Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Restoration

The term, the Restoration, is in many ways truly, a Dutch term, and speaking too really, of taking things back, to the way, they once mainly were. This though, should not be taken, too lightly, as with the Restoration itself truly, embodying, time-travel even.

Many out there though, probably wish, they could live, back in the olden days really, in one major way or another. To maybe best, understand this, is to know, that most out there, are most likely, not too happy, with the Nuances (Animosity, Angst, Tensions), they experience, on, a daily basis [and this truly, being the main sole reason, why, many out there, do seek in all, the good ol' days, in one way or another].

(former, as with 17th Century, Dutch Lifestyles really)

The above image in many ways, represents too, Nuances, as seen, in the Netherlands, and primarily too, as associated, with, the Cadeceus ['National Emblems' entry].

This, is the main key, to understanding, the Restoration [that in all, its the attempt really, to restore, Nuances, associated (or seen) with/in the past, as based primarily on, what, were termed, National Emblems] ['how things actually do happen', and the Nuances, associated with this too really]

[and all this too, as compared, to Nuances today, emanating mainly from hatred, vengeance, and revenge in all (and alongside too, feelings in all too really, of being defeated in general)]

[Italian National Emblem: The Tau Cross]