Thursday, December 8, 2011

Italian Mathematics

- the so called Millennium Prize Problems, are actually, not Western problems in all truly (as with 'Western Mathematics' perhaps) [or even the false belief too even actually, that Westerners in all, did come up, with these problems in all too again actually], but are actually truly too, problems in all, originating, from the Realm, of Italian Mathematics.

These problems (and including Fermats Last Theorem too even), are not actual, solvable problems really [as with applied solutions even], but actually Theoretical Mathematical problems in all, having in all to do again, with Predictability issues actually [as with attempting to solve them really, leading to all forms of Predictions, Hierarchies & Organization and Examples truly even (and as with knowing this too, to have been used in general really, to live out, Italian lives actually)] [the ability in all, of not only being able, to come up with all forms of solutions even (and to life/Life actually), but also, making Italian life/Life in all, rather highly even, dynamic, and in its ways too actually (with Italian life in all too again, rather cryptic in its ways too actually)].

**All this is mentioned again, because most out there, tend to confuse, the Italians, with the Egyptians too actually, believing even, the Egyptians in all, to have been highly adept, in Mathematics for instance actually, and the Italians, rather highly Philosophical in their ways, when in reality, it was the Egyptians that were, rather Philosophical in all, and the Italians, rather Mathematical minded, and in their ways too actually (and with the above Mathematical Problems in all, speaking too, of Italian Intelligence actually) [and with the Egyptians too again, highly Philosophical really, as based truly on, their full even, understanding, of life (and Life), and in themselves too actually].


The Grand Vizier:

The name of Imhotep, is pretty much, well known to most out there actually, who have ever acquainted themselves, with Egyptian studies in all too actually (and as with he even, holding the title too actually, of 'The Grand Vizier'). To understand perhaps, why Imhotep has remained an enigma even, is to understand what his contribution in all, to Humanity too, truly was actually (and as with him being, a Grand Vizier in all too again really). It was Imhotep in many ways really, who did come up, with what they do term, 'Working Knowledge' actually [and as an area too in all really, of Research in all too again actually].

To understand this better, is to realize, that there are two competing Spheres of Existence in all (and as speaking too even, of Physical Realities actually): Italian and Egyptian. Imhotep, gave rise, to the unknown to many today, world of 'Working Knowledge' in all [which surprisingly enough, is associated in all too again (and around the World too even), with Top-Secret Research actually, but too most out there, is truly perhaps, associated in all again, with the world, of Technical Research actually (and the very birth even, of the Technical Professions in all too really)]. The Italian Sphere of Existence on the otherhand, unknown to many today (but responsible in all, for olden Europe too actually), was a sphere in all, associated truly, with the making/creating even, of high Quality Material Products actually [as with they 'made' in all too again, highly based around Intelligence in all (and as with Predictability issues too actually), as associated for instance really, with the Millennium Prize Problems actually] [many in all, do not see, the difference, between the Egyptian World for instance, and the European/Italian World perhaps, with the Egyptian World in all, similar to that seen today, and highly based on Technical Professions actually, and the Italian World in all too again, highly based around Ingenious Creativity actually (as with attempting to explain to most even, the unpredictability in all, associated in all too again, with European/Italian life/Life actually, and as highly based around even, understanding truly perhaps, the true nature in all again, of Fermats Last Theorem for instance actually) (meaning again, that life in all in Europe & Italy, was not associated in all too really, with Material creation actually, but that not only, did the Italians/Europeans know how to make, rather high quality goods even, but in all too again, life/Life was truly spent around, thinking of the unpredictable actually, and from a Mathematical fashion too even in all really) (in many ways again, European Materiality, and especially French even, did not break down easily, and carried with it even, a 50-100 year guarantee with it in all actually) (and was in all again, rather very cultural in all too actually)].

All this is explained, because, the World of Technical Professions (and a mainstay in Ancient Egypt too actually), is today, actually in all, high-level employment really (and as with the World Bank in all too actually), while the Italian World in all too again (and of Ingenious Creativity in all too really), is mainly in all today, gone actually [with the Greeks too, highly associated, with Alchemy in all too really, and the creation even, of Physical Reality in all, highly based around Morphing actually (and the realm too even perhaps, of Computer Graphics, or even, Recycling in all for instance actually)].

All this again said because, the above olden Worlds, have been wiped out in all, and in exchange, for a World in all too really (and as with manifesting Physical Reality even), highly based around Servitude (and Slavery too even), and in both harsh, and mild forms too actually [and a rather good way in all too even, to see, just how backwards, the World today is, and as compared, to the Napoleanic times in all actually, and including, the times before even really].

** Something for Johnny (Depp) below: