Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Life Well Lived (a redux)

- Value, and not Worth (as many would falsely believe even):

The question of Editorship (or simply Editing things in all that is), is one paramount in all again, to our very lives too even actually [and as with not understanding even, what it is an Editor truly does, at the very heart too even actually, of being brainwashed in all too really]. Editors in all, are supposed to present all forms/kinds/types of Material actually (including Printed) [and Editors too as 'Regulatory Boards' actually], based highly around even, Guiding Principles in all actually, adhered too, and in a place too actually really.

In all again, what is been said here is that (and as with recognized History too even), all Material in all, to be presented in Society/Public, must adhere in all too again, to a Guiding Principle actually, such as that explained in all, in the 'A Life Well Lived' entry in all truly [otherwise, most out there truly in all, cannot know what is Real/Truth, and what is not actually][and as with they even, without a Guiding Principle in all, having to trust truly, in an Editor of a kind really (and risked even actually, being Brainwashed in all too really) (and as with asking the 'Editor' in all again, "whats the logic in your thinking?")] [and all this again too, as with having even, Books in all actually, re-written truly, from a certain Guiding Principle in all actually].

Ali G: Saudi Humour in all, the Price to be paid, and being Celibate in all too actually: