Friday, January 27, 2012


and the Great Mysteries of Life.

- the above Image/Imagery in all, does not actually truly, have origins in Nazi Germany, but Imagery in all too actually, arising really, with the Scandinavian (Prussian) World too actually [and as with the Finno-Russian War too even really].

This Imagery in many ways today, is often highly associated, with White/'European' Racism/Supremacy in all too really, when in reality, it actually truly referred in many ways, to how Sweden (and the Prussians too even), did come in all actually, to envision in all too really, a Mystery of Life itself, and as based around too even, what the Aristotelians in all, did refer to as, Teleology in all too actually. Teleology in many ways, truly speaks of, attempting, to find the true purpose (or Divine Nature too even actually), of just about anything out there [and such that, on knowing this, one can truly fulfill, their true/full potential(s) in all too actually].

A rather interesting Mystery of Life (and as with the Philosophy in all emanating from all this) [and speaking of the likes even, of Immanuel Kant for instance], where one truly attempts even, to find ones true purpose for being on this very Earth, and via a rather deep even, Examination of Oneself in all truly [and as with even, the 'Swedish Examination Board' too actually] [and olden 'Uppsala University' too even], or even truly, what is the true purpose in all, of just about anything out there in existence in all truly [and as with Scandinavian Humanitarian Aid too even actually] [and the only form of 'Western' Aid in all, that in most ways truly, does work actually].

In all, a Mystery of Life, responsible in all too, for Sweden one time actually [18th Century to early 19th Century] [and with the Poster above, of early 19th Century Sweden/Prussian origins actually], becoming in all truly, Super-Modern actually [and as with the 'Swedes'/Prussians too even, having come to invent in all, the Army Tank in all actually].

In all truly, one of the more interesting Great Mysteries of Life [but with the possibility of it even, becoming truly Disturbing actually (and as with the modern British/American invention in all, of Eugenics actually) (and as based around Teleology too even)], but one in all too really, responsible even, for modern Scientific beliefs in all, in the ability in all too even, of Human Beings, to Levitate in all too actually [and as with a Wish too even actually].

In many ways truly again, a Mystery of Life, perhaps even, best personified as a Theory too even actually, in Prussian works in all, and such as 'On War' [and by Carl Von Clausewitz too even actually].

Teleos [and Scandinavian Humanitarian Aid too even actually]: