Monday, February 6, 2012

The Historical Epic

and Iraq too.

Iraq is in many ways, one of those places truly [and as with its Nature/Terrain too even really], which in many ways again, truly does resemble even, how many people in all, do believe actually, the olden/ancient World, to have looked like actually [and as with speak too even, of the 'Lord of the Rings' movies too actually].

To perhaps better understand this is to know that, everyday Drama in all [and as seen in Iraq too even really], somewhat truly in all again, does mirror that, seen, in many an Historical Epic actually [and as with fighting off even, a gang of thieves in all actually] [or even truly, struggling to do ones shopping in all too actually] [and mirroring too, as with speak too even really, of the Historical Epic perceived in all, from a rather even, small-scale perspective in all too really].

In all ways truly, the Historical Epic in many ways, can truly speak of Iraqi History [and talk too even really, of a life fully lived, in Iraq itself truly] [and as with speak too even really, of truly defining in all, what does stand in all again, for Empire/Media in all too actually].

Media & Iraq: