Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stairway to Heaven

Most, have no true idea, of how really, to get into heaven, [or in all too really, what it does truly entail perhaps]. For many though, having made it in life [as with Success really], is believed, all that is needed, to get, into heaven [with Success here too, defined today, mainly, with regards, to Wealth/Money accumulation].

There is however, another, basic way [much better too], to think, about life really; this actually involves, seeing life, from Fear really too, and in all, the attempt really, to escape all, our fears [as even, as defined by, pain in general]. This is actually, the easiest way really, to think of life, and to think of really too, that in all, getting, into heaven, is all about, escaping perhaps, all, our fears [and in all, dying, without a fear, in ones mind, Mind, or heart even really].

In many ways, as with a reminder perhaps, the easiest way, to kill Fear really, is to in all perhaps, engage, in the activities, described, in this former post:


In all, repeat any, of these activities, ad infinitum, and until, Greatly, satisfied too; [on doing this, what one will primarily notice, is the, absence, of Fear itself really, and with this too, not only allowing one, into heaven perhaps rather easily (and depending too also, on the quality, of ones work really), but again too, as with regards to living life itself, these activities, do eliminate Fear in general, and allowing for one, to be rather free in all to live, life, as they so wish or please really].