Monday, January 30, 2012

Les Miserables (1998)

and the very birth too even, of the French Identity in all too actually.

- a rather interesting Film in all to watch actually, as it actually again, is an adaptation, of the Book in all, by 'Victor Hugo' (Caravaggio actually), and with the Book in all again, set during the Merovingian times too actually [and as with speak of the Original too actually], but with other copies such as the popularized Penguin version in all, set in the French Civil War times too actually [and with the Film above in all again, set actually, during the first Napoleanic Era in all too really].

In all again truly, and as with speak of Creativity in all too actually, the Film in all, truly displays how in many ways, French Identity in all really, came to be actually, and as truly based even, around the 'Stage' in all actually [and speak too even, of the Core Identity in all too really]. The 'Stage' in all again, as with not only (daily) problem solving, but also truly, the very birth even, of French Architecture and (French Republican) Arch (organization and planning), the French Language (and as with its mastery too even really, necessary truly in all, for survival back then actually), and finally even, French Might, Authority and Power [and as based around, the nascent in all, French Gendarmes in all too actually].

In all again, turmoil in all, in a France, where nobody was truly perceived as Citizen, and in many ways even, those able to survive, and help others in solving their problems too actually, eventually find themselves in trouble even, with the Gendarmes in all too really (and as with Napolean 1 too even actually, perceived in all, as a Dictator, and even, the Anti-Christ himself in all too really) [and in a France too again, where the spoils of Success in all, truly spoke of a bestowment on one, of garnered rewards in all, by non other, than the Italian Jinni St. Michael (and not the Arch-Angel Michael either)] [and as with this again, speaking truly even of, Doctrine, truly based around, the life of St. Francis of Assisi in all too actually].