Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Politics and Modernity

We live in a World today, where everyday life, is highly defined, and by speak of Economics in all too. That life in all today, is all about attempting to attain Economic success in all again, and as with having plenty of good food to eat, a good home, and even some Money left behind in all, and to spend on ones petty desires too.

The goal of this post though, is to attempt to re-introduce Politics in our lives. That in many a way, many do spend alot of effort, thinking of just how to attain Economic success in all, and without their realizing that, in many a way too, speak of Economic success, does in many a way again, speak not actually of attaining a Modern Education, but in all ways even, of being rather open minded in all that is (and as with this referring specifically even, to what some do call the Subconscious Mind that is) [that opportunity in attaining Economic success today, might be more readily available, if and only if, one was rather open minded in their thinking, and willing in all again, to seek out all kinds of avenues in all (and as including being a Private Garbage Disposal Collector for instance), and in attaining Economic success too] {and all this too referring, to a Modern World where success in all again, is often only envisioned, and from a highly sexual perspective too that is].

The goal of attempting to reintroduce Politics in our lives, very much has to do, and with attempting to give everyday folks, a vision in all, and of what Success in many a way, does truly mean. That for many even, Modern Economic success in all (and as with it highly sexualized too perhaps), might not provide a strong enough motivation to succeed in all again, and very much due to a Modern/Western Media in all, stereotypical in its ways too, and as with attempting to tell the Masses that, only those possessing certain assets in all again (and such as white skin perhaps, certain voice accents, certain education, certain History etc.), can succeed in this Modern World we live in.

In many a way, Politics, and as with it being local too, providing a form of Inspiration in all, and as with helping one gain a Vision in all again, and of how to life individually, and as with this even including monetary success too, and in many a way too, learning how to view life/reality, and from the very perspective of Aspirations, Present moments and even ones individual Past history too (and as compared to the Modern World, where life and reality in all again, is highly viewed from various Technical/Political issues in all, and speak broadly too, and of ones life very much survival oriented in all, and presented very much in the form of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow only).

In all again, and finally too, Politics, and for the differing Regions of the World, and for those too in all again, who might wish to envision Personal success, highly based not on having the proper connections and contacts, but success in all again, highly based around taking advantage of opportunity, chance and luck too (and as with knowing where to look for it all that is).

North America:

South America:



(and for an Africa too, whose Modern Societies in all, are characterized, and by elements of Slavery too)

South East Asia:

East Asia:

The Middle East:




- for those out there, and in the many different Regions of the World too, and who do wish to know just whom they are, and as with speak that is, of International Status too (and as with further speak even, and of International Success in all, and as with it even, constituting of Sexualized Images, Personalities and Characters too that is).

North America:

South America/Cuba:



South East Asia:

East Asia:

The Middle East:


Central Asia:

Modern Signs, Emblems & Insignia

Many out there, probably do wonder, what the British coined phrase 'the Modern Times' that is, truly does mean. It in many ways perhaps, does very much speak of the problems in all, that Modern populations do face, and problems too, new and unique in their ways in that, they speak in many a way too, of our being disconnected and from History in itself too actually (that for instance, the olden Religions in all, appear very much to be unable, to solve modern problems in all).

In many a way, the Modern Times in all, can be best represented, and by Modern Signs, Modern Insignia and Modern Emblems too. In many a way too, Modern Signs in all, do speak of Modern History in itself (and Pivotal Figures seen in it), while Modern Insignia in many away, does mainly speak of Modern Presidencies (and Bureaucratic Governments too), and with Modern Emblems in all again, referring to Modern Symbolism in all (and such as Modern Flags and even Identity Cards too).

In many a way too though, the Modern Times in all, do speak of a set of protocols, and which do refer in all again, to just what happens to one in all (and Modern History too), what follows after (a systematic/lawful passage), and how it all concludes (or what does constitute modern success in itself that is). That in all, while the Modern World is often represented, and from the very perspective of Modern Democracy too (and the false belief that, we are very much free to do as we please), the truth though is that, attempting to do anything in the Modern World, requires one to have the proper contacts and connections, and as with it all even, highly systematized too (and as with attempting to do just about anything, and via Computers only that is).

In many a way too, while the Modern World (and Modern Democracy too), is highly represented from speak of Civility, Stability and Order (and as with speak of the Future even), the very truth is that, the Modern World in all, has come to be highly defined in all again, and by 7 states, and that do in many a way, describe the Modern Times that is. These 7 states are as follows:

1. Subjection: speak of Poverty in all, and as with being mistreated too.
2. Oppression: speak of Pauperism in all, and being abused too.
3. Repression: speak of Hardship in all, and being attacked too.
4. Suppression: speak of Destitution in all, and being hated on too.
5. Domination: speak of Poorness in all, and being putdown too.
6. Discrimination: speak of being Beggarly in all, and being maltreated (physically rejected that is).
7. Injustice: speak of Neediness in all, and being mocked too.

That in all, the 7 above, represent the everyday problems, that those living in the Modern Times do face, and speak too, of Modern Signs (Modern History), Modern Insignia (Modern Bureaucratic Governments) and Modern Emblems too (Modern Symbolism in all). In finality though, the UN, the IMF and the World Bank too, as very much a part of Modern Signs in all, Modern Insignia, and Modern Emblems too, and respectively speaking that is (and further speak too, and of these three organizations in all, attempting to rule over the World that is).

Proscribed below though, are various texts in all, and for the different Regions of the World too, and that can help those living in these Regions in all again, truly understand, whom their Modern Governments in all again, truly are, how they think, and what they do believe to be true of the Future that is. In all again, the very attempt to free many a person out there, and from Modern/Western Thought in all, Modern Governments and the Modern Times in themselves too, in that, seeing Modernity for what it truly is, will help one realize that, there is probably a better way in all, and of living out life, and as compared to that envisioned in general, and by the British too (and as with they behind even, the very birth in all, and of the Modern World in itself too).

North America:

South America:



South East Asia:

East Asia:

The Middle East:


Sunday, August 25, 2013


- Brian Jacques and the Tales of Redwall (and Folklore and Kenia/Afrique too).

Friday, August 23, 2013

To Angelina J.


Wisdom might have taught one that, 'Ambition destroys its possessors'. How the times have changed though Jolie, and from times too, when success in itself, was nothing more, and than a personal escapade too. You now make movies Jolie, and somewhat good ones at that. How far you are though, and from your home in Romania too, living in America, and believing in Ambition, and as with your working with the UN too, and in the name of false hope that is.

Europe, once a former World center stage, and of Cultural living too, now sees itself relegated to the backwaters, as many out there, have lost interest in the place, and in the name of Pacifism too. You in America, we now in Africa, and probably in all, trying to understand ourselves as European perhaps, and with a Europe today, very much Socialist in its ways (and even somewhat Tribal African), and in its attitudes too. 

Let me perhaps remind you of how Europe in all, once functioned, and as with even attempting to educate you perhaps (and as with your working with the UN too), and on just how the so called Modern Age, does truly work like (that Africa in many a way, has far more potential, and than America today does promise too actually).

First off Jolie, is to know that, the World today, is very much dominated by what they do term Geo-politics. Politics in all, based even on pride and envy, and speak in all again, and of whom (or even what region of the World that is), has the best Homes, Cars, Women or even simply Food in itself. Such a useless way of viewing the World, as with it all based highly around brainwashing others such that, they don't see themselves as they truly are, and what potential they do truly hold. In the old days though, we never knew of Geo-politics really, and tried our best, to live our daily lives, very much based around Religion in itself (that Religion in all, when well understood, holds all the keys in all again, and to living life grandly).

Philosophy too, is now dead in many a way, and was once upon a time in all, and in many a way too, the very sole manner and way, we did learn how to survive in all. Today though, we do see the rise of what they do term Political ties that is. That in many a way, surviving, and other than it being based on Philosophy (and as with the case of Plato's Republic too for instance), is very much concentrated on creating Political ties with others (and very birth of the Western World too that is), but in many a way too, giving birth, to the very world of Racism, Sexism and even Western Supremacy in general too.

What of Global Security too? Terminology in all, you might have heard, and while working for the UN too. It in all again, speaking of defending what are considered strategic points in ones region of existence (and as including even Architecture and Infrastructure, Military Bases, Resources in general, and even Famed Figures in all too really) [and with you Jolie perhaps today, and as very much a celebrated Celebrity too, Brangelina, very much now even, a part of American Global Security in all that is]. In the past though, instead of Global Security, we very much basically had Cultural ties in all, and that did in all again, promote different ways of living, and in many a way too, speaking of Cultural exchange in all too really, and as with the case even, and of Literature in itself too that is.

Fourthly Jolie, the so called Modern Age, does very much speak of National Identities too. That in many a way, to afford the comforts and pleasures of life (and speaking of living a life very much pain-free in its ways), one has to be accepted in a region, and as with speak of a National Identity too that is, and as compared even, to past ways of living in all, and where acceptance in all again, was highly based around Language & Accents in all. In all, the so called National Identities, are very much based around Racial profiling (and as with speak too even, of facial features, hair kinds/types or even the possessing of White skin and as a marker of civility too), and a World today, very much built around Racial tensions in all, and everyday general violence and crime too that is.

Finally Jolie, the Modern Age, based around truly what they do call the Information Age that is. That Humanity today, has evolved into a state of perpetual stupidity in all too even and such that, when desiring in all again, to do anything of substance, Humanity today,.no longer relies on Critical Thought in all, but instead, on attempting to find the right and correct answer in all again, and from a deemed Authoritative Source too, and on just about any question posed to them that is. In many a way too, all this speaking of the failure of Modern Education in all, to educate all and in proper Independent Thought too, but with it all today, speaking of having the proper connections, and to the proper sources too, and in the attempt, to finding the right answers, and to all of ones questions too that is. 

In all Jolie, the times have changed, and one wonders truly, whether we could ever revert, and to the old ways of living, and as with the Modern Age in all, bound to fall apart in all again, and in the name of Hedonism too (that Westerners in general in all, are perhaps the most selfish, narcissistic, egocentric and even self-centered peoples, and in all of History too perhaps). That it all, is bound to fall apart, and in the name of self-indulgence (basic hedonistic beliefs that is), and in the name of seeking out Modern Identity in all too that is.

In many a way Jolie, it is here where Africa does hold its promise, as the peoples in it, have not been Westernized, and to the extent, of turning them into Fiends (that most peoples outside Africa in all, have evolved into Fiends, or Brutes too that is, and no longer are able to believe in the presence of an all-knowing God, and in the name of Faith, Hope and Charity too perhaps).

In all again Jolie, the final understanding that, Africa, does still hold the very key, to learning what it means to be truly Human, and as compared to being self-absorbed/demonic/stupid in nature, and as most Westernized peoples today, truly are. Without knowing whom Almighty God in all is that is, it all speaks of a dim future, and as with simply saying that, evolution on Earth, is simply all about becoming God-like.

Goodbye Jolie


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Shangri-la and the Western World

The myth of Shangri-la, in many a way, very much has Chinese origins. It in many a way too, has very much come, to strongly even, shape, what some do term, Western Civilization.

While in many a way, many today, do associate the Western World/'Civilization', and with the Bible (Christianity), Greek and European Philosophers, Italian Art (Raphael), American and British Education (MIT, Harvard, University of Cambridge etc.), and finally even German Aesthetics too (Standards of Beauty that is, and as including the Mercedes Benz for instance), the very truth of so called 'Western Civilization', does very much lie, and with what they do call Utilitarianism (or speak even, and of what does truly constitute, pain and pleasure that is).



For those though, who do truly wonder, what the final goal of so called 'Western Civilization' truly is, then one should in all realize that, it all does speak of Shangri-la.

Shangri-la in many away, and very much a Chinese myth too, and of a supposed mythical city too that is, and where in all again, everything does work perfectly (and as with speak too, and of Time issues too that is). In many a way too, this is what Modern Western Research in all, does speak of. Research in all again that is, and as very much based around, dealing with all form and kinds of Pain/Pleasure issues, but also in many a way again, it all dealing with, Security based Time oriented problems that is.

In all, the goal of this post, is to very much educate one that, there are many other ways, to living life in all, and that so called Western living in all again, truly does concentrate only on how to live life, and as pleasurably too, and as one can that is.

Utilitarianism (and Shangri-la):
