Monday, June 30, 2014

The Ice Queen

The Ice Queen.

The Evil in the World:

Most out there, have a tendency in all again, and in viewing just whom or who in all, they truly are, and in this Modern Age in all again, and from speak even, and of European Cultures too [and not Western Culture truly either]. That for most, a glorifying of European peoples and as with regards to Intellect or Intelligence in all, and as with the United States of America in all again, now perceived merely, and as an Immigrant haven [and with Immigrants erroneously said even, and to somewhat truly hold the Keys, and to its future that is].

That in all, there are other ways in all again, and of speaking of life in this Modern World we live in, and that does speak in all, and of life and as perceived, and from speak even of Information/Knowledge Systems & Networks, and as versus speak of Intelligence/Intellect truly either. That Europeans in all, are said in all again, and to triumph others out there, and when it does in all come, and to speak of Knowledge/Information Systems & Networks, and as compared to speak of Intellect and Intelligence truly. That the very world of Knowledge/Information Systems & Networks (and as including in all even, speak of Knowledge Organs that is) [and further speak too of Organized Crime in all], does speak in all, and of Evil too, and not Intellectualism truly either.

That Europe, has often been falsely presented in some ways (and as with speak of the Nazis too for instance), and as said society and as having evolved in all, and in speak of Evil, and not Intelligence/Intellect truly either. That Europe is believed a society in all perhaps, and that does speak in all again and of the Napoleanic, the Kremlin/KGB, Feudalism etc., and as with it all even said to speak of Evil, when in reality, the forementioned does speak even, and of Evil, and from outside Europe, and as creeping into Europe in itself. That Europe in all, was always the most joyous of experiences (and speak even and of the Sweetest of Smells too), and in Intellect/Intelligence, and before, Evil in all again, and as said even and as emanating from outside Europe too, does creep into the place that is.

Europa the Beautiful:

To speak of Europe though, and traditionally too, and as referring in all. and to speak of Knowledge/Information Systems & Networks, is to speak in all, and of Evil, and as taking the form of Witchcraft [and as with it even said of the Egyptian/Nubian variety too]. In all, Europe not as Evil as a place as one would believe [and thanks to King Arthur perhaps], but that many another place in all again, and as bordering Europe too, said or believed even, and to be more Evil in its ways, and than Europe truly was [and very much up to in all again, the Revolutionary Times, and with Evil having crept into Europe, and very much due to society and as breaking apart, and in speak of Colour, Gender, History etc., and as arising truly even, and in speak and of just whom in all, was truly the most of gifted of Intellects, and in Europe too that is][and further speak even, and of the History of the Moors in Europe, and the name Arthur too, and as with they even said true/genuine lovers of Europe, and as compared to speak of Europeans in themselves that is].

It is in Greenland/Iceland in all, and where Evil in many a way, is believed to spring up, and too spread to many a place in all, and as nearing it, and as with further speak even of Europe or Italy too, and as Greenland/Iceland in all, has often housed Evil, and in the form of Sorcery too actually [and which is a greater Evil, and than that said to speak of Witchcraft in all that is]. In Central Asia, another breed of Evil, and that does speak even of Phantoms, and as with they even said Cannibals too and so to speak.




Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Turks

The Turks.

There is a Myth in all, and as said very much true, and that does speak even and of the very belief that, the origins of Life, and as said Human too, and on this very Earth or Planet, does speak even and of Alien Life forces that is. That Human Life in all, does have its origins, and in said Alien Beings, and who did practise certain Forms of Religion in all, and which in all again, did civilize Humans, and as with they said even rather Hominidal and in their ways/manners too that is.

To understand this Myth in all again, is to also refer and to Humans and as with they said Hereditary in their ways/manners too that is. What all this does truly mean is that, it all does speak even and of Humans and as said very much Uncivil/Despoiled in their ways/manners that is. To fully understand it all perhaps, is to also speak of the Hereditary, and from the very perspective of the 'egyptian' races/breeds. That they in all again, are very much said Egyptian, Greek, Judea, Spain, Libyan, Nubian, and even Numidian too perhaps.

In all, and in attempting to make the above of interest or even rather clear in its ways too, is to speak, of the misrepresentation of History, and as pertaining to the 'egyptian' races/breeds [and as versus speak of Mesopotamia, the Babylonians or even the Meso-Americans too for instance], that the History of the 'egyptian' races/breeds, is often falsely presented, and as with it all even not taking into account, another of their group in all: the Turks.

That the History of Libya, is poorly presented in that, Libyan Civilization, did actually exist in all, and in Algeria too, while what is known as Libya today in all again, does actually in all even, speak of the Turks that is. That the 'egyptian' races/breeds, and as said even famed in all, and from speak in all again, and of Artworks too that is [and as versus speak even and of the Persians for instance], does find amongst its groups, populations, Libyan/Turk, and who are very much primitive in their ways that is.

To understand the History of the Libyans/Turks in all again, is to in all ways even imagine the very beginnings and of Human Life on this Earth, and the Religion in all [and as with it even speaking of (Human) Forms too], and that did arise that is. That the so termed Libyans of Libya (and not Algeria either), are known in Egyptian History, and as the Mamlukes, and as said Warriors even, and as having now in all again, settled in Central Asia that is. In all, Religion and that does speak even of Human Beings, and as said Perverted too (the origins of Turkey), or in many a way too, living life and as said to go along, and with speak of the Castration Complex that is [or speak even and of Libya too that is].

In all, it does appear that life today, and on this very Earth that we do live on too, does appear to speak in all, and of Atheism, and as very much even, speaking of the very beginnings of Human Life on this Planet that is. That in all again, this Atheism, does speak even of the History of Libya and Turkey, and as speaking in all again, and of Castration Complexes, and even (Sexual) Perversions too that is.

In all, speak even and of Libyans/Turks, and as the kind of people, to truly want or desire, and to pull one down, and in Name, Success or even Status too that is [and at all cost too, and as speaking even and of one of them, and if not all of them that is]. In all, the History of the Turks/Libyans and as complicated in all in that, it does speak even and of the 'egyptian' races/breeds, and as 'One' too, and as very much a useless and hopeless people too that is [and with no known or recognized Art perhaps, and to them too that is]. Furtherly, the Red/Blue Mosque in Turkey, and as said to speak of Egypt, and with Justinian Christianity in Libya on the otherhand, and as said to speak of Greece too that is.

In all, Atheism, and as known to speak of Demonic Possession, and also Libidinal/Oedipus Complexes too that is [Link].


Saturday, June 28, 2014



Disco, and as with it even a musical form in all, and that does have its origins surprisingly enough, and in South American Tribal/Native Indian culture, and further speak even and of the said History of African presences, and in South America too that is.

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Watchers

The Watchers.

The Watchers, and as with it all even speaking of the very fact that, Evil in all, is believed to speak of Dispositions in all again, and when in reality perhaps, Evil in all, does actually take the form of Energy/spirit Forms, and that do go along and with speak of Possessed States [and as in reminding one that, Evil and as a Disposition, does in all actually deal with Power, while Energy/spirit Forms, do speak of Evil, and as said to be of a 'higher' Plane of Existence, and as with it all even speaking of what some do term Planetary Realms that is].

Friday, June 20, 2014



Abjection, and as with it even speaking of Media and the Modern Times in all, and as going along even and with speak of TV/Movie Guides, Videogames, Rankings, Current Affairs (Link), and even Modern/Western Style too that is.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fifa World Cup 2014 -- Brasil

Fifa World Cup 2014 -- Brasil.

Shakira - La La La (Brazil 2014) ft. Carlinhos Brown.

Enrique Iglesias - Heart Attack.

Friday, June 13, 2014



English, and as falsely believed said, truly a Language, and one classified excellent too, does in all, exist, and in the form of the Tongue too that is. That English, often believed the most civil of all Languages, does not actually triumph Italian as such, but that English, and with its known origins in the Italian Roman Celt world, does actually find a Home, and in Scotland and not England either, but as a Language in all, speaking of life even, and as going along, and with speak of 'Behind the Scenes' too that is [and as with English in all, truly the favoured Language, and of the Knight too that is].

Famous speakers of English as Tongue:

[Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4]

Thursday, June 12, 2014



Community Havens:

Kilio, is a Swahili term, and that does have many an Interpretation to it. In a basic sense, it does speak even, and of Shock and Exclaim in itself, but in many a way too, does speak in all again, and of many a unique Whimper, Cry or Whine too that is.

We do live in a World today, and where most in all, are inundated, and by many an Image or even message too, and which does have us in a state of shock or exclaim, and as with they Images even, and that do speak of the 'End of the World', Barbarity, or in all again, Images too, that do go along and with speak of Progress or Advancement actually [Link]. In all, when most do face or view such Images in all, they may in many a way too, develop a Psychological Complex, and which does speak even and of Brainwashing, and as with regards even, and to what is truly Human, and when it does come to Kilio [that in all again, we all don't cry or whine, and in a similar fashion or manner too that is].

In all again, many a said Community Haven, does arise, and as with regards even, and to just how many a person does perceive Kilio, and as with telling one that, the very Kilio they do possess, or speak even and of what they do believe to be true or not (and as based on speak on speak of Kilio too), does in all again, determine, just what does happen to them in all actually. In all again, a Community Haven, and as arising or erupting even, and as with regards to just how one does define themselves and as with regards to Kilio, and as with speak even of the so termed Human Condition today, and speak even and of Humanity and as said as One too, speaking in all, and of the very belief that, we all do possess the same or similar Kilio, but that in all ways even, Intelligence and in the Modern/Western World today too, does go along and with speak of what Kilio, one does possess, and as with the said Knowledge Divide even, and that does plague the World today, speaking even and of those said Superior, and as Brainwashing in all, those said Inferior too, and via speak even and of their defining them, and from the very perspective of Kilio too that is [and the reason in all again, many a Community Haven, does arise, and as with regards to attempting to truly define themselves, and as with speak even of Modern Religion too perhaps, and from the very perspective of Kilio that is].

In all again, Americanistas, and as found Worldwide too, defining themselves and in a Community fashion, and as seen all over the World, and that does speak even of Kilio, and as with Americanistas even, making a home in all, and in the United States, Cuba, Turkey, Canada, and even Kenya too actually. In all though, speak of Community Havens and Americanistas, does in all ways even, actually speak of Kuwait in itself too that is.

Americanistas, Kuwait & Kilio: