Monday, March 5, 2012


and the Arthurian.

- with the title of Victor, the true name actually, of Arthur in all, and as seen in Arthurian Kenia too that is [and with that of Astor in all again, replacing that of Arthur in all too really, and as seen in the Shiraz Arthurian world too in all truly].

In many ways even, the role of Victor, has to do with Designing life in all [and as with Communications too even really] [and Private/Local Industry in all truly], and as seen truly even, in the 'Spock Tartlehorn' entry for instance actually [and with the title of Arthur in all again, very much European too really].



And with the Green covered Penguin Popular Classics in all, not pertaining to Mohammedan Worldwide Popular Media actually, but actually truly, Mystical pieces in all even (and as with Re-writings too even really), that truly do fuse Islam [Islam, Sharia, Sufism, 'the Next Big Thing'], and Italian Thought too even actually [resulting in all again, in what they do term, Koranic Islam in itself too really] [and in all again truly, should be viewed even, as secondary pieces to Koranic Islam itself, as with pieces in all, best viewed by most from the perspectives of Sharia, Sufism etc., and in all again pieces to be read truly, from the perspective of mysticism actually (and mysticism too, based around Wild Imaginings even, and as with speak too even really, of not only creative problem solving in all, but also in all too really, a better understanding truly, of what Ordered life (and as with being Happy with it actually), truly is like in all too even really].