Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Political Imagery

Political Imagery, is something known and seen by most, but never truly, thought about. The above Image for instance, is what truly, Political Imagery today, is, all about.

To most though, Political Imagery fails to register, as it appears in all, to have no true meaning really. Unknown to them though, Political Imagery today, is actually used to represent, Infinite Intelligence (as with the Great God), from more or less, a Prussian Perspective [as with truly too, the ingenuity, of the 'White' Human Mind] [The Human Mind too, said to consist of, our Bio-Rhythms, Body Musculature, and finally too, Body Reflexes].

To the Masses out there, the Missile, is believed today, to be the heights, of Human Ingenuity [as with the Mind], and in many ways too, the best representation, of Infinite Intelligence, here on Earth (today).

The Missile though, unknown to most truly, as with the Prussian Mind too, is actually only truly, a Smart Idea [with Smartness, being the lowest form of 'intelligence' really, associated, with the Prussian Mind] [War and Peace by Tolstoy on the otherhand, is at, the Cleverness level, of the Prussian Mind]

Americanista Blog on the otherhand too, represents, Infinite Intelligence, as based truly, on the Italian Mind [as operating on, the Natural Order, Celestial Order, and Divine Order too]. It though, is actually only, the Italian Mind, at the Natural Order level, but with regards mainly to, Prudence itself.

To understand all this better, is to know for instance, that as with regards, to the Prussian Mind, Napoleanic France, operated truly, at the 'Craftiness' level, of Infinite Intelligence [as with Missile heads truly, and being Smart in all, easy to overcome, via Belief Systems, easily programmed perhaps, by the learning, of how to manipulate, ones, Bio-Rhythms] [In all truly, Smartness, can be messed with, by sending out any signal, having to do, with doubt] [as with even, knowing how to access, a Nature based Channel (and of the Buddha kind too even)].

With regards to the Italian Mind though, the World today in general, operates only, at the Natural Order level, and mainly also, having to do, with Prudence issues (the taking perhaps, of the right action), as compared erroneously, as believed by most, to Justice issues (and deciphering really, right from wrong) [Italian Civilization though, operated mainly truly really at the, Celestial Order level].

In all though Americanista Blog, as a Mind, is driven in all really, by the Italian Mind [at the Natural Order], as exemplified truly, by the Italian version, of the Excalibur Arthurian Myth.