Monday, August 15, 2011

Economic Reform: Byzantine

Most perhaps, have no true idea, of whom, the peoples of Byzantine, truly were. At the very most, they in all really, attempt, to associate, Byzantine Civilization, with the Greek Medieval Church (and as with regards to Civility in all really).

To know, whom were 'Byzantine', and as with regards really too, to everyday personalities, maybe, is to perhaps be aware, that they, more than any other peoples, that have probably, ever lived, did truly master, three things [the Joke, the Puzzle, and the Riddle]. Master them (as with they not only, being, their major form, of everyday life experience), such that, to this very day, not too many perhaps really, have risen, above them, with regards to this (this said too, with the exception really, of the Ancients), and to this day even (and as with Western civilization really), the Joke, Puzzle, and Riddle, is in all defined truly, by those,who lived, in Byzantine [and as with, the Byzantine Humanities too really].

However though, as with attempting perhaps, to historically see, a Middle Class Byzantine existence really, is to perhaps show, how, the average successful Byzantine person [as with the conceptual idea even, of the Career], truly did live. For theirs, as with the career really, was a world, defined in all, by, three things perhaps really:
  • Linguistics (and their offshoots, such as, Applied Linguistics, and the Formal Sciences even)
  • Flambouyancy (and Social Images too really)
  • Medical Practises (such as those, associated, with Yoga, to deal with really, any form, of stress experienced)

The above is stated in all, with the attempt really, to help, recreate, Byzantine existences, in both Europe, and Afrique too [and as with Prester John really too].

In many ways, as with a rather significant, unemployed population in Afrique, and a similar such population, in Socialist Europe, in many ways too again, it can be known and said, that gaining, useful employment, in both places really, can highly, be based, on the world, of Linguistics [Applied Linguistics, and the Formal Sciences even] [and all this, with regards really too, to being, self-taught, or self-educated really].

In many ways too really, a proper attempt too, to connect, the Islamic world in the Middle East, with, Byzantine [and as with Afrique really] [and as with this actually, being, the prime connection, between, Afrique, and the Middle East, (Byzantine Afrique that is, and Flambouyancy too even), and the very fact too, that the Joke, Puzzle, or Riddle even (and problems of all sorts too) (including work), seen hugely, in Afrique, are actually, rather Byzantine really (and again, as with the movies even too)]

In many ways too though, the major difference between Byzantine Afrique, and Byzantine Europe too, is that, Byzantine Afrique, is primarily based on the Tribe, and Byzantine Europe, on the Tribal [with the connection between the two perhaps, being in all really, Byzantine Media]