Sunday, July 24, 2011

Princess Arthyra


Most out there, have probably heard, of the importance, of Song, in our lives. At the very least, it keeps us sane somewhat, and also truly, very much, psychiatrically healthy. To understand this better, is to know, that Song, is intricately, and intimately even, connected, with the natural/evolutionary forces, often artistically perhaps, associated, with Laughter, Crying and Grief too even. To explain this better, is not only to say, that Evolution, does entail the three really, but all our experiences too, can be in all, explained, and detailed perhaps too even, based on these three forces really. In many ways truly, to truly even, speak of History itself, is to speak of, the depths, of experience really too, as associated truly, with Laughter, Crying and Grief [and which by knowing too, makes one aware, that nothing much, has happened, in History, in the last 500 years really] (other than perhaps, the rise and spread, of Islam).

Song though today, has been replaced largely, by Popular Media, and especially, in the form too really, of the movies [most too, being rather unmoving in all (and in nature too really)].

Song too, is not Music, but actually heavily, based on, Vocalizing 'things'. Most out there, have probably heard, of the belief, that India, was truly, the greatest Civilization, of them all. To know this (and understand it even) [as with knowing even, whom Krishna truly was, to India], is to know, that of all the peoples on the Earth, it was truly, the Indians, that sang, the most heartfelt, and 'deepest' too even, of Songs [Songs so heartfelt, opening one, to the forces of Laughter, Crying and Grief (in a way, only, Krishna, and even too really, Gautama Buddha, could only, have envisioned) ; that it truly, was the Indians, who experienced, Laughter, Crying and Grief, at its deepest, and most, intimate levels too really]. An India, of Song too, who as with Krishna, was primarily referred to, as Mohandas [with Indian Song in all, responsible, for the creation, of India (as a People really too)] [Song too, as with Krishna even, that made Indians, the freest people, in the whole wide world, by their true understanding, of what, did entail Laughter, Crying and Grief, in just about, any situation given (including, an exam, and 'speak' too really, of 'Indian Intelligence' in all)].

This entry though, speaks of Princess Arthyra. To know this, is to first know, that Princess Arthyra, has her home, in Afrique really. To better understand this, is to truly know, the true history, of Afrique [as with its origins truly, not only with Akhenaten, and his said, repose there, before his creating really, the 18th Egyptian Dynasty, but actually too, as with Pharaonic Egypt, and its attempts really too, to settle there really]. Since then, unknown to many, many peoples, have actually tried, to make a home there, including, Ancient Europeans [as with my surprisingly even saying too really, the Vikings (really)]. The best attempt though, as with Song really, to turn Afrique, into a home, was primarily done by, J.R.R Tolkien [who falsely is said, to have been South African, but actually lived in, Ethiopia, and Kenia too even]. It was Tolkien, with many of his works [other than the Lord of the Rings], who attempted in all, to create Myth, as with Song really (and in a literary form too), for those, attempting to claim, Afrique, as a home really; [other such known works too, include, the 'Necronomicon', which too, is Song, in literary form, and in all too, suited, for Afrique also] [Lovecraft too, actually did live, in Afrique/Kenia]

Princess Arthyra, is also too really, a simple 'Song' perhaps, and in literary form too really, and in all too, speaking really, of the attempt in all, to create, an Arthurian like presence, in Afrique. A Song mainly too, written in Jest, but actually really, written too, in an Arthurian form of English, that somewhat mirrors, Bahraini English really [it being Mohammedan, and with inspirations too really, from 19th Dynasty Egypt], but actually best sounds, like the English of Lovecraft, or even, the manner of speech/language, shown by, Ralph Brown, in the 'Waynes World 2' movie; [in many ways too really, as a reference too also, it was the Celts, and especially, the Briton Celts, that were responsible, for making, Song, in Europe too really]

Princess Arthyra: Princess of Guile

Princess Arthyra, Princess Arthyra, seated all alone, at home. Door is locked, curtains drawn too, and she, seated on a couch, wonders, whom might be out there, lurking, or stealing through, in an act of jest, or mockery too.

Wonder, turns to doubt, as Princess Arthyra, truly feels, or senses, motion around her, as if, something, steals in the night even. Doubt to action, before fear takes hold, sees Princess Arthyra, seek to peek, out, of the drawn curtains, as to what, truly, might be lurking just by.

Curtain, slightly drawn open, sees to it, Princess Arthyra, noticing, a figure, stealthy moving, almost in jest too, as her sharply, focused eyes, makes out the figure, it being none other, than Leila, so called, Princess Leila, and arch-nemesis, number one.

Curtain drawn shut, and motion, to the outside, of the house itself, finds Princess Arthyra, sharply surprised, at the total absence, of Leila, found. "Where could she be?", Princess Arthyra, aghast in mind and thought, says out, but not too loud, as thoughts, of Leila, arch-nemesis, number one, atop the house itself, makes her shudder, at mockery, just gone too far.

Back into the house, having gone round it, twice, if not thrice, unrecognizably, finds Princess Arthyra, aghast, at finding, none other, than Leila, arch-nemesis, Princess Leila, seated silent, if not upright even, in the Kitchen, of the house itself.

Stare to look, ghastly thoughts to mocking smiles, and pointing fingers, hands in alignment, but drawn apart, has Leila, look back at Arthyra, Princess Arthyra, and say out aloud, "where have you been to?!!" Aghast, taken aback, Princess Arthyra, looks deep, into the eyes, of Leila, finding no motive, to what, could lay ahead.

A fight later, punch thrown but ducked, by Leila and Arthyra in harmony, sees Leila, thrown out, of the house, with Arthyra, Princess Arthyra, beckoning, at her dog, luciffer, to do his very worst; jump at Leila, and shake her at the very least, to bits and pieces.

Luciffer, called upon, simply jumps around, barking aloud, wondering to himself, whom amongst the two, so juicy in sight, he should take a bite, into. Arthyra, shocked at luciffer, picks a stick, ready to poke, at luciffer, if not, 'hit the hell', thwack, out of Leila. Leila unfazed, looks at luciffer, and then appears, as if to make, a go, at Arthyra, Princess Arthyra.

Luccifer watching, Arthyra aiming, and Leila gearing up, sees doubt, arrive on her face, Leilas, as she presupposes, that luciffer, could very well, come to her aid, and take a bite, fleshy, into Arthyras bottom. She waits, thinking this to happen, as it happening, on Arthyra, attempting to smack her, while Arthyra, in mocking jest too, as if ready to hit, awaits luciffer, to do his worst. Luciffer but watches, both in a state, of pause, as he wonders, which amongst the two, offers an incentive, for action, a bite, based on a move, perceived in all, rather wrongly truly.

Leila doubts, Arthyra's intentions, luciffer watches, Arthyra in anticipation, and Arthyra, peeking lookingly, at luciffer, wonders what, Leila thinks, of it all, as luciffer, turns playful, at the thought, of Arthyra, having noticed, he. "Do your worst!!", screams out Leila, at Arthyra apparently, but finds luciffer, stare at her, interestingly, as if a bite, is due, if not, a snap by the inches, at the very least. Arthyra, pauses, luciffer, will act.

Luciffer, in the middle of it all, does act, and with a snap, at Arthyras heels, then turns, to give chase, at Leila, as both do wonder, what could have befallen, the dog, in mentality and stealth. Leila ducking, falling back, Arthyra noticing, appearing to smile, and luciffer, feeling victorious, now lunges, at Arthyra herself, making her reel, back, and fall too, onto the steps, into the house itself. Both down, luciffer glaring happily, a lick from he, to both of them, has Leila, jump up in shock, look back at Arthyra, still now seated, and with a swift turn, walks away, as if, never to return again ever!. Arthyra, simply sits, and watches.

Princess Arthyra, seated all alone, home again, with nothing around in sight or motion, with the only, outside thought abounding, being that of luciffer, and his mockery really, at her said jest too, of Leila, Princess Leila, and Arthyra, of Princess Arthyra.