Friday, August 23, 2013

To Angelina J.


Wisdom might have taught one that, 'Ambition destroys its possessors'. How the times have changed though Jolie, and from times too, when success in itself, was nothing more, and than a personal escapade too. You now make movies Jolie, and somewhat good ones at that. How far you are though, and from your home in Romania too, living in America, and believing in Ambition, and as with your working with the UN too, and in the name of false hope that is.

Europe, once a former World center stage, and of Cultural living too, now sees itself relegated to the backwaters, as many out there, have lost interest in the place, and in the name of Pacifism too. You in America, we now in Africa, and probably in all, trying to understand ourselves as European perhaps, and with a Europe today, very much Socialist in its ways (and even somewhat Tribal African), and in its attitudes too. 

Let me perhaps remind you of how Europe in all, once functioned, and as with even attempting to educate you perhaps (and as with your working with the UN too), and on just how the so called Modern Age, does truly work like (that Africa in many a way, has far more potential, and than America today does promise too actually).

First off Jolie, is to know that, the World today, is very much dominated by what they do term Geo-politics. Politics in all, based even on pride and envy, and speak in all again, and of whom (or even what region of the World that is), has the best Homes, Cars, Women or even simply Food in itself. Such a useless way of viewing the World, as with it all based highly around brainwashing others such that, they don't see themselves as they truly are, and what potential they do truly hold. In the old days though, we never knew of Geo-politics really, and tried our best, to live our daily lives, very much based around Religion in itself (that Religion in all, when well understood, holds all the keys in all again, and to living life grandly).

Philosophy too, is now dead in many a way, and was once upon a time in all, and in many a way too, the very sole manner and way, we did learn how to survive in all. Today though, we do see the rise of what they do term Political ties that is. That in many a way, surviving, and other than it being based on Philosophy (and as with the case of Plato's Republic too for instance), is very much concentrated on creating Political ties with others (and very birth of the Western World too that is), but in many a way too, giving birth, to the very world of Racism, Sexism and even Western Supremacy in general too.

What of Global Security too? Terminology in all, you might have heard, and while working for the UN too. It in all again, speaking of defending what are considered strategic points in ones region of existence (and as including even Architecture and Infrastructure, Military Bases, Resources in general, and even Famed Figures in all too really) [and with you Jolie perhaps today, and as very much a celebrated Celebrity too, Brangelina, very much now even, a part of American Global Security in all that is]. In the past though, instead of Global Security, we very much basically had Cultural ties in all, and that did in all again, promote different ways of living, and in many a way too, speaking of Cultural exchange in all too really, and as with the case even, and of Literature in itself too that is.

Fourthly Jolie, the so called Modern Age, does very much speak of National Identities too. That in many a way, to afford the comforts and pleasures of life (and speaking of living a life very much pain-free in its ways), one has to be accepted in a region, and as with speak of a National Identity too that is, and as compared even, to past ways of living in all, and where acceptance in all again, was highly based around Language & Accents in all. In all, the so called National Identities, are very much based around Racial profiling (and as with speak too even, of facial features, hair kinds/types or even the possessing of White skin and as a marker of civility too), and a World today, very much built around Racial tensions in all, and everyday general violence and crime too that is.

Finally Jolie, the Modern Age, based around truly what they do call the Information Age that is. That Humanity today, has evolved into a state of perpetual stupidity in all too even and such that, when desiring in all again, to do anything of substance, Humanity today,.no longer relies on Critical Thought in all, but instead, on attempting to find the right and correct answer in all again, and from a deemed Authoritative Source too, and on just about any question posed to them that is. In many a way too, all this speaking of the failure of Modern Education in all, to educate all and in proper Independent Thought too, but with it all today, speaking of having the proper connections, and to the proper sources too, and in the attempt, to finding the right answers, and to all of ones questions too that is. 

In all Jolie, the times have changed, and one wonders truly, whether we could ever revert, and to the old ways of living, and as with the Modern Age in all, bound to fall apart in all again, and in the name of Hedonism too (that Westerners in general in all, are perhaps the most selfish, narcissistic, egocentric and even self-centered peoples, and in all of History too perhaps). That it all, is bound to fall apart, and in the name of self-indulgence (basic hedonistic beliefs that is), and in the name of seeking out Modern Identity in all too that is.

In many a way Jolie, it is here where Africa does hold its promise, as the peoples in it, have not been Westernized, and to the extent, of turning them into Fiends (that most peoples outside Africa in all, have evolved into Fiends, or Brutes too that is, and no longer are able to believe in the presence of an all-knowing God, and in the name of Faith, Hope and Charity too perhaps).

In all again Jolie, the final understanding that, Africa, does still hold the very key, to learning what it means to be truly Human, and as compared to being self-absorbed/demonic/stupid in nature, and as most Westernized peoples today, truly are. Without knowing whom Almighty God in all is that is, it all speaks of a dim future, and as with simply saying that, evolution on Earth, is simply all about becoming God-like.

Goodbye Jolie
