Thursday, March 27, 2014



Scotland and the Invention of Man:

When one does speak of the Invention of Man, one is in many a way even, speaking of Man in all, and as said an Inventor, Explorer, Eccentric, Maverick or even a Mastermind too [that it in all again, was the Scots and who did in all come to define our notions of Man in all, and as very much seen today too that is].

Scotland though, is not only the Land of the Scots, but has had many another groups of people inhabiting the place, and as speak even of the Picts, Jutes, Angles, Celts, Britons, and other minor groups too that is.

To basically speak of the History of Scotland, is to perhaps even put/view it all and from an Asian perspective too, and as with viewing it all even, and from speak even of Transcedence, Enlightenment, Realization and Actualization too that is. That in all, the above work posted in many a way, does only present Scotland, and from speak of Enlightenment too that is. Whom though, were 'The Scots', and as with regards to speak of Transcendence or Realization?

Before we can answer all this, is to perhaps state that, 'The Scots' in themselves, were actually largely, Lovers of Nature that is [and as with perhaps putting all this in a better perspective speaking of the fact that, Marathons, were actually oftenly run or held even and in many a way too, and in Scotland too that is].

To speak of Scotland and from the perspective of Continental Europe in all, is to also speak of Britain, France, Portugal and Italy too. For it was Britain in all, and that did come in all again to find itself highly Popular in all, and in Europe too, and such that, this popularity in all did lead to Britain rising in Ambition too perhaps, and as with speak even of the attempt in all to create an Empire, and that would very well even stretch into Asia in itself. Britain's ambitions though were never truly fulfilled and other than speak of it all and as said Publishing too, but they in all ways even were responsible and for the rise of Great Britain and the Victorian Era too, and which did in all lead to a huge popularity even, and of the Retail Industries, and all over the World too that is. Whom though, were 'The Scots' and in this game of Popularity? They in all simply said, were the 'Thames Bridge'.

To speak of France, is to in all ways even speak of life and as experienced in all, and in a Civilizational manner, and as with this basically even speaking of a Culture, and of Intriguing and even Machiavellian Behaviour too, and as with further speak even of the 'Fall of Europe', speaking in all ways even perhaps, and of Europe today said simply racist in its ways that is. Whom though were the Scots and amongst all this Intriguing Behaviour in all? They in all again were simply the Notre Dame, and as a Name too, and speak even of the Institution of the Queen of France too that is.

What of Portugal? It said in all a place and said to speak of the Portuguese Jesuits, and who did in all invent Radicalism in Europe too perhaps, and as with this generally speaking even and of a Culture of Upstaging each other, and which did in all lead even, and to a world in Europe and beyond too, and which did speak in all and of attempting to overthrow many a Ruling Monarch that is [and as with the Portuguese even introducing Power Politics and speak even of Power Interplay and into Europe in many a way too, but in many a way in all again, outside Europe in all and as far as Mexico and even Asia, and as with the Portuguese Jesuits even, viewing all this and from speak even of Regulatory measures too that is] [and in a Europe and old World too, and where in all again perhaps, speak of Security in all did not go and with speak of Modern Security Communications Systems that is, and as with this even speaking of the decline in all, and of Portugal, and from the World Stage too that is]. Whom though were 'The Scots', and as with regards to all this? They in all were Rex Deus, and as with 'He' even said to have invented in all perhaps, the Masonic world, and as with it even speaking of the rise of many a Famed Royal House in Europe, and as with speak even of the Stuarts, and who did in all attempt to create Identity, and from speak even of eliminating Pathologies and from ones life too that is [and as with Pathologies even speaking of whom we are, and as Godless too perhaps] [and as with basic speak even of someone who can truly reassure you and when one is truly in all again depressed or hopeless in their ways], but that in the modern World in all, the Masonic does speak even and of Sherlock Holmes too for instance.

Finally, is to speak even of Italy, and as having given birth to a whole new Belief System in all perhaps, and as with speak even of new ways of defining Wealth, Property and Status too in all, and as with Egypt even said to speak of the Ancient, Greece of the Classical, and Italy in all and of Antiquity too [and as Italy even, having given birth to Antiquity, and as with it even speaking of new forms of Expression in all, and as arising even, and with speak of the Piano too perhaps (Antiquity), and also Goth Architecture in itself too that is]. What of 'The Scots'? It was they in all again and as with speak even and of the Gaelic too, and further speak even of Mac Dubh too, and who did give birth and to Gothic Architecture in all and as seen all over Europe too, but with the Gaelic in all, responsible in all again and for the birth of European Furniture, European Restaurants & Bars, and even European Country Homes too [and as with this even speaking of Normandy in itself too for instance].

Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!

It was 'The Scots' too though, and who were in all again and via the Knights Templar, responsible in all and for the birth of Latin America, and as with this speaking even and of anything that can be classified Latin America, and as with further speak even of Architecture in itself too actually. It was the Scots too, and that did herald in all the very rise of Banking/Mercantilism and in Europe too [and a world in all again and that did give rise even, and to Guy Fawkes in himself for instance], the name Europa too [and as with it even speaking of European Festive life], and even further speak even of the Angles, and Angles-Land too [and which in time would be referred to as England, and as with the Angles even, coming to define English Customs, Manners and Etiquette in all] [and as with this furtherly speaking even, and of Henry VIII for instance].

What of famous 'Scots'? From modern speak, the names are many: Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, James Clark Maxwell, Gauss, Kepler, Copernicus, Alexander Graham Bell, and further speak even and of that Stalwart figure William Shakespeare in himself too [and as with his taking an active interest and in English Society, and what it could truly embody and for Europe too that is].

In all, to finish all this up, what is there to be said of 'The Scots', and as with regards to speak even of Realization and Actualization? Perhaps in all again shockingly and boldly too, is to in all even say that, it does speak even and of the invention in all, and of the Television too for instance.

The sounds of Scotland:

Friday, March 21, 2014



There are those around the World in all again, and who have been conditioned in all, and in truly believing in all that, South Americans, are actually truly a racist people in many a way. To attempt to somewhat derail this myth (it being true somewhat though), is to tell one that, when they do think South Americans, let them think Garlic too actually [and as with it something truly even South American in all, and not American, European or Western either].

Thursday, March 20, 2014

'The Center of the World'

'The Center of the World'.

Many out there, have probably in all, and at one time or another, and as a reader of a kind too, had of the phrase, 'The Center of the World'. To basically introduce this Phrase to most, is to perhaps in all again speak of appraisal in itself, and as with regards even to Ethnocentrism in all, and speak even of being perceived only, and from a historical perspective too that is.

To however put 'The Center of the World' in a better perspective, is to speak of it all and as said even, to the possessing of Knowledge or Wisdom in all perhaps, and that can help one simply Overcome in all again, any problem or scenario too, and they might face that is [and as with speak even of gaining respect, and from ones friends for instance].

Having said the above though, is to say that 'The Center of the World', does not actually speak of the United States of America today, but that in all ways even does refer to Turkey, Israel, Central Asia, and even Italy too. That it is through Turkey, and via speak even of the Ottoman Empire, where many of our beliefs or notions even, and of Law Enforcement, Modern too, do arise from in many a way from actually. It is through Israel on the otherhand, or specifically even speak of the Jewish World, and where many of our Images of Success, do originate in all from [and as with the further speak even, and of so said Jewish dominance of Media today in all actually]. It is through Central Asia though, where many of our beliefs and as with regards to Gender, Race, Age and Class, do in many a way originate even, and as with further speak even of the Post-Slavery, Post-Imperialism, Post-Colonialism times in all [and as with this referring even and to speak of Gender, and as going along with speak of Men, and as said 'Players' or 'Playboys' too in all]. It is however via Fascist Italy on the otherhand, where speak in all again of Modern Infrastructure Design, does arise from, and as with further speak truly even, and of what some could term Modern Materials (or even speak again, and of the Material Sciences that is).

All the above though, has in all come to be concentrated, and in the United States of America today too, and via speak even of Immigration in itself too actually.

All this though, was not true in the past, and where in all again, 'The Center of the World' was defined differently. Take Asia for instance, and where in all 'The Center of the World', did actually in many a way speak of Indo-China [and further speak even of Gautama Buddha for instance]. With the Middle East, 'The Center of the World', coming in many a way (and as with further speak even of a long winded story in all), to be actually defined and by Palestine too [and as with this referring and to the History of the Crusades too, there having been more than one, and in Palestine/Israel/Jerusalem too that is]. In Africa, and outside Egypt too, speak perhaps even, and as with speak even of Africans perhaps and as having missed out on History and due to a basic ignoring in all, and of many a Political event, speak even of Numidia, and as with they having not been a Berber people, but in all ways even, an Egyptocentric people, and as with this even speaking of Hannibal too [in many a way though, Numidia in all and as having served as an inspiration, and for the rise even of Islamic Spain, and as with it even very much African too]. New theories on 'The Center of the World', does speak even, and J.R.R Tolkien perhaps, and the very birth of 'Middle Earth' too for instance. 

Finally in all again, speak perhaps and of the Americas and as defined as 'The New World', and as with perhaps proposing that, this moniker in all, does speak even and of the absence in all again, and of 'The Center of the World' theories and in the Americas too that is.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Signal Processing vs. Statics/Dynamics

Signal Processing vs. Statics/Dynamics.

Biological Thought and Humanity:

Most out there, have probably heard and of both Signal Processing and Statics/Dynamics too. The reason for mentioning the both, does not only speak and of just how societies today do function in all, but in many a way too, has come in all again, and to define just how Humans today do perceive themselves. That in the past, Humans and societies in all, did perceive themselves, and as based around speak of Statics/Dynamics in most ways, while Humans and societies today, do perceive themselves in all, and in speak of Signal Processing too.

To understand this all better, is to speak of Signal Processing and the Human Body, and as speaking in all again, and of Physical, Mental or Emotional States too, and as with all this even referring to the Human Body, and as defined in many a way even, and by our Spinal cords, and as with they said even, capable of transmitting many an electric signal/pulse, and in helping regulate Bodily Functions in all that is [and as with all this even referring primarily and to Physical, Mental and Emotional States too]. In many a way, a way of thinking in all, and that has come in many a way too, to simply define even, just how we think of Technology today actually. In regards though, to Evolution in itself, all this even speaking of perceiving oneself, and from speak of Psychological Breakdown that is [and as with attempting to prevent it all and from simply happening].

In the past though, Humans and societies, and as perceived and from speak of Statics/Dynamics, and as with all this even not only talking of Technology in the past, but in many a way truly, speak of the Human Body, and as perceived from speak even of Physical Matter, Body Fluids and even Gaseous substances too in all, and as with all this too speaking of a Qualitative or Quantitative Analysis, and of the Human Body that is, but as with speak of Technology too, speak in all ways even, and of said emerging Technologies and such as MEMs too for instance.

In all again though, the former theory on Humans and as having to do and with Signal Processing, speaking even and of Evolution and as perceived from speak of Specimens (and even Eugenics too), and with the latter, that of Statics/Dynamics, and as highly Memory driven too (and as with speak of Intuitive thought, and as with the Human Body even, said to be self-healing), speaking of Evolution, and as with regards to speak even of Human Breeds in all actually.

In all again, the world of Specimens, and as presented in movies and such as 'The Truman Show' and with Jim Carey in it, or even speak of 'Twins' or the 'Running Man' and with (Governor) Arnold Schwarzenegger in both of them.

In all again though, the two 'models' presented above, and as not Mutually Exclusive, but in many a way speaking of one as Dominant in all, and as compared to the other that is.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Eternal

The Eternal.

The Eternal, and as with it even basically said in all, to simply speak of the Moon/Stars, the Seas/Oceans and even Rocks too.