: What exactly, that mean, care to know self;

Dhondup: It mean, you think, why you care, too much, about anything

Yogiro: But maybe, you suffer long, or die early, if you, not care, about anything

Dhondup: Maybe that true, but maybe, you suffer long, or die early, if you, care, for anything

Yogiro: My horse tired, and I feel hungry, but am happy, I travel this far;

Dhondup: Japan far, but maybe, not very far, as you think;

Yogiro: It far, I even travel, by ship, as I say before;

Dhondup: That we hear, but maybe, you care, too much, that it far;

Yogiro: Your country beautiful, I see many beautiful thing, but reason, I travel, so far, is to learn, to see, beauty, in everything;

Dhondup: So you care, in way, that I don't; you want, to see, beauty, everywhere, and I want, to not care, something beautiful;

Yogiro: So you believe, life, not too interesting;

Dhondup: I not really say this; you Samurai, but still, you Monk, like me, but difference is, you want, to become, most beautiful thing, in Japan, so you not see, beauty, anywhere; I instead, seek, to see, beauty, outside me, and become, different, and as Monk, not care, for anything, too much;

[Yogiro, has now, disembarked, from his horse, and is walking, alongside, Dhondup]

Yogiro: So we different, but we still, the same, but tell me, what is this, so beautiful, that you see, that you not care, for anything;

Dhondup: We still care, but we not care, like you care; we see, we become; you see, you feel, you remember;

Yogiro: And what is it, you become, after you see, this beautiful thing?

Dhondup: Ronin

The Age of Compassion:

Compassion, is a part, of Love, that together, with Respect, and Dignity, probably, define Love, in its entirety. What makes Compassion, different, from Respect, and Dignity, has very much, to do, with caring, from a, time perspective. Dignity, very much, has to do, with caring, in the present, while, Respect, has to do, with caring, in the future. Compassion though, is care, very much, defined, by the past.

Unknown, to many, the wheels, of Time, have been rolling, and the times [as they say], have, changed [or atleast, have began, to do so]. We have entered, a new Age, and many, are not, really aware, of it: the Age of Compassion. The previous Age, that of Respect, is in many ways, dying, or dead.

In these times, of Politics [and Justice], we live in, it is, Love, that holds everything, together. The History of Love, has gone, through, three phases, defining, very much, how, people live. Back, during the, Arthurian times, Love, was very much, defined, via, Dignity. People sought, to be treated, in a, dignifiable manner, and not, put down, in one way, or another. The Napoleanic times though, were times, when, Love, was defined, as being based, on Respect [people in general, sought, not to be slighted]. How Life, was lived out, during, both periods, heavily, differs; in the Arthurian times, people sought, to garner, enough wealth, to live out, their lives. Gathering wealth, saw to it, that they, were treated, well, and basically, seen, as having, Dignity. Wealth was everything, and men [and women too, in general], were defined, by it. In many ways, people, were attached, to wealth, and not, to other, humans, as many possibly believe [what this means, is that, for instance, before, a man, sought out, a wife (or woman in general), they had, to garner, wealth, of some sort] [as some would say, 'no romance without finance']. In general too, most men, would find that, they were not, attracted, to women, in general, without possessing, wealth, in one form, or another [it was a rather, instinctive, feeling, and the inverse, is also true, that men, who gained wealth, felt, an innate need, to seek out, women, in their lives]. This must all, be understood, in that, men, sought out, Dignity, by seeking out, wealth, and women too, who accompanied, the wealth, with regards, to Image [the wealthier one was, the more beautiful, a woman, they sought out]. The Age of Dignity, was one, fully, of Image, and presenting, a successful Image, to society, that made one, Dignifiable, to the people [many men, falsely believe, that they, have to have, a woman, in their lives, before, seeking out, success, not knowing, that, such a way, of life, is much more, ancient, than even, the Arthurian times] [Most men, in the Arthurian times, had no real, interest, in women, and only, attained it, after, gaining, success, of one kind, or another].

The Age of Respect, arriving, with the Napoleanic times, brought about, a real different, way, of living, different, from that seen, today [Life today, has very much, regressed, to the Arthurian, times, even amongst, the wealthiest, out there] [the Western world, including America, are heavily, Image (and not Personality) driven]. The Age of Respect, was one, mainly based, on, Personality [or what some call, a Public Profile]. Slander [not Scandal], was seen, by many, as the biggest line, not to cross, in whatever, they did. One has to realize, how, Life, really was like, in the, Napoleanic times. During that period, most people, lived, individually, and not really, in groups, of one kind, or another. The Arthurians [and the Age of Dignity], had the people, seeking out, companionship, in one form, or another [the concept, of the Nuclear Family, was born, in these times]. The Napoleanic times, saw to it, the people, living, very much, individually, and not, caring too much, to meet, others. People met, in interesting circumstances: they met, via, situations, of all kinds. Situations, very much, moderated, by Respect. It was this Culture, of all kinds, of situations, that made, France, a very, prominent, Nation, in the world, and the most, prominent, in the Western world [by situations, it is meant, that just about, anything, could happen, to one]. They had Culture, that was heavily, defined, by all kinds, of situations; this means, that one, could find themselves, interacting, with just about, anyone [including, the King of France], based on the interesting [Respect based], situations, that arose. It was a totally, interesting culture, where everyone, somewhat, knew, everyone else [due to situations], but they all, really lived, separate [individual lives]. Making wealth, was not, of foremost, importance, as the people, basically knew, how to do it, but gaining, Art based Knowledge, that garnered, them, Respect, and basically, made them, winners, in just about, any kind, of, situation, that arose, was what, Life, was really, all about. In Asia, it was, the Japanese [through the Samurai], that also, developed, a Culture, based on, Love/Respect, and just about, hundreds, of situations, that arose [based on Respect], and how, to get out of them, respectfully [in many ways, becoming, Samurai]. The Age of Love/Respect, saw to it, that France and Japan, become, the eminent, civilizations, of the world, due, to the Respect based, Cultures, they developed [America surprisingly, remained somewhat, stuck, in the Arthurian times (and driven, by Image, as it is, today)] [the Islamic world, on the otherhand, dealt, with Respect, not culturally really, but via, Intelligence/Sharia] [In France, the most, pre-eminent, symbol, of Respect, was really, the Musketeer].

We now, enter, a whole new, Age, that, of Compassion. The times, have changed, which means, that many, out there, won't care, too much, if disrespected/slighted [and even slandered], by forces out there. While, in the Arthurian times, people, were connected, via, wealth [and materiality], and in, Napoleanic France, by all kinds, of, situations, they entered into [knowingly or unknowingly], the Age of Compassion, will see, in it, people, becoming, connected, to each other, via, the heart, and compassion; what this means, is that, people, on seeing, beauty (as it really is), will become, attached to it, in one way, or another (obsessive, in nature) [in the Arthurian ages, beauty, was perceived, from the perspective, of, Materiality (meaning, at the very least, those, with wealth, were seen, as beautiful); in the Napoleanic times, beauty, was perceived, from the situations, people, entered into (if a moderate looking woman, glanced, at one, and winked too, then in ones mind {and even heart}, she could, be perceived, as being, beautiful)]. In this Age, attaining, true Beauty, will see to it, that, people, become, naturally attracted, to one. While the Arthurian Age [of Love/Dignity], was driven, not only, by, Image, but also, by, Games (people played), and the Choices [in life], they made, the Napoleanic, was driven though, by Personality, and also, by Fights [of all kinds], and the Options, put to one, in any, situations, they entered, into [knowingly or unknowingly]. This new Age, of Compassion, will primarily, be, Character based, and also, will very much, be, Dance based [in nature], and driven, by Will [what this, all means, is that, if, treated badly, one should choose, to Dance, around the situation [with the adversely], rather, than deal, with it, directly, as doing so, could see, the masses, turn against one] [People in 'trouble', of any kind (even by being, naturally beautiful], will find, that, Willpower, will be needed, as most, problems, out there, will not have, lots, of choices, or options, to them]. Its going, to be a crazy world [and times], and Compassion [not caring too much, or caring deeply], will be required, to survive, in the coming future.

While, the Age of Respect/Love, saw to it, France and Japan, become, the topmost, Nations, of the world (culturally/civilization) [American success, in the latter times, of this Age (of Respect), in many ways, lies, with Knowledge, created, in France], there will be, a powershift, of sorts, to Asia [with regards really, to civilization]. This powershift, it is perceived, will see, China, rise, to be, one, of the foremost, Nations, of the world [Civilization, it appears, is very much, Nation based]. But while, China, will be, succesful, in this [it is perceived], that, the cornerstone, to building, Civilization, itself, it appears, will very much, lie, with Tibet. For no other group, of people, out there, understand, Compassion, more, than the Tibetans. What this means, is that, just about, everything, in life, will have, to change [be redesigned], and be centered, around, Compassion [and not Respect, or Dignity]. Food, Clothes, Architecture, Civilization [structures and systems], Art, Technology, and everything else, will have, to change, and be seen, from the light, of, Compassion [and not Respect, or Dignity]. It is therefore, foreseen, that, if Tibet, plays, its hand, carefully, not only, will they, replace, Japan, as the center, of Asia, but also, be, at the heart, of creating, Civilization, for this, new Age, we now, live in [in many ways, they would become, what most, believe, America, to be, to the world, today (the future); China though, is foreseen, as being, at the heart, of, creating, a new form, of, Culture, and even, world materiality]. In the Western world though, Greece, once again, becomes, an important, Civilization [and not Rome], as Greece, was based, on, Love, and Compassion [what this means, is that, Dignity, in Greece, was seen, through, the eyes, of, Compassion] [as in the case, when a, wealthy man, donates, or gives, part, of his wealth, to the poor].

So, to Tibet [and even, the Chinese], I must say though, they must, seek, to fully, understand, what, this all means. The Age of Compassion, brings about, drastic, changes, in human behaviour, itself. What this means, is that, methods, one used, to regulate, human behaviour [based on, Respect], will no longer, work. Using, military force [for example], of some kind, to deal, with, irateness, in human, populations, will not work, as Beings, lacking, in Compassion, are capable, of, just about, anything [one could have, a grand massacre, on their hands, by using, military force, or even perhaps, scenarios, such as that, of, the Chinese Student, crushed, by Tanks, in the Tienanmen Square, protests] [Massive hunger strikes, are also, what, future leaders, might have, to deal with]. People, without, Compassion, can be, totally, irate, and very, difficult, to deal with [such folk, can easily, be triggered, to act, irately]. The Tibetan way, of remaining, detached, from any, kind, of, provocable situations, will not, really work, with Beings, lacking, in, Compassion [they work, with beings, lacking, in, Respect]. Tibet and China, could very well, see, themselves, facing enemies, they have, no idea of, and don't perhaps, even care, to really know [what this means, is, irate beings, who probably, hate, the kind of, food, you eat, for no reason, or simply, seek, to start fights, not, to disrespect one, but due mainly, to hating, whom they are] [they just don't care, for anything].

In all, what I could say, for Tibetans, trained, in being, detached, is to offer, to them, in many ways, a copy, of, "Sharia:Theory, Practise, Transformations by Wael B. Hallaq", and possibly too, the 'Sword of Allah'. In many ways, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will become, your best friend.
